May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Christopher Hitchens, His Cancer, and the Response of Religious People

We are saddened to hear that Christopher Hitchens is in treatment for esophageal cancer. Many think because of his Statism and Atheism that those of us with an opposing point of view would find some pleasure in this or even be gleeful. The people that think such a thing need to look to their own hearts about thinking such horrid things about people they have honest disagreements with. Hitchens is a brilliant writer and possibly after WF Buckley, the best debater. He has the strength of intellect and intellectual self honesty to reevaluate his positions, and has taken heat from the Left for doing so. His autobiography is out, but I'll wait until the paperback, which will no doubt be a prettily high priced trade edition. He often misses his target. Sometimes I think his prolific turnout of essays and books is shotgun, sometimes hitting and other times missing. He is though, thoughtful, we know how he reached his conclusions. He is a good read, and fun to watch debate.

There was a question, when he made the announcement, if Christians and other Religious people should pray for him. I was displeased the question was even asked. God being Love and all the care and comfort that comes with that; the prayers are ultimately a personal and corporate hope for the best possible outcome. I wouldn't expect or even want to hear from Hitchens that he's grateful for the prayers. He's a class act, so I doubt he would insult those of us that will and do pray for his wellbeing. I think those that asked the question whether he should be prayed for look to the mote in their own eye.

Best response to the question of praying for him is from Rabbi David Wolpe:
“I would say it is appropriate and even mandatory to do what one can for another who is sick; and if you believe that praying helps, to pray. It is in any case an expression of one’s deep hopes. So yes, I will pray for him, but I will not insult him by asking or implying that he should be grateful for my prayers.”

We pray for Hitchen's speedy recovery.

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