May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pelosi Calls Opponents of Health Care Nazis/Rush Counterpoint Causes Furor

From the Rush monologue: "You have the Democrat Speaker of the House saying that people, citizens who are concerned about health care are now wearing swastikas. She's basically saying that we are Nazis. She is saying that the people who oppose this are Nazis, and I'm going to tell you what. I'm going to run down the list here later on in the program, but this party, the Democrat Party and where it's taken this country, the radical left leadership of this party bears much more resemblance to Nazi policies than anything we on the right believe in at all, and I'll go through that list in just a second." Rush does go down the list of similarities between liberalism and Nazism." You can read the whole monologue here.

I remember in the mid-nineties this became an issue. Rush had one of his producers check the congressional record, and there were many (I forget the number) references to Republicans, on the floor of the House, as being Nazis. I remember lots of references, when I watched a lot of C-Span, of lock step jack booted Republicans. Now that the Dems are 100% in agreement about imposing socialist programs, I'm not hearing anything similar being said by Republicans during sessions in Congress now.

Here's some more Leftist protests from the Bush years:

When I posted about the Joker issue, I left out this gem. The president's wife. I mean, really...

PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

Rush: "You have the Democrat Speaker of the House saying that people, citizens who are concerned about health care are now wearing swastikas. She's basically saying that we are Nazis. She is saying that the people who oppose this are Nazis..."

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