May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, August 22, 2009

By the Numbers-Christians Being Persecuted

About 45 million Christians were murdered in the 20th Century, and the 21st is keeping pace.

In Eritrea (Africa) all religious groups must register except those recognized by the State (as is in China). This became law in 2002 and no religious groups have been recognized since. About 3,000 religious prisoners are being held for practicing Christianity without registration with the State.

In the past two years over 30 Christian churches have been burned down in Nigeria, and about 50 Christians murdered. Hundreds have been driven from their homes.

In North Korea, if you're caught with a Bible, or are caught preaching, you're thrown in prison, indefinitely.

In Algeria and Egypt, there are laws that make conversion from Islam punishable by fine or imprisonment. In Sudan or Saudi Arabia, you can be executed.

It's dire in India too. Six Indian states have anti-conversion laws. In Orissa about 60 Christians have been murdered by Hindu extremists, over 108 Christian churches burned down, and over 50,000 have been run out of their homes. Before I hear the idiot statement about religion being responsible for more deaths yada yada yada, these are State sanctioned, not religion sanctioned. My blog disproving that idiot statement here.

In Iran, the Mullahs and Ahmadinejad have a pogrom against Christians. State sanctioned. Muslim sanctioned. All Christian print, even church bulletins are forbidden. Bibles not allowed. Preaching not allowed. Talking about anything Christian not allowed. A bill has just been approved for State murder of those that leave Islam.

Last, but certainly not least. There's been about a 400% increase in the imprisonment and murder of Christians in China since 2007. Even in the face of this, the Christian population is skyrocketing there.

Christophobes in this country cheer at the notion of Christianity being suppressed here. All the States mentioned above oppress, brutalize, and imprison their people, and not just Christians. Christians are just a good place to start. The reason being, the foundation of Liberty is Judeo-Christian. The State must destroy that; it creates a vacuum, a void, that the State can fill. Then the State, not God, becomes the provider of all things. Then we have the Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, etc. In Europe, Islam is filling the void, since Christianity for the most part is dead. Good luck with that.

Seeing all that, whew! sure glad we escaped the brutal Theocracy of Reagan and GW. (Yes, I have actually read Christophobe/Statist articles that said they were oppressed and suffered by that Christian Theocracy imposed on them.) I guess I missed the stonings, murders, imprisonment, forced conversions, and the murder of those that decided to leave the Christianity.

These numbers are from various government and private organizations. I'm not listing them, I'm just mentioning since Secularists, Atheists and other such Christophobes will say these are made up or whatever. Any challenges, I'll list.

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