May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Friday, July 16, 2010

Put the Burger Down and Step Away

Michelle Obama, after lecturing people about eating healthy food during her address to the NAACP a couple days ago, went to an ice cream parlor and had a large chocolate "Hurricane Swirl". Her husband is way too often popping into greasy burger joints and woofing down beefy mush burgers with all the fixin's.

While doing that, they have visited upon us an electronic tracking system of your health records, that will be open to every government bureaucrat in Amerika. This will be in place by 2014, by law of ObamaCare, and you will be required to have your BMI in your electronic records. “Calculate body mass index. Automatically calculate and display body mass index (BMI) based on a patient’s height and weight.”

These will be know as electronic health records (EHRs). If health care providers do not comply with putting their patients BMI in the EHR, and forwarding it to the Federal government, then there will be penalties.

Section 301 of the law:
"Section 3001 of the stimulus law says: "The National Coordinator shall, in consultation with other appropriate Federal agencies (including the National Institute of Standards and Technology), update the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan (developed as of June 3, 2008) to include specific objectives, milestones, and metrics with respect to the following: (i) The electronic exchange and use of health information and the enterprise integration of such information.‘‘(ii) The utilization of an electronic health record for each person in the United States by 2014."

The BMI, Body Mass Index, for those of you not up on health lingo, is used to determine if you're fat or not (height to weight ratio). With this law, your BMI info will be sent to any federal or state government health agency.

Here's another quote from the law: “Electronically record, retrieve, and transmit syndrome based public health surveillance information to public health agencies.”

The ultimate goal of ObamaCare is that everyone will be on a single payer government health care program, except of course the wealthy Obama's and other wealthy people, politicians, union members, and federal employees. Once the law is in effect, if you change your health care policy, or changing jobs changes your health care policy, then you must, under penalty of law, buy a policy sanctioned by the government. Corporations will shed their employee policies because it's cheaper to pay fines for not providing employee coverage than maintaining their policies.

Plus, if the government, once you're forced onto their program, thinks your BMI too high, you will of course have to pay a higher fee or tax toward the health care program. Of course all those greasy burger joints will be taxed extra for selling food not approved by the government, which means the patrons will have to pay more because business taxes are passed to the consumer, and burgers drive up fat. Already afoot in several Statist controlled states are extra taxes on 'sugary drinks'. The Statist government in NYC tells chefs how much salt they can use (I think this is a pending law). Are you more that ten pounds over on your BMI? Better loose it by 2014 and keep it off.

All the men will look like the cover models on "Men's Health" magazine and all the women will look like super models. We will all use our gorgeous bodies to bow down to the State.

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