May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, August 3, 2009

Chruch Wisdom for the Government

I'm heartened to see people that are against ObamaCare showing up at townhall meetings all over the country, asking hard questions. That these politicians justify not reading the bill, denying things that are in it aren't in it, lying about the current state of health care in America, they get shouted down and booed. I especially love it when RINO's (Republican in Name Only) get up there and say they are trying to negotiate a compromise get challenged and shouted down. When the campaign for the government to take control of health started, there was a wait and see, polls showing mostly undecided and for it. Now it's about 50-50 and trending against.

We had a similar situation in our church a while ago. We were considering having a single service on Sunday, and not having the early 8am service. There were valid arguments to keep two services and equally valid points to consolidate to one service. It became quite heated. We took polls and had special meetings of the executive board, congregational board, elders, and finally a full congregational meeting. We brought in a outside consultant.

The result was to leave things as they are. Even though a larger amount of people didn't have a problem with a single service, getting rid of it would do a lot of damage to the church.

Obama, the Dems and the RINO's must table this; it's tearing the country apart. Obama claimed to be a uniter, and he hasn't been on any issue thus far. The solution is obvious. For much less money and fighting, identify who specifically lacks insurance and find a solution for those, specifically. Eighty-five to ninety percent of people are okay with what they've got. Target the problem, don't disrupt everybody's lives for about ten-fifteen percent of the population.

Of course the political side of me wants to see these guys to keep trying to force something on the American people that most don't want. It would mean a turnover in the next elections, and I think a lot of Dems and RINO's would get turned out of office.

I do believe in the collected wisdom of the American people. They have always shown themselves to be wiser and more caring than the political class.

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