Have Thought Will Travel. Ruminate on ideas, philosophy, culture, society, books, music, politics, religion, movies...and see where it takes us.
May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan
Monday, December 22, 2014
Joe Cocker, Dead at 70. RIP
Joe Cocker, gone at 70, RIP. Brought us many years of great singing. For
you youngsters, Mad Dogs and Englishmen were one of the first
supergroups, most members which you probably have never heard of. The
cool cat at the piano is Leon Russell in the live vid, who's still truckin'.
Friday, September 19, 2014
How Democrats & Jurassic Press Use Indictments When They Loose a Vote or Debate
The alcoholic Democrat Rosemary Lehmberg, that was busted for drunk driving and
made a scene during her processing, threatening to have all the officers’ jobs,
and ‘don’t you know who I am' idiocy, I wrote about here with the vid of her
processing. Her title in Travis County (wholly run by Dems) is the now
ironically named the “Public Integrity Unit”. She apparently has trouble with
morals, values and ethics, but no nevermind, she’s a Dem. Because they are so
short on values, morals, ethics, supporting and obeying the law, they get a
pass. In Amerika, if you claim to have any of the above, and fall short, then
you’re a liar and a hypocrite.
The night this nasty pushy amoral Democrat was busted (she
served about half of the 45 day sentence) her alcohol blood count was about
three times over the legal limit. (It was revealed during all this that she had
racked up $4500 worth of vodka in the previous 15 months. Comes to about 25
gallons. ) Now we have a convicted criminal in a government position. At one
time, if one was convicted of a crime, one stepped down.
Not only did she not step down, she got a corrupt grand jury
to indict Governor Rick Perry. (The charge was he approved a contract to a company that had as one of the investors a friend of his.) Perry constitutionally vetoed funding to her
corrupt department for the reason she wasn’t fit for the position. Indictments
are a tool of Dem's when they can’t win debates or at the polls. Most famously
the Travis County TX grand jury, after several attempts were able to indict
Republican Conservative Tom Delay on the charge of money laundering. To launder
money it first has to be obtained illegally. Delay’s money came from campaign
contributions that he partially gave to other Republicans for their campaigns,
which is done all the time. Another problem is the law they cited had not been
passed, it wasn’t even a law then. The charges and indictments were of course
above the fold in the Jurassic Press, and became the meme. What was not
reported, except in the Conservative Media, was the Supreme Court threw it out;
not guilty; under the laws in place or the new law created just for the purpose
of getting Delay out of power. Delay was forced to leave politics to fight the
charges and faced bankruptcy. Goal of the Dem's achieved.
Kay Bailey Hutchison, also of Texas, dealing with one of the
most cynical and corrupt politicians, even for a Democrat, was Ronnie Earle (who used to hold the position the alcoholic criminal Democrat now holds). He was
ticked at her because he wanted to be appointed to the office she won. He and his
cohorts raided her office without a warrant, failed getting together a grand
jury until his third try, and they indicted her. The “crime” she was charged
with was using her previous office of treasury for personal and political reasons. When
it came time for the hearing the lying coward Democrat (but I repeat myself)
didn’t even show up. Evidence of the “crime”, if any, could not be used because
no warrant. The trial had to be moved out of Austin to Fort Worth, and after 30
min, all charges were dropped. She, like Perry and DeLay, have the word “indictment”
attached to them, which the Dems and Jurassic Press will keep reporting and
repeating. She, like Delay had to spend a lot of money to defend herself. Not a word that the indictments did not stick.
Nothing to inform the public that really doesn’t pay attention to this stuff
what’s really going on.
One last example. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. He has won
every political battle against Leftists, union thugs, and Democrats (but I
repeat myself). As a result, the state deficit
is a surplus and employment is up, taxes are down. Leftists/Dems are still
protesting and trying to run him out of office. They did the indictment thing
too. They also ran a “secret investigation”, a step beyond Earle’s warrantless
search of Walker and some conservative groups. They brought charges against
Walker and the conservative organizations. The mess is a bunch of empty nonsense
about some kind of criminal scheme, and the Dems and Jurassic Press shout all
across the land the Walker was indicted for criminal behavior. Not a word,
except in the Conservative press, the indictment didn’t stick there either.
An interesting sidelight, or reminder for those that pay
attention to these things. One of the bits of legislation Walker was trying to
get, was definitely going to be a loss for the Dems. To block the vote they
couldn’t win, they left the state; not vote could be done. The Texas Democrats
did the same thing when they were going to lose a vote.
Some Leftist knucklehead had posted on Facebook some names
of indicted Republicans. I commented who? and what for? No answer. Casting
aspersions is good enough. Facts need not apply.
The President's Ignoring Legislative Process and Writing Regulations Instead. Any Leftists Concerned About This?
This egoist person fulfilling the office of the President of
the United States, thinks he’s above the law; not that his job is to enforce it
and the Constitution. I’ve written previously about his abuse of power here. The
Left/Dems are certainly taking the short view of using regulations and
executive orders to circumvent laws for short term political gain.
The idea they have is short term political gain, not the law
and not the Constitution, but to force their ideology upon Citizens. Obama says
this is necessary because he’s being blocked by Republicans. Currently there
are over 300 bills the Republican controlled House has passed and sent to
Congress. It turns out there’s usually that many pending bills waiting in the
Senate regardless of who’s ruling that roost. It’s been that way for years,
even decades.
The lie of the president is that Republicans are obstructing,
not passing bills. All his pet subjects, immigration and environmentalism
especially, aren’t getting passed with the outcome he wants. Harry “Dusty”
Reid, president of the Senate, has refused to bring any of the legislation
passed by the House on those and other subjects for debate and voting for
political reasons. They have gone five or six years not passing a budget as
required by law. Democrats, with the president, do not obey the law, and there’s
no punishment.
Previous presidents dealt with opposition to policies they
wanted to enact legally. They found a way to enlist the help of the citizens
that forced the hand of legislators (Reagan was brilliant at this) or rewrite a
compromise, which is what politics is about. It tempers extremism on both sides
of the aisle. Not this guy. He’s a totalitarian extremist. His way or the
Thus we had the issue with the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB). He sent up names of extreme Leftist union thugs for nomination
that were not approved by the opposition. Democrats had previously when
blocking Republican nominations, set up minute long sessions every three days
to keep congress in session so the president couldn’t do “recess appointments”.
Republicans used that Democrat tactic. Obama, like the totalitarian he is,
appointed his union thugs anyway. It went to the Supreme Court, he lost (even
the Leftists on the Court agreed so the ruling was unanimous) because congress
was in session. What he did by making the appointments was illegal.
His current pet project is to open the border to Mexico,
Central and South America. The political opposition wants to secure the border
and enforce the laws regarding immigration. The president couldn’t get the
DREAM act passed through legislation, so he ignored it, and wrote a regulation
that was in fact the DREAM act (Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals [DACA] and
made legal lots of illegal [estimated over a million] (criminal) invaders of
our country legal.
That’s just a couple of issues as examples of his violating
the Constitution, ignoring legislation, and flat out using his totalitarian mindset
to force his ideology and hunger for political power upon the citizens.
Imagine if a Republican president had this totalitarian mindset?
One of Conservative’s political ‘what if’ games is if a Republican, Christian
or Conservative did something a secularist or Leftist did, what would be the
consequence. Can you imagine if a Republican president did the same, and for
example just wrote executive orders dismantling ObamaCare? How about an
executive order not enforcing tax laws on corporations. How about executive
orders stating citizens could opt out of ObamaCare if they created a payroll
deduction for a medical savings account, or opt out of Social Security if they
had payroll deduction for a retirement account. Just going crazy here, how
about an executive order that all Democrats could not take tax deductions
because we want to help them walk the talk of supporting massive government.
That way they wouldn’t be hypocrites. Sorry about the unrealistic last
statement, just couldn’t pass it up.
But who, before Obama, thought any president would just
ignore the constitution and write legislation and get away with it?
The totalitarian we have running the executive branch, just
like his Leftist anti-freedom, anti-Constitutional political party, I think are
counting on the Republican Party and Conservatives not to act the same way when
they get back in power. Then again I’m thinking, they probably think they will never
be out of power. Pray they are wrong.
federal regulations,
Harry Reid,
Monday, September 1, 2014
Leftist Political Cha-ching
You know how Leftists/Democrats are always carping about how
Republicans get so much money from rich right wing extremists? Especially
recently when Harry “Dusty” Reid a bunch of times went to the well of the
Senate and slandered the Koch brothers? First, most of the public don’t even
know who they are. Second, why and when did it become okay for powerful senators, public
servants, to use their position to attack private citizens? It’s been going on
a long time by Dems, but the Jurassic Press doesn’t report it. Reid, by the way,
has become a multimillionaire by being just a congress critter. Taking money
from rich Leftists and shady real estate deals, that’s the ticket.
Let's look at the top twenty contributors to politics. Of
those, this is from the Center for Responsive Politics, only three of the top
twenty go to Republicans. There’s a Leftist PAC, ActBlue, paid off $30.2
million to Dems in the 2013-2014 cycle. Then there’s this multibillionaire, Tom
Steyer, who has given $20.3 million to Leftist politicians and PACs. Eleven of
the top 20 are unions. Not that Dems ever take payouts and payoffs from unions.
Broken down per party, Republicans have garnered $18.5
million, and the Leftists/Dems/Fascist/Socialist totalitarians have been paid
$129.3 million. Who’s being paid off?
Were the Koch brothers in the top twenty? Nope. They were #36
in political donations.
The Myth of MSG
I love watching shows that talk about food. Not necessarily
the cooking part, but the cultural and travel part. All of Anthony Bourdain’s
stuff, and recently I streamed a series hosted by Chef David Chang. All
exciting stuff. Chang is internationally renowned for his mastery of noodles,
and real ramen found in Japan. Some of his shows discuss the science of foods, for
example, the chemical reactions when mixing foods and spices together.
Imagine my surprise when the science of MSG was talked
about. For those of us that love love love Chinese and Japanese food, this has
been a concern. I’m sure we’re all aware of signs saying no MSG added in just
about any Chinese restaurant we enter.
Turns out, MSG is a naturally occurring amino acid. That soy
sauce you use is loaded with it. Your Kung pao chicken is full of it without being added. MSG is the
sodium salt of glutamic acid, which is one of the building blocks of proteins.
It’s been used for thousands of years by cooks to enhance flavor and has no
flavor itself. The Japanese get it from seaweed. The ancient Romans used
fermented fish to get an MSG laden sauce.
As usual, the “Press” jumped on something and got it wrong
and it became a food meme, dating back to the late 1960’s. There was an article
in “Science” magazine stating: “Monosodium
L-glutamate is the cause of the Chinese restaurant syndrome and can precipitate
headaches. In appropriate doses it causes burning sensations, facial pressure,
and chest pain. These are pharmacological effects obeying a dose-effect
relationship. There is considerable variation in oral threshold does among
individuals.” There were no supporting experiments or tests, or blind studies. Nothing
but personal anecdotes that the main stream media ran with, and has been
running with since the 1960’s. There may be a few people that are allergic, but
there isn’t a substance on the planet that someone is allergic to.
The glutamic acid that is amino acid results from MSG, is in
practically every food we eat; meats, pasta, tomatoes, Parmesan. By weight the
sodium in MSG is less than an equivalent amount as salt. Our bodies process
the resulting amino acids, takes what it needs, and the rest get discharged
through our kidneys.
It has no correlation to creating blindness, obesity, heart
attacks, asthma, or migraine headaches. Many tests and studies have been done
since the media perpetrated scare of decades ago, but the MSM never corrects
itself after damage is done, regardless of subject or issue. (I say never because
they hide corrections so as to not be seen, and the lie keeps on giving.) Think
of it, no supporting evidence MSG is
any more harmful than anything else we eat.
So enjoy your (real) ramen, noodles, pasta, tomatoes, meats…it’s
all good. And the reason it’s all good, good and good for you, is because of
Chinese food,
Japanese food,
mono sodium glutamate,
soy sauce
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Source of Gov Rick Perry's Indictment...A Drunk Woman, District Attorney, on Vid Being Processed.
A Grand Jury in Travis County, TX indicted Gov Rick Perry
for saying he was going to veto state funds to the local district attorney
(Democrat) unless she resigned after her DUI arrest. He had lost confidence the
in AG after seeing the way she acted. Now the Dems are trying to criminally
convict the governor for saying he's going to veto a budget item. Seriously?
Good grief, how many times to we see our Constitutionally challenged president
say he's going to veto something?
These are Dem's in the same state that trumped up campaign
finance charges against Tom Delay. It was all over the Jurassic Press how
guilty he was leading up to his trial. Front page, lede news, forever and a
day. BTW, the conviction was overturned. The appellate court ruled that
"the evidence was legally insufficient to sustain DeLay's
convictions". I don't remember reading or hearing about DeLay's conviction
in the Jurassic Press. These knuckleheads are also from Travis County.
Heres' the vid of the processing of the drunk woman, District
Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.
She has that attitude of ‘don’t you know who I am’? Seriously? Anyone with any sense knows that
when up bump up against the police, whether they’re right or wrong, only speak
to answer a question and do exactly what they say.
Rick Perry,
Texas politics,
Tom Delay,
Travis County
Thoughts on Robin Williams (RIP) & My Facebook Keffufle About It
The day Robin Williams died, I posted on Facebook, “So far I
have 10 Robin Williams is dead posts. Is he going to the top like the 'Fast and
Furious' guy? Sad for his close loved ones and their loss. Not sad that another
hate-filled Leftist is gone. Way way way too much is said about entertainers'
passing and the real contributors to improving the quality of our lives are
passed over without a whisper. RIP”
All those postings were done within minutes of the discovery
and reporting of his death. The negative responses I got to my post felt
similar I guess to Christopher Hitchens saying bad things about Mother Teresa. One
dare not be critical of popular personalities. The Robin Williams postings
continued throughout the day, and the media coverage dominated throughout the
week, that lede story making the rest of the news secondary. Like Paul Walker of “Fast and Furious” fame it
never ends. As I pointed out, many have contributed much more to the quality of our
lives than actors and acting does.
I said correctly that this is a big loss for his friends,
family and loved ones. So far so good. The rest got me in hot water. He was
funny, especially at the beginning of his career, but became a bit too manic
for me later on and ceased to be funny to me.
His Statist positions, supporting totalitarianism by
bashing, severely, those that disagreed with him, took him off my appreciation
list in the mid-1990’s. I watched hours of CSPAN in those days, probably more
hours of that than regular programming. That’s where I saw the overwhelming
hatred, intolerance and bigotry of Williams; couched in “comedy” so it didn’t
appear so offensive. Not like alleged comedian Kathy Griffin now, who calls people sluts and
fuckin’ whatever’s, and even attacking the friends and families of people she
disagrees with. Williams wasn’t that blatant, but the meanings were clear. It
both saddened and angered me from then on. It’s upsetting when people use their
popularity to disparage, demean and insult others that really have no recourse
to respond or defend.
Williams did make charitable contributions, which is good,
and gave time to the troops and others, which is good. Many people do both at
all levels of income and ability. There is nothing that detracts from the good
he did. When I weigh those good acts though, against his Statist ideology, and
his bashing people not of like mind, to me it outweighs those acts of good. A
friend was listening to FM radio the day after his death, and they had an about
ten minute playing of Williams’ comedy as a tribute. He said two or three
minutes were Sarah Palin bashing.
Often when a Conservative or prominent Christian dies, there
is practically rejoicing or flat out rejoicing in the Jurassic Press, and usually crickets. The one that most comes to mind
as I write this, is when Tony Snow, Fox News reporter, editor, writer,
commentator, that finished his career before he died of cancer, as GW Bush’s
Press Secretary. His death was celebrated by Leftists and several in the Democrat
Party. Comments like ‘glad he dead’ and hope that his death was painful were
abundant. Here’s a couple statements after Snow’s death at the age of 53: “There
is special place in hell for Mr. Snow. As a co-conspirator of the Bush
administration, I have no special sympathy for him. I only wish his suffering
were more prolonged.” … and “I hope he suffered at the end. Just a terrible
person.” This is not uncommon to read if you get news from other sources than the
Jurassic Press of these kinds of things being said of people that don’t worship
as practitioners of the Religion of State and Cultural Degradation.
Something else untoward of the coverage by the Jurassic
Press and the entertainment media, is the over-hype, the incessant non-stop
coverage, violating the privacy and grief of loved ones and family. There is no
“need to know” that is driving the main stream media. The incessant clamoring
of them for details of the death, especially something as tragic of the suicide
of someone that “had it all”, is repugnant. Showing up at their homes is
repugnant and pestering family members is repugnant.
In this case specifically there’s something that has been
apparently overlooked, either by ignorance or design. Lt. Keith Boyd came out
to announce the initial autopsy results, and began the press conference with, “My
last name is spelled B-O-Y-D,” and ended with “Media inquiries should continue
to be directed to me, Lieutenant Keith Boyd, via my e-mail,” and then spelled
it out. This is despicable, and he should have been called out by the Jurassic
Press and the primary outlet for low information voters, the entertainment media.
Williams was a talented and gifted man, but not a great man.
He was not a genius, anymore than a successful football coach is a genius. We
should all grieve at the loss of any life we’re aware of, and altruistically
for all who die “before their time”, but not to the extent popular people are.
When I see” man in the street” interviews with people weeping at the loss of
someone they only know because they were in movies or TV, I’m saddened that so
much of that person’s emotions and beliefs are invested in someone so secondary
in their lives.
Robin Williams, we’re sorry you passed on, that you thought
your life was no longer worth living. We are saddened by your family and loved
one’s loss. RIP
entertainment media,
Robin Williams
Our Lawless President Reviewed...A Summation of Some of the Worst Violations of Law and the Constitution
I haven’t written a post in months, passing through a
negative period of ‘what’s the point’? Everything that works, that is good, is
under attack. Those are supported by the Jurassic Press, and unless folks read the
conservative media, the word just doesn’t get out. (Obama and Eric Holder ordered criminal investigations against Fox News following the 2012 elections.) We have a lawless U.S. president and
his political party, a culture that is aggressively for anything that is silly,
stupid, damaging or demeaning to good people and traditions that work, and
Christians getting slaughtered with what appears to be a tacit approval by
Leftists/Democrats and our president. (A result I think of Obama and his Party's antisemitism.)
I need to get back to it. Contribute my little bit. Writing
helps commit things to memory, clarifies thinking, and maybe someone not aware
of an issue will be introduced to it. Surprisingly, and gratefully, when I was
posting nearly daily, I had a pretty solid readership. For that I’m eternally thankful.
All that follows here is linked to our lawless president.
Starting with immigration. He and his Party have kept it at the top of their
agenda, even though poll after poll showed it’s really low in importance to
citizens. That’s until recently though, when he solicited, back in January of this year
(documents prove), to have thousands of “children” invade our borders and
create a humanitarian crises. His plan is coming to fruition now. He’s spending $millions on this and planting them
in communities all over the country without warning causing tremendous burdens.
A large number of them aren’t children at all but juvenile gang-bangers with
criminal records.
No deportation is in the offing. Prior to this executive
ordered humanitarian disaster deportations were not happening. The president has
about 300,000 people that should be, but he doesn’t. They’re just processed,
given a court date to return, then don’t. At the same time he says he has the
highest deportation rate of any president, but does that by including illegals that get turned
back at the border when caught (they come back later). That has never been done
by any president. The “Dream Act” was rejected by Congress, which would have
made legal tens of thousands of illegals permanent residents. So he wrote an
executive order which is essentially the Dream Act. That is illegal and unconstitutional.
The executive branch cannot write and enforce legislation. He does this because he is an advocate of open borders, and thinks, probably correctly, that once illegally given the right to vote, will vote Democrat.
Also at the border he’s supposed to build a fence. The 2006
Secure Fence Act requires this by law, and he’s ignored it. This is illegal and
unconstitutional. The Israeli’s built one, with only good results. We’re
talking about only 650 miles, which would save $trillions by at least slowing
down the illegal mass migration. Remember he sued Arizona, supporting an
illegal lawsuit by the Mexican government, against legislation supporting
already existing Federal border laws. The Mexicans law suit was against Arizona enforcing U.S. immigration and border laws. I was stunned that even this corrupt
executive and Dept of “Justice” would support a foreign government’s lawsuit
against an American State.
Moving within the borders of our country, he selectively administers
ObamaCare to assist his supporters, Leftists, Democrats, that are
inconvenienced by the law. It is illegal and unconstitutional to selectively enforce the law. Some of the things in his and the Democrat Party's law are so egregious they must be put off until after this year's midterms. He uses it to oppress religion (Christians being the
focus) and the second amendment’s right to bear arms. He does the latter by
making it a requirement of healthcare law for doctors and medical organizations
to ask patients if they own guns, then report it to the government. Then there’s
the well documented anti-religious (anti-Christian) forcing of businesses to
violate their religious beliefs and traditions and obey the selectively enforced
“healthcare” act. Remember, this act was
passed only by the Democrat Party in the dead of night on a holiday in
December, and made possible with bribes and threats. Just as a reminder of the
most noted bribes, there was Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska with the "Cornhusker
Kickback" and Senator Mary Landrieu with the $300 million "Louisiana
Purchase." This “law” violates the First Amendment and the 1993 Religious
Freedom Restoration Act. It has thrown
thousands, if not millions, of citizens out of their health insurance policies,
or has risen the costs so high as to be unaffordable. I know mine has gone up,
but only by a couple, three $hundred a year, so I’ve been able to handle it so
About costs, remember too that Obama said, while lying that
we could all keep our doctors and insurance policies, that his healthcare law
would cost under a $trillion. So far it’s about $2.4 trillion. The CBO says we’re
actually looking at $10 trillion and it will grow, and at the same time stole $716
billion from Medicare (and lied the Republicans did it). Why adding this financial burden on the
productive people of this country, ones that are taking care of themselves and
families in the first place (not costing the government), is seen as a good thing is not a mystery. It’s the
last piece of the plan to control citizens. Then through it all your personal
and private health issues are controlled by the government, guns controlled,
religion controlled, business additional control.
Back to the border for a minute. Remember “Fast and Furious”?
Obama and his “Justice” department are still stonewalling, refusing to respond,
illegally and unconstitutionally to congressional subpoenas. He sent thousands
of weapons across the Mexican border to arm drug cartels that resulted in the
deaths of several hundred people and an American border patrol agent. My view
is he and Eric Holder are accessories to murder.
Speaking of accessories to murder, the same is true for
Obama and Hillary Clinton for Benghazi. They both ignored, then lied about in a
massive cover-up the murder of four American citizens, representatives of our
government, on sovereign US territory (the embassy). They both apparently went
to bed while the attack was in progress, and the next day Obama flew off to a
fund raiser.
The “justice” department under Eric Holder, bringing him up
again, has refused to prosecute blacks, and a whistle blower had documents to
prove it, and quit because of it. Holder’s department promotes voter fraud if it benefits
the Democrat Party. He and Obama filed suit to stop voter ID, and has sued both
Arizona and Alabama on their voter laws.
He has his executive branch departments write lots of regulations,
which are in fact illegal taxation legislation that causes businesses to shut
down because they can’t afford to implement them. The coal industry has been most notably
crushed by this. He did say he wanted to raise the price of energy. He’s
illegally shut down the Yucca Mountain nuclear repository. Regardless of the environmental
controversy, it’s still unconstitutional and illegal.
His EEOC, “Equal” Opportunity Commission, sided with a
minister in a Michigan church that sued to get her job back. She was fired by
the church because she rejected the church’s doctrines. When did this become
the business of the executive branch of government? Well, since this president decided
he must control (Christian) religion.
Then of course is his political enemies list and his use of
the IRS to persecute and repress them. Nixon thought about doing this, and was
threatened with impeachment which was backed by his own Party. Nixon was caught conspiring
to do this and a few other things, many things Obama has in fact done, and resigned
from office. Obama is given a pass.
These are just a few of the illegal and unconstitutional
actions this president has taken, that upset this citizen the most, and this
post would get even longer if I continued. Probably even this is too long.
Unbelievably he has done more social and economic damage
than Carter, and broken more laws than any other president. First we must, in
the upcoming midterm elections get some more conservatives in congress, and
hopefully get a majority in the Senate (entirely possible despite what Dems,
RINO’s and the Jurassic Press say); that can support the next president,
hopefully a conservative even though the Republican elite are against it, and rescind
all the law breaking executive orders and repeal ObamaCare. Jobs one and two.
There was a Facebook post that said something to the effect that Obama could feed a baby into a wood-chipper on national television and would get away with it.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Pagans, Neo-Pagans & Evangelism
I had written a piece "Don’t dis them that brung ya to the dance" in 2011. It was about how secularists and atheists and such,
claim to be all about love, hope, charity, but beat on Christians. I pointed
out that such ideas and ideals didn't exist before Christianity.
I came across an article in the magazine "First
Things", an article by J. Budziszewski titled "This Time It Will Not
Be the Same" this past week that is an extension of that idea. The thought
he addresses is the evangelization of the pagans the Apostle Paul and other
early Christians faced, and how we modern Christians now face neo-pagans.
His point is the first Christians were presenting something
new, entirely different from what anyone had experienced before. Neo-Christians
have lived with the concepts and oft times the practice of charity, hope, love
and the other ideas and practices of Christianity and have no need, they think,
of Christianity to carry through with Christian principles.
Budziszewski points out the big difference: "The pagan
made excuses for transgressing the moral law. By contrast, the neo-pagan
pretends, when it suits him, that there is not morality, or perhaps that each
of us has a morality of his own. Since they had the Law and the Prophets, it
comes as not surprise that the Jews took morality for granted. But to a great
degree, and despite their sordid transgressions, so did the pagans."
He goes on: "The pagan wanted to be forgiven but he did
not know how to find absolution. The him the Gospel came as a message of
release. But the neo-pagan does not want to hear that he needs to be forgiven,
and so to him the Gospel comes as a message of guilt."
Since Christianity and the Gospel become messages of
guilt, Christians are the guilty ones, and all is well with them; they can now
create their own morality. As stated on this blog several times, we live in a upside down world.
I often talk with secularists and atheists, and though they
express such things as love, charity, hope as good things, they seem to think
this has been something that has always been around. Budziszewski: "The
pagan was raised differently. He was brought up in the ways and the atmosphere
of paganism, and in order to be converted, he had to be removed from both. By
contrast, though the neo-pagan has probably also been taught pagan ways, he may
have been brought up in an atmosphere of Christian sentiment. Consequently, he regards
the Gospel not as a story of the God became a man but as a sentimental fable
for children."
The other thing I've noticed talking with nones, atheists,
secularists, is they render all to caesar, not to God. They believe government
can eradicate poverty, bring peace, through laws, regulations and rules, and
people will act and behave correctly and with charity and love toward all.
The other element talking to these people they only know the
bits and pieces of Christianity that have filtered into the culture. They've
not read the Bible, let alone studied it, don't have a clue about Christian
history other than it's responsible for the Crusades (mostly didn't happen they
way we were taught), a couple inquisitions that were responsible for a few
thousand deaths over centuries, compared to the millions slaughtered by secular governments,
especially in the 20th century. The billions of people through the centuries
that have benefited from the institutions, teachings, charity, love, and the
Salvation of Christ are completely ignored.
Budziszewski notes
there's a problem too with those within the Faith, that often accept the
secular zeitgeist. The Apostle Paul, especially in his letter to the Galatians,
points out this is always a danger. It's always more difficult to live a get
along life of the pagans, neo-pagans, and secularists, than by the Word, having
the Holy Spirit reside within us, and by the truth of the Gospel.
J. Budziszewski has a
web site "The Underground Thomist". The second half of his article
can be found there. The full article can be found at "First Things",
but one must subscribe to the web site. I subscribe to the magazine on my
Kindle. For a couple bucks a month you can get superb articles like this. Worth
it for a cover to cover read each edition.
Sarah Palin at CPAC 2014 Must See Values and Leadership
Would that the Republican "leadership" thought like this, and stood for Conservative principles. Then educated low information voters while standing up for a change to the players in the Beltway.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
The Stories of Others
We, all of us, have a story. We should always be aware of that. It changes how we relate to people.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
The History of the Democrat Party's War on Women Going Back to the Late 1800's
Several times in this blog the racist past of the Democrat
Party has been documented, most fully here. Through their control, the
willingness of the Jurassic Press, and the indoctrination system mistakenly
identified as our "education" system, most believe it's Republicans
and Conservatives that are the racists.
In the last election cycle, and continuing even a year and
more later, the "war on women" continue to be a Democrat Party,
Jurassic Press, "education" mantra attributing it to Republicans and
The actual history of this "war on women", like racism,
is all Democrats, and can most notably be traced back to the late 1800's, like
the racist pro-slavery Civil War fomented by the racist Democrats. The current propaganda is because Republicans,
Conservatives, Christians, don't think the general taxpaying public should be
forced to pay for abortion on demand and any time during a pregnancy, including
partial birth abortion, and the same should pay for contraception, then that
constitutes a war on women and misogyny.
Just like the slavery laws, KKK laws, lynching laws, Jim
Crow laws, racist anti-black civil rights laws and voting laws, the laws
against women's rights are Democrat Party supported and enforced laws.
Republican A.A. Sargent of California introduced 19th amendment in 1878,
to give women the right to vote. Shot down by the Democrat controlled Congress.
Utah by the
way, passed legislation in 1870 allowing women to vote. The Democrat Congress
overturned that legislation by passing the Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1882,
oppressing the right of women to vote. That legislation did some other illegal
things as well, but not the topic here.
The Republicans continued to bring up the right of women to
vote every year since Sargent introduced it, and it was denied, tied up in committee,
until 1874 when Democrats finally allowed a floor vote, and it did not pass 34-16.
Women and Republicans decided to go the states rights route, and Republican
controlled states, Wyoming , Colorado ,
Idaho , and beginning the 20th century Washington and California
followed suit.

There you have it, the long sordid history of the Democrats
war on women. It continues, but you won't hear about it in the Jurassic Press and the Democrat Party covers it up by blaming someone else with their lies.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Small Advocacy Groups Turning World On Its Head, & It's Not a Good Thing
Pondering our upside down world, where homosexuals are exalted
over heterosexuals, where living alone or cohabitating is exalted over traditional
marriage, where having the State raise kids (send to school, get fed, propagandized,
indoctrinated, inoculated, suffocated, anything but educated), lip service paid
to military service while undercutting them though PC social programs and
underfunding and underpaying the people, where the secular is exalted over the
religious, where Islam is exalted over Christianity.
Then I think, how is it possible that the gay population,
about 3% of us, have gained so much control over how we speak, how much pop
culture is controlled by that small amount of folks. How is it Blacks, about
12% of us, control how we speak, how much of our pop culture and politics are
controlled by that small of a segment of the population. Most of our population,
over 85% identify ourselves a Christians, yet a few percent of atheists and
secularists are getting crosses torn down all over the country, Ten Commandments
getting torn down, the government forcing religious institutions to violate
centuries old beliefs and principles and forced to comply upon threat of jail,
fines, or both. Small groups, huge impact, totalitarian mindset.
Mostly because the rest are regular folks going about the
business of working, paying bills, having relationships and kids the
traditional way, and those cares outweigh the eroding of what has traditionally
worked over the centuries. Most just don't glam on to a cause; environmentalism,
sexism, feminism, socialism, Marxism, racism (blacks' notion if you're white
you're privileged and a racist by definition), secularism, atheism and all the
rest. It's deconstruction. It's easier to tear down than to build up, and from
there not just maintain but improve.
It's easier too to engage in labeling, stereotyping, and name calling
than to apply what works: communication, tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness.
The things all the advocacy groups mentioned above have in common is just that.
If you disagree with gays, you're a homophobe, with Blacks you're a racist, if
secularist or atheist you're intolerant, a bigot and forcing your [Christian]
beliefs on others. The opposite of course is true. The racism, hatred, bigotry,
labeling, stereotyping, intolerance is emanating from those advocacy groups.
BTW, if you point out to environmentalists 'global warming' is not supported by
any true science, you're a "denier". That of course is to put you in
the category of being a holocaust denier. See how it works?
Going back to the 6th Century, how is it Christianity was
the most powerful force throughout the Middle East, bringing charity, hope,
love, institutions to heal the sick and wounded and helpless, was replaced by a
top down brutal genocidal, totalitarian "religion" that advocated the
murder of those that did not then, and now do not agree with them. We're going
to allow that again, except now in this country, in Western Civilization? And
now a small group in this country that for some reason reject the Christian principals
and actions that, based on Judeo-Christian scripture, are the best, proven
guide, for successful government and personally successful lives, are advocating for Islam over Christianity and totalitarianism over democracy.
I have this suggestion for Christians. Many of us bemoan the
weakening of our Religion, the values and the attack on behaviors that work
with a 100% success rate when applied. Take a page from the 3%, the 12%, the
small groups that have had a profoundly powerful effect on us, on Western
Civilization, and speak up, push back, and educate. Jesus gave us the Great
Commission. We just aren't doing it. Take a note from the Apostle Paul. He
never backed down one bit even after beaten, stoned, imprisoned.
Talk about your faith at work. Talk about it a gatherings
and parties. Talk about it at political gatherings. Live it too; that's the
biggest witness. See, the effect would be bigger than all the small advocacy groups
accomplish through hatred, lies and bullying. Christians have the guide, the
historical personal histories to model after. We have what the advocacy groups
don't: love, faith, hope, charity. They do it the wrong way, and look how
successful they've been. Think about engaging and doing it the right way.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Winter, Enya and the Book of Sirach
Every few years here in Las Vegas it snows. On occasion I've lived in parts of
the country with seasons , but am a beach and desert dweller. I did,
when living in snow country, enjoy it.
How I remember sleepless nights
When we would read by candlelight,
And on the windowpane outside
A new world made of snow;
A million feathers falling down,
A million stars that touch the ground,
So many secrets to be found
Amid the falling snow.
Maybe I am falling down.
Tell me should I touch the ground?
Maybe I won't make a sound
In the darkness all around.
The silence of a winter's night
Brings memories I hold inside;
Remembering a blue moonlight
Upon the fallen snow.
Maybe I am falling down.
Tell me should I touch the ground?
Maybe I won't make sound
In the darkness all around.
I close my window to the night.
I leave the sky her tears of white.
And all is lit by candlelight
Amid the falling snow.
...and here's some observations of winter from the Book of Sirach
A word from God drives on the north wind.
He scatters frost like so much salt;
It shines like blossoms on the thornbush.
Cold northern blasts he sends that turn the ponds to lumps
of ice.
He freezes over every body of water,
And clothes each pool with a coat of mail.
He sprinkles the snow like fluttering birds.
Its shining whiteness blinds the eyes,
The mind is baffled by its steady fall.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Thoughts on the First Day of the Year, What We Should Focus On This Year
A new year begins.
Some make resolutions, which are often nothing more than a wish list for
wanting to indulge in what is thought of as beneficial behavior. Bottom line is we
should always eat healthy, do the best we can at work, treat people right and
all the rest as a matter of life style every year. We should strive to do all
things better every day. Maybe instead we should look back at the past year,
and see what we fell short on, and work to improve those.
My personal life was good last year; only made one bad
decision I can think of, and paying a bit of an emotional price right now. My
church has spent the last year healing from some bad things that happened the
year before. Prayer and good leadership is bringing us about and getting us
back on track as far as we treat each other. All our programs this past year
that feed the poor, missionary work, outreach and the rest were still taken
care of, with a lot of success. That's Love, Hope, Charity at work.
Expanding further, I can only hope some more people come to
their senses to refute the bad things happening in politics and culture. Kids
being suspended from school for using their thumb and index finger to form a
pistol. A five or six year old kid gets suspended for sexual harassment for
kissing the hand of his "girlfriend". Homosexual sex is being taught to elementary
school kids, and the heterosexual family is being diminished and diss'd because
it's homophobic or something.
The war on men, emasculating them. Pay attention to
commercials and it's the male that is always the stupid one, and a child or woman
corrects him. Actually in this country (and world wide) masculine men, traditional family,
Christianity, personal responsibility and all the rest are under attack. The
State will replace all that has worked throughout civilization. Congress
critters and other politicians and their paymasters know better than us how to
live our lives. We can see what the destruction of the family, by secularists
and atheists, have brought. Lower college entrance exam scores, increased high
school dropouts (and monstrously ignorant and stupid "students"),
higher out of wedlock births with attendant teen pregnancies, higher rates of
violence and juvenile delinquent activity, higher STD rates to name a few things rotting
the base of our civilization.
Another note on politicians and their paymasters. They advocate that massive debt to the tune of $trillions is a good thing. We have two or three coming generations being born into debt. There may be times when debt is unavoidable, but having it as a lifestyle or as an economic policy is nothing less that disastrous. The Bible teaches economic policy. Just read the account of Joseph and the principles he applied to get Egypt out of economic disaster.
Another note on politicians and their paymasters. They advocate that massive debt to the tune of $trillions is a good thing. We have two or three coming generations being born into debt. There may be times when debt is unavoidable, but having it as a lifestyle or as an economic policy is nothing less that disastrous. The Bible teaches economic policy. Just read the account of Joseph and the principles he applied to get Egypt out of economic disaster.
The "elites" are no more than bullies, and if you
don't "get it" and conform to their notions, they will destroy you.
Bakeries and photographers shut down; they tried and shut down Chick-fil-a and
Hobby Lobby and several businesses. That would have thrown hundreds out of work
if they were successful at closing down those larger companies. It's not enough
that one has different values and belief system than the "elites",
but you must be destroyed. So much for tolerance. They're still trying and
destroy Sarah Palin, advocating shitting and pissing in her mouth, or mocking
Mitt Romney's family for adopting a black baby. BTW, let's drop "African
American"; it was the sole concoction of racist and race hustler Jesse
Jackson. An intolerant hate monger if there ever was one.
Ultimately, Christians need to stand up, be forceful, and
advocate for manly virtues, the virtues of heterosexual marriage, good
education and the rest. May I be so bold to say we need to educate Leftists,
Secularists, Atheists, about what sin is. When I saw the attack on "Duck
Dynasty" personality Roberts for his using the term "sin" to
describe certain behaviors, we Christians needed to stand up and say what
"sin" is. Sins are those things that distance us from God. There are things
that work. Happily in this case, there was enough of a backlash to make things
right. Roberts got his job back, but more on freedom of speech than on the
deeper issue of working to diminish or remove sin from our lives.
I said in my previous post that scripture, Old and New
Testaments, are the best guides for living. Here's what scripture says about
the family.
"...God sets a father in honor over his children; a
mother’s authority he confirms over her sons." (Sirach 3:2). We have
pretty much rejected this.
be subordinate to your husbands, as is proper in the Lord. Husbands, love
your wives, and avoid any bitterness toward them. Children, obey your
parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord." (Col
3:19-21) This is a seriously misunderstood verse about women; it doesn't
mean what secularists and atheists that are the elites and bullies say it does.
Sadly many Christians don't understand either. I guess this is another blog
that needs to be written.
"Put on,
as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness,
humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one
another… put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. And let the peace
of Christ control your hearts…And be thankful."
(Col 3:12-15) This has been replaced
by cohabitation and divorce...those are not a solution to relationship
"Let the
word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one
another, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your
hearts to God." (Col
3:16) The rules and guides for living found in scripture, a record of
things that have worked for thousands of years are rejected and replaced by
Elitists that live in the meme, in the moment advocating the materialist values
of their anti-Semitic, anti-Christian world view. It doesn't work. It has a
100% failure rate 100% of the time. The things that work bring us closer to
God. Reject the natural order of God, the rules and behaviors that work and we
get the mess mentioned above.
When we talk
about sin, we know what Leftists, Secularist, Atheists are rejecting what works, and the result of that thinking destroys family,
faith, hope, charity, liberty. It's destructive and demeaning, mean and
intolerant. They think that taking out notions of sin and tradition and replacing it with laws and rules, forcing behavior through those, rather than providing wisdom and guidance for a sinless heart and loving behavior as the best way. No. Fails every time. Some powerful men rejecting the natural order of things with their own laws and rules will always lead to the morass we live in now. Parents and children must find a church so all can communicate with all generations, give and get guidance and wisdom. A counterculture that only benefits.
As the new year
begins this day, Jews and Christians must be more vocal, and push back against
the intolerant elitists, bullies and liars that are destroying civilization
while saying they are saving it.
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