May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In This Case the Grass Was Greener...but...

Jose Escobedo was having a hard time making grass grow at his East Dallas, Texas, home. He decided to astro turf it. Which to my mind is pretty cool, saves water, which is important in Texas. He has the best looking yard in the neighborhood. Have you seen the new turf? Unless you look closely, it looks like the real thing. There's a problem, even though everything he's done is visually and environmentally sound. After he moved in, his neighborhood was turned into an historic neighborhood. He has been told by city officials he has to tear it up and put in real grass. Escobedo is on a fixed income. He's already spent thousands upgrading to 'historic' standards.

Katherine Seale, director of Preservation Dallas: "It's easy to see the Landmark Commission as the evil taste-makers who came down on this lonely homeowner..." And of course, on can't make exceptions.

Neighbor Steve Winget: "It looks nicer than anything around it." "I saw how it was before. Grass wouldn't grow there. They should leave him alone."

Ah yes, elected officials, once again doing the people's bidding.

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