May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Changing the Name Doesn't Change the Realilty

Global Warming changed to Climate Change (I'm preparing for the coming ice age) and now the Bamster and his minions are changing Healthcare Reform to Health-insurance Reform. Another pathetic application of 'newspeak'. In their Statist minds this provides two things. The first is the hope (there's some more 'hope' for you) that the debate gets diffused a bit, and the other is what every leftist leader must do to maintain power...find a demon. Chavez and Castro, and Islamofacists have the U S as the great Satan. These guys (Statists) need to have someone other than themselves to blame; can't let the people know who's truly to blame. They all have the Press to suppress any knowledge of what's going on. In those regimes they have nationalized the Press. Here the MSM willingly goes along. Is anyone aware of the NY Times, CBS, NBC, etc., in print or discussion, cover what's in the House healthcare bill? No, they have only attacked, in news stories, not editorials, the people that oppose this latest imposition of government on a free people.

The only place you can find a break down and analysis of the contents of the bill is in the Conservative and Libertarian blogosphere, magazines and talk shows. The attack on insurance companies, lies about the structure, and lies about who's insured and not, has already commenced. The MSM will, with great joy and incompetence, repeat everything our Dear Leader will tell them to.

Getting a jump on them. What you won't see in the coming days are that nine of ten people are covered through work; Obama is only talking about the one in ten that are privately insured, about 15 million people. My own co-pay in the past ten years has gone up five bucks. I can handle that, and I suspect anyone with coverage like this has no problem with it.

Obama wants insurers to cover anyone at any time and at uniform rates. To do that insurance companies will have to charge everyone more. Anytime? So a less moral person (a growing number of people in the country, but that's another blog) gets sick, buys insurance, gets well after thousands of dollars of procedures, then opts out. This has been tried in Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Vermont and is failing. The program has been ended in New Hampshire and Kentucky; it was a costly massive failure. Costs? In 2007, the average annual premium in New Jersey was $5,326 for singles and in New York $12,254 for a family (of four). The national average is $2,613 for singles and $5,799 for families.

There's a lot more wrong with this of course, but I think you get the idea. The big idea of the Statists now in power, is not about your health (which is none of their business anyway). It's about nationalizing another sector of the economy. Taking over AIG was just the first bite of the insurance industry. Obama and his Statists, by changing the name to insurance reform are hoping (there's that word again) to get that whole apple and at the same time getting legislation passed that takes away your choice of how you control your body.

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