May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Daily Kos Blogger Demands Abolition of Organised Religion

This is a rant from a character calling himself\herself "Blue Moon", totally rejecting the Constitution, tolerance, wisdom and good sense. Most atheists I know or read, reinterpret the Establishment Clause as meaning freedom from religion, not that the State can't impose religion. This Daily Kos writer wants to see established religion abolished. Statists must abolish religion because it's the only thing standing between liberty and totalitarianism. Examples are Soviet Union and Red China; atheist nations for a reason.

"The church of pedophiles that brought you Cardnal Law and the current head, Ratzinger dares open its filthy mouth again? To preach about morality?" The Apostle Paul, when writing about homosexuality, was actually talking about grown men sodomizing little boys. That was predominate in the pagan world of the time. He wanted this to stop because it was inhumane. This atrocity existed well before the modern Catholic Church, and Catholics are just as furious as anyone else that it happened, and that the Church turned a blind eye to it. The Church is not a "church of pedophiles"...that's just a stupid statement on the face of it. Let's turn an open eye to the judges in this country that let pedophiles and rapists go free to do their despicable acts over and over and get released over and over. Should we abolish the Judiciary?

"The Reverend Phelps dares picket servicemen's funerals? And tell us all that "Heath [is] in Hell?" And call Lady Gaga a 'proud whore'?" Phelps is the evil stupid man that leads the Westboro Baptist Church. His is an independent anti-Christian church, is not affiliated at all with anything other than their own hatred and stupidity. This is the hate group that stands outside of cemeteries protesting the military dead being buried. They've been fully shunned by the Christian community. This whole article is the standard deceptive practice of Secularists. Select out one bad actor, and paint the whole community with that brush.

"A variety of crazy wackos calling themselves the "Tea party" peddle vicious racism masquerading as christian faith." There is no connection, not one, between Churches and the TEA Party Movement. The is no evidence of racism in the TEA Party other than the claims of the racist Democrat Party, racist Obama Administration, racist NAACP, racist Black Congressional Caucus, and racist New Black Panther Party, (supported by the racist Attorney General Eric Holder). Of course the Left is losing the arguments about everything, so as a distraction lay in the claim all their opponents are racist. Of course, this statement paints all members of organized religion as racists.

"It is time to begin working actively to bring about the end of organized religion. At the beginning of the 21st century, it is a wonder that a group of ignorant, bigoted and hateful men (yes, mostly men) can preach against scientific progress and try to take this country and the world a few centuries back. It is time to face the truth -- THERE IS NO GOD." Actually, there's scientific progress because of organized religion, and European civilization was saved during the "Middle Ages" by organized religion. This writer is ignorant or willfully lying. The "New Atheists" religion is attacking organized religion. It's not enough to just say they don't believe in a higher power and move on. I'm interested to find out that the church is mostly men. With all the women ministers and church leaders, I found this "fact" astounding. Especially since the national president of my congregation is a woman. How'd that happen?

"**the church tells you that as long as you go to confession and pray to God, all the wrong-doing will be forgiven. Therefore, religion teaches us an inconsiderate, irresponsible behavior to our fellow humans. No, I do not want someone who wronged me to ask forgiveness from God. I want them to come to me, to face me and ask for forgiveness from me, not some abstract and supposedly all-forgiving god." Actually, to be forgiven, one must ask for it from the person offended, and there must be penance. Secularists project what they believe or want to be true, and state it as a truth.

"It is time to organize and take legal action against religious institutions. There are many avenues available to pursue lawsuits against churches and such. It is time to turn up the heat in the media and the blogsphere against this unnecessary and harmful atavism of the past." What is this character going to sue for? Specifically. $Billions given to those that suffer from AIDS in Africa? Homeless shelters and food kitchens that millions of volunteer hours and billions of dollars are offered? Hospitals (which were founded and developed by the Church)?

This character does not know the Constitution or wants to shred it. He's an intolerant bigot, who claims to have moral and ethical values. He doesn't, but the one's he does claim to have are all based in the values set forth by organised religion. The Pagan Society he wishes for instead of what we have now, advocated sodomizing little boys, women were used only for sex and breeding, two thirds of civilization were slaves, to name just a few things. Christianity lead the movement to abolish slavery, Jesus had many women as his confidants, and the early Church was lead by women. I'll take this culture that respects women, where slavery is abolished, and sodomizing little boys is absolutely rejected (except to Secularist judges).

There is too much in this uninformed, lying, intolerant, bigoted article to address in a short blog. Full article here.

So what's the beef? Are any Secularists or atheists forced to worship, go to church, or pray? Are churches forcing, or are able to force, anyone to do anything?

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