May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dialog With A Dem

In several venues, I've had discourse with Libs, and pretty much it ends with ad hominem attacks. I'm narrow minded, stuck in my way of thinking, don't have enough schooling, don't know what I'm talking about (while they just make up stuff whole cloth). Of course I can show vids of people saying what I said they said, show hard cold numbers to support my contentions, provide first person accounts of events, and none of it matters.

Here's pretty much how a political discussion goes with a Democrat or any of their Statist fellow travelers.

Conservative: We're about $14 trillion in debt, about $2.5 of it generated in the first eighteen months of the Obama administration. How to you justify running up so much debt? That's more than Bush in eight years, and he was a big spender too.

Dem: See, it's Bush's fault.

Conservative: Okay, that may have started it, but you guys have basically tripled down. How do you justify that? I mean, that can't be paid off in a couple of generations even if we just quit spending.

Dem: It's Bush's fault.

Conservative: Okay, moving on then. The BP oil spill in the Gulf. That rig had passed on all the Federal inspections and regulations, and was given the go ahead by the Federal Government. Really, both the company and the government were at fault, causing the most horrific environmental catastrophe in US history. Obama and you guys say you had nothing to do with it. How do you justify such a statement?

Dem: It's Bush's fault.

Conservative: Okay. Well, by law, getting the mess cleaned up is the Federal Government's responsibility, yet nothing was done for nearly two months after the disaster. Why not?

Dem: It's Bush's fault.

Conservative: I get the picture. Let's change up a bit. While the economy is tanking, there's a huge environmental disaster, foreign leaders are mocking the president, he's been to over a hundred political fund raisers, taken several vacations, played more rounds of golf in a year and a half than Bush did in eight years (for which he was roundly and soundly mocked and criticized), plus parties and concerts galore at the White House. How can you justify this kind of behavior in light of all the problems this country faces?

Dem: You're a racist.

Conservative: Indeed, and a cracker too. Obama and you guys have taken control of a huge sector of the automotive industry, health care and health insurance industries, indeed well on your way to controlling all insurance companies, and today it looks like the take over what's left of the financial industry that you don't already control, will be completed with new financial regulatory legislation. Much of the energy industries are so heavily regulated by you guys, I'd be safe in saying the energy sector of the economy is also government run. How do you justify the government controlling everything?

Dem: People are stupid and they must understand we know what's best for them, including how to spend their money. Senator Boxer was right when she said that even though email to her office ran about 85% against health care reform , she said it was only because people just don't understand we are doing what's best for them. She's absolutely right.

Conservative: About 70% of people were against the health care bill, 70% side with Arizona SB1070 to protect their border with Mexico, about 60% are against your "Cap and Trade" legislation, about 70% against the Financial reform bill due to be passed today...overwhelmingly your legislation is against the will of the American people. Doesn't it bother you that you're, for the most part, ruling against the will of the American people?

Dem: They're racists.

Conservative: Thank you for your time. I'll be on my racist, liberty loving way. Maybe go to a racist TEA party rally with my cracker friends. Thanks for your time.

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