Have Thought Will Travel. Ruminate on ideas, philosophy, culture, society, books, music, politics, religion, movies...and see where it takes us.
May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
"Our Borders Are Quite Secure" Rep Pete Stark (D, CA)
This insulting rude person is talking in a town meeting to the people he's supposed to be representing. This is his town meeting from last Sat in Fremont, CA.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Dish of Philosophy on the Side
In my banner description across the top of this blog page, one of things that would be up for discussion is philosophy. I've been remiss in that, caught up in politics and religion as I am.
Rob, contributor to this blog, has a new contributor on his Windrose Hotel blog, Angelo, and he writes about philosophy.
His first installment addresses secularization, modernity and religion. Very cool and thought provoking.
An excerpt: "...maintains that in the past it was commonly accepted that modernity and secularization proceed together. The more a nation embraces the principles of democracy, rights and participation, the more it becomes secular in the sense that religious ideas have less relevance in the public life." Full article here.
Rob, contributor to this blog, has a new contributor on his Windrose Hotel blog, Angelo, and he writes about philosophy.
His first installment addresses secularization, modernity and religion. Very cool and thought provoking.
An excerpt: "...maintains that in the past it was commonly accepted that modernity and secularization proceed together. The more a nation embraces the principles of democracy, rights and participation, the more it becomes secular in the sense that religious ideas have less relevance in the public life." Full article here.
Jürgen Habermas,
Another Shut Up and Sing Moment
Well, maybe not...I don't like Sheryl Crow's singing. Some musicians\singers I recognize ability but their music just doesn't move me. I'm not even sure if she's that good of a musician, and her singing just grates on me.
Like Paul McCartney recently, she just insults people that have a different cultural\economic\political view. She's monster rich, so I guess personal capitalism is okay, and I suspect she shelters her taxes like limousine libs do.
She hasn't gone so far talking about TEA Party people as calling them racist as Janeane Garofalo has famously done. For Garafalo, TEA Partiers hate it there's a black man in office, and if you disagree with him about policy, you're a racist according to her and many, if not most, on the Left. Recently she's disagreed with Obama because he's not Socialist enough, so I guess since she disagrees with him, she's a racist.
Crow is the knucklehead that said we should only use one to three squares of TP each visit to the restroom, and at some Washington dining event went up to Karl Rove's table with one of her knucklehead friends and starting berating Rove about something. Class act.
Here's some quotes from an interview with Katie Couric.
"My main concern is that [the Tea Party is] really fear-based." "What's coming out of the Tea Party most often, especially if you go onto YouTube, and you see some of the interviews with these people who really don't even know what the issues are, they're just swept up in the fear of it and the anger of it." "They're not sure what they're angry at." "They don't understand what's happening on Wall Street."
TEA Party people are ignorant and dangerous. That often leads to violence. Ummmmm Sheryl, have you seen any TEA Party people do what they did at the G20 meetings this past weekend? Cars set on fire, rioting, store windows smashed. That's not a threat, but the TEA Party movement is a violent threat to America.
Every time I read stupid statements like hers, or McCartney's, I'm stunned to find out that most of the people I know, myself included, are so ignorant, stupid, racist and potentially violent. Well, at least I'm smart enough to have never bought any of her music or paid for one of her concerts.
You can read all her looney ideas here.
Like Paul McCartney recently, she just insults people that have a different cultural\economic\political view. She's monster rich, so I guess personal capitalism is okay, and I suspect she shelters her taxes like limousine libs do.
She hasn't gone so far talking about TEA Party people as calling them racist as Janeane Garofalo has famously done. For Garafalo, TEA Partiers hate it there's a black man in office, and if you disagree with him about policy, you're a racist according to her and many, if not most, on the Left. Recently she's disagreed with Obama because he's not Socialist enough, so I guess since she disagrees with him, she's a racist.
Crow is the knucklehead that said we should only use one to three squares of TP each visit to the restroom, and at some Washington dining event went up to Karl Rove's table with one of her knucklehead friends and starting berating Rove about something. Class act.
Here's some quotes from an interview with Katie Couric.
"My main concern is that [the Tea Party is] really fear-based." "What's coming out of the Tea Party most often, especially if you go onto YouTube, and you see some of the interviews with these people who really don't even know what the issues are, they're just swept up in the fear of it and the anger of it." "They're not sure what they're angry at." "They don't understand what's happening on Wall Street."
TEA Party people are ignorant and dangerous. That often leads to violence. Ummmmm Sheryl, have you seen any TEA Party people do what they did at the G20 meetings this past weekend? Cars set on fire, rioting, store windows smashed. That's not a threat, but the TEA Party movement is a violent threat to America.
Every time I read stupid statements like hers, or McCartney's, I'm stunned to find out that most of the people I know, myself included, are so ignorant, stupid, racist and potentially violent. Well, at least I'm smart enough to have never bought any of her music or paid for one of her concerts.
You can read all her looney ideas here.
Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough
The sign says:
Danger-Public Warning Travel Not Recommended
*Active Drug and Smuggling Area
*Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals and Smuggling Vehicles Traveling at High Rates of Speed.
*Stay Away From Trash Clothing Backpacks and Abandoned Vehicles
*If You See Suspicious Activity Do Not Confront! Move Away and Call 911
*BLM Encourages Visitors to Use Public Lands North of Interstate 8
Black Panther Thugs and Obama's DOJ Thugocracy
A member of Obama's Dept of Justice has resigned because of how the obvious violation of Federal Law was handled by US Attorney General Eric Holder and his lawyer thugs. This is from an article written by J. Christian Adams, who resigned because the DOJ, under orders from racist Eric Holder, did not prosecute a couple of Black Panthers that stood in front of a voting station dressed in paramilitary uniforms with weapons and threatened white voters and poll workers.
Some quotes from the article, with full article here. Link to actual resignation letter below.
The actual letter of resignation here.
The Democrat Party supports and supported this outright violation of Federal Law by the House Judiciary Committee voting 15-14, Dems against Republicans, this past January, to block any further investigation and the handing over supporting documents.
Black Panther: I'm just wondering why everybody's taking pictures, that's all.
Cameraman: Okay, I mean. I think you might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand. That's why.
Black Panther: Who are you to decide?
Cameraman: I mean, that's a weapon. So that's why I'm a little worried.
Black Panther: Who are you to decide?
Cameraman: I mean, I am a concerned citizen. I'm just worried that you might be-
Black Panther: And so are we, and so are we. That's why we're here.
Cameraman: Okay, but you have a nightstick in your hand.
Black Panther: So what? You’ve got a camera phone.
Cameraman: I have a camera phone which is not a weapon.
I checked some comments on some Leftist blogs, and they apparently have no problem with racist paramilitary thugs standing outside this polling station. Neither does the Democrat Party or Obama. Guess what else? It's Bush's Fault! See, Bush stacked the DOJ with a bunch of "wingnuts" (Leftists' term of endearment for Conservatives) from the right wing extremist National Republican Lawyers Association. The department is so politicized that....I got lost here. How right wing extremists politicizing the DOJ leads to Left Wing Racism....Anyway, it's Bush's fault. Unbelievable. The article is from 2009, but I guess all that happened since then in the DOJ leads back to Bush's DOJ. That article here.
The thuggery, racism and lawlessness of this administration is beyond anything I've seen in my life time.
Some quotes from the article, with full article here. Link to actual resignation letter below.
On the day President Obama was elected, armed men wearing the black berets and jackboots of the New Black Panther Party were stationed at the entrance to a polling place in Philadelphia. They brandished a weapon and intimidated voters and poll watchers. After the election, the Justice Department brought a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and those armed thugs. I and other Justice attorneys diligently pursued the case and obtained an entry of default after the defendants ignored the charges. Before a final judgment could be entered in May 2009, our superiors ordered us to dismiss the case.
The New Black Panther case was the simplest and most obvious violation of federal law I saw in my Justice Department career. Because of the corrupt nature of the dismissal, statements falsely characterizing the case and, most of all, indefensible orders for the career attorneys not to comply with lawful subpoenas investigating the dismissal, this month I resigned my position as a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney.
Based on my firsthand experiences, I believe the dismissal of the Black Panther case was motivated by a lawless hostility toward equal enforcement of the law. Others still within the department share my assessment. The department abetted wrongdoers and abandoned law-abiding citizens victimized by the New Black Panthers. The dismissal raises serious questions about the department's enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election.
Most corrupt of all, the lawyers who ordered the dismissal - Loretta King, the Obama-appointed acting head of the Civil Rights Division, and Steve Rosenbaum - did not even read the internal Justice Department memorandums supporting the case and investigation. Just as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. admitted that he did not read the Arizona immigration law before he condemned it, Mr. Rosenbaum admitted that he had not bothered to read the most important department documents detailing the investigative facts and applicable law in the New Black Panther case.
Most disturbing, the dismissal is part of a creeping lawlessness infusing our government institutions. Citizens would be shocked to learn about the open and pervasive hostility within the Justice Department to bringing civil rights cases against nonwhite defendants on behalf of white victims. Equal enforcement of justice is not a priority of this administration. Open contempt is voiced for these types of cases.
The actual letter of resignation here.
The Democrat Party supports and supported this outright violation of Federal Law by the House Judiciary Committee voting 15-14, Dems against Republicans, this past January, to block any further investigation and the handing over supporting documents.
Black Panther: I'm just wondering why everybody's taking pictures, that's all.
Cameraman: Okay, I mean. I think you might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand. That's why.
Black Panther: Who are you to decide?
Cameraman: I mean, that's a weapon. So that's why I'm a little worried.
Black Panther: Who are you to decide?
Cameraman: I mean, I am a concerned citizen. I'm just worried that you might be-
Black Panther: And so are we, and so are we. That's why we're here.
Cameraman: Okay, but you have a nightstick in your hand.
Black Panther: So what? You’ve got a camera phone.
Cameraman: I have a camera phone which is not a weapon.
I checked some comments on some Leftist blogs, and they apparently have no problem with racist paramilitary thugs standing outside this polling station. Neither does the Democrat Party or Obama. Guess what else? It's Bush's Fault! See, Bush stacked the DOJ with a bunch of "wingnuts" (Leftists' term of endearment for Conservatives) from the right wing extremist National Republican Lawyers Association. The department is so politicized that....I got lost here. How right wing extremists politicizing the DOJ leads to Left Wing Racism....Anyway, it's Bush's fault. Unbelievable. The article is from 2009, but I guess all that happened since then in the DOJ leads back to Bush's DOJ. That article here.
The thuggery, racism and lawlessness of this administration is beyond anything I've seen in my life time.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Religious Freedom, Democracy, and Obama's Neglect of Both
What do the following policies and world views have in common?
If you advocate men and women working together, you will be put to death.
If you're an apostate, you will be put to death.
If you proselytize, you will be put to death.
If you're a Jew, you will be put to death.
If you advocate for women's' rights you should at least be beaten, and probably be put to death.
If you're a homosexual you will be put to death.
If you're a married woman that is raped, you will be beaten or stoned to death for adultery.
What these all have in common is that they come from countries that don't have religious freedom. As much as my atheist and secularist friends deny it, the freedoms we have are based in religion. In Western civilization the things mentioned above don't happen.
In Tibet, Chinese "security forces" beat to death a man passing out leaflets supporting the Dali Lama. China sees a "religion problem" and Christians and Buddhists are murdered or "disappeared" on a regular basis. Murder of citizens that disagree with the State you don't see in Western Civilization.
I'm not convinced our current administration sees all this as so horrible. There's a Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom within the Department of State created to advocate for religious freedom internationally. The position was created in 1998 by the International Religious Freedom Act. It was created because Pew Research found that about 70% of the world's population doesn't have religious freedom.
The Obama administration has waited 18 months to fill this position, finally naming a pastor by the name of Susan Johnson Cook. Looking at her site I see a lot of Leftist stuff, and I don't see any international experience. This administration has let this ambassadorship lay fallow, and the staff there has been hanging out, getting paid, and not doing much of anything. Johnson taking this position will have no effect on that. Obama has stripped all influence from this position.
I don't think Obama supports religious freedom because it'll interfere with his Muslim outreach. I think where there's religious freedom there's strong democracy, and Obama is a Statist that believes in the State over democracy and certainly over God.
I'm concerned that Susan Johnson uses religion to advance political agendas, rather than Christ's Salvation. She's involved with "One America" formerly known as "Hate Free Zone", a pro-illegal immigration lobby. When I look at her history I see Leftist causes and Race advocacy, not advocacy for Christianity, for religion, for America.
I see nothing in this appointment or in Obama's attitude toward this ambassadorship that will move religious freedom forward; or Democracy for that matter.
If you advocate men and women working together, you will be put to death.
If you're an apostate, you will be put to death.
If you proselytize, you will be put to death.
If you're a Jew, you will be put to death.
If you advocate for women's' rights you should at least be beaten, and probably be put to death.
If you're a homosexual you will be put to death.
If you're a married woman that is raped, you will be beaten or stoned to death for adultery.
What these all have in common is that they come from countries that don't have religious freedom. As much as my atheist and secularist friends deny it, the freedoms we have are based in religion. In Western civilization the things mentioned above don't happen.
In Tibet, Chinese "security forces" beat to death a man passing out leaflets supporting the Dali Lama. China sees a "religion problem" and Christians and Buddhists are murdered or "disappeared" on a regular basis. Murder of citizens that disagree with the State you don't see in Western Civilization.
I'm not convinced our current administration sees all this as so horrible. There's a Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom within the Department of State created to advocate for religious freedom internationally. The position was created in 1998 by the International Religious Freedom Act. It was created because Pew Research found that about 70% of the world's population doesn't have religious freedom.
The Obama administration has waited 18 months to fill this position, finally naming a pastor by the name of Susan Johnson Cook. Looking at her site I see a lot of Leftist stuff, and I don't see any international experience. This administration has let this ambassadorship lay fallow, and the staff there has been hanging out, getting paid, and not doing much of anything. Johnson taking this position will have no effect on that. Obama has stripped all influence from this position.
I don't think Obama supports religious freedom because it'll interfere with his Muslim outreach. I think where there's religious freedom there's strong democracy, and Obama is a Statist that believes in the State over democracy and certainly over God.
I'm concerned that Susan Johnson uses religion to advance political agendas, rather than Christ's Salvation. She's involved with "One America" formerly known as "Hate Free Zone", a pro-illegal immigration lobby. When I look at her history I see Leftist causes and Race advocacy, not advocacy for Christianity, for religion, for America.
I see nothing in this appointment or in Obama's attitude toward this ambassadorship that will move religious freedom forward; or Democracy for that matter.
Religious Freedom Act,
Susan Johnson
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Religious and Political Integrity
There's a disconnect between Liberal politicians and their professed religious beliefs. We have politicians like the late Ted Kennedy that was Catholic and supported abortion, and Nancy Pelosi that supports abortion and other un-Catholic ideas. She's even been chastised by the Pope, and then lied about even that.
I wonder, if you claim to be of a particular faith, why run as a politician with an agenda antithetical to that faith? I have the same problem with Jews that as a block support the anti-Israel, antisemitic Democrat party; or Blacks that vote Democrat in block when the Democrat Party subjugates Blacks with the view that they don't have what it takes to be successful and must depend on the State. Victims.
The word "integrity" comes from the Latin "integer", to be whole, complete. Integrity is to have consistency of values, beliefs and principles. A hard thing to do. If you fail in presenting integrity, then you're a hypocrite.
I have to wonder why Statist politicians that advocate for abortion when their Church and Faith is against it aren't called hypocrites. Yet when someone that is not a Statist falls short of living up to their stated beliefs, they are called a hypocrite. I'm thinking of the non-Statist politician that has an affair, or is outed as a homosexual, or is caught coming out of a strip club. They are hypocrites. The Statist politician that claims adherence to a Faith that doesn't practice it, is not a hypocrite. They are given a pass on non-traditional, even deviant behavior.
Liberal politicians embrace the Marxist secular view, present that to the public, and justify the disconnect between religious belief and political belief by saying they don't want to subject their constituents to their own religious beliefs. Why run advocating positions antithetical to your professed Faith? I have to ask, if you don't fully embrace the tenants of your religion, and have integrity between political and religious world views, why state you do? If your ethics and morality are situational, why not just state you believe in situational ethics? Obviously to gain power and money. I would like to see politicians like Catholic Pelosi and Lieberman (an orthodox Jew) actually say they put the State before God. That would be integrity.
I would like too for non-Statist politicians that claim adherence to religious beliefs to keep their pants zipped for one, and adhere to other correct religious behaviors at least while in office. If you can't, don't run. Statists get a pass, religious people don't.
Non-Statist politicians advocating for traditional values, for the rule of law, for the Constitution which makes it clear in its own language that our freedoms are granted by God, must absolutely live according to those beliefs and values. Not to do so imperils Liberty just as much as Statists enforcing Marxist ideology.
Some nonsensical rambling from the hypocrite Pelosi
I wonder, if you claim to be of a particular faith, why run as a politician with an agenda antithetical to that faith? I have the same problem with Jews that as a block support the anti-Israel, antisemitic Democrat party; or Blacks that vote Democrat in block when the Democrat Party subjugates Blacks with the view that they don't have what it takes to be successful and must depend on the State. Victims.
The word "integrity" comes from the Latin "integer", to be whole, complete. Integrity is to have consistency of values, beliefs and principles. A hard thing to do. If you fail in presenting integrity, then you're a hypocrite.
I have to wonder why Statist politicians that advocate for abortion when their Church and Faith is against it aren't called hypocrites. Yet when someone that is not a Statist falls short of living up to their stated beliefs, they are called a hypocrite. I'm thinking of the non-Statist politician that has an affair, or is outed as a homosexual, or is caught coming out of a strip club. They are hypocrites. The Statist politician that claims adherence to a Faith that doesn't practice it, is not a hypocrite. They are given a pass on non-traditional, even deviant behavior.
Liberal politicians embrace the Marxist secular view, present that to the public, and justify the disconnect between religious belief and political belief by saying they don't want to subject their constituents to their own religious beliefs. Why run advocating positions antithetical to your professed Faith? I have to ask, if you don't fully embrace the tenants of your religion, and have integrity between political and religious world views, why state you do? If your ethics and morality are situational, why not just state you believe in situational ethics? Obviously to gain power and money. I would like to see politicians like Catholic Pelosi and Lieberman (an orthodox Jew) actually say they put the State before God. That would be integrity.
I would like too for non-Statist politicians that claim adherence to religious beliefs to keep their pants zipped for one, and adhere to other correct religious behaviors at least while in office. If you can't, don't run. Statists get a pass, religious people don't.
Non-Statist politicians advocating for traditional values, for the rule of law, for the Constitution which makes it clear in its own language that our freedoms are granted by God, must absolutely live according to those beliefs and values. Not to do so imperils Liberty just as much as Statists enforcing Marxist ideology.
Some nonsensical rambling from the hypocrite Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi,
politics and religion,
Kagan Not Supported by Rabbis
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has been shown to be not only a Statist, but an activist one. She thinks the Constitution allows the government to limit free speech. She's for partial birth abortion. She equates the KKK and the NRA. She worked in the Clinton White House 1995-1996 on the White House Council and the White House Domestic Policy Council from 1997 to 1999. She called them (KKK & NRA) "bad guy" organizations in a ruling that had to do with tax exemptions, and of course what she said was more "nuanced" than what's being reported. (Of course you stupid conservatives and Christians and traditionalists don't understand "nuance". Well, we do understand lies and 'spin'.)
Kagan has spent very little time on the bench actually making rulings. Most of her career has been as a professor, political advisor, and advocate for Leftist causes. Three days ago the current White House finally relented and released about 160,000 pages of her stuff from her years at the White House. Confirmation hearings begin this coming week. The White House fought releasing these at all from the Clinton Library. Regarding confirmation hearings, she's said she thought the Bork hearings were just great. "I loved what happened in the Bork hearings.... The Bork hearings were great, the Bork hearings were educational, the Bork hearings were the best thing that ever happened to constitutional democracy."
We're happy to see some Jews actually not support blindly support a Liberal. (It's problematic that Jews still vote Democrat even though the Party has shown itself to be anti-Israel, antisemitic, and against all traditional Jewish values.) In this case, 850 Orthodox Rabbis of the Rabbinical Alliance of America have come out against her.
Alliance spokesman Rabbi Yehuda Levin: "...a great deal has been made about the fact that she would be the second Jewish woman on the court, and we want to signal to people across the country that we take no pride in this.”
From the Alliance statement: “It is clear from Ms. Kagan's record on issues such as abortion-on-demand, partial-birth-abortion, the radical homosexual and lesbian agenda, the 'supremacy' of the anti-family panoply over religious liberties of biblical adherents, et. al., that she will function as a flame-throwing radical, hastening society's already steep decline into Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Two Jewish members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) support Kagan. The Alliance say Kagan so flies in the face of Judaic beliefs and values that she would serve as an embarrassment to Jews.
I don't ever want to see someone "borked", but I definitely want to see the same result from the hearings. This nominee doesn't have the judicial experience to serve on the Supreme Court.
Kagan has spent very little time on the bench actually making rulings. Most of her career has been as a professor, political advisor, and advocate for Leftist causes. Three days ago the current White House finally relented and released about 160,000 pages of her stuff from her years at the White House. Confirmation hearings begin this coming week. The White House fought releasing these at all from the Clinton Library. Regarding confirmation hearings, she's said she thought the Bork hearings were just great. "I loved what happened in the Bork hearings.... The Bork hearings were great, the Bork hearings were educational, the Bork hearings were the best thing that ever happened to constitutional democracy."
We're happy to see some Jews actually not support blindly support a Liberal. (It's problematic that Jews still vote Democrat even though the Party has shown itself to be anti-Israel, antisemitic, and against all traditional Jewish values.) In this case, 850 Orthodox Rabbis of the Rabbinical Alliance of America have come out against her.
Alliance spokesman Rabbi Yehuda Levin: "...a great deal has been made about the fact that she would be the second Jewish woman on the court, and we want to signal to people across the country that we take no pride in this.”
From the Alliance statement: “It is clear from Ms. Kagan's record on issues such as abortion-on-demand, partial-birth-abortion, the radical homosexual and lesbian agenda, the 'supremacy' of the anti-family panoply over religious liberties of biblical adherents, et. al., that she will function as a flame-throwing radical, hastening society's already steep decline into Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Two Jewish members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) support Kagan. The Alliance say Kagan so flies in the face of Judaic beliefs and values that she would serve as an embarrassment to Jews.
I don't ever want to see someone "borked", but I definitely want to see the same result from the hearings. This nominee doesn't have the judicial experience to serve on the Supreme Court.
Friday, June 25, 2010
"Sing Sing Sing" Benny Goodman
Just the music
The Performance: Benny Goodman, Harry James, Gene Krupa
The Performance: Benny Goodman, Harry James, Gene Krupa
Keeping Anti-Christian Bigotry Alive and Well
Alleged comedian Janeane Garofalo thinks everyone in the TEA Party movement, that believes in limited government and low taxes is racist, a neo-Nazi, functionally retarded, and that if you disagree with the prez, Barry Sotero, then you're, again, a racist. Now she's turning her hatred, intolerance, lies and bigotry toward Christians again (Islamofacists are okay!).
An interview posted on the Huffington Post offered what she had to say on divers subjects.
A questioner asked which of three books she'd most like to read, the Bible, Bill O'Reilly autobiography, or a children's book authored by former President Bush. Garofalo: "That's just three works of fiction targeted to a child-like audience so any, all, any one, none."
By the way, she slams Gen Petreaus, calling him a liar. When he was being grilled and lied about, being forced to listen self important Dem blow-hards insult him during congressional "hearings" (inquisition) in 2007, they never once presented documentation the the information he provided to them about the Iraq War was falsified, or even incorrect.
A few years ago I saw O'Reilly interview her. It was professional, tough, intellectual, challenging, and respectful. All Garafalo has done since is insult and trash the guy.
Vid of interview here.
An interview posted on the Huffington Post offered what she had to say on divers subjects.
A questioner asked which of three books she'd most like to read, the Bible, Bill O'Reilly autobiography, or a children's book authored by former President Bush. Garofalo: "That's just three works of fiction targeted to a child-like audience so any, all, any one, none."
By the way, she slams Gen Petreaus, calling him a liar. When he was being grilled and lied about, being forced to listen self important Dem blow-hards insult him during congressional "hearings" (inquisition) in 2007, they never once presented documentation the the information he provided to them about the Iraq War was falsified, or even incorrect.
A few years ago I saw O'Reilly interview her. It was professional, tough, intellectual, challenging, and respectful. All Garafalo has done since is insult and trash the guy.
Vid of interview here.
Gen Petreaus,
Huffington Post,
Janeane Garofalo,
tea party
Another Shut Up and Sing Moment
We know Paul McCartney is a Statist, that he doesn't believe that the people should make decisions for themselves, that the State should; unless of course you're buying his products. (I love Statists that believe in the power of the State, but hide their earnings off shore so they don't have to pay taxes.)
Here's some of his recent inanities:
"Sadly we need disasters like this to show people. Some people don't believe in climate warming - like those who don't believe there was a Holocaust."
"I don't accept the criticism of Barack over the oil spill." That the guy, Barry that is, has done absolutely about the worst environmental disaster in US history makes no difference.
"If the President of the country you spilled oil in tells you off then you've just got to take it or say, 'I'm really sorry, we'll clean it up and pay for it all by next week." What does the mean?
"It was such an honour. I'd heard of the prize - it's the biggest for popular music in the US. When the President gave it to me, I was so touched. I'm a huge Obama supporter. I really love him." Oh please....
"I think Obama's doing great. He's a smart guy." Well Paul, if he's so smart why doesn't he know what to with the Gulf spill, why are his ranking military officers not showing him any respect, why is his foreign policy causing enemies of the US to become emboldened, why is the housing market still plummeting, why is unemployment still at 10%, and all the rest, too numerous to continue.
This after last month, when this foreigner that has made $millions in the US, insulted President Bush while receiving an award at the White House: "After the last eight years, it's good to have a president that knows what a library is."
Both Paul and Barry are clueless, but at least Paul has a talent.
Here's some of his recent inanities:
"Sadly we need disasters like this to show people. Some people don't believe in climate warming - like those who don't believe there was a Holocaust."
"I don't accept the criticism of Barack over the oil spill." That the guy, Barry that is, has done absolutely about the worst environmental disaster in US history makes no difference.
"If the President of the country you spilled oil in tells you off then you've just got to take it or say, 'I'm really sorry, we'll clean it up and pay for it all by next week." What does the mean?
"It was such an honour. I'd heard of the prize - it's the biggest for popular music in the US. When the President gave it to me, I was so touched. I'm a huge Obama supporter. I really love him." Oh please....
"I think Obama's doing great. He's a smart guy." Well Paul, if he's so smart why doesn't he know what to with the Gulf spill, why are his ranking military officers not showing him any respect, why is his foreign policy causing enemies of the US to become emboldened, why is the housing market still plummeting, why is unemployment still at 10%, and all the rest, too numerous to continue.
This after last month, when this foreigner that has made $millions in the US, insulted President Bush while receiving an award at the White House: "After the last eight years, it's good to have a president that knows what a library is."
Both Paul and Barry are clueless, but at least Paul has a talent.
Yet More Unread Legislation
They didn't read the Health Care/Health Insurance smack down legislation.
They didn't read AZ SB1070 Bill.
Now they have passed, after staying up all night, a bill that will be the final fascist takeover of the financial sector of the economy. Heard something like this before? Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee: "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we've done something that has been needed for a long time. It took a crisis to bring us to the point where we could actually get this job done." (Never let a crisis go to waste.)
Nancy Pelosi on Obamacare Bill: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
All the gory details of this takeover of the financial sector of the economy is here. About 2,000 pages of legislative gobbledegook that will touch every aspect of your life that will not be touched by ObamaCare and whatever Cap and Trade controls the Dems can ram through against the will of the American people.
They didn't read AZ SB1070 Bill.
Now they have passed, after staying up all night, a bill that will be the final fascist takeover of the financial sector of the economy. Heard something like this before? Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee: "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we've done something that has been needed for a long time. It took a crisis to bring us to the point where we could actually get this job done." (Never let a crisis go to waste.)
Nancy Pelosi on Obamacare Bill: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
All the gory details of this takeover of the financial sector of the economy is here. About 2,000 pages of legislative gobbledegook that will touch every aspect of your life that will not be touched by ObamaCare and whatever Cap and Trade controls the Dems can ram through against the will of the American people.
General Betray Us Three Years Later

This ad was on Moveon.org when the General testified in 2007, and Moveon has taken it down now that Obama has placed Petraeus as Commander of the Afghanistan theater.
Here's what the Dems were saying about General Petraeus in 2007. About the vid (below) of Obama trashing the General, the Left is saying he wasn't saying those things about or to Petraeus, but was trashing GW Bush. The surge was the strategy of Petraeus and his staff, and Bush finally accepted it. Bush didn't create the strategy but accepted the military recommendations. Of course H. Clinton, Biden, Obama and the rest were trashing Petraeus along with Obama. Watching the vid, does it really look like his remarks, regardless of what they say, not a personal attack on the General?
Joe Biden: "I think he's dead-flat-wrong. The fact of the matter is that this idea of these security gains we made have had no impact on the underlying sectarian dynamic, none, none whatsoever."
Hillary Clinton: "You have been made the de facto spokesman for a failed policy. The reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief." Translation: You're a liar.
Robert Wexler: "The surge has failed. In truth, war-related deaths have doubled in Iraq in 2007 compared to last year. Tragically, it is my understanding that seven more American troops have died while we've been talking today. Cherry-picking statistics or selectively massaging information will not change the basic truth. It is my patriotic duty to represent my constituents and ask you about your argument that the surge in troops be extended until next year, next summer. I am skeptical, General ..."
Jim McDermott: "'We're Kicking Ass in Iraq' might be the headline of the report the White House is writing for General Petraeus to deliver to the Congress next week. Here's what the president's kick-ass assessment translates to on the ground: Ten US soldiers killed so far this week, 793 US soldiers killed so far this year, 3,752 US soldiers killed since the beginning of the war, and 27,186 US soldiers wounded since the beginning of the war -- AND 71,000 documented Iraq civilian deaths since the beginning of the war, although the actual number is much higher."
Harry Reid: "I believe, myself, that the secretary of state, secretary of defense -- and you have to make your own decision as to what the president knows -- that this war is lost."
...and Obama (recommend start about 1:30 into vid)
He was saying failure then? Right now June is the deadliest month, and he's the commander in chief. What's his record and responsibility after more than a year and a half?
Now these people turn to Petraeus to run things? He's their warrior on the white horse? Obama's policy now is to slowly cut and run; withdrawal while our soldiers get killed. It's not the personnel, it's the policy.
General Betray Us,
General Petraeus,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sharia Law vs The Constitution
From countries that don't allow Christians or Jews, where you won't see churches or synagogues, we have a subculture in Dearborn, Michigan, where Arab and Islamic intolerance is being enforced by local police.
Four Christian Evangelists were outside an Arab cultural even passing out a pamphlet of the Gospel of John and were arrested by a huge number of cops within three minutes of them getting to the street corner, public street corner, for "disorderly conduct".
This wasn't even an Muslim event, it was Arab. Sharia law says you can't proselytize. I guess these cops and the Chief of Police decided to enforce Sharia law instead of Constitutional law. I heard a guy on a talk show today say the guys passing the pamphlet out should have been arrested, because what they were doing could incite violence. Does that mean we shouldn't have free speech because some bad people with a belief in violence, a religion of intolerance and violence, Islam, may take action and hurt people? On the same talk show a woman called in that was a pastor and had gone to a Christian religious event in San Francisco at what sounded like an outdoor venue. San Francisco Mayor and City Council and cops made it as uncomfortable as possible, passed a bunch of laws that restricted the event, plus a bunch of atheists, leftist activists, homosexual groups, feminists...that whole intolerant group...protested and accosted the attendees. None of the protesters were arrested, and none of the attendees thought to file law suits.
Of course the city council, mayor and the rest are cowards; they know Christians won't resort to violence, and usually not sue. They wouldn't act the same if it were an Islamic function. Same way Comedy Central are cowards by mocking Jesus but back down from broadcasting a mild parody of Mohammad.
Here's the vid of what happened. Just amazing. How many cops for these four peaceful citizens?
More info on this can be found on the blog Answering Muslims.
When Muslims and Arabs start showing tolerance and compassion, I'll show them the same. Right now, their goal is to destroy Western Civilization and submit the whole planet to Sharia law by whatever means, often through terror and murder.
"Among religions, Bolshevism is to be reckoned with Mohammedanism rather than with Christianity and Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal religions, with mystical doctrines and a love of contemplation. Mohammedanism and Bolshevism are practical, social, unspiritual, concerned to win the empire of this world." Atheist Bertrand Russell
Do not believe our politicians that say Islam is a religion of peace. Do not believe the academics that say Islam is a religion of peace. Do not believe the Imam that says Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of Jihad, and the Koran says to kill all infidels. That would be you if you be Buddhist, Christian, atheist or Jew. Do not believe anyone that says the Torah or Bible advocate the murder of people that don't have the same beliefs. It does not.
Do not believe those politicians and academics and other apologists for for Islam that say Jihad is a personal spiritual quest of Self. There is no Self in Islam. Jihad, pure and simple, is about killing those that are not Muslim and will not submit to Islam and obey Sharia law. There are judges here in the US and Europe that say Sharia law should be incorporated in Western Law. Really? Do you believe women are subhuman? Do you believe Jews are filthy pigs that must be hunted down and killed? Do you believe there is no separation between church and state? Do you really not want free speech?
Koran 5.51: "Believers, do not take Jews or Christians as friends. They are but one another's friends. If anyone of you takes them for his friends, then he is surely one of them. God will not guide evil-doers.".
Koran 9.5-6: "Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them."
Muslims have been killing Jews from the very beginning. Koran 4.160-161: Because of the wickedness of certain Jews, and because they turn many from the way of God, We have forbidden them good and wholesome food which were formerly allowed them; and because they have taken to usury, though they were forbidden it; and have cheated other of their possessions, We have prepared a grievous punishment for the Infidels amongst them".
There's a reason for the rapid increase in the number of Mosques going up in America and Europe. The are the centers for the overthrow of Western Civilization. There is a reason for the building of the mega-mosque and Islamic cultural center within a couple blocks of ground zero.
Four Christian Evangelists were outside an Arab cultural even passing out a pamphlet of the Gospel of John and were arrested by a huge number of cops within three minutes of them getting to the street corner, public street corner, for "disorderly conduct".
This wasn't even an Muslim event, it was Arab. Sharia law says you can't proselytize. I guess these cops and the Chief of Police decided to enforce Sharia law instead of Constitutional law. I heard a guy on a talk show today say the guys passing the pamphlet out should have been arrested, because what they were doing could incite violence. Does that mean we shouldn't have free speech because some bad people with a belief in violence, a religion of intolerance and violence, Islam, may take action and hurt people? On the same talk show a woman called in that was a pastor and had gone to a Christian religious event in San Francisco at what sounded like an outdoor venue. San Francisco Mayor and City Council and cops made it as uncomfortable as possible, passed a bunch of laws that restricted the event, plus a bunch of atheists, leftist activists, homosexual groups, feminists...that whole intolerant group...protested and accosted the attendees. None of the protesters were arrested, and none of the attendees thought to file law suits.
Of course the city council, mayor and the rest are cowards; they know Christians won't resort to violence, and usually not sue. They wouldn't act the same if it were an Islamic function. Same way Comedy Central are cowards by mocking Jesus but back down from broadcasting a mild parody of Mohammad.
Here's the vid of what happened. Just amazing. How many cops for these four peaceful citizens?
More info on this can be found on the blog Answering Muslims.
When Muslims and Arabs start showing tolerance and compassion, I'll show them the same. Right now, their goal is to destroy Western Civilization and submit the whole planet to Sharia law by whatever means, often through terror and murder.
"Among religions, Bolshevism is to be reckoned with Mohammedanism rather than with Christianity and Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal religions, with mystical doctrines and a love of contemplation. Mohammedanism and Bolshevism are practical, social, unspiritual, concerned to win the empire of this world." Atheist Bertrand Russell
Do not believe our politicians that say Islam is a religion of peace. Do not believe the academics that say Islam is a religion of peace. Do not believe the Imam that says Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of Jihad, and the Koran says to kill all infidels. That would be you if you be Buddhist, Christian, atheist or Jew. Do not believe anyone that says the Torah or Bible advocate the murder of people that don't have the same beliefs. It does not.
Do not believe those politicians and academics and other apologists for for Islam that say Jihad is a personal spiritual quest of Self. There is no Self in Islam. Jihad, pure and simple, is about killing those that are not Muslim and will not submit to Islam and obey Sharia law. There are judges here in the US and Europe that say Sharia law should be incorporated in Western Law. Really? Do you believe women are subhuman? Do you believe Jews are filthy pigs that must be hunted down and killed? Do you believe there is no separation between church and state? Do you really not want free speech?
Koran 5.51: "Believers, do not take Jews or Christians as friends. They are but one another's friends. If anyone of you takes them for his friends, then he is surely one of them. God will not guide evil-doers.".
Koran 9.5-6: "Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them."
Muslims have been killing Jews from the very beginning. Koran 4.160-161: Because of the wickedness of certain Jews, and because they turn many from the way of God, We have forbidden them good and wholesome food which were formerly allowed them; and because they have taken to usury, though they were forbidden it; and have cheated other of their possessions, We have prepared a grievous punishment for the Infidels amongst them".
There's a reason for the rapid increase in the number of Mosques going up in America and Europe. The are the centers for the overthrow of Western Civilization. There is a reason for the building of the mega-mosque and Islamic cultural center within a couple blocks of ground zero.
Dearborn Michigan,
Sharia Law
That Sucking Sound You Hear Isn't Oil Being Skimmed
The sucking sound you do hear is the vacuum left by the lack of leadership from the White House. I've been writing since the second month of the Obama administration that this guy is a whinny crybaby that has no leadership skills. Because of his lack of any management experience, he can't even handle daily events, let alone an emergency like we have in the Gulf. The crybaby perception is the result of his blaming, over a year and a half into his administration, GW Bush for all his problems. Top rule of leadership is to never say anything about your predecessor.
I ranted in an earlier blog about his do nothingness regarding the Gulf oil disaster. We shouldn't be surprised. This is a guy that voted "present" on nearly every issue when he was in the Illinois Senate, and did the same in the US Senate. In the US Senate, to be fair, he missed a lot a votes because he was out campaigning right after he was elected to that once honorable body. So sometimes he didn't vote "present". He avoided making decisions then, never had to make any decisions before that in his professional life, and is avoiding making decisions now.
His lack of ability to lead or even manage, due to cowardice, has led to the dismissal of a fine General, General Stanley McChrystal, U.S. commander in Afghanistan. Obama is Commander in Chief, and when in command, there has to be solid missions set out and adhered to until completion. In the military there's flexibility to adjust to the situation on the ground. In Obama's oligarchy, he has academics and political operatives that have no understanding of the military. If the top of the command structure is in disarray, then the subordinates will reflect that. McChrystal and his staff were wrong in what they did, but when their boss and his staff are incompetent, argue about the results they want what the mission is, it's a problem. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Vice President Biden, Gen. David Petraeus, Richard Holbrooke and their staffs all argue about the mission in Afghanistan, sending mixed messages to the Military. I guarantee you this is felt all down the ranks, and is seriously demoralizing. I experienced it first hand while in the Navy during the Carter administration. Remember, McChrystal asked for 40,000-45,000 additional troops for optimal success of the mission in Afghanistan, and after 10 months of waiting he got 30,000 promised, plus a deadline for end of the campaign. The inept Obama does not understand that if you tell your enemy your intentions, he will exploit it and kill your troops while doing other serious damage. US troop deaths are up. No surprise there. The Afghanistan mission is on the road to failure. I think that because Obama is so incompetent, the US Military should be withdrawn from the theater before he gets anymore servicemen killed.
Then there's the disaster in the Gulf, and right now 59% of the American people don't think he's handling it well. My thoughts on Obama's incompetency and inability, along with timeline of events and non-action here.
Money. Yesterday or the day before it was announced that the Democrat controlled Congress won't pass a budget, which is mandated by the Constitution. Actually it's one of the few things the Constitution says is a duty of the government. I'm not sure, but I don't think, at least in my lifetime, that Congress has not submitted a budget. I haven't even heard if Obama submitted a budget. Usually by this time of the legislative year, if there were a Republican president, we'd be hearing the Jurassic Press saying "the president's budget is dead on arrival". After looking at a $1.3 trillion increase in spending in about a year, the largest increase in domestic spending since WWII, and a multi-$trillion increase on a massive health care and insurance bill with no way to pay for it, this country is on track to have it's debt exceed the value of the assets of the country. No leadership here. He simply doesn't know what to do. He doesn't understand economics any more that he understands the military.
He's failed with the economy. He's failed with the military. He's failed with the crisis in the Gulf. The enemies of Western Civilization are rattling their sabers even louder because they know he's weak and a coward. We are in grave danger because an indecisive child is in a man's position of power.
I ranted in an earlier blog about his do nothingness regarding the Gulf oil disaster. We shouldn't be surprised. This is a guy that voted "present" on nearly every issue when he was in the Illinois Senate, and did the same in the US Senate. In the US Senate, to be fair, he missed a lot a votes because he was out campaigning right after he was elected to that once honorable body. So sometimes he didn't vote "present". He avoided making decisions then, never had to make any decisions before that in his professional life, and is avoiding making decisions now.
His lack of ability to lead or even manage, due to cowardice, has led to the dismissal of a fine General, General Stanley McChrystal, U.S. commander in Afghanistan. Obama is Commander in Chief, and when in command, there has to be solid missions set out and adhered to until completion. In the military there's flexibility to adjust to the situation on the ground. In Obama's oligarchy, he has academics and political operatives that have no understanding of the military. If the top of the command structure is in disarray, then the subordinates will reflect that. McChrystal and his staff were wrong in what they did, but when their boss and his staff are incompetent, argue about the results they want what the mission is, it's a problem. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Vice President Biden, Gen. David Petraeus, Richard Holbrooke and their staffs all argue about the mission in Afghanistan, sending mixed messages to the Military. I guarantee you this is felt all down the ranks, and is seriously demoralizing. I experienced it first hand while in the Navy during the Carter administration. Remember, McChrystal asked for 40,000-45,000 additional troops for optimal success of the mission in Afghanistan, and after 10 months of waiting he got 30,000 promised, plus a deadline for end of the campaign. The inept Obama does not understand that if you tell your enemy your intentions, he will exploit it and kill your troops while doing other serious damage. US troop deaths are up. No surprise there. The Afghanistan mission is on the road to failure. I think that because Obama is so incompetent, the US Military should be withdrawn from the theater before he gets anymore servicemen killed.
Then there's the disaster in the Gulf, and right now 59% of the American people don't think he's handling it well. My thoughts on Obama's incompetency and inability, along with timeline of events and non-action here.
Money. Yesterday or the day before it was announced that the Democrat controlled Congress won't pass a budget, which is mandated by the Constitution. Actually it's one of the few things the Constitution says is a duty of the government. I'm not sure, but I don't think, at least in my lifetime, that Congress has not submitted a budget. I haven't even heard if Obama submitted a budget. Usually by this time of the legislative year, if there were a Republican president, we'd be hearing the Jurassic Press saying "the president's budget is dead on arrival". After looking at a $1.3 trillion increase in spending in about a year, the largest increase in domestic spending since WWII, and a multi-$trillion increase on a massive health care and insurance bill with no way to pay for it, this country is on track to have it's debt exceed the value of the assets of the country. No leadership here. He simply doesn't know what to do. He doesn't understand economics any more that he understands the military.
He's failed with the economy. He's failed with the military. He's failed with the crisis in the Gulf. The enemies of Western Civilization are rattling their sabers even louder because they know he's weak and a coward. We are in grave danger because an indecisive child is in a man's position of power.
General Stanley McChrystal,
US budget,
US Military
Democrat County Supervisor Advocates AZ boycott for SB 1070. Does Not Know AZ/Mex Border Each Other (vid)
Democrat County Supervisor Peggy West of Milwaukee. This knucklehead claims to be of "Hispanic\Latino heritage"; states she's proud to be the first Latino on the Milwaukee County Board. Yet she had no idea that Mexico and Arizona share the border. Low standards for knowledge and intelligence for political office...well, that's become pretty standard for both local and national political office.
Do you think she's read SB1070, or even knows how to read? Then again she's in good company (satire!) with Homeland Security Director, US Attorney General and an undersecretary of State saying stupid things about it without having read it. Looks like Peggy is ready for national office.
Do you think she's read SB1070, or even knows how to read? Then again she's in good company (satire!) with Homeland Security Director, US Attorney General and an undersecretary of State saying stupid things about it without having read it. Looks like Peggy is ready for national office.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
For God's Sake Dude, Do Something! I'm Ready to SCREAM!!!
Let's start with the obvious fact that the knucklehead in the White House has no experience doing anything, and has surrounded himself with academics and political operatives that don't know how to do anything either. I'll touch on that in my next blog, but I want to focus on the oil spill.
He knew the day after it happened that there was a big, huge, gigantic, monster of an environmental disaster with the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon. He took eight days to respond, and he did that by sending lawyers. Say what?
April 20: Explosion on BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig kills 11 workers.
April 24: First time oil leak is acknowledged by the Barry and the boys.
April 28: Interior Secretary Salazar travels to BP Command Center in Houston.
April 29: Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano announces a "Spill of National Significance" and Barry finally says something to the citizens.
April 30: Barry sends senior (I experience cognitive dissonance here, calling those boys 'senior' anything) administration officials to Gulf. Louisiana National Guard activated.
May 2: Barry finally goes down to the Gulf.
May 4: Cabinet officials finally brief Congress.
May 11: Louisiana Gov Bobby Jindall requests emergency permission from the federal government to dredge barriers and construct berms. Sorry Bobby, you've got to get a permit first; it'll take a couple weeks to get back to you.
May 27: Federal government grants Louisiana partial permission to dredge. Here ya go Bobby, you can protect your coastline a little bit; we need more meetings and golf outings.
May 28: Barry makes his second visit to the Gulf and states, "I am the president and the buck stops with me." It's the buck he folds into an arrow to point blame at everyone else for nothing getting done.
May 29: BP announces that its "top kill" plan to fill the well failed.
June 2: Barry finally approves of Louisiana's plan to dredge and tells BP to pay $360 million for five new berms. The Justice Department announces a criminal investigation into the explosion and spill. Of course the berms are not built because the EPA needs another study, decides that the berms can't be built where they'll be most effective because of possible negative impact on the environment. They have to be built farther out in the ocean, costing another week's time for yet more oil to reach shore. AHHHH!!!! I'M SCREAMING!!!!
June 14: Senate Democrats write to BP calling on the company to set up a $20 billion, independently administered escrow fund to compensate victims of the spill. Illegal shakedown of a private company by Barry's thugocracy.
June 15: Barry makes Oval Office speech on oil spill and uses this crisis to push climate change legislation and have the government take over all of the US energy sector. This speech was so lame it would make a paraplegic look like a world class athlete. He did not once say what he is going to do. Other than sue, spend more tax payer money, raise taxes and fees, and gather more political power.
June 16: Barry meets with BP executives at the White House.
Barry Sotero doesn't meet with BP execs until nearly two months after the event? Thirteen countries immediately offer help with skimming and capping the well. Those companies estimated that the whole thing could be wrapped up in about four months. Cleaned and capped. So far 35 countries have offered to help. We have 400 skimmers when there could be thousands. Here we are in month three and not a blanking #$$#@#@$$# thing has been done by Barry and his boys, and I mean boys, because real men that know how to do stuff would be doing stuff. Barry's gone golfing several times (more rounds in 18 months that GW Bush did in eight years), went to a Democrat fundraiser instead of memorial services for the men that lost their lives in the explosion, took a vacation to Chicago (instead of fulfilling Memorial Day presidential tradition of laying the wreath at the tomb of the unknowns at Arlington), has created several commissions to "study" the problem, executed an illegal shakedown of BP for bucks, executed an illegal moratorium on drilling in more than 500 feet of water, 500 FEET! off the coast, refused the help of 35 countries...Holy crap dude! Do something! This is a monumental disaster!
Millions of barrels of oil being dumped (1 barrel=42gal), and Barry has meetings, makes speeches, makes threats, makes blame, and millions of people are affected, thousands of miles of coastline are getting contaminated. As of Monday, June 14, somewhere between 40 million and 115 million gallons of oil have been spilled. And another week has gone by!
The Coast Guard stops skimmers from skimming because they don't have enough life jackets. Say what? Hey, how about swinging by and toss some on the barges? Bobby Jindal finally gets authorization from the federal government to build berms, and another branch of the federal government says they can't be built there because of "environmental concerns"! You've got to be #$%$#%@# kidding me! Hey! The house is on fire, but lets make sure the water to put it out has been filtered of pollutants! Hello! Barry? Are you and your knucklehead oligarchy even beginning to get a clue of the magnitude of this disaster?
Barry, using the 'let no crises go to waste' model, is using this to argue his case for cap and trade and total government control of all the US energy sector. HEY BARRY! We have a disaster if epic proportions, quit thinking lawsuits and politics, and do your $%^$#%#$% job!
In case Barry, as he always does, tries to lay blame and responsibility elsewhere, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), Section 4201, tells whoever is president exactly what he's responsible for. He's responsible for removing oil from navigable waters and adjoining shorelines, and direct and monitor what all federal, state, and private people and organizations are doing. Doesn't say anything about playing golf, having Wednesday night White House Parties, political fundraisers, vacations and the rest of that stuff. HEY BARRY. Hello! Emergency! Get every skimmer on the planet out there, get every oil engineer out there, cut the freakin' red tape, build the berms, get the booms out (Jindal had ask for millions of feet of boom and a few weeks later got a few thousand feet).
I'm SCREAMING! #$%#@$% DO SOMETHING! It's Barry's responsibilty to at least martial the resources to contain the problem, and get the people together that know what to do. Jeeze, and we have to wait two plus years to get a man back in the White House. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
He knew the day after it happened that there was a big, huge, gigantic, monster of an environmental disaster with the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon. He took eight days to respond, and he did that by sending lawyers. Say what?
April 20: Explosion on BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig kills 11 workers.
April 24: First time oil leak is acknowledged by the Barry and the boys.
April 28: Interior Secretary Salazar travels to BP Command Center in Houston.
April 29: Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano announces a "Spill of National Significance" and Barry finally says something to the citizens.
April 30: Barry sends senior (I experience cognitive dissonance here, calling those boys 'senior' anything) administration officials to Gulf. Louisiana National Guard activated.
May 2: Barry finally goes down to the Gulf.
May 4: Cabinet officials finally brief Congress.
May 11: Louisiana Gov Bobby Jindall requests emergency permission from the federal government to dredge barriers and construct berms. Sorry Bobby, you've got to get a permit first; it'll take a couple weeks to get back to you.
May 27: Federal government grants Louisiana partial permission to dredge. Here ya go Bobby, you can protect your coastline a little bit; we need more meetings and golf outings.
May 28: Barry makes his second visit to the Gulf and states, "I am the president and the buck stops with me." It's the buck he folds into an arrow to point blame at everyone else for nothing getting done.
May 29: BP announces that its "top kill" plan to fill the well failed.
June 2: Barry finally approves of Louisiana's plan to dredge and tells BP to pay $360 million for five new berms. The Justice Department announces a criminal investigation into the explosion and spill. Of course the berms are not built because the EPA needs another study, decides that the berms can't be built where they'll be most effective because of possible negative impact on the environment. They have to be built farther out in the ocean, costing another week's time for yet more oil to reach shore. AHHHH!!!! I'M SCREAMING!!!!
June 14: Senate Democrats write to BP calling on the company to set up a $20 billion, independently administered escrow fund to compensate victims of the spill. Illegal shakedown of a private company by Barry's thugocracy.
June 15: Barry makes Oval Office speech on oil spill and uses this crisis to push climate change legislation and have the government take over all of the US energy sector. This speech was so lame it would make a paraplegic look like a world class athlete. He did not once say what he is going to do. Other than sue, spend more tax payer money, raise taxes and fees, and gather more political power.
June 16: Barry meets with BP executives at the White House.
Barry Sotero doesn't meet with BP execs until nearly two months after the event? Thirteen countries immediately offer help with skimming and capping the well. Those companies estimated that the whole thing could be wrapped up in about four months. Cleaned and capped. So far 35 countries have offered to help. We have 400 skimmers when there could be thousands. Here we are in month three and not a blanking #$$#@#@$$# thing has been done by Barry and his boys, and I mean boys, because real men that know how to do stuff would be doing stuff. Barry's gone golfing several times (more rounds in 18 months that GW Bush did in eight years), went to a Democrat fundraiser instead of memorial services for the men that lost their lives in the explosion, took a vacation to Chicago (instead of fulfilling Memorial Day presidential tradition of laying the wreath at the tomb of the unknowns at Arlington), has created several commissions to "study" the problem, executed an illegal shakedown of BP for bucks, executed an illegal moratorium on drilling in more than 500 feet of water, 500 FEET! off the coast, refused the help of 35 countries...Holy crap dude! Do something! This is a monumental disaster!
Millions of barrels of oil being dumped (1 barrel=42gal), and Barry has meetings, makes speeches, makes threats, makes blame, and millions of people are affected, thousands of miles of coastline are getting contaminated. As of Monday, June 14, somewhere between 40 million and 115 million gallons of oil have been spilled. And another week has gone by!
The Coast Guard stops skimmers from skimming because they don't have enough life jackets. Say what? Hey, how about swinging by and toss some on the barges? Bobby Jindal finally gets authorization from the federal government to build berms, and another branch of the federal government says they can't be built there because of "environmental concerns"! You've got to be #$%$#%@# kidding me! Hey! The house is on fire, but lets make sure the water to put it out has been filtered of pollutants! Hello! Barry? Are you and your knucklehead oligarchy even beginning to get a clue of the magnitude of this disaster?
Barry, using the 'let no crises go to waste' model, is using this to argue his case for cap and trade and total government control of all the US energy sector. HEY BARRY! We have a disaster if epic proportions, quit thinking lawsuits and politics, and do your $%^$#%#$% job!
In case Barry, as he always does, tries to lay blame and responsibility elsewhere, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), Section 4201, tells whoever is president exactly what he's responsible for. He's responsible for removing oil from navigable waters and adjoining shorelines, and direct and monitor what all federal, state, and private people and organizations are doing. Doesn't say anything about playing golf, having Wednesday night White House Parties, political fundraisers, vacations and the rest of that stuff. HEY BARRY. Hello! Emergency! Get every skimmer on the planet out there, get every oil engineer out there, cut the freakin' red tape, build the berms, get the booms out (Jindal had ask for millions of feet of boom and a few weeks later got a few thousand feet).
I'm SCREAMING! #$%#@$% DO SOMETHING! It's Barry's responsibilty to at least martial the resources to contain the problem, and get the people together that know what to do. Jeeze, and we have to wait two plus years to get a man back in the White House. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thoughts on Families and Fathers on 100th Anniversary of Fathers' Day
The original father celebrated by Fathers' Day was a Civil War veteran named William Jackson Smart. He had five sons and a daughter, and his wife died giving birth to the sixth child. He was a single dad.
The daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd, started this day in 1910 to honor her father. People at the founding of this country recognized the importance of a father and mother to raise well rounded children. John Adams: "The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families.... How is it possible that Children can have any just Sense of the sacred Obligations of Morality or Religion if, from their earliest Infancy, they learn their Mothers live in habitual Infidelity to their fathers, and their fathers in as constant Infidelity to their Mothers?" His wife Abigail: "What is it that affectionate parents require of their Children; for all their care, anxiety, and toil on their accounts? Only that they would be wise and virtuous, Benevolent and kind."
Atlantic Monthly magazine, a bastion of secular Statism, has an article, "Are Fathers Necessary?" Their contention is that the stats supporting the necessity of a father aren't valid because stats compare married heterosexual couples and their children, to single fathers and mothers. To be valid they say, the comparison should be how children do when raised by homosexual couples. Of course they say that female homosexual couples raise better children than male homosexual couples. Even if you're a homosexual male, you're still male, and found to be an inferior human being.
This is based on one article, in the Journal of Marriage and Family, written by Judith Stacey, a sociology professor at New York University, and Timothy Biblarz, a demographer from the University of Southern California. Since this is supposed to be a social "science", what's the control group and has the data been gathered and analyzed by others with the same results? The anti-traditionalist agenda is to destroy the nuclear family. Then it will truly "take a village" to raise kids. Children raised by the State will be more compliant to the State. Indoctrination through the alleged education system doesn't quite get the job done; some make it through as free thinkers. They do that because there are enough families to help the kid resist the indoctrination.
The stats themselves? From the CDC, DoJ, DHHS and the Bureau of the Census: 30 percent of children who live apart from their fathers will account for 63 percent of teen suicides, 70 percent of juveniles in state-operated institutions, 71 percent of high-school dropouts, 75 percent of children in chemical-abuse centers, 80 percent of rapists, 85 percent of youths in prison, 85 percent of children who exhibit behavioral disorders, and 90 percent of homeless and runaway children.
Unnamed social worker at a juvenile detention center: "If you find a gang member who comes from a complete nuclear family, I'd like to meet him. ... I don't think that kid exists."
Children raised by the State will of course manifest all the social pathologies and deviant behavior not found in most children raised by mom and dad. That will in turn justify more of a police state. Nice if you're a Statist.
Confucius: “To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.”
There's a natural order to things, and anti-traditionalist, secular Statists, must interrupt that order to control according to their belief system. Even to the extent that they need to publish, for Fathers' Day, an article bashing men in general, fathers specifically, and stating that women are superior.
The article ends: "The bad news for Dad is that despite common perception, there’s nothing objectively essential about his contribution. The good news is, we’ve gotten used to him." Can you say "sexism"?
Men and women are both equally necessary to form families, raise children and provide a sound foundation for a functioning society. Lets keep dad around and help families stay together by keeping the State out of the nuclear family.
The daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd, started this day in 1910 to honor her father. People at the founding of this country recognized the importance of a father and mother to raise well rounded children. John Adams: "The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families.... How is it possible that Children can have any just Sense of the sacred Obligations of Morality or Religion if, from their earliest Infancy, they learn their Mothers live in habitual Infidelity to their fathers, and their fathers in as constant Infidelity to their Mothers?" His wife Abigail: "What is it that affectionate parents require of their Children; for all their care, anxiety, and toil on their accounts? Only that they would be wise and virtuous, Benevolent and kind."
Atlantic Monthly magazine, a bastion of secular Statism, has an article, "Are Fathers Necessary?" Their contention is that the stats supporting the necessity of a father aren't valid because stats compare married heterosexual couples and their children, to single fathers and mothers. To be valid they say, the comparison should be how children do when raised by homosexual couples. Of course they say that female homosexual couples raise better children than male homosexual couples. Even if you're a homosexual male, you're still male, and found to be an inferior human being.
This is based on one article, in the Journal of Marriage and Family, written by Judith Stacey, a sociology professor at New York University, and Timothy Biblarz, a demographer from the University of Southern California. Since this is supposed to be a social "science", what's the control group and has the data been gathered and analyzed by others with the same results? The anti-traditionalist agenda is to destroy the nuclear family. Then it will truly "take a village" to raise kids. Children raised by the State will be more compliant to the State. Indoctrination through the alleged education system doesn't quite get the job done; some make it through as free thinkers. They do that because there are enough families to help the kid resist the indoctrination.
The stats themselves? From the CDC, DoJ, DHHS and the Bureau of the Census: 30 percent of children who live apart from their fathers will account for 63 percent of teen suicides, 70 percent of juveniles in state-operated institutions, 71 percent of high-school dropouts, 75 percent of children in chemical-abuse centers, 80 percent of rapists, 85 percent of youths in prison, 85 percent of children who exhibit behavioral disorders, and 90 percent of homeless and runaway children.
Unnamed social worker at a juvenile detention center: "If you find a gang member who comes from a complete nuclear family, I'd like to meet him. ... I don't think that kid exists."
Children raised by the State will of course manifest all the social pathologies and deviant behavior not found in most children raised by mom and dad. That will in turn justify more of a police state. Nice if you're a Statist.
Confucius: “To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.”
There's a natural order to things, and anti-traditionalist, secular Statists, must interrupt that order to control according to their belief system. Even to the extent that they need to publish, for Fathers' Day, an article bashing men in general, fathers specifically, and stating that women are superior.
The article ends: "The bad news for Dad is that despite common perception, there’s nothing objectively essential about his contribution. The good news is, we’ve gotten used to him." Can you say "sexism"?
Men and women are both equally necessary to form families, raise children and provide a sound foundation for a functioning society. Lets keep dad around and help families stay together by keeping the State out of the nuclear family.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A Road Most Traveled
We all know the adage, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".
There's a new book out which is definitely getting put on my "to read" list, "When Good People Do Bad Things". An obvious take off on Rabbi Kushner's book, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People", which I recommend if you haven't read it.
Dennis Prager has written an article on the ideas of author James Hollis. The thesis is that evil is in the world not so much because of evil intent, but "... evil does not emanate from the bad parts of human nature but from the good parts".
Prager: "Most evil is not committed as a result of unbridled lust or greed. And the sadistic monster who revels in inflicting excruciating pain on other people is relatively rare.
Good intentions cause most of the world’s great evils."
The thought here is evils visited on humanity, Communism with all its horrors of death, slavery and destruction, Nazism, North Korea, supporters of Stalin and Mao, and even the current evils; the people that support these things don't revel in the suffering of others. Prager: "Were all these Westerners [supporting Nazism/Communism, etc.] bad people, i.e., people who reveled in the suffering of others? Of course not."
Rabbi Wolfe Kelman [speaking to Prager]: “I pretty much have my bad inclination [‘yetzer hara’ was the well-known Hebrew term he used] under control; it’s my good inclination [‘yetzer hatov’] that always gets me into trouble.”
I think it was Eric Hoffer who said, protect me from someone that wants to help me. Truly, if I want help I'll ask for it. From friends or from the government. I don't give unsolicited advice [most of the time I don't even give solicited advice], and I ask people first if they need some help before I try and help them.
Lots of intellectuals force their "help" on others. Usually we get an evil result. This is intellect without wisdom. One last observation from Prager:
Given what's going on today in the world, we are repeating government and social policies that have failed in the past, and will always fail. We continue to travel the road most traveled, that of good intentions, the road lacking wisdom. We must follow the road less traveled, emotions guided by intellect, and the heart guided by wisdom.
There's a new book out which is definitely getting put on my "to read" list, "When Good People Do Bad Things". An obvious take off on Rabbi Kushner's book, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People", which I recommend if you haven't read it.
Dennis Prager has written an article on the ideas of author James Hollis. The thesis is that evil is in the world not so much because of evil intent, but "... evil does not emanate from the bad parts of human nature but from the good parts".
Prager: "Most evil is not committed as a result of unbridled lust or greed. And the sadistic monster who revels in inflicting excruciating pain on other people is relatively rare.
Good intentions cause most of the world’s great evils."
The thought here is evils visited on humanity, Communism with all its horrors of death, slavery and destruction, Nazism, North Korea, supporters of Stalin and Mao, and even the current evils; the people that support these things don't revel in the suffering of others. Prager: "Were all these Westerners [supporting Nazism/Communism, etc.] bad people, i.e., people who reveled in the suffering of others? Of course not."
Rabbi Wolfe Kelman [speaking to Prager]: “I pretty much have my bad inclination [‘yetzer hara’ was the well-known Hebrew term he used] under control; it’s my good inclination [‘yetzer hatov’] that always gets me into trouble.”
I think it was Eric Hoffer who said, protect me from someone that wants to help me. Truly, if I want help I'll ask for it. From friends or from the government. I don't give unsolicited advice [most of the time I don't even give solicited advice], and I ask people first if they need some help before I try and help them.
When it comes to personal relations and even more so to formulating social policy, intending to do good is largely worthless. Given how much evil has emanated from human idealism, the heart is an awful guide to doing good.
In order to do good personally, and in order to support social policies that do good, what humans need even more than a good heart (as beneficial as that can be) is wisdom.
Lots of intellectuals force their "help" on others. Usually we get an evil result. This is intellect without wisdom. One last observation from Prager:
The wise — as opposed to most of the highly educated — know, among many other things, that when you give people something for nothing, you produce ungrateful people; that when you obscure the differences between men and women, you end up with many aimless men and angry women; that when you give children “self-esteem” without their earning it, you produce narcissists who enter adulthood incapable of handling life; that if you do not destroy evil, it will proliferate; and that if you are kind to the cruel, you will be cruel to the kind.
If you really want good to prevail, the key is wisdom, not the heart.
Given what's going on today in the world, we are repeating government and social policies that have failed in the past, and will always fail. We continue to travel the road most traveled, that of good intentions, the road lacking wisdom. We must follow the road less traveled, emotions guided by intellect, and the heart guided by wisdom.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Leftist's Fear and Loathing of the Internet
The Left hates and fears the internet, and wish Algore hadn't invented it. Senator Jay Rockefeller: “Would it had been better if we’d have never invented the Internet?”
Statist Joe Lieberman has been trying to get the government to control the internet for years. He and other powerful Statists have introduced the "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act (PCNAA). The bill would "declare a cybersecurity emergency" and allow the government to shut down the internet. You can be sure that powerful people that feel threatened by something, will find a way to destroy it, or control it to their own ends. Lieberman said that in a state of emergency (powerful statists would no doubt determine when and what that is) the government would activate this law to "preserve those networks and assets and our country and protect our people". The legislation also states that specific websites and networks would be shut down.
Specified companies could be ordered to shut down their systems by order of the government. The list of companies, sites and systems will be created by Dept of Homeland Security which will oversee the newly created National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC). Currently, remember, the DHS is run by Napaliltano, who has stated that Christian Evangelicals are as dangerous as Islamofacist terrorists, that combat veterans are a threat to national security, and there is no problem on the US/Mexico border with Mexican cartels and narco-terroists.
This is, accordingly, in line with Statist tradition, creating several bureaucracies and a few thousand new government employees.
The new department will have the power to monitor designated private companies.
Then suppose there's some big issue that arises that costs businesses a lot of money. Well, the bill addresses that too. Anything that happens while complying with the law, and customers are inconvenienced, and loose money or anything else of value, there's civil liability protections built in. Nobody that lost anything can sue!
The reason for this huge intrusion into the private sector and citizens liberty? Lieberman: "For all of its 'user-friendly' allure, the internet can also be a dangerous place with electronic pipelines that run directly into everything from our personal bank accounts to key infrastructure to government and industrial secrets." "Our economic security, national security and public safety are now all at risk from new kinds of enemies — cyber-warriors, cyber-spies, cyber-terrorists and cyber-criminals." Moo poo. These same Dems passed the Patriot Act and later denied doing so, saying it was all just fear mongering by the Republicans. Read Liar Leiberman's statement again. For the 'purpose of national security' we Statists will rip away your freedom of speech and means of communication when we feel threatened.
Leftists have long wanted to limit this form of free speech because so much of their skulduggery and lies get exposed by this medium of communication. These are the same guys, remember, that were appalled that the government could asked to see what some alleged bad guy checked out of the library, or listen to what and to whom a suspected terrorist was talking too between the US and a foreign country.
Why is this even being considered? This, along with the rammed though health care legislation, rammed though stimulus package, rammed through TARP, the currently being rammed though cap 'n' trade, has to be passed because the Dems know that this coming November their fascist takeover of America is going to hit a brick wall. On every issue mentioned, 70% or more of the American people have been against. Statists are liars, shrewed and stupid, but understand they must get their fascist agenda passed quickly.
Statist Joe Lieberman has been trying to get the government to control the internet for years. He and other powerful Statists have introduced the "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act (PCNAA). The bill would "declare a cybersecurity emergency" and allow the government to shut down the internet. You can be sure that powerful people that feel threatened by something, will find a way to destroy it, or control it to their own ends. Lieberman said that in a state of emergency (powerful statists would no doubt determine when and what that is) the government would activate this law to "preserve those networks and assets and our country and protect our people". The legislation also states that specific websites and networks would be shut down.
Specified companies could be ordered to shut down their systems by order of the government. The list of companies, sites and systems will be created by Dept of Homeland Security which will oversee the newly created National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC). Currently, remember, the DHS is run by Napaliltano, who has stated that Christian Evangelicals are as dangerous as Islamofacist terrorists, that combat veterans are a threat to national security, and there is no problem on the US/Mexico border with Mexican cartels and narco-terroists.
This is, accordingly, in line with Statist tradition, creating several bureaucracies and a few thousand new government employees.
The new department will have the power to monitor designated private companies.
Then suppose there's some big issue that arises that costs businesses a lot of money. Well, the bill addresses that too. Anything that happens while complying with the law, and customers are inconvenienced, and loose money or anything else of value, there's civil liability protections built in. Nobody that lost anything can sue!
The reason for this huge intrusion into the private sector and citizens liberty? Lieberman: "For all of its 'user-friendly' allure, the internet can also be a dangerous place with electronic pipelines that run directly into everything from our personal bank accounts to key infrastructure to government and industrial secrets." "Our economic security, national security and public safety are now all at risk from new kinds of enemies — cyber-warriors, cyber-spies, cyber-terrorists and cyber-criminals." Moo poo. These same Dems passed the Patriot Act and later denied doing so, saying it was all just fear mongering by the Republicans. Read Liar Leiberman's statement again. For the 'purpose of national security' we Statists will rip away your freedom of speech and means of communication when we feel threatened.
Leftists have long wanted to limit this form of free speech because so much of their skulduggery and lies get exposed by this medium of communication. These are the same guys, remember, that were appalled that the government could asked to see what some alleged bad guy checked out of the library, or listen to what and to whom a suspected terrorist was talking too between the US and a foreign country.
Why is this even being considered? This, along with the rammed though health care legislation, rammed though stimulus package, rammed through TARP, the currently being rammed though cap 'n' trade, has to be passed because the Dems know that this coming November their fascist takeover of America is going to hit a brick wall. On every issue mentioned, 70% or more of the American people have been against. Statists are liars, shrewed and stupid, but understand they must get their fascist agenda passed quickly.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"Just Look How Sexy My 3 Year Old Little Girl Is" Said Mom

Suri Cruise, three year old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, often goes out dressed in high heels and makeup. They think it's cute, Katie Holmes saying she's just dressing up like mom. I remember little girls doing that at home, playing pretend grownups, not actually making these things their wardrobe.
As a result, several stores are selling clothes worthy of street walkers. Asda, Next and GapKids started to, but were called on the carpet by concern parents. Way to go parents!
This is part of sexualizing little girls, and one wonders how this could be a good thing. Why do moms not only let their children dress like this, but even promote it? The little girls in those beauty pageants for five and six year olds, dressing in over the top sexy clothes. What good can come from that? Padded bikini tops for girls as young as seven?
There are kiddie thongs. Kiddie t-shirts with pasties. Pole dancing dolls. Bruce Jenner's 9-year-old and 11-year-old daughters pole dancing. I heard an interview with a woman who's little girl was pole dancing, and mom said, "Who am to say what she can or can't do?" Say what? MOM. And where's the dads? They really don't care if their little girls are dressing up like hookers? I was at WalMart and a dad is walking with his little girl of about ten, wearing skin tight, low riding capri's (are they still called that?) low riders several inches below her naval and her butt crack showing, with mid-drift showing. I'm thinkin'..."Dad"....

Where are the liberal feminists on this? This is what the movement was about? Making everything about sex, little girls being led to believe their self esteem is tied up in appearing sexy. I remember when liberal feminists were outraged by Barbie!
A little off the subject, Perez Hilton published an upskirt shot of 17 year old singer Miley Cyrus, and is given a pass. He took the post down after some heat, but should not have posted it in the first place. He should receive some kind of sanction. Miley herself pole dances, and there's a vid of her grinding into the crotch of a 40 something old man. No big deal though, the guy's gay. Good grief.

Governor Chris Christie-More Sense and Responsibility (vid)
Town Hall Meeting in Perth Amboy, N.J. on Tuesday, June 15, 2010.
Dept of Navy to Be Renamed?
There's a bill being considered by the Senate (not yet presented to the floor), proposed by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), to rename the Department of the Navy to the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps.
The leadership of the Armed Services Committee have come out against it, and there are 79 Senators for it. Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), the original sponsor in the House, reports he has 425 co-sponsors. Seems overwhelmingly in favor of the name change.
Against the bill is Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). Jim Webb (D-Va.), former Marine and Navy secretary is also against it. There's all kinds of political infighting that Levin, McCain and Webb can do to block it's getting to the floor, or give it a poison pill. Amazing how a few can subvert legislation, not base on the merit of a bill, but on how and where it's placed in some other bill. Good grief.
The argument for the change is that it would honor the Marines by naming them in the title of the department. The argument against is tradition and costs. Moo poo. These guys waste $trillions and they're balking about $500,000 over several years? If it weren't government it could probably be done for a very few $thousand. Good grief.
I'm for honoring the Marines. Same departmental structure, same mission. Change the name.
The leadership of the Armed Services Committee have come out against it, and there are 79 Senators for it. Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), the original sponsor in the House, reports he has 425 co-sponsors. Seems overwhelmingly in favor of the name change.
Against the bill is Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). Jim Webb (D-Va.), former Marine and Navy secretary is also against it. There's all kinds of political infighting that Levin, McCain and Webb can do to block it's getting to the floor, or give it a poison pill. Amazing how a few can subvert legislation, not base on the merit of a bill, but on how and where it's placed in some other bill. Good grief.
The argument for the change is that it would honor the Marines by naming them in the title of the department. The argument against is tradition and costs. Moo poo. These guys waste $trillions and they're balking about $500,000 over several years? If it weren't government it could probably be done for a very few $thousand. Good grief.
I'm for honoring the Marines. Same departmental structure, same mission. Change the name.
Department of the Navy,
Jim Webb,
John McCain,
Pat Roberts
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Reaction From LA to Obama's Oil Drilling Moratorium (vid)
What Obama is doing with this crises is throwing people out of work, crippling the oil companies, and making us more dependent on foreign oil. He'll try and use this to force through his 'Cap and Trade' energy bill like he did health care and health insurance. It's all about his narcissism and government control of as many aspects of our lives as possible. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste…it’s an opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before.” Rohm Emanuel
energy industry,
Gulf of Mexico oil spill,
oil industry,
Rohm Emanuel
What Problem? I Don't See No Sinkin' Problem. Jus' a Bunch of Redneck Racists
“I say this again as someone who has walked that border.” “I’ve ridden that border. I’ve flown it. I’ve driven it. I know that border I think as well as anyone, and I will tell you it is as secure now as it has ever been.” Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security (DHS). She has also said that the Obama administration has shown an “absolute laserlike focus on that border”.
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu in this vid, saying they are out gunned. He's says they no longer have control of parts of their county. "We are outgunned, we are out manned and we don't have the resources here locally to fight this."
This sign is about 80 miles from the US/Mexico border. 80 miles! inside the US!

The sign says:
South of I-8, BLM land, Federal Land, has been ceded by the US Government to a foreign paramilitary force that engages in drug smuggling, rape, murder, and kidnapping. US law enforcement officers are being gunned down. US citizens don't go into an area that was once popular for hikes and picnics with the family.
Yet our president and his Dept of Homeland Security see no threat to the safety of the citizens of Arizona. The Democrat Party sees no threat to Arizona. The Jurassic Press sees no threat to Arizona. None of them believe in the rule of law. They all advocate for illegal immigration and amnesty for criminals that are in this country illegally. This is going on, and when they try to protect themselves, to do the job the Federal Gov is required by law to do, they are call fascists and racists.
Follow this and other border stories at Borderland Beat.
and the Blog Mexico's Drug War
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu in this vid, saying they are out gunned. He's says they no longer have control of parts of their county. "We are outgunned, we are out manned and we don't have the resources here locally to fight this."
This sign is about 80 miles from the US/Mexico border. 80 miles! inside the US!

The sign says:
Danger-Public Warning Travel Not Recommended
*Active Drug and Smuggling Area
*Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals and Smuggling Vehicles Traveling at High Rates of Speed.
*Stay Away From Trash Clothing Backpacks and Abandoned Vehicles
*If You See Suspicious Activity Do Not Confront! Move Away and Call 911
*BLM Encourages Visitors to Use Public Lands North of Interstate 8
South of I-8, BLM land, Federal Land, has been ceded by the US Government to a foreign paramilitary force that engages in drug smuggling, rape, murder, and kidnapping. US law enforcement officers are being gunned down. US citizens don't go into an area that was once popular for hikes and picnics with the family.
Yet our president and his Dept of Homeland Security see no threat to the safety of the citizens of Arizona. The Democrat Party sees no threat to Arizona. The Jurassic Press sees no threat to Arizona. None of them believe in the rule of law. They all advocate for illegal immigration and amnesty for criminals that are in this country illegally. This is going on, and when they try to protect themselves, to do the job the Federal Gov is required by law to do, they are call fascists and racists.
Follow this and other border stories at Borderland Beat.
and the Blog Mexico's Drug War
Three Immigration Stories
Hamas. Terror. Murder. Hate. Islamofacism. Antisemitism. The founder of Hamas, Hassan Yousef, has a son named Mosab Hassan Yousef, who has written a memoir, "Son of Hamas". Horrified by the death and murder of innocents, he turned against Hamas and his father. He became a spy for the Israelis because he wanted to save lives. Apparently his information has saved a lot of lives. That being done, he's converted to Christianity and has moved to the US. Being here he's provided even more information to the Dept of Homeland Security. Having done that, he's asked for political asylum. DHS is being really slow responding and it's not certain that this brave immigrant will be given his wish.
Keeping that story in mind, brave immigrant trying to do things legally, this story involves Massachusetts state representative Mike Moran. Moran is a supporter of illegal immigration and open borders. He supports sanctuary states (Mass is one) and cities. My view is that anyone that supports this idea does not support the rule of law. Moran was at a stoplight and was rear-ended by a drunk illegal immigrant doing 60. He had no license and his alcohol level was three times the legal limit. The drunk criminal that almost killed someone said that there's nothing anyone could do to him. He laughed about it. The almost equally reprehensible Moran: "I have been and will continue to be pro-immigrant and in some cases even pro-illegal-immigrant. It would be politically expedient for me at this point in time to change that. That should...tell you that even after being hit by one I will continue to advocate for immigrants and their rights as citizens in this country." Aren't officials sworn into office sworn to uphold the law? When did people here illegally get the rights of citizens? Or even why may be a better question.
Arizona Gov Jan Brewer is asking for the resignation of the State Attorney General, and if she doesn't get it, will begin legal proceedings to have him removed from office. The guy has spoken against the bill passed by the state legislature, and has lied about it contents. He's the chief law officer of the state. He too is sworn to uphold the law. From the letter asking for the resignation:
Color me crazy, but I really do think the rule of law is a good thing, and that protecting brave people obeying the law is a good thing; that ignoring laws and giving a pass to criminals is a bad thing.
Keeping that story in mind, brave immigrant trying to do things legally, this story involves Massachusetts state representative Mike Moran. Moran is a supporter of illegal immigration and open borders. He supports sanctuary states (Mass is one) and cities. My view is that anyone that supports this idea does not support the rule of law. Moran was at a stoplight and was rear-ended by a drunk illegal immigrant doing 60. He had no license and his alcohol level was three times the legal limit. The drunk criminal that almost killed someone said that there's nothing anyone could do to him. He laughed about it. The almost equally reprehensible Moran: "I have been and will continue to be pro-immigrant and in some cases even pro-illegal-immigrant. It would be politically expedient for me at this point in time to change that. That should...tell you that even after being hit by one I will continue to advocate for immigrants and their rights as citizens in this country." Aren't officials sworn into office sworn to uphold the law? When did people here illegally get the rights of citizens? Or even why may be a better question.
Arizona Gov Jan Brewer is asking for the resignation of the State Attorney General, and if she doesn't get it, will begin legal proceedings to have him removed from office. The guy has spoken against the bill passed by the state legislature, and has lied about it contents. He's the chief law officer of the state. He too is sworn to uphold the law. From the letter asking for the resignation:
"...your decision to file this motion without my approval amounts to an unconstitutional usurpation of my authority and a violation of state law as set forth in Section 8 of House Bill 2162. ... I respectfully request that you step aside so my legal team can set forth the best defense possible in the immigration lawsuits currently before the federal district court. If you do not withdraw your motion to intervene in Friendly House, I will pursue all legal remedies available to me to have you removed as counsel for the State of Arizona to ensure the State a true and proper defense. "Full letter here.
Color me crazy, but I really do think the rule of law is a good thing, and that protecting brave people obeying the law is a good thing; that ignoring laws and giving a pass to criminals is a bad thing.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Today Is The US Army's 235th Birthday
I'm proud to say I served in the Army. Tank Driver and Infantry Rifleman.
George Washington: "The fate of unborn millions now depends, under God, on the courage and conduct of this Army." How true that statement. Millions have been liberated, and millions kept free. All done by citizen soldiers, that gave a portion of their lives, and some their very lives to do this magnificent thing.
(SMA is Sgt Major of the Army)
My heart and prayers, support and respect to all those making this sacrifice.
George Washington: "The fate of unborn millions now depends, under God, on the courage and conduct of this Army." How true that statement. Millions have been liberated, and millions kept free. All done by citizen soldiers, that gave a portion of their lives, and some their very lives to do this magnificent thing.
(SMA is Sgt Major of the Army)
My heart and prayers, support and respect to all those making this sacrifice.
Today is Flag Day

"Today we celebrate Flag Day, the birthday of our Stars and Stripes. As we think back over the history of our nation's flag, we remember that the story of its early years was often one of hardship and trials, sometimes a fight for simple survival. ... As the American Republic grew and prospered and new stars were added to the flag, the ideal of freedom grew and prospered. From the rolling hills of Kentucky to the shores of California to the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon, our pioneers carried our flag before them, a symbol of the indomitable spirit of a free people. And let us never forget that in honoring our flag, we honor the American men and women who have courageously fought and died for it over the last 200 years, patriots who set an ideal above any consideration of self. Our flag flies free today because of their sacrifice." ~~Ronald Reagan, Flag Day 1986
Just Because You Do Something Illegal Doesn't Make You a Criminal!

“You can’t equate criminals with undocumented workers." Arizona immigration law is not “going to stop criminals.”
Goes back to the 1920's signs outside boarding houses in Hollywood, "No Dogs or Actors Allowed". Hey entertainers, you're just performers. Shut up and sing. Or act. Or rollover. Or play dead, which would be best.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Egyptian Lawyer Calls for Israeli Women to be Raped (vid)
This lawyer makes some despicable comments. Fair warning.
By the way, our Jurassic Press, Democrats and our President think these Islamofacists are the victims, and Israel is the perpetrator and oppressor.
If Palestine and other Islamic dictatorships laid down their weapons there would be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons there would be no Israel.
By the way, our Jurassic Press, Democrats and our President think these Islamofacists are the victims, and Israel is the perpetrator and oppressor.
If Palestine and other Islamic dictatorships laid down their weapons there would be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons there would be no Israel.
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