May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mr. Obama, What About the Christians of the Middle East? by Paul Batou

This is from an editorial by an Iraqi ex patriot about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, published by the Assyrian International News Agency. It doesn't look good, especially since the president of the United States has shown more support for Islam than Christianity. You can read the whole editorial here.

Some of the acts of violence committed as reported by the Assyrian International News Agency:

"*A two month infant was kidnapped, beheaded, roasted, and returned to his parents.
*14 year old Ayad Tariq was considered a "dirty Christian sinner" and decapitated.
*Fr. Paulos Iskander (Paul Alexander) was kidnapped, beheaded and dismembered.
*Five priests were kidnapped and released after ransom was paid. Five other priests and three deacons were murdered.
*59 churches were attacked or bombed since June 2004: 40 in Baghdad, 13 in Mosul, 5 in Kirkuk and 1 in Ramadi.
*At least 13 young women were abducted and raped, causing some of them to commit suicide.
*Female students were targeted in Basra and Mosul for not wearing veils; some had nitric acid squirted onto their faces. Elders of a village in Mosul were warned not to send females to universities.
*Mahdi Army circulated a letter warning all Christian women to veil themselves.
*Christian businesses were targeted. 95% of liquor stores were attacked, defaced or bombed. 500 Assyrian shops in a Dora market were burned in one night
*Children were kidnapped and forcibly transferred to Arabs and Kurdish families.
*Property was confiscated by Kurds in the North and in the south by Shiites and Sunnis.
*Kurdish authorities forced public works projects to divert water and other vital resources from Assyrian Villages to Kurdish villages.
*While the Arabs protest for one Muslim killed in Europe, they are silent for what happen to the Christians of Iraq, the people of Darfur, or the Coptic in Egypt."

"Yes Mr. President, I did like your message to the Arab world in Cairo. I am not against your action of praising Islam or the Quran, but you failed to address their oppression against non-Arabs or non-Muslims who live in the Middle East. We build 12,000 Mosques in the United States, and many thousands more in Europe, yet not one church is allowed in Saudi Arabia. Mr. President, you failed to ask why. I know the answer, because we are infidels and forbidden in their land."

I don't know how many times I've heard Christophobes in this country and Europe say that Christians are just as bad as Muslims wanting to impose their views and morality on others. I'm just as appalled as anyone else with the headlines of Christians stoning people to death, beheadings and beatings of nonChristians in America and Europe.

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