Have Thought Will Travel. Ruminate on ideas, philosophy, culture, society, books, music, politics, religion, movies...and see where it takes us.
May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
More Supression of Free Speech From the Left
Seems one doesn't even need to say any words to have the Left's penchant for suppressing free speech activated; especially anything with even a hint of religion. The Henry M. Jackson High School wind ensemble wanted to play Franz Biebl's "Ave Maria". They had played it at the 'winter' (not Christmas) concert, and wanted to perform it again at graduation. No can do said the school, it's religious. A brave student, Kathryn Nurre, sued. This was just the music, no words. The Ninth Circuit Court supported the school's decision, not this music.
How Far Between McDonalds Is It Anyway?

Hat tip to Stephen Von Worley, that created this map of pin lights of McDonalds. He wanted to find out the greatest distance between McDonalds stores. The answer is 107 miles as the crow flies and 145 miles driving, in the Dakotas.
Government-Managed Capitalism: A Love Story (vid)
A small note to refute the huge novel of lies about capitalism fostered by that master of lies, Michael Moore.
Bill Whittle on Political Iconography (vid)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Evan Sayet - Hating What's Right (vid)
Evan Sayet - Hating What's Right: How the Modern Liberal Winds Up on the Wrong Side of Every Issue
This is a must see. An hour, even so please please please give this a listen. My political IQ was vaulted up. I understand much better why leftists call anyone that disagrees fascist, Nazi, racist, bigot, homophobe, imperialist, why 9/11 was America's fault, why so many Jews are Democrats when that is essentially an anti-Semite Party, and why they are an anti-Semite party. There is much here. Why talk radio is conservative and liberals always fail and keep trying to impose the Fairness Doctrine. Since I've begun blogging, I've become even more stunned that videos of people saying something isn't acceptable evidence. A document isn't acceptable evidence. That cold hard facts don't make any difference at all in a debate. Now I know why. Conservatives must watch for a better understanding of the opposition. Leftists with any courage for self evaluation need to listen to this.
In 1980 I was listening to Reagan speak, and I was a Marxist at the time. He said something, and in that moment, I realized that I was being intellectually lazy and dishonest. The only thing I knew about Conservatism was what other Leftists said about them. Beyond the occasional program or essay by W F Buckley, I did not know of, or had read any Conservative writer. Listen to this guy. Skip the nap or TV show. This is important.
One last point is at the end. We Conservatives (and I'll add Christians) must no longer take the slanders of the Left, but speak up, at that moment and challenge. Leftist will always loose the argument, and at the end he'll tell you why they will always loose an argument.
This is a must see. An hour, even so please please please give this a listen. My political IQ was vaulted up. I understand much better why leftists call anyone that disagrees fascist, Nazi, racist, bigot, homophobe, imperialist, why 9/11 was America's fault, why so many Jews are Democrats when that is essentially an anti-Semite Party, and why they are an anti-Semite party. There is much here. Why talk radio is conservative and liberals always fail and keep trying to impose the Fairness Doctrine. Since I've begun blogging, I've become even more stunned that videos of people saying something isn't acceptable evidence. A document isn't acceptable evidence. That cold hard facts don't make any difference at all in a debate. Now I know why. Conservatives must watch for a better understanding of the opposition. Leftists with any courage for self evaluation need to listen to this.
In 1980 I was listening to Reagan speak, and I was a Marxist at the time. He said something, and in that moment, I realized that I was being intellectually lazy and dishonest. The only thing I knew about Conservatism was what other Leftists said about them. Beyond the occasional program or essay by W F Buckley, I did not know of, or had read any Conservative writer. Listen to this guy. Skip the nap or TV show. This is important.
One last point is at the end. We Conservatives (and I'll add Christians) must no longer take the slanders of the Left, but speak up, at that moment and challenge. Leftist will always loose the argument, and at the end he'll tell you why they will always loose an argument.
Starbucks Commercial Mocks Town Hall Attendees
Good grief. Starbucks mocks regular citizens that attend town hall meetings. Haven't a lot of their stores been destroyed by rampaging Leftists? Why not mock them? Perhaps, 'Why drink coffee when you can savor a Molotov Cocktail?' Miss the time when a store was just a store and a product was just a product.
If It Walks Like a Tax, It Must Be a Duck
Newspeak. When is a tax not a tax? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like it duck, then it must be a donkey...
Dems Helping Out Republicans in Upcoming Elections?
Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Chris Van Hollen (Md.)thinks that the Bamster should help out in the upcoming local elections. Help get out the message about what a great deal it is for voters to run up trillions in debt, print money, give mortgage money (taken from the productive) to people that can't afford house payments, and nationalized health care. Now there's a winning combination. Given the slide in the polls of Dems and Obama, I think this is a great strategy for helping out Republicans.
Obama has his campaign forces still in place, called Organizing for America. Why does a sitting president have a personal political organization with years to go in office? Plus, they have ties to the criminal organization ACORN. That's helpful.
Bush was put in the background by his Party during a similar period in his administration. His numbers slid because about 40% of the country suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome to start with, and he went Statist lite on everything except national security, losing support of the regular folks in the Republican Party.
Happy to see that the Dems are so blind, so in denial that this president's support among the people is weakening, and his getting out there campaigning will be more damaging than helpful. You go Bamster!
Obama has his campaign forces still in place, called Organizing for America. Why does a sitting president have a personal political organization with years to go in office? Plus, they have ties to the criminal organization ACORN. That's helpful.
Bush was put in the background by his Party during a similar period in his administration. His numbers slid because about 40% of the country suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome to start with, and he went Statist lite on everything except national security, losing support of the regular folks in the Republican Party.
Happy to see that the Dems are so blind, so in denial that this president's support among the people is weakening, and his getting out there campaigning will be more damaging than helpful. You go Bamster!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Future of American Health Care with ObamaCare?
James Paget Hospital, in Great Britain, refused to help a mother and baby because the baby was born at 21 weeks and the gov't guidelines say no help should be rendered until 22 weeks. Intensive care is not to be given by the gov't until 23 weeks. The baby was born with a strong heartbeat and was moving its limbs.
The future of healthcare in Amerika? Article here. This fits perfectly with Obama's voting to not help babies that have survived an abortion attempt.
The future of healthcare in Amerika? Article here. This fits perfectly with Obama's voting to not help babies that have survived an abortion attempt.
Un-Quotable Quote by Mike Malloy
"This is what they do. O'Reilly inspires people to go kill doctors who provide private abortion services, legal services to his patients; and then O'Reilly stands there with that dung-eating look on his face -- what a SOB he is. ‘It wasn't me; of course it was you, you thug!’ And the suicide-prone Glenn Beck rails against Census workers, and inspires his people to kill one for sport; I bet you O'Reilly and Beck and the rest of these monsters on the neo-fascist right in this country love this stuff. It gives them something else to talk about. It's sport."
This is a Leftist radio talk show host, and he said this last Wednesday. Any wonder why the Left can't get any listeners?
This is a Leftist radio talk show host, and he said this last Wednesday. Any wonder why the Left can't get any listeners?
"Safe School Czar"-Obama Hires Another Nut
Don't even know what a 'safe school czar' is supposed to do, but I don't think it includes having homosexual sex, or any kind of sex for that matter, with high school kids. This guy's name is Kevin Jennings; used to be a teacher. There was such an event and he was aware of it. He should have reported it as required. It was between a 15 year old student and an older man. Instead he promoted it.
Jennings is involved with a group that promotes school homosexuality, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. Why is anyone in the school system being allowed to promote any kind of sexual activity? Especially with a sexual predator like in this case?
This guy has some other issues too. Article here.
Jennings is involved with a group that promotes school homosexuality, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. Why is anyone in the school system being allowed to promote any kind of sexual activity? Especially with a sexual predator like in this case?
This guy has some other issues too. Article here.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Much Said About Prayer Today
We have mention each Sunday Service of people in need of prayer. It amazes me that for a church of about 550 people, there is so much suffering and loss. I've been the recipient of prayers from the church, and was comforted. I am most close to the choir since much of my church time is spent with them, and that experience is so comforting; that so many care so much. That much care, that much concern, that much love...
There have been experiments to test the effectiveness of prayer. There are some interesting studies showing there are positive measurable effects, but not quantifiable enough to make a solid scientific case. Those of us the do pray, and understand what's going on, knows it works.
"The usual notion of prayer is so absurd. How can those who know nothing about it, who pray little or not at all, dare to speak frivolously of prayer? ... If it were really what they suppose, a kind of chatter, the dialogue of a madman with his shadow, or even less--a vain and superstitious sort of petition to be given the good things of this world, how could innumerable people find comfort until their dying day...in the...sheer, robust, vigorous , abundant joy in prayer?...Could a sane man set himself up as a judge of music because he has sometimes touched a keyboard with the tips of his fingers?"
Rabbi David Wolpe: "Deep prayer is an experience like music or love--indescribable to one who does not pray."
Rabbi Wolpe tells of Leona Medina, 17th century rabbi, who writes of watching a man in a boat pulling himself ashore, "If you were confused about weight and motion, that he was really pulling the shore to his boat. People have much the same confusion about spiritual weight and motion: In prayer, some believe that you are pulling God closer to you. But in fact the heartfelt prayer pulls you closer to God." (from "Why Faith Matters" by Rabbi Wolpe)
Rabbi Wople goes on, after writing that we are praying to be assured that things be all right, that "Every prayer in this way is a prayer for peace; it is peace in the world and in one's soul, the certainty that the pain is not empty, the world not a void, the soul is not alone.
"Prayer can ultimately be judged only by its effect on the one who prays. Communication between human beings is so subtle and various and uncertain, we should not expect that when an individual or a community opens itself to God we can chart the result on a graph."
We can't graph it except in our hearts. I know that when people ask me to pray for them, it's a good thing and it works. I know when I ask for their prayers for me, it's a good thing, and it works. Today in our bulletin eleven people were listed for health related prayers...plus twenty one not members of our church, but friends of members that wanted prayer...plus twenty two that have a need of continuing prayer for ongoing issues...plus requests for prayers for expectant parents...plus we ask for prayers for military personal. This last, one is on his eighth deployment to Afghanistan. Four more in Afghanistan, two in Iraq, and a couple others in other services. That's just a part of the prayer requests, and from a small church. I ask for peace in all their lives.
I know prayers are answered, and know too that they are often answered in unexpected ways. It's why, I suppose, that Jesus taught to pray "thy will be done". I know too, that listening to God is a prayer..."be still". I know prayer opens me, us, to God.
I get distracted from the habit, and writing this will put me back in it, and that is the 'Jesus Prayer'. Paul advised in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing, which gave rise to this prayer. Traditionally, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." It can take any form, just so it's without ceasing; instead of playing out future scenarios, or ruminating about something that's happened, etc. I pray, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me." I pray this, and pray for all sufferers, and pray to be open to God.
There have been experiments to test the effectiveness of prayer. There are some interesting studies showing there are positive measurable effects, but not quantifiable enough to make a solid scientific case. Those of us the do pray, and understand what's going on, knows it works.
"The usual notion of prayer is so absurd. How can those who know nothing about it, who pray little or not at all, dare to speak frivolously of prayer? ... If it were really what they suppose, a kind of chatter, the dialogue of a madman with his shadow, or even less--a vain and superstitious sort of petition to be given the good things of this world, how could innumerable people find comfort until their dying day...in the...sheer, robust, vigorous , abundant joy in prayer?...Could a sane man set himself up as a judge of music because he has sometimes touched a keyboard with the tips of his fingers?"
Rabbi David Wolpe: "Deep prayer is an experience like music or love--indescribable to one who does not pray."
Rabbi Wolpe tells of Leona Medina, 17th century rabbi, who writes of watching a man in a boat pulling himself ashore, "If you were confused about weight and motion, that he was really pulling the shore to his boat. People have much the same confusion about spiritual weight and motion: In prayer, some believe that you are pulling God closer to you. But in fact the heartfelt prayer pulls you closer to God." (from "Why Faith Matters" by Rabbi Wolpe)
Rabbi Wople goes on, after writing that we are praying to be assured that things be all right, that "Every prayer in this way is a prayer for peace; it is peace in the world and in one's soul, the certainty that the pain is not empty, the world not a void, the soul is not alone.
"Prayer can ultimately be judged only by its effect on the one who prays. Communication between human beings is so subtle and various and uncertain, we should not expect that when an individual or a community opens itself to God we can chart the result on a graph."
We can't graph it except in our hearts. I know that when people ask me to pray for them, it's a good thing and it works. I know when I ask for their prayers for me, it's a good thing, and it works. Today in our bulletin eleven people were listed for health related prayers...plus twenty one not members of our church, but friends of members that wanted prayer...plus twenty two that have a need of continuing prayer for ongoing issues...plus requests for prayers for expectant parents...plus we ask for prayers for military personal. This last, one is on his eighth deployment to Afghanistan. Four more in Afghanistan, two in Iraq, and a couple others in other services. That's just a part of the prayer requests, and from a small church. I ask for peace in all their lives.
I know prayers are answered, and know too that they are often answered in unexpected ways. It's why, I suppose, that Jesus taught to pray "thy will be done". I know too, that listening to God is a prayer..."be still". I know prayer opens me, us, to God.
I get distracted from the habit, and writing this will put me back in it, and that is the 'Jesus Prayer'. Paul advised in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing, which gave rise to this prayer. Traditionally, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." It can take any form, just so it's without ceasing; instead of playing out future scenarios, or ruminating about something that's happened, etc. I pray, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me." I pray this, and pray for all sufferers, and pray to be open to God.
A Thought on Church from TS Eliot
Why should men love the church? Why should they
Love her laws?
She tells them of Life and Death, and of all that they
Would forget.
She is tender where they would be hard, and hard
Where they like to be soft.
She tells them of Evil and sin, and other unpleasant
They constantly try to escape
From the darkness outside and within
By dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will
Need to be good.
But the man that is will shadow
The man that pretends to be.
~~TS Eliot "Choruses from 'The Rock'"
Love her laws?
She tells them of Life and Death, and of all that they
Would forget.
She is tender where they would be hard, and hard
Where they like to be soft.
She tells them of Evil and sin, and other unpleasant
They constantly try to escape
From the darkness outside and within
By dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will
Need to be good.
But the man that is will shadow
The man that pretends to be.
~~TS Eliot "Choruses from 'The Rock'"
Andrew Klavan: Are You A Racist? A Frank Conversation (funny vid)
About a minute into it, I'm laughing. Funny funny funny...
popular culture,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Learned a New Word Today: "Gleichschaltung"
Gleichschaltung: meaning "coordination", "making the same", "bringing into line", is a Nazi term for the process by which the Nazi regime successively established a system of totalitarian control over the individual, and tight coordination over all aspects of society and commerce. The historian Richard J. Evans offered the term "forcible-coordination" in his most recent work on Nazi Germany.
One goal of this policy was to eliminate individualism by forcing everybody to adhere to a specific doctrine and way of thinking and to control as many aspects of life as possible using an invasive police force.
Those critical of Hitler's agenda, especially his close ties with industry, were suppressed, intimidated or permanently silenced. The regime also assailed the influence of the churches...~~~Wikipedia
One goal of this policy was to eliminate individualism by forcing everybody to adhere to a specific doctrine and way of thinking and to control as many aspects of life as possible using an invasive police force.
Those critical of Hitler's agenda, especially his close ties with industry, were suppressed, intimidated or permanently silenced. The regime also assailed the influence of the churches...~~~Wikipedia
Mariette in Ecstasy-by Ron Hansen
I was reading a book review of this, this morning. I'll have to go pick it up. It's one of my favorite kinds of novel, thought provoking with literary craftsmanship. A couple paragraphs from it:
"Sister Saint-Denis says, “…I have realized how much simpler it is to pray and keep united with God when I see Him as the source and sum of everything I do. When I walk, I owe it to God that I still can. When I sleep, it is with His permission. My breathing, my happiness, even my being a woman – all are His gifts to me. So it is my prime intention that whenever I do these practical things, they will be contemplative acts of praise and thanksgiving repeated over and over again. Even when it seems impossible to believe that some pain or misery is from God, I try to believe it and thank Him for it. You should try such a prayer…”
"Oh, what a blissful abandonment it is! Everything in my being tells me to stay there. Every thought I have is of his infinite perfection. Every feeling I have is of his kindness and heavenly love. Every dream I have had is realized in him. Hours may pass, but I have no sense of tiredness or pain or needs of any kind. Exquisite contentment enthralls me. I have no use for speech except to praise him. I have no desires except to be held there by him forever. I have a vision of him but I cannot see his face or his form, only infinite light and goodness. I hear his voice in an interior way; he words have sweetness and charm by no sound, and yet they are more felt and permanent in my soul than if I heard Jesus pronounce them."
"Sister Saint-Denis says, “…I have realized how much simpler it is to pray and keep united with God when I see Him as the source and sum of everything I do. When I walk, I owe it to God that I still can. When I sleep, it is with His permission. My breathing, my happiness, even my being a woman – all are His gifts to me. So it is my prime intention that whenever I do these practical things, they will be contemplative acts of praise and thanksgiving repeated over and over again. Even when it seems impossible to believe that some pain or misery is from God, I try to believe it and thank Him for it. You should try such a prayer…”
"Oh, what a blissful abandonment it is! Everything in my being tells me to stay there. Every thought I have is of his infinite perfection. Every feeling I have is of his kindness and heavenly love. Every dream I have had is realized in him. Hours may pass, but I have no sense of tiredness or pain or needs of any kind. Exquisite contentment enthralls me. I have no use for speech except to praise him. I have no desires except to be held there by him forever. I have a vision of him but I cannot see his face or his form, only infinite light and goodness. I hear his voice in an interior way; he words have sweetness and charm by no sound, and yet they are more felt and permanent in my soul than if I heard Jesus pronounce them."
Mariette in Ecstasy,
religious novel,
Ron Hansen
Two Thoughts on Religion-A Physicist and an Atheist
"I see no way to draw up a balance sheet, to weigh the good done by religion against the evil and decide which is greater by some impartial process. My own prejudice, looking at religion from the inside, leads me to conclude that the good vastly outweighs the evil. In many places in the United States, with widening gaps between rich and poor, churches and synagogues are almost the only institutions that bind people together into communities. In church or in synagogue, people from different walks of life work together in youth groups or adult education groups, making music or teaching children, collecting money for charitable causes, and taking care of each other when sickness or disaster strikes. Without religion, the life of the country would be greatly impoverished." ~~Physicist Freeman Dyson
"I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well informed people I know are religious believers. It isn't just that I don't believe in God and, naturally, hope that I'm right in my belief. It's that I hope there's is not God! I don't want there to be a God; I don't want the universe to be like that.
"My guess is that this cosmic authority problem is not a rare condition and that it is responsible for much of the scientism and reductionism of our time. One of the tendencies it supports is the ludicrous overuse of evolutionary biology to explain everything about life, including everything about the human mind." Philosopher Thomas Nagel
My personal experience matches Dyson's, and I appreciate the honesty of Nagel.
"I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well informed people I know are religious believers. It isn't just that I don't believe in God and, naturally, hope that I'm right in my belief. It's that I hope there's is not God! I don't want there to be a God; I don't want the universe to be like that.
"My guess is that this cosmic authority problem is not a rare condition and that it is responsible for much of the scientism and reductionism of our time. One of the tendencies it supports is the ludicrous overuse of evolutionary biology to explain everything about life, including everything about the human mind." Philosopher Thomas Nagel
My personal experience matches Dyson's, and I appreciate the honesty of Nagel.
What? Obama Going to Hold Gitmo Detainees Indefintely?
Obama now says he's going to indefinitely detain those poor misunderstood loving Muslims at their vacation facility at Guantanamo. He was going to get legislation to get him the power to do this, and decided not to. Authorization for the Use of Military Force passed by Congress after 9/11 is what's he's using to back his decision.
Gee, I thought he was going to let them all get lawyers, come to the US, give them US citizens' rights. Bush lied! oooops, wrong guy.
Article here. It contains Obama's spin and the ACLU's justification. Appears it's not such a bad thing when the Bamster locks up bad guys.
Gee, I thought he was going to let them all get lawyers, come to the US, give them US citizens' rights. Bush lied! oooops, wrong guy.
Article here. It contains Obama's spin and the ACLU's justification. Appears it's not such a bad thing when the Bamster locks up bad guys.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Senate Finanace Committee Non-Transparency Leakage
Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold gave a note to Nevada Senator John Ensign. Could this be one of the reasons the Senate Finance Committee won't release their health care bill before they vote?
Health care insurance will be mandatory. If you don't get it, there will be a $1,900 fine. You could also have to pay out $25,000 and get jail time.
Goverment. Looking out for you. Shut up and obey or we will impoverish and imprison you. I'm disgusted. This will no doubt disappear and the MSM and Dems will say it was all a lie by bloggers, the Tea Bag Nazi racist mob, and people that hate sick people. Didn't know that? If you're against ObamaCare, not only are you a racist and terrorist, you hate sick people (thanks Keith Olbermann of MSNBC).
Health care insurance will be mandatory. If you don't get it, there will be a $1,900 fine. You could also have to pay out $25,000 and get jail time.
Goverment. Looking out for you. Shut up and obey or we will impoverish and imprison you. I'm disgusted. This will no doubt disappear and the MSM and Dems will say it was all a lie by bloggers, the Tea Bag Nazi racist mob, and people that hate sick people. Didn't know that? If you're against ObamaCare, not only are you a racist and terrorist, you hate sick people (thanks Keith Olbermann of MSNBC).
MSNBC Discussion-Healthcare...ummmmm
If you're against ObamaCare you hate sick people. Anyway, given the drubbing ObamaCare got this summer, and the trouble it's facing now (with the Senate Finance Committee refusing to release it 72 hrs before the vote), I find the idea fascinating these two knuckheads think they're winning the health care debate; that the argument against is irrelevant.The Dems control Congress and Executive, so they can still pass it even if the debate is lost and the polls show Americans overwhelmingly against it.
Jonathan Alter,
Keith Olbermann,
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D, CA) Justifying Causing a Drought, Hunger and Unemployment (vid)
I wrote about this in May, and the situation is worse. The fish that is causing drought, 40% unemployment and untold misery is not even indigenous to the area. The people should defy the power hungry politicians that don't care if the people go hungry for food; go down there and turn on the spigot. This issue is horrible for the whole country, not just California.
Senate Finance Committee Votes Not To Post HealthCare Bill 72 Hours Before Voting On It
Wasn't this going to be the most open and transparent administration and congress ever?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
First the Light Bulbs, Now the T P
Environmentalists aren't happy enough telling us what light bulbs we can use. Incandescent bulbs will soon be illegal, and then we will be forced to use those horrid florescent pig tails, which are toxic and dangerous and provide terrible light.
Now they want to tell you what kind of toilet paper you will use. Only 5% of the paper products are for TP and tissue, but OMG ya gotta kill an old tree to get it.
Allen Hershkowitz, senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council: "It's like the Hummer product for the paper industry." "We don't need old-growth forests. . . to wipe our behinds."
Soon the Statist government will mandate that everyone use single ply recycled like you get in public restrooms.
Now they want to tell you what kind of toilet paper you will use. Only 5% of the paper products are for TP and tissue, but OMG ya gotta kill an old tree to get it.
Allen Hershkowitz, senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council: "It's like the Hummer product for the paper industry." "We don't need old-growth forests. . . to wipe our behinds."
Soon the Statist government will mandate that everyone use single ply recycled like you get in public restrooms.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Terrorist Bill Ayers Wrote Most of Obama's "Dreams from My Father"
This is going to be big news. The MSM will do everything they can to suppress and demean, like they did Van Jones, Tea Parties, ACORN and the rest, but we are now the alternative press, not Village Voice, Rolling Stone, Detroit Free Press and the rest of that sixties group, they are part of the mainstream press now.
This will continue to diminish Obama. He's lost and is loosing ground on many of his policies. In this, he missed the first deadline for "Dreams from My Father", so went and saw his friend Terrorist Ayers. Ayers took Obama's notes and other material and put it all together. Obama takes all the credit and money. Michelle was in on it too.
Christopher Andersen's book, "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage,": "...oral histories, along with a partial manuscript and a truckload of notes, were given to Ayers." A neighbor, according to the book, "Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together."
Anderson: "In the end, Ayers's contribution to Barack's "Dreams from My Father" would be significant – so much so that the book's language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers's own writing."
Jack Cahill broke this story and has been investigating and writing about it since July 2008. This book by Anderson confirms what Cahill has been investigating.
This will continue to diminish Obama. He's lost and is loosing ground on many of his policies. In this, he missed the first deadline for "Dreams from My Father", so went and saw his friend Terrorist Ayers. Ayers took Obama's notes and other material and put it all together. Obama takes all the credit and money. Michelle was in on it too.
Christopher Andersen's book, "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage,": "...oral histories, along with a partial manuscript and a truckload of notes, were given to Ayers." A neighbor, according to the book, "Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together."
Anderson: "In the end, Ayers's contribution to Barack's "Dreams from My Father" would be significant – so much so that the book's language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers's own writing."
Jack Cahill broke this story and has been investigating and writing about it since July 2008. This book by Anderson confirms what Cahill has been investigating.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Bank of America Refuses to Fly Flag in Honor of Fallen Soldier
Lance Cpl. Christopher Fowlkes was killed in Afghanistan. He was from the town of Gaffney, SC, and there was a parade in honor of him. There was a Bank of America on the route and when a woman wanted to put flags on their lawn they said no. It wasn't the local manager, it was a corporate rule. To not fly the American Flag? To not honor a fallen soldier? The flags were removed from the B of A lawn.
The Cherokee County Council voted 5 to 1 to withdraw county money from B of A. Good for them. It's a small amount, a few hundred thousand. What kind of policy denies the recognition of the dead, that got that way serving this country. I'd fire the knuckleheads. Not only that, but they should be shunned.
Bank of America?
The Cherokee County Council voted 5 to 1 to withdraw county money from B of A. Good for them. It's a small amount, a few hundred thousand. What kind of policy denies the recognition of the dead, that got that way serving this country. I'd fire the knuckleheads. Not only that, but they should be shunned.
Bank of America?
You Disobedient Teenagers!
Energy Secretary Steven Chu: “The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act.” “The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is.”
He and his environmental extremists are traveling to 6,000 schools to propagandize to little kids about climate change (don't know about you, but the weather looks pretty much different to me every day), that used to be global warming, but that had to be dropped since the past decade has seen no planetary temperature increase. Didn't our Dear Leader learn from his speech to kids, that parents really don't want the government doing an end around them to their kids? Like the Marine said, "Leave my kids alone!"
Of course this knucklehead Chu sees all Americans as kids. Chu and Obama, 'just shut up and do as you're told'.
That's what we like, respect from elected officials and their bureaucrats.
He and his environmental extremists are traveling to 6,000 schools to propagandize to little kids about climate change (don't know about you, but the weather looks pretty much different to me every day), that used to be global warming, but that had to be dropped since the past decade has seen no planetary temperature increase. Didn't our Dear Leader learn from his speech to kids, that parents really don't want the government doing an end around them to their kids? Like the Marine said, "Leave my kids alone!"
Of course this knucklehead Chu sees all Americans as kids. Chu and Obama, 'just shut up and do as you're told'.
That's what we like, respect from elected officials and their bureaucrats.
Quotable Quote by Burt Prelutsky @ Racism Charges and More
"Obama and his commissars are labeling Americans who just happen to oppose Cap & Trade, billions for clunkers and to the havoc the leftists are trying to wreak on our health care system, as brainless sheep. Large groups of citizens rise up to voice their grievances and he calls them mobs, claims that grass roots are really made of Astroturf and tells his minions to ape the Soviets and rat out their friends and neighbors. Some people I know refer to what Obama is doing as social engineering. I think it's something even worse: socialist engineering. I wonder if anyone else has noticed that whenever a black conservative voices an opinion, the liberal claque insists that he's not an authentic black, and when a white conservative voices an opinion, Obama's sycophants insist he's not an authentic American. When Obama was running for the presidency, a few of us Paul Revere wannabes were warning you: 'The reds are coming! The reds are coming!' Naturally, Obama, a born and bred race hustler who learned his lessons well from Jeremiah Wright, wanted you to believe that the only reason people could possibly have for opposing him was his race. But it was never about the color of his skin. It was always about the color of his politics." --Burt Prelutsky
Jeremiah Wright,
race hustler,
socialist engineering
Quotable Quote by Cal Thomas @ Racism Charges
"As the president's approval ratings fall and rise and fall again, some of his supporters in journalism and politics are returning to days of old when the label 'racist' could end any discussion and force the accused either into stunned silence, or groveling repentance. I suspect the tactic won't work this time because Obama supporters will have difficulty explaining how a mostly white country could elect a black man president last November and ten months later become a racist majority. Racism has always been a one-way street for the Left. ... According to liberal doctrine, black people can never be racist because they are members of a victim class created by white liberals as a kind of modern plantation to keep blacks voting for liberal Democrats. ... The president's race would be a factor only if Americans shied away from criticizing him because of it. That they are not is a triumph of Martin Luther King Jr.'s hope that people be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Some opinion polls show that Obama's character is being judged and found wanting by a rapidly growing number of Americans, at least a small percentage of whom are black. With Democrats controlling all three branches of government, including significantly wide margins in Congress, isn't there a better explanation than racism for why the president is having difficulty with some of his proposals? ... There is a better explanation for the growing opposition to President Obama. It has less to do with his ethnicity than it does his credibility. Character, after all, is colorless." --Cal Thomas
Glad We Live in a Post Racial America VI
Here's how the "The Nation" (uber leftist mag) saw the Washington DC march; written by editor and publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel: "Just days ago, Glenn Beck led the astro-turf 9-12-09 "Taxpayer March on DC." Compared to the millions who have marched for civil rights, equal rights, and gay rights, and against the war, Beck's 70,000 would be small stuff -- except for the tens of thousands waving Confederate flags, anti-gay hate signs, and shouting "White Power!'"
If thousands of people were running around with Confederate flags, you know the Statist Obama worshiping MSM would be showing it 24/7. They can't, because it didn't happen. If there was a proliferation of anti-gay signs, the MSM would be running it 24/7. They can't, because it didn't happen. If thousands of people were chanting 'white power' the MSM would be running 24/7. They can't, because it didn't happen.
And this gem, "...increasingly dangerous, racist and radical right wing."
Want responsible economic policies? You're a racist. Don't want gov't run health care, you're a racist. Don't want the gov't running insurance companies, banks and auto companies? You're a racist. Sure glad we live in a post racial Amerika.
This past Sunday, George Will on "This Week": "What we’re hearing is the liberals’ McCarthyism, which is, when in doubt, blame people for racism. Litigators have an old argument: When the law’s on your side, argue the law. When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When neither’s on your side, pound the table. This amounts to pounding the table.
I have yet to see evidence, is there -- does evidence even intrude in this conversation? Is there any evidence that these people are racists? I think not."
If thousands of people were running around with Confederate flags, you know the Statist Obama worshiping MSM would be showing it 24/7. They can't, because it didn't happen. If there was a proliferation of anti-gay signs, the MSM would be running it 24/7. They can't, because it didn't happen. If thousands of people were chanting 'white power' the MSM would be running 24/7. They can't, because it didn't happen.
And this gem, "...increasingly dangerous, racist and radical right wing."
Want responsible economic policies? You're a racist. Don't want gov't run health care, you're a racist. Don't want the gov't running insurance companies, banks and auto companies? You're a racist. Sure glad we live in a post racial Amerika.
This past Sunday, George Will on "This Week": "What we’re hearing is the liberals’ McCarthyism, which is, when in doubt, blame people for racism. Litigators have an old argument: When the law’s on your side, argue the law. When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When neither’s on your side, pound the table. This amounts to pounding the table.
I have yet to see evidence, is there -- does evidence even intrude in this conversation? Is there any evidence that these people are racists? I think not."
Monday, September 21, 2009
Teenage Christian Terrorists Have High Birth Rate
From realitycheck.org "U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth, according to a new study forthcoming in the journal Reproductive Health." I've traced this study back a few websites, and they are all Leftist pro-abortion sites. I'll skip the methodology (faulty). I know, I'm just a mindless, stupid Conservative, and worse yet a Christian, but dang that social science training anyway, it just gets me analyzing stuff. It's late and I'm tired, so maybe later. What I do want to address is the anti-Christian bigotry, and blatant insults to middle Americans, and most especially to Southerners.
The full article here, but here are some of the quotes from Bonnie Erbe's report of the study. Think there may be just a bit of bigotry here? Of course Christian bashing is perfectly acceptable from the left, and bigotry is acceptable in cases that the thought police say is okay.
"It's not surprising to me, because most of those "religious" states are also so-called red states. Generalizations are always dangerous, but lack of education, low or no income, and increased religiosity tend to intertwine and build on each other. Take one of the most egregious examples known."
Of course there are no well educated, or wealthy, or educated wealthy Christians, or even Christians with the most rudimentary intelligence.
"It's been widely reported that Middle Eastern terrorists talk suicide bombers into committing murder by explaining to them that they will be heroes in heaven, their after-life reward will be that they are treated like kings and have all the advantages that elude them here on earth. These promises are believed by people with no money, no education, and nothing to hold onto but their religious beliefs."
Of course most of the Islamofascist terrorists are middle and upper class, not who she says they are. Feminism is so far advanced that women know they've obtained equality with men when they're allowed to become suicide bombers. Of course Christian terrorists have really blown up a lot of buildings and killed so many people. They're the primary reason for all the security hassles at airports.
Of course the source of Faith is mental health; you have to be not only stupid but mentally deranged or deficient. "The children of teen mothers have been reported to have higher rates of several unfavorable mental health outcomes. Past research suggests several possible mechanisms for an association between religiosity and teen birth rate in communities."
Bigotry and intolerance, in any form...but then again, this is a female writer, so maybe I'm a sexist for criticizing her observations. The way things are now, if you criticize someone then you are a racist, sexist, homophobe...you fill in the blank. The reason these people do this is because their arguments lack merit. This one lacks methodology. It's just bad social science used to attack a group.
The full article here, but here are some of the quotes from Bonnie Erbe's report of the study. Think there may be just a bit of bigotry here? Of course Christian bashing is perfectly acceptable from the left, and bigotry is acceptable in cases that the thought police say is okay.
"It's not surprising to me, because most of those "religious" states are also so-called red states. Generalizations are always dangerous, but lack of education, low or no income, and increased religiosity tend to intertwine and build on each other. Take one of the most egregious examples known."
Of course there are no well educated, or wealthy, or educated wealthy Christians, or even Christians with the most rudimentary intelligence.
"It's been widely reported that Middle Eastern terrorists talk suicide bombers into committing murder by explaining to them that they will be heroes in heaven, their after-life reward will be that they are treated like kings and have all the advantages that elude them here on earth. These promises are believed by people with no money, no education, and nothing to hold onto but their religious beliefs."
Of course most of the Islamofascist terrorists are middle and upper class, not who she says they are. Feminism is so far advanced that women know they've obtained equality with men when they're allowed to become suicide bombers. Of course Christian terrorists have really blown up a lot of buildings and killed so many people. They're the primary reason for all the security hassles at airports.
Of course the source of Faith is mental health; you have to be not only stupid but mentally deranged or deficient. "The children of teen mothers have been reported to have higher rates of several unfavorable mental health outcomes. Past research suggests several possible mechanisms for an association between religiosity and teen birth rate in communities."
Bigotry and intolerance, in any form...but then again, this is a female writer, so maybe I'm a sexist for criticizing her observations. The way things are now, if you criticize someone then you are a racist, sexist, homophobe...you fill in the blank. The reason these people do this is because their arguments lack merit. This one lacks methodology. It's just bad social science used to attack a group.
Bonnie Erbe,
teen birth rates
NEA, Obama and Statist Art
Stalin did it. Mao did it. It was done in Communist East Germany. Hussein did it. The little demented pot belly dictator of N Korea is doing it. Could you imagine what would have happened if GW did it? What is it? It is using artists, writers, actors and such to push Obama's Statist agenda. In August our Dear Leader had a conference call with the National Endowment for the Arts and the White House Office of Public Engagement (WTF?) and United We Serve (Obama's campaign troops under a new name, that continues the campaign after the election, kind of like the Ministry of Propaganda), was, according to a film producer, Patrick Courrielche, for the purpose of exploring "how the Arts can be used for a positive change".
There are American artists, writers, actors willing to put their respective crafts in the service of the State? That reminds you of what? This conference call was to enlist the artistic community into Obama's Ministry of Propaganda. Aren't artists to reflect the human spirit, create beauty, express freedom and the like?
Of course the followers of our Dear Leader deny this:
NEA: “This call was not a means to promote any legislative agenda and any suggestions to that end are simply false. “
WH: “[T]he Aug. 10 teleconference ‘was not meant to promote any legislative agenda.’”
Here are some quotes from the conference call:
Buffy Wicks (Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement):
“I’m actually in the White House and working towards furthering this agenda, this very aggressive agenda… we need you, and we’re going to need your help, and we’re going to come at you with some specific asks here… We’re actually running the government… We need your guys’ help to promote this.
I’m actually in the White House and working towards furthering this agenda, this very aggressive agenda… we need you, and we’re going to need your help, and we’re going to come at you with some specific asks here.”
NELLIE ABERNATHY: We are really looking at reaching a new brand of people… We have 12 [do-it-yourself toolkits] that really allow people who are more self-directed who say I have a need in my community that I want to address, and it’s not necessarily attractive to me to go and serve soup at the existing soup kitchen with 80-year-old women… we are really looking at reaching a new brand of people." Yeah, she wants to serve the poor, just not do it personally. I'm mean really, the great un-washed and all.
YOSI SERGANT: "Whether it’s health care, education, the environment, you know… My ask would be to apply artistic, you know, your artistic creative communities’ utilities and bring them to the table." My ask? Say what?
gaaarg...what is said, and what is said is said in this administration...Don't they know that everything is recorded? Then they deny it was said. Say what? To think that the creative community could have so bowed down to the messiah, the One who will lower the oceans and lower the planet's temperature, will give up artistic integrity to serve the State, give up freedom and liberty. Do they really think that if they embrace this, do they realize that same State will eventually allow them to only create what the State says, then what?
There are American artists, writers, actors willing to put their respective crafts in the service of the State? That reminds you of what? This conference call was to enlist the artistic community into Obama's Ministry of Propaganda. Aren't artists to reflect the human spirit, create beauty, express freedom and the like?
Of course the followers of our Dear Leader deny this:
NEA: “This call was not a means to promote any legislative agenda and any suggestions to that end are simply false. “
WH: “[T]he Aug. 10 teleconference ‘was not meant to promote any legislative agenda.’”
Here are some quotes from the conference call:
Buffy Wicks (Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement):
“I’m actually in the White House and working towards furthering this agenda, this very aggressive agenda… we need you, and we’re going to need your help, and we’re going to come at you with some specific asks here… We’re actually running the government… We need your guys’ help to promote this.
I’m actually in the White House and working towards furthering this agenda, this very aggressive agenda… we need you, and we’re going to need your help, and we’re going to come at you with some specific asks here.”
NELLIE ABERNATHY: We are really looking at reaching a new brand of people… We have 12 [do-it-yourself toolkits] that really allow people who are more self-directed who say I have a need in my community that I want to address, and it’s not necessarily attractive to me to go and serve soup at the existing soup kitchen with 80-year-old women… we are really looking at reaching a new brand of people." Yeah, she wants to serve the poor, just not do it personally. I'm mean really, the great un-washed and all.
YOSI SERGANT: "Whether it’s health care, education, the environment, you know… My ask would be to apply artistic, you know, your artistic creative communities’ utilities and bring them to the table." My ask? Say what?
gaaarg...what is said, and what is said is said in this administration...Don't they know that everything is recorded? Then they deny it was said. Say what? To think that the creative community could have so bowed down to the messiah, the One who will lower the oceans and lower the planet's temperature, will give up artistic integrity to serve the State, give up freedom and liberty. Do they really think that if they embrace this, do they realize that same State will eventually allow them to only create what the State says, then what?
Leftists Advocating Free Speech-Not
Daily Kos, diarist named Bacygirl: "Murdoch's FOX network has given a voice to the dregs of American society. His defenders would say that in a democracy everyone should have a voice. I disagree. There is no place at the bar of democracy for those who perpetuate lowlife, divisive and evil agendas. FOX promotes lies, half-truths and hate speech that has the potential to endanger the lives of a sector of America's population and even the President of the United States. These people are the termites of democracy."
Another Joe the Plumber Moment
The Dems and their Statist lackeys in the MSM, instead of addressing issues go after the citizens that challenge them. Joe the Plumber, still insulting Sarah Palin, all the vile and despicable things said about regular citizens at tea parties and town hall meetings, but not so much about the actual issues. Now the Statists are going after and attacking Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe, the twenty and twenty-five year old independent citizens that captured on film the criminal operation ACORN that has been instrumental in the career of Obama (he's worked with, lawyered with them, got money to them and they have received millions of taxpayer dollars for their criminal operations).
Giles father has written an article about his kid that did the job the MSM refuses to do because it doesn't show their messiah (the one that will lower the oceans and lower the temperature of the planet) in any kind of positive light.
A couple excerpts:
1. Giles’ and O’Keefe’s timeframe for filming. Bertha Lewis and others have stated that Hannah and James spent many months visiting scores of ACORN centers to get these few videos. One wizard said Hannah and James had been doing this since 2005, which would have made Hannah, oh, let’s see, about 14 or 15. Hello! I’m a cool dad—but not that cool.
2. Giles’ and O’Keefe’s mission failed in many locations. Bertha and her buddies say with vigor and Reverend Wright unction that Giles and O’Keefe tried this trick in hundreds of locations without success. Marc Lamont Hill was on O’Reilly’s show this past week parroting the same smack. I heard one lunatic say they visited thousands of centers nationwide (there are under 200. Oops). Hey, guys: Why stop at hundreds and thousands? Why not say gazillions or quadrillions of ACORN centers?
4. Giles’ radical, ultra-conservative Christian dad put her up to it. I believe that’s how someone on one of those unwatched news shows has been bending it. Well, I can tell you as her dad that I did not. As much as me no likey the nefarious underpinnings and corrupt acts of ACORN, having my kid dress like a hooker and infiltrate such a place is not in my repertoire. That was Hannah’s baby from start to finish. I simply told her to be careful because we all know how dangerous sweet community organizers can be. Oh, FYI . . . if confessing I’m a sinner, believing orthodox Christian doctrine, saluting our flag and that for which it stands, loving the Constitution, hating terrorists, being fond of guns, hunting, country and rock music while adoring freedom makes me a crazy ultra-conservative Christian lunatic then I guess I am one of those. I will put that name right next to the other name Obama’s former green czar called such a person back in March (I believe he called us “a**holes”).
Giles father has written an article about his kid that did the job the MSM refuses to do because it doesn't show their messiah (the one that will lower the oceans and lower the temperature of the planet) in any kind of positive light.
A couple excerpts:
1. Giles’ and O’Keefe’s timeframe for filming. Bertha Lewis and others have stated that Hannah and James spent many months visiting scores of ACORN centers to get these few videos. One wizard said Hannah and James had been doing this since 2005, which would have made Hannah, oh, let’s see, about 14 or 15. Hello! I’m a cool dad—but not that cool.
2. Giles’ and O’Keefe’s mission failed in many locations. Bertha and her buddies say with vigor and Reverend Wright unction that Giles and O’Keefe tried this trick in hundreds of locations without success. Marc Lamont Hill was on O’Reilly’s show this past week parroting the same smack. I heard one lunatic say they visited thousands of centers nationwide (there are under 200. Oops). Hey, guys: Why stop at hundreds and thousands? Why not say gazillions or quadrillions of ACORN centers?
4. Giles’ radical, ultra-conservative Christian dad put her up to it. I believe that’s how someone on one of those unwatched news shows has been bending it. Well, I can tell you as her dad that I did not. As much as me no likey the nefarious underpinnings and corrupt acts of ACORN, having my kid dress like a hooker and infiltrate such a place is not in my repertoire. That was Hannah’s baby from start to finish. I simply told her to be careful because we all know how dangerous sweet community organizers can be. Oh, FYI . . . if confessing I’m a sinner, believing orthodox Christian doctrine, saluting our flag and that for which it stands, loving the Constitution, hating terrorists, being fond of guns, hunting, country and rock music while adoring freedom makes me a crazy ultra-conservative Christian lunatic then I guess I am one of those. I will put that name right next to the other name Obama’s former green czar called such a person back in March (I believe he called us “a**holes”).
The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775 - 234 years to get it right; it is broke.
Social Security was established in 1935 - 74 years to get it right; it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - 71 years to get it right; it is broke.
War on Poverty started in 1964 - 45 years to get it right; trillions of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to “the poor”; it hasn’t worked.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - 44 years to get it right; they’re broke
Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - 39 years to get it right; it is broke
So with a perfect 100% failure rate, Obama and the Dems want you to believe they can control another 20% of the economy and provide you the quality of health care you have now.
Article here.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
When Scientists Have Solved Everything
A thousand years from now when scientists have solved all the questions that plague humanity, they are finally ready for the ultimate challenge. They elect a representative to address God.
"God, " says the scientist in charge. "You are no longer needed. You served a function in you day, but that day is gone. We can do everything that You can do, so goodbye."
There's is a moment of silence. God asks, "Everything?"
"Yes" answer the scientist, "everything".
"Can you make a human being from dust?"
"Okay," lets see it."
The scientist reaches down and digs his hands into the earth.
"Oh no," God says, "Get your own dust."
"God, " says the scientist in charge. "You are no longer needed. You served a function in you day, but that day is gone. We can do everything that You can do, so goodbye."
There's is a moment of silence. God asks, "Everything?"
"Yes" answer the scientist, "everything".
"Can you make a human being from dust?"
"Okay," lets see it."
The scientist reaches down and digs his hands into the earth.
"Oh no," God says, "Get your own dust."
Now the Left Charges the Right with Kennedy's Assassination
Only the "Right" creates a climate of hatred. Not only are you a racist if you oppose, now that an African American is President, any socialist and fascist policy, it looks like the Right created a climate of hatred that caused the assassination of JFK.
Some highlights from an article by Jonah Goldberg, article here.
"Over and over again, the entire liberal establishment, led by the New York Times—and even the pope!—denounced the “hate” that claimed Kennedy’s life. The Supreme Court justice Earl Warren summed up the conventional wisdom—as he could always be counted upon to do—when he theorized that the “climate of hatred” in Dallas—code for heavy right-wing and Republican activity—moved Lee Harvey Oswald to kill the president."
"The fact that Oswald was a communist quickly changed from an inconvenience to proof of something even more sinister. How, liberals asked, could a card-carrying Marxist murder a liberal titan on the side of social progress? The fact that Kennedy was a raging anticommunist seemed not to register, perhaps because liberals had convinced themselves, in the wake of the McCarthy era, that the real threat to liberty must always come from the right."
Any problems in America? It's those wascally wepublicans! Those hate filled, sexist, bigot, homophobe, racist, Conservatives.
Here's another article by Mark Hemingway. What's percolating in the Leftist media. The comparison of opposition to Obama and Kennedy, who was murdered by, you guessed it, hate filled Right Wingers! Never mind that Oswald was a Communist. That Kennedy was in Dallas and being cheered. That political discourse was a bit more civilized. From that article:
"Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy, August 27: "So with the death of Ted Kennedy last night, liberalism in this country has lost its champion; the person who, in the modern era, personified liberalism to a greater degree than anyone in Congress; I think that his death heralds the beginning of a very, very very dark period in this country.
I remember feeling that way in 1963 and in 1968-when his two brothers were murdered by the right wing in this country.
Novelist Lorenzo Carcaterra, September 13: 'What won’t stop is the growing hatred toward a young President based on his beliefs and the color of his skin.
It won’t stop until he is stopped. That is the goal of the right.
They’ve done it before.
In the summer months of 1963, the voices of the right were tossing hate bombs at another young President. This time over concerns he was too liberal and his religion was one that frightened a fair number of them, primarily those who lived in the South. There were no Becks, Rushs or Hannitys back then, so the John Birch Society filled the void. They tossed out messages of hate, threats and warnings.'
Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America, September 18: 'A President was killed the last time right-wing hatred ran wild like this...'
Something about the Left is that they created the "politics of destruction", Judge Bork and "borking" a glaring example of that, hate speech, and the rest of it, then say it's that mindset and tactics of the Right. When pointed out to them, well you're a liar, and look in the mirror. It's hard to have discourse and debate with people living in a fantasy world and just make stuff up; then when presented with cold hard evidence still deny it. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd on vid, at hearings saying there's no problem with the banking and mortgage industries, Fannie Mae etc., and they deny it. Ted Kennedy saying before going into Iran that that country was "an imminent threat" and then denying it. People at town hall meetings reading directly from the healtcare bill, and the politician saying that's not in there. How in heaven's name to you have debate with these kind of people?
Hat tip to Rick Moore and his blog at HolyCoast.com
Some highlights from an article by Jonah Goldberg, article here.
"Over and over again, the entire liberal establishment, led by the New York Times—and even the pope!—denounced the “hate” that claimed Kennedy’s life. The Supreme Court justice Earl Warren summed up the conventional wisdom—as he could always be counted upon to do—when he theorized that the “climate of hatred” in Dallas—code for heavy right-wing and Republican activity—moved Lee Harvey Oswald to kill the president."
"The fact that Oswald was a communist quickly changed from an inconvenience to proof of something even more sinister. How, liberals asked, could a card-carrying Marxist murder a liberal titan on the side of social progress? The fact that Kennedy was a raging anticommunist seemed not to register, perhaps because liberals had convinced themselves, in the wake of the McCarthy era, that the real threat to liberty must always come from the right."
Any problems in America? It's those wascally wepublicans! Those hate filled, sexist, bigot, homophobe, racist, Conservatives.
Here's another article by Mark Hemingway. What's percolating in the Leftist media. The comparison of opposition to Obama and Kennedy, who was murdered by, you guessed it, hate filled Right Wingers! Never mind that Oswald was a Communist. That Kennedy was in Dallas and being cheered. That political discourse was a bit more civilized. From that article:
"Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy, August 27: "So with the death of Ted Kennedy last night, liberalism in this country has lost its champion; the person who, in the modern era, personified liberalism to a greater degree than anyone in Congress; I think that his death heralds the beginning of a very, very very dark period in this country.
I remember feeling that way in 1963 and in 1968-when his two brothers were murdered by the right wing in this country.
Novelist Lorenzo Carcaterra, September 13: 'What won’t stop is the growing hatred toward a young President based on his beliefs and the color of his skin.
It won’t stop until he is stopped. That is the goal of the right.
They’ve done it before.
In the summer months of 1963, the voices of the right were tossing hate bombs at another young President. This time over concerns he was too liberal and his religion was one that frightened a fair number of them, primarily those who lived in the South. There were no Becks, Rushs or Hannitys back then, so the John Birch Society filled the void. They tossed out messages of hate, threats and warnings.'
Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America, September 18: 'A President was killed the last time right-wing hatred ran wild like this...'
Something about the Left is that they created the "politics of destruction", Judge Bork and "borking" a glaring example of that, hate speech, and the rest of it, then say it's that mindset and tactics of the Right. When pointed out to them, well you're a liar, and look in the mirror. It's hard to have discourse and debate with people living in a fantasy world and just make stuff up; then when presented with cold hard evidence still deny it. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd on vid, at hearings saying there's no problem with the banking and mortgage industries, Fannie Mae etc., and they deny it. Ted Kennedy saying before going into Iran that that country was "an imminent threat" and then denying it. People at town hall meetings reading directly from the healtcare bill, and the politician saying that's not in there. How in heaven's name to you have debate with these kind of people?
Hat tip to Rick Moore and his blog at HolyCoast.com
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Humorless Leftists Think Rush Limbaugh Actually Advocates Segregated Buses
I was left breathless by this. Last Tuesday Rush did one of his satirical rants (transcript here)about the bus incident where black kids were beating the livin' daylights out of a white kid while being cheered on. The Left says Rush was a racist, actually wanting to segregate buses. I remember once when Rush did a satirical rant, including a line about feeding his mother dog food. Headlines next day...you guessed it, Limbaugh feeds his mother dog food, for real. Wow. Mark Levin has pointed out that these people live in a fantasy world, and we Conservatives and other pragmatists need to stay focused to hold things together. Here's some of the comments made by some notable Leftists about the rant.
I actually know someone who believes this. I'm saddened. I went on Facebook where my friend posted the rant and comment, and responded saying that this was just a satirical rant, did she really believe that Rush was advocating for segregated buses? Yes indeed; Rush is a racist, and so are his listeners. I pointed out that then I'm a racist; I listen. I went on to say something about my serving in combat with African Americans, brothers in arms that were killed, and that I had a Chinese stepmother and family (I'm a white guy, pale beyond compare, part albino I think). I was told by one of the responders that if I had to justify my race credentials by saying those things, then I was even more of a racist.
Chinese family, point it out, I'm a racist. The loss of black comrades in arms in combat (Vietnam), that I wept at their funerals, I'm a racist. That I worship and pray with African Americans, I'm a racist. That I go to and support the tea party movement, I'm a racist. That I oppose the president nationalizing car companies, insurance companies, and banks, I'm a racist. Think that withdrawing missile defense from Central Europe is a mistake, I'm a racist. Think that nationalizing the health care industry is wrong, I'm a racist. Believe that the Constitution has enumerated duties for the government this president is ignoring, I'm a racist. Believe AG Eric Holder not prosecuting two Black Panther thugs for intimidating white voters at a polling place is wrong, I'm a racist.
If you believe in Liberty, you're a racist. Sure glad to live in a post racial Amerika.
I actually know someone who believes this. I'm saddened. I went on Facebook where my friend posted the rant and comment, and responded saying that this was just a satirical rant, did she really believe that Rush was advocating for segregated buses? Yes indeed; Rush is a racist, and so are his listeners. I pointed out that then I'm a racist; I listen. I went on to say something about my serving in combat with African Americans, brothers in arms that were killed, and that I had a Chinese stepmother and family (I'm a white guy, pale beyond compare, part albino I think). I was told by one of the responders that if I had to justify my race credentials by saying those things, then I was even more of a racist.
Chinese family, point it out, I'm a racist. The loss of black comrades in arms in combat (Vietnam), that I wept at their funerals, I'm a racist. That I worship and pray with African Americans, I'm a racist. That I go to and support the tea party movement, I'm a racist. That I oppose the president nationalizing car companies, insurance companies, and banks, I'm a racist. Think that withdrawing missile defense from Central Europe is a mistake, I'm a racist. Think that nationalizing the health care industry is wrong, I'm a racist. Believe that the Constitution has enumerated duties for the government this president is ignoring, I'm a racist. Believe AG Eric Holder not prosecuting two Black Panther thugs for intimidating white voters at a polling place is wrong, I'm a racist.
If you believe in Liberty, you're a racist. Sure glad to live in a post racial Amerika.
Does the Constitution Allow the Gov't to Force Everyone to Have Health Insurance?
When you're in your twenties, ten foot tall and bullet proof, immortal, do you want to spend your money on health insurance? The government demands, with ObamaCare, that you to do just that. Of course you're probably not going to need it. You're young, you're healthy. Gov't mandated health insurance money will go to mostly the elderly and illegals. You would be subsidizing, and impoverishing yourself. Most of the uninsured are the young that don't want health insurance, and illegals.
Does the Constitution allow this? The Constitution gives the gov't specific and enumerated powers. Specific. Enumerated. Article I, Section 8, gives Congress the power to tax, borrow and spend money, raise and support armies, declare war, establish post offices and regulate commerce. Nothing there saying it can force individuals to buy insurance. It says the federal gov't can regulate foreign and interstate commerce. Nothing there saying it can force individuals to buy insurance.
Sen. Max Baucus(D., Mont.), who is trying to hammer out a compromise, still has a tax of up to $1,500 per year to impose if you don't submit to having insurance. It was $3,800. Once again the gov't is using taxation to change and enforce behavior. If I were a twenty-something, I'd be ticked if the gov't confiscated an additional $1500 a year for something I'll probably not be using. When I was that age, I was a liberal, but then liberalism meant 'stay out of my f****'n life'. (I swore a lot in those days...soldier, sailor, student.) I believe the same now, but now I'm a teabagging, terrorist, racist (new labels for Conservatives).
Do any of the enumerated powers give the right to the gov't to tax an individual who doesn't obey a law?
Supporters of ObamaCare say it does nothing to infringe on the rights of individuals. Right.
Does the Constitution allow this? The Constitution gives the gov't specific and enumerated powers. Specific. Enumerated. Article I, Section 8, gives Congress the power to tax, borrow and spend money, raise and support armies, declare war, establish post offices and regulate commerce. Nothing there saying it can force individuals to buy insurance. It says the federal gov't can regulate foreign and interstate commerce. Nothing there saying it can force individuals to buy insurance.
Sen. Max Baucus(D., Mont.), who is trying to hammer out a compromise, still has a tax of up to $1,500 per year to impose if you don't submit to having insurance. It was $3,800. Once again the gov't is using taxation to change and enforce behavior. If I were a twenty-something, I'd be ticked if the gov't confiscated an additional $1500 a year for something I'll probably not be using. When I was that age, I was a liberal, but then liberalism meant 'stay out of my f****'n life'. (I swore a lot in those days...soldier, sailor, student.) I believe the same now, but now I'm a teabagging, terrorist, racist (new labels for Conservatives).
Do any of the enumerated powers give the right to the gov't to tax an individual who doesn't obey a law?
Supporters of ObamaCare say it does nothing to infringe on the rights of individuals. Right.
Krauthammer: Accusations of Racism are Last Refuge of Liberal Scoundrel
Sure glad to be living in a post racial Amerika.
Charles Krauthammer,
post racial America,
Chris Wallace Says Obama Team Is ‘Biggest Bunch of Crybabbies’
Fairness and Accuracy in the Media (FAIR), a Leftist media watchdog group, reported that more Republicans and Conservatives are interviewed on Fox than Liberals. It just may be that this is a major contributing factor. Leftists may actually have some tough questions to answer if they were interviewed by these guys. It would seem if one has the best policies and ideas, using the most watched news programs would be the place to present them.
Friday, September 18, 2009
"I will Follow Him (Obama)" Video Parody
Hysterical! Starts slow, builds and builds...I almost hurt myself laughing by the end!
MSM Worships, You Don't Get to Decide V
Buyer Beware. The MSM is reporting that 45,000 Americans die a year because they don't have health insurance. Statist newsreader Couric: “...while the debate goes on over the cost of insuring everyone, a new study reveals the cost of not doing it. The Harvard study says nearly 45,000 American deaths every year are linked to a lack of insurance.” The study actually is from the Physicians for a National Health Program, “the only national physician organization in the United States dedicated exclusively to implementing a single-payer national health program.”
Meanwhile, Investors Business Daily, full article here, polled doctors. Forty-five percent would quit, if ObamaCare is implemented. That certainly would save a lot of people. Plus, "72% of the doctors polled disagree with the administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower cost." Plus, "Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration's claims that doctors are part of an "unprecedented coalition" supporting a medical overhaul."
"Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they "would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind."
In the journalism I was taught, both these stories would have been reported.
A side note, FAIR, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, a Leftist media watchdog group, reports that Fox News is biased to Republicans. They did a head count and show that more Republicans get interviewed that Dems. I would like to see how many Dems are invited and refuse interviews. They are a cowardly lot, and mostly go to venues that toss softballs to them. I want to see the number of refused interviews.
Meanwhile, Investors Business Daily, full article here, polled doctors. Forty-five percent would quit, if ObamaCare is implemented. That certainly would save a lot of people. Plus, "72% of the doctors polled disagree with the administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower cost." Plus, "Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration's claims that doctors are part of an "unprecedented coalition" supporting a medical overhaul."
"Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they "would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind."
In the journalism I was taught, both these stories would have been reported.
A side note, FAIR, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, a Leftist media watchdog group, reports that Fox News is biased to Republicans. They did a head count and show that more Republicans get interviewed that Dems. I would like to see how many Dems are invited and refuse interviews. They are a cowardly lot, and mostly go to venues that toss softballs to them. I want to see the number of refused interviews.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Do Increased Soda Taxes Result in Lower BMI?
I mentioned in a earlier blog that Obama and the Dems want to have a specialty tax for soda, "sugared drinks". Part of ObamaCare. I know, I'm a racist for criticizing a stupid idea coming from the Bamster, but I have this crazy idea about actually having some data to support implementation of policies. You know, see if the theory works in reality. I know, it's a crazy idea since I'm uneducated (why else would I be a terrorist racist teabagger?)... oops there's that nasty BS in Social Science, how the heck did that happen?
Anyway, here's some data. (We learned to do this in various social science classes.) The theory is that increased taxes on sugared drinks will lower consumption. Does it work?
Consumption of soda is up 500% per capita the past 50 years (Dept of Agriculture). That's about 7% of our intake of this stuff. Plus, I hear it's great for cleaning toilets, car batteries, all kinds of other useful things too. There are 33 states that have the soda tax. Five of the most obese states have the soda tax (CDC). The three least obese states have no soda tax.
Soon to be published "Can Soft Drink Taxes Reduce Population Weight?" (which will be published in Contemporary Economic Policy), here are some findings. One percent tax increase causes a drop of 0.003 points in BMI. Play that out and a huge 20% increase would have just a little bit more than a ittsy bitsy drop in BMI.
Of course, potato chips can make you fat. One percent tax increase equals about 42 calories in reduced consumption. Twenty percent, still not so much. Of course, when any government tries to control behavior through taxes, people just alter their behavior. There's always a work around. Kids could drink milk. Low fat content there. Maybe increase ice cream consumption?
So far the data doesn't support the theory. A little more honesty could be used here. The food police, Obama, the Dems, the Statists, could just say, "Hey, we just want your money so we can reduce your liberty. We're not really interested in reducing obesity. Are you nuts?"
Anyway, here's some data. (We learned to do this in various social science classes.) The theory is that increased taxes on sugared drinks will lower consumption. Does it work?
Consumption of soda is up 500% per capita the past 50 years (Dept of Agriculture). That's about 7% of our intake of this stuff. Plus, I hear it's great for cleaning toilets, car batteries, all kinds of other useful things too. There are 33 states that have the soda tax. Five of the most obese states have the soda tax (CDC). The three least obese states have no soda tax.
Soon to be published "Can Soft Drink Taxes Reduce Population Weight?" (which will be published in Contemporary Economic Policy), here are some findings. One percent tax increase causes a drop of 0.003 points in BMI. Play that out and a huge 20% increase would have just a little bit more than a ittsy bitsy drop in BMI.
Of course, potato chips can make you fat. One percent tax increase equals about 42 calories in reduced consumption. Twenty percent, still not so much. Of course, when any government tries to control behavior through taxes, people just alter their behavior. There's always a work around. Kids could drink milk. Low fat content there. Maybe increase ice cream consumption?
So far the data doesn't support the theory. A little more honesty could be used here. The food police, Obama, the Dems, the Statists, could just say, "Hey, we just want your money so we can reduce your liberty. We're not really interested in reducing obesity. Are you nuts?"
More From the Most Transparent White House Ever
First we had the email scandal; the White House collecting that info, having people report "fishy" folk, and the whole White House spamming thing. Now we have the White House collecting social site info...MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc of American citizens. Without, by the way, letting people know that they've been pinged by the White House.
The White House says Presidential Records Act requires them to do this. Say what? It's done by a private contractor. Who do they report to? Some other loony czar we haven't heard of yet? The White House has not announced who the contractor is or how much it costs, or how long this has been going on.
The White House says Presidential Records Act requires them to do this. Say what? It's done by a private contractor. Who do they report to? Some other loony czar we haven't heard of yet? The White House has not announced who the contractor is or how much it costs, or how long this has been going on.
Presidential Records Act,
social networking,
Want the Gov't Telling You What to Eat and Drink?
While the Bambster and his Statist followers say that ObamaCare doesn't infringe on the personal lives of citizens, it's already afoot to do just that. We've all heard of the soda tax, and projected tax increases for products that the gov't says are bad for you. (Meanwhile, back at the Whitehouse, the First Family stuffs themselves with greasy mush burgers and ice cream....OMG! they're killing their own kids with this stuff!)
Statist trial balloon being sent up in California. Sen. Alex Padilla, of the late great state of California, is proposing just such legislation. Kids are drinking soda and getting fat. Padilla: "I don't think that most parents truly appreciate the role soda pop has in causing weight gain." "It is unfortunate that soda is actually cheaper than milk and even bottled water in many instances."
The soda industry is a $15 billion a year enterprise. Of course it's a capitalist success story so our Dear Leader and his followers must destroy it. No one is forced to drink soda. No one is forced to overeat. We, right now, have a choice whether or not we do. Let ObamaCare in, and they will legislate what you can eat and drink. That will in effect control the soda industry. Of course booze ain't such a good deal, so that'll need to get controlled. Where is the money going to come from to pay for all this regulation and enforcement? You know the increased taxes on food and beverages the gov't deems ungood for you will not be enough, so other taxes will have to be raised to compensate.
A majority of these people I remember coming out against PE in school, and still do. Perhaps exercise, play, outdoor activities are the answer, not government intervention into our personal lives. We were healthy kids, and we spent a lot of time outside running around, playing basketball, kickball (nanny state has outlawed that fun activity), touch football, tag (nanny state has outlawed that fun activity) swings and monkey bars (nanny state has outlawed those fun activities) is the answer to fat kids. Can one say fat kids? OMG! Are the thought police going to come after me?
Here's' a novel idea. People be responsible for their own health and health costs. Maybe the traditional nuclear family can teach their kids to eat and drink responsibly. Maybe truly reform health care along these lines. Of course, with a program like ObamaCare, well, so what if we get fat and get diabetes, the government will take care of us. Who needs personal responsibility and accountability when the Bambster and his sycophants will take care of you. I think too that politicians should lead by example. If they are over their BMI then they have to, by law, lose the weight before they can pass any legislation. FAT chance.
Statist trial balloon being sent up in California. Sen. Alex Padilla, of the late great state of California, is proposing just such legislation. Kids are drinking soda and getting fat. Padilla: "I don't think that most parents truly appreciate the role soda pop has in causing weight gain." "It is unfortunate that soda is actually cheaper than milk and even bottled water in many instances."
The soda industry is a $15 billion a year enterprise. Of course it's a capitalist success story so our Dear Leader and his followers must destroy it. No one is forced to drink soda. No one is forced to overeat. We, right now, have a choice whether or not we do. Let ObamaCare in, and they will legislate what you can eat and drink. That will in effect control the soda industry. Of course booze ain't such a good deal, so that'll need to get controlled. Where is the money going to come from to pay for all this regulation and enforcement? You know the increased taxes on food and beverages the gov't deems ungood for you will not be enough, so other taxes will have to be raised to compensate.
A majority of these people I remember coming out against PE in school, and still do. Perhaps exercise, play, outdoor activities are the answer, not government intervention into our personal lives. We were healthy kids, and we spent a lot of time outside running around, playing basketball, kickball (nanny state has outlawed that fun activity), touch football, tag (nanny state has outlawed that fun activity) swings and monkey bars (nanny state has outlawed those fun activities) is the answer to fat kids. Can one say fat kids? OMG! Are the thought police going to come after me?
Here's' a novel idea. People be responsible for their own health and health costs. Maybe the traditional nuclear family can teach their kids to eat and drink responsibly. Maybe truly reform health care along these lines. Of course, with a program like ObamaCare, well, so what if we get fat and get diabetes, the government will take care of us. Who needs personal responsibility and accountability when the Bambster and his sycophants will take care of you. I think too that politicians should lead by example. If they are over their BMI then they have to, by law, lose the weight before they can pass any legislation. FAT chance.
Harry Reid Concerned About High ObamaCare Costs?
Reid is indeed concerned about the costs of this inefficient money sucking colossus of ObamaScare, ObamaCare, KennedyCare. But only for Nevada. This liberty sucking monstrosity requires a 5% increase in state Medicaid spending, and Nevada has shot way past broke and can't afford it. That's the beginning point, and it'll skyrocket, like every gov't program. ummmmmm Thought our Dear Leader said his bill would reduce costs, insure more people and improve health care. (How do you insure more people and spend less money?) If it's going to cost Nevada more, is it possible that it'll cost other states more? If it costs states more, aren't the tax paying citizens going to get yet more more of their hard earned money confiscated to cover the additional costs? Just asking. Of course if I wonder about this, I'm a teabagging Nazi racist.
'Dusty' Harry Reid: “While this draft bill is a good starting point, it needs improvement before it will work for Nevada." "During this time of economic crisis, our state cannot afford to shoulder the second highest increase in Medicaid funding."
Of course fellow Statist Sen. Max Baucus of (D, MT) said he'd fix it for Dusty Harry. Favors already. Dusty: "I spoke to the Chair of the Finance Committee and he assured me that this bill will be improved for Nevada." What about the other states that can't afford it? They get a break too? Dusty has said that he'll use budget reconciliation rules to ram this legislation through without any Republicans. That being the case, it looks like this will be, amongst the Dems, their own ObamaCare cap and tax. Of course, the states that aren't financially stressed, like Texas and Indiana (run by Conservatives), will be told to pick up the difference.
"Let me be very clear, I will not bring a health insurance reform bill to the Senate floor that is not good for Nevada.”
Let me be very clear too. People that like their health care and their liberty will see to it ObamaCare will not be brought to the American people. Then next year, we'll see to it that Dusty Harry will no longer be able to take it to the American people.
'Dusty' Harry Reid: “While this draft bill is a good starting point, it needs improvement before it will work for Nevada." "During this time of economic crisis, our state cannot afford to shoulder the second highest increase in Medicaid funding."
Of course fellow Statist Sen. Max Baucus of (D, MT) said he'd fix it for Dusty Harry. Favors already. Dusty: "I spoke to the Chair of the Finance Committee and he assured me that this bill will be improved for Nevada." What about the other states that can't afford it? They get a break too? Dusty has said that he'll use budget reconciliation rules to ram this legislation through without any Republicans. That being the case, it looks like this will be, amongst the Dems, their own ObamaCare cap and tax. Of course, the states that aren't financially stressed, like Texas and Indiana (run by Conservatives), will be told to pick up the difference.
"Let me be very clear, I will not bring a health insurance reform bill to the Senate floor that is not good for Nevada.”
Let me be very clear too. People that like their health care and their liberty will see to it ObamaCare will not be brought to the American people. Then next year, we'll see to it that Dusty Harry will no longer be able to take it to the American people.
Harry Reid,
Max Baucus,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cap and Trade Faces Another Setback
The Competitive Enterprise Institute had to file using the Freedom of Information Act to get this from the "transparent" Obama Administration. Guess what? Cap and Tax will cost taxpayers bundles of money. The U.S. Department of Treasury says new taxes would be between $100 billion to $200 billion a year. That's $1,761 a year per household. This is about a 15% tax hike on you and me. I'm sooooo surprised our Dear Leader has been covering this up.
Cap and Tax is only an academic theory and it's unknown if the program will effect anything except the citizens' bank accounts. Can you do with 15% less income? Those of us that are producers in the country, when adding together all the fees and taxes from every governmental level, are already paying out 40%-50%. For what? Of course this program isn't about the environment, any more than ObamaCare is about health. It's about raising money and amassing power.
This may but the brakes on it getting passed. It got through the house by the skin of its teeth. Hopefully this will kill it.
Article here.
Cap and Tax is only an academic theory and it's unknown if the program will effect anything except the citizens' bank accounts. Can you do with 15% less income? Those of us that are producers in the country, when adding together all the fees and taxes from every governmental level, are already paying out 40%-50%. For what? Of course this program isn't about the environment, any more than ObamaCare is about health. It's about raising money and amassing power.
This may but the brakes on it getting passed. It got through the house by the skin of its teeth. Hopefully this will kill it.
Article here.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cass Sunstein, Obama's Newest Wacky and Dangerous Czar
Okay then. This guy thinks animals should be able to sue humans, along with some other really, truly novel perceptions of reality. I'm thinking this guy lives in Carlos Castenada's 'separate reality' without the aid of peyote.
His own words:
"Representatives of animals should be able to bring private suits to ensure that anticruelty and related laws are actually enforced. Of course, any animals would be represented by human beings, just like any other litigant who lacks ordinary (human) competence; for example, the interests of children are protected by prosecutors, and also by trustees and guardians in private litigation brought on children's behalf. … If getting rid of the idea that animals are property is helpful in reducing suffering, then we should get rid of the idea that animals are property."
He's also mastering 'Newspeak". Check out this take on 'libertarian':
"The idea of libertarian paternalism might seem to be an oxymoron, but it is both possible and legitimate for private and public institutions to affect behavior while also respecting freedom of choice. Often people's preferences are ill-formed, and their choices will inevitably be influenced by default rules, framing effects, and starting points. In these circumstances, a form of paternalism cannot be avoided. Equipped with an understanding of behavioral findings of bounded rationality and bounded self-control, libertarian paternalists should attempt to steer people's choices in welfare-promoting directions without eliminating freedom of choice. It is also possible to show how a libertarian paternalist might select among the possible options and to assess how much choice to offer."
"Libertarian Paternalism" This would be a funny oxymoron, except this guy is serious.
Like free speech? "We hardly need to imagine a world, however, in which people and institutions are being harmed by the rapid spread of damaging falsehoods via the Internet. We live in that world. What might be done to reduce the harm?" Fellow bloggers and other internet purveyors of info, are you ready for the heavy hand of government to come down on you?
Good Grief. These czars are for the most part radical academics, like our Dear Leader. Make no mistake about it, the reason this guy, Van Jones, and the other radical czars, answerable only to the Bamster, are being hired by him, is because they think and have the same values and belief system as him.
His own words:
"Representatives of animals should be able to bring private suits to ensure that anticruelty and related laws are actually enforced. Of course, any animals would be represented by human beings, just like any other litigant who lacks ordinary (human) competence; for example, the interests of children are protected by prosecutors, and also by trustees and guardians in private litigation brought on children's behalf. … If getting rid of the idea that animals are property is helpful in reducing suffering, then we should get rid of the idea that animals are property."
He's also mastering 'Newspeak". Check out this take on 'libertarian':
"The idea of libertarian paternalism might seem to be an oxymoron, but it is both possible and legitimate for private and public institutions to affect behavior while also respecting freedom of choice. Often people's preferences are ill-formed, and their choices will inevitably be influenced by default rules, framing effects, and starting points. In these circumstances, a form of paternalism cannot be avoided. Equipped with an understanding of behavioral findings of bounded rationality and bounded self-control, libertarian paternalists should attempt to steer people's choices in welfare-promoting directions without eliminating freedom of choice. It is also possible to show how a libertarian paternalist might select among the possible options and to assess how much choice to offer."
"Libertarian Paternalism" This would be a funny oxymoron, except this guy is serious.
Like free speech? "We hardly need to imagine a world, however, in which people and institutions are being harmed by the rapid spread of damaging falsehoods via the Internet. We live in that world. What might be done to reduce the harm?" Fellow bloggers and other internet purveyors of info, are you ready for the heavy hand of government to come down on you?
Good Grief. These czars are for the most part radical academics, like our Dear Leader. Make no mistake about it, the reason this guy, Van Jones, and the other radical czars, answerable only to the Bamster, are being hired by him, is because they think and have the same values and belief system as him.
Cass Sunstein,
free speech,
Libertarian Paternalism,
Maryland/Baltimore Attorney's General Don't Target ACORN Criminals
At the end of my blog "MSM Worship-You Don't Get to Decide IV" I reported that the Attorney's General were going to investigate the two people that broke the ACORN story regarding the vid of ACORN reps and the setting up of underage prostitution brothel and tax evasion; not the actual criminal activity. ACORN is of course saying this is racism and will sue. Please do. Disclosure will be fun!
Patricia C. Jessamy Phone
State’s Attorney
For Information Contact: Margaret T. Burns
Chief, Communications & Governmental Affairs
Office (443) 984-1121 or Cell (443) 474-7479
Joseph Sviatko, Deputy Chief, Communications
Office (443) 984-1122 or Cell (410) 790-3248
Baltimore, MD – September 11, 2009 – We have received inquiries from citizens and the media asking whether the Baltimore City State’s Attorneys Office would initiate a criminal investigation for acts allegedly committed at ACORN offices located in Baltimore. The only information received in reference to this alleged criminal behavior was a YouTube video. Upon review by this office, the video appears to be incomplete. In addition, the audio portion could possibly have been obtained in violation of Maryland Law, Annotated Code of Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article §10-402, which requires two party consent.
If it is determined that the audio portion now being heard on YouTube was illegally obtained, it is also illegal under Maryland Law to willfully use or willfully disclose the content of said audio. The penalty for the unlawful interception, disclosure or use of it is a felony punishable up to 5 years."
Patricia C. Jessamy Phone
State’s Attorney
For Information Contact: Margaret T. Burns
Chief, Communications & Governmental Affairs
Office (443) 984-1121 or Cell (443) 474-7479
Joseph Sviatko, Deputy Chief, Communications
Office (443) 984-1122 or Cell (410) 790-3248
Baltimore, MD – September 11, 2009 – We have received inquiries from citizens and the media asking whether the Baltimore City State’s Attorneys Office would initiate a criminal investigation for acts allegedly committed at ACORN offices located in Baltimore. The only information received in reference to this alleged criminal behavior was a YouTube video. Upon review by this office, the video appears to be incomplete. In addition, the audio portion could possibly have been obtained in violation of Maryland Law, Annotated Code of Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article §10-402, which requires two party consent.
If it is determined that the audio portion now being heard on YouTube was illegally obtained, it is also illegal under Maryland Law to willfully use or willfully disclose the content of said audio. The penalty for the unlawful interception, disclosure or use of it is a felony punishable up to 5 years."
Charlie Gibson- I Know Nothing!
This is the same knucklehead that questioned Sarah Palin about the "Bush Doctrine", which didn't exist. Gibson, look in the mirror at yourself, over the top of your glasses, in a superior mocking attitude. What is there that's funny about missing a story about a criminal operation that the President of the United States is intimately involved with, that has received about $53 million in gov't funding. What's so funny about underage prostitution? What's so funny about fraud and tax evasion?
I know he's only a Statist newsreader, but good grief, even this regular citizen has known about this for days.
Glad We Live in a Post Racial America V
Of course he does. Sure glad we live in post racial Amerika. This is rich coming from a pro Palestinian anti-Semite.
Quotable Quote
"We warned of things to come, of the danger inherent in unwarranted government involvement in things not its proper province. What we warned against has come to pass. And today more than two-thirds of our citizens are telling us, and each other, that social engineering by the federal government has failed. The Great Society is great only in power, in size and in cost. And so are the problems it set out to solve. Freedom has been diminished and we stand on the brink of economic ruin. Our task now is not to sell a philosophy, but to make the majority of Americans, who already share that philosophy, see that modern conservatism offers them a political home. We are not a cult, we are members of a majority. Let's act and talk like it. The job is ours and the job must be done. If not by us, who? If not now, when? Our party must be the party of the individual. It must not sell out the individual to cater to the group. No greater challenge faces our society today than ensuring that each one of us can maintain his dignity and his identity in an increasingly complex, centralized society. Extreme taxation, excessive controls, oppressive government competition with business, galloping inflation, frustrated minorities and forgotten Americans are not the products of free enterprise. They are the residue of centralized bureaucracy, of government by a self-anointed elite. Our party must be based on the kind of leadership that grows and takes its strength from the people." --Ronald Reagan
centralized government,
energy taxes,
Now the Promotion of Adultry is Acceptable
This ad the NFL didn't allow. It's a dating service for married people. I'm not surprised, are you? Just a part of Secularist attacks on the foundations of society. The attack on religious people, the attack on the nuclear family, and now promoting adultry. "I'm sorry honey you got VD from my extra curricular activities."
Glad We Live in a Post Racial America IV
“RACIAL TINGE TO TEA MOVEMENT” is the CNN headline. Of course if you oppose our Dear Leader you're a racist. If you question our Dear Leader you're a racist. If you don't share our Dear Leader's vision of a fascist Amerika, you're a racist.
Wolf Blitzer: “...most disturbing” that there's “a very small but vocal minority, they're targeting President Obama's race.”
Elaine Quijano: “...we have to emphasize by far most tea party protesters are not casting their arguments in what could be seen as a racial light.” Yet keeps talking about it, making it the core of her story. “...a small but passionate minority is also voicing what some see as racist rhetoric.”
CNN uses the Obama as a witchdoctor poster as an example of blatant racism. Of course there was the hue and cry about him as the Joker too. Perhaps we will reach a place where our Messiah, the one that said he would lower the oceans, will be like Mohammad, allowing no likeness of him to be shown.
In the same report, Clarence Page weighed in. I've been a viewer and reader of his for decades. Even though a liberal, he was thoughtful and presented an understandable point of view. I disagreed with him, but he wasn't disagreeable. Turns out he's just another racist. The whole objection to Obama's programs is seated in racism: “People are not just mad at Obama. They're mad at Jesse Jackson, they're mad at Reverend Wright, they're made at Al Sharpton, they're mad at people who have nothing to do with Obama except they all happen to be black.” In response to that, Elaine Quijano said, “Page says the vehement racial resistance that's emerged is another sign any notion of a post-racial society after Barack Obama's election was wishful thinking.”
The only people that have brought up race are the supporters of our Dear Leader, and that's why it's wishful thinking.
Here's Time columnist Joe Klein, during an interview with another MSM Statist and pretend reporter, Norah O'Donnell, talking about the racists that oppose Obama as "...being egged on by the demagogues in, in the Republican Party, by Boss Rush Limbaugh. And I call him the boss because there isn't a single Republican elected official who's willing to call him out on his lies."
Then there's this other CNN pretend reporter, Lemon. Some of his comments about people at town hall meetings and tea parties, taking the ball from a comment un-funny pretend comedian Bill Maher, who had said on his un-funny show, "What's behind it? Is it racial?” Lemon “I was watching Real Talk, Real Time with Bill Maher and I was like 'finally someone's talking about this, finally someone is talking about this.'” Then a guest on Lemon's show, Tim Wise said Rush Limbaugh is “trying to stoke white racial resentment.” (Of course no quotes from Limbaugh to support the accusation.)
And of course there's Kanye West's brain malfunction with Taylor Swift. This guy has made several racist comments in the past, and always was given a pass. His actions with Swift are obviously racist, her being a white teenage girl. If it were a black teenage girl, does anyone think he would have done this vile thing?
Yes indeed, sooooo happy we're living in a post racial Amerika. I'm still waiting for our Dear Leader to have a press conference and denounce all this...but he won't.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Confused About Pelosi and Health Care Lobbyists
After months of railing against lobbyists, health care insurers, and others in the private sector health care industry, she's attending a fund raiser with same. Don't know what to call this...hypocrisy or double standard. Well, for sure greed and lust for power covers it.
She's attending a fund raiser, September 24th, with a lobbyist, Steve Elmendorf of United Health. If you would like to attend, entry is only $2,400, or if you represent a Political Action Committee $5,000. ummmm, aren't PAC's lobbies? Isn't Pelosi against taking money from lobbyists? If the private sector health care people are so evil and vile, wouldn't she want to stay away? I know I have a tendency to at least shun evil people, not cavort and party and take money from them.
She's attending a fund raiser, September 24th, with a lobbyist, Steve Elmendorf of United Health. If you would like to attend, entry is only $2,400, or if you represent a Political Action Committee $5,000. ummmm, aren't PAC's lobbies? Isn't Pelosi against taking money from lobbyists? If the private sector health care people are so evil and vile, wouldn't she want to stay away? I know I have a tendency to at least shun evil people, not cavort and party and take money from them.
MSM Worship-You Don't Get to Decide IV
There are the now famous vids of Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe posing as prostitute and pimp getting advice from ACORN representatives about how to set up a brothel, that would include underage girls. In case you missed it, here are the vids:
Link here.
Link here.
ACORN has received millions of dollars from the gov't since our Dear Leader has taken office, and is under investigation in several states; but not by congress or the US Attorney General.
How has the MSM reported this?
ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC have not aired one report
The New York Times has not one article
USA Today has not one article
The Boston Globe has not one article
The Los Angeles Times has not one article
The Chicago Tribune has not one article
How are the city and state Attorney's General looking into this? They are investigating Giles and O'Keefe for video taping the ACORN people without their consent.
Link here.
Link here.
ACORN has received millions of dollars from the gov't since our Dear Leader has taken office, and is under investigation in several states; but not by congress or the US Attorney General.
How has the MSM reported this?
ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC have not aired one report
The New York Times has not one article
USA Today has not one article
The Boston Globe has not one article
The Los Angeles Times has not one article
The Chicago Tribune has not one article
How are the city and state Attorney's General looking into this? They are investigating Giles and O'Keefe for video taping the ACORN people without their consent.
Glad We Live in a Post Racial America III
Washington Post gave little coverage of the massive 9/12 rally in DC, but did give notable coverage to the Black Family Reunion, and how they thought the protest wasn't about the Democrat controlled congress and Statist president taking the country down the road to socialism and fascism. It was of course a protest of white people angry about a black president.
Reporter Yamiche Alcindor: "On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters thronged to the U.S. Capitol to angrily accuse President Obama of taking the country in the wrong direction. A day later, in the shadow of the Washington Monument, many participants at a much smaller gathering -- the 24th annual Black Family Reunion -- said the level of hostility toward the nation's first African American president had little to do with policy differences over health care or taxes and everything to do with race."
A participant of the Black Family Reunion, Vera Hope: "It' s not conducive to the coalitions we need to build in this country." "I'm disgusted and upset by the hostility. Let's call it was it is -- it's just a disguise for right-wing racists. They are fomenting a climate of violence to provoke people."
Perhaps Alcindor, Vera Hope, and the WaPo need to keep in mind that with 52.7% of the popular vote, that maybe more than just a few white people voted for Obama.
Violence? Where's that? When Leftists protest, there's destruction, riot police, arrests. How many millions of dollars of destroyed buildings were there this past weekend? How many arrests? Did the protesters throw rocks at the police, and through store front windows?
Not once, since the American people began questioning the policies of the Democrat congress and our Dear Leader, has Obama said anything about the charges of racism toward people that question his policies. He should not only do that, but at the next White House press meeting, he should show up, denounce the people charging racism, and apologize on behalf of his followers, and say he has zero tolerance for it.
But he won't. Sure glad to be living in a post racial Amerika.
Reporter Yamiche Alcindor: "On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters thronged to the U.S. Capitol to angrily accuse President Obama of taking the country in the wrong direction. A day later, in the shadow of the Washington Monument, many participants at a much smaller gathering -- the 24th annual Black Family Reunion -- said the level of hostility toward the nation's first African American president had little to do with policy differences over health care or taxes and everything to do with race."
A participant of the Black Family Reunion, Vera Hope: "It' s not conducive to the coalitions we need to build in this country." "I'm disgusted and upset by the hostility. Let's call it was it is -- it's just a disguise for right-wing racists. They are fomenting a climate of violence to provoke people."
Perhaps Alcindor, Vera Hope, and the WaPo need to keep in mind that with 52.7% of the popular vote, that maybe more than just a few white people voted for Obama.
Violence? Where's that? When Leftists protest, there's destruction, riot police, arrests. How many millions of dollars of destroyed buildings were there this past weekend? How many arrests? Did the protesters throw rocks at the police, and through store front windows?
Not once, since the American people began questioning the policies of the Democrat congress and our Dear Leader, has Obama said anything about the charges of racism toward people that question his policies. He should not only do that, but at the next White House press meeting, he should show up, denounce the people charging racism, and apologize on behalf of his followers, and say he has zero tolerance for it.
But he won't. Sure glad to be living in a post racial Amerika.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Pics of 9/12 Protest in Washington DC
For most of the 20th century the silent majority was silent because they were working, volunteering, attending worship services, having families and raising kids. On the left they have professional protesters. This administration has crossed the line pushing his Statist agenda while at the same time denying he's doing any such thing. He's awakened a sleeping giant. We have to stay unified until the elections next year.

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