You’ve seen it with talking heads panels on TV, and probably
experienced it yourself. You’re talking to a
Leftist/Progressive/Democrat/Social Justice Warrior and you make a statement
about the weather, marriage or whatever and you get the response: you’re a
racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, etc. You get that every time. No discussion
possible. No matter what the subject. Same when you see or listen to Leftist
talking heads on radio or TV. They’re on the air so they use euphemisms for the
same thing.
For us seasoned citizens this is like the old talking dolls.
Pull a string and it says something, then again and it says something
different. How cool is that?! Pull the string a sixth time and it says what it
said before, and again what it said before. Then you realize it has limited
statements. Well, that’s not cool. Move up to the modern era and we have
There are characters in these called Non-player Characters
(NPC’s). [‘A non-player character, also known as a non-playable character, is
any character in a game which is not controlled by a player. In video games,
this usually means a character controlled by the computer via predetermined or
responsive behavior, but not necessarily true artificial intelligence. In
traditional tabletop role-playing games the term applies to characters
controlled by the gamemaster or referee, rather than another player”.] These
are the extras, some are just there, and some have a line or two that they can
only repeat. It has no personality, no thought, canned answers, and just
preprogramed responses. The same with the Progressives/Leftists. Ask one where
the X restaurant is and the response is “Socialism is the answer, capitalism
sucks”. Say it’s a nice day and the
response is “climate change is real”. Say someone did or say something wrong,
“you’re a racist”. (I once challenged a person who called me a racist, and was
told that defending myself proved I was a racist).
There you have it...the reason why one can’t have an
informed, intelligent conversation with a Leftist. They’re all NPC’s for
Leftist ideology.