May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Credibility - Not in the White House

Obama said many things during his 2008 campaign. Most famously that in his divine presence the rise of the seas would slow and the earth would begin to heal.

He said Guantanamo would be closed within a year of his election. Instead he's released terrorists back into the wild. It's still open. 

He's anti-lobbyist, unless their his. He raged against them, yet in the first 14 days he hired 17.

Stimulus package with "shovel ready" jobs. When all the money disappeared, and no such jobs were created, he made a joke about it; 'not as shovel ready as expected'.

He said over and over, even testily to his supporters, ObamaCare was not a tax. Turns out to be the biggest tax increase in history. He said no increased taxes for people making less than $250,000 a year. Everybody is going to be paying more taxes after ObamaCare was ruled constitutional by a lawless Supreme Court. This would be tyranny full on, except the Left controls damned near everything. They've been the establishment since the 1930's. Got any gripes the way things are going, it's on them. Cowardly, spineless Republicans have just gone along and pretended they were the opposition to socialism. It's on them too.

We certainly can't count on Republican presidents. They often side with the "progressives" and appoint Supreme Court judges that do the same. We can thank George Bush for giving us John Roberts to make up legislation from the bench. Ford was a RINO, Nixon was a RINO, George 1 was a tax increasing RINO, George II was a RINO.

With all those RINO's and the same in Congress since the 1930's, is it any wonder we have a racist, communist and a monumental liar in the White House?  

We must stop this. ObamaCare must be repealed, or we can honestly say we have given up on being a constitutional republic and have become a totalitarian state. If government controls your health, it controls everything.

If you believe the Constitution must be upheld, that the government has no right to tell you how to live your life, vote. If you've never voted and believe in the rule of law, vote. If you know people that don't think their vote counts, remind them of how narrowly Our Dear Leader won, and the damage he's done in three and a half years.

Vote for Liberty.

Some Headache Inducing ObamaCare Details

At one time, back when I was a kid, one went to the doctor, got treated, mostly paid cash or wrote a check, and was done. It was affordable. Then the government started controlling it more and more, causing costs to skyrocket. Of course the Statists said they had to step in because insurance companies were doing unfair stuff, like not paying for abortions and contraception. One of the Statists' big deals was treating pre-existing conditions. Big government stepped in, saying health costs are too high, people aren't getting the kind of treatment they, the government wanted, so in the name of good treatment and low costs, they implemented a takeover, ObamaCare, that raises costs and reduces quality treatment. Just a note here, insurance used to be for the purpose of covering oneself for bad stuff happening in the future. Now it's for anything that happens anytime for any reason.

Obama during his campaign in 2008 said absolutely no taxes will be raised on those making less than $250,000 a year. Here's what ObamaCare will charge these "rich" people beginning next year. There will be a 3.8% "investment surtax", and that's broken into brackets. There will be a 0.9% Medicare surtax added then too, once again bracketed. Well, he did say their taxes will go up. Oh my goodness, he actually told the truth about something!

Everyone, whether you want to or not, will have to by health insurance. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts determined that if you don't purchase health insurance, you'll have to pay a penalty, except it's not a penalty, it's a tax. Huh? If you don't have something, you'll get taxed on the nothing you don't have? What the hell is that?

Here's some of the "tax" breakdown for not having a product the government says you must purchase, and what happens when you don't.
2014: Families––$285 or 1 percent of total household income, whichever is greater. Individual adults- $95                                                                  
2015: Families––$975 or 2 percent of income, whichever is greater. Individual adults-$325
2016: Families––$2,085 or 2.5 percent of income, whichever is greater. Individual adults––$695.

Increasing taxes, yearly. Even after the lawless, misbegotten ruling of the Supreme Court, saying the individual mandate is a tax, the Dems and Obama are still saying it's not a tax.

If you don't have employee insurance, there will be a list of government approved insurance carriers to buy from. If you are financially strapped, you get an exemption. Gee, wonder how many people will get an opt out 'cause they're too poor, and the rest of us working our asses off will have to pay for them?

There are added restrictions for flex pay programs. Heaven forbid you have any latitude to spend your own saved money on health services and products of your own choosing. There's a lower cap on what you can put in your flex program, and the IRS! of all organizations mandates what can and cannot be purchased through the flex program.

Pharmaceutical companies will have fees (taxes) assessed against them, increasing each year. Of course, to pay for them, they'll raise costs to consumers. Yep, that'll sure drive down the cost of meds.

Full article here.   

Centuries Old Monastery In Turkey Declared "Occupier" and Lands Confiscated

St. Gabriel Monastery 
There's a monastery, St Gabriel, in Turkey, an anti-Christian, pro-Islamist nation, that has had it land confiscated; it's only been there since about 350 years after Jesus. At least this time the Islamists didn't go in and just murder the Christians, which is their usual modus operandi. Another example of the persecution of Christians.

In the State takeover of the monastery's land, the monastery was named an "occupier". It's only been there for a few centuries.

Full article here.  

Mark Levin On Supreme Court ObamaCare Decision

Mark Levin is a constitutional scholar and practicing lawyer, has one of the most listened to radio talk shows, has written four books (on law, culture and politics which I highly recommend), and is president of Landmark Legal Foundation. Arguably one on the best legal minds in the country. This is the clearest, most detailed analysis of  the lawless Supreme Court\Chief Justice Roberts ObamaCare decision I've found. This will take some time, but it's important to know these details; freedom in America is at stake, and those of us not Statists, need to make the case for the repeal of it to everyone we talk to about this.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Machine Gun Preacher / Worthwhile Film, True Story

Sam Childers

I've just finished watching "Machine Gun Preacher", and was impressed technically, by the acting, by the story, and was touched spiritually and emotionally. It's a biopic about an ex-con drug dealer that was a true badass, with Gerard Butler as Childers.

Childers converted to Christianity, is baptized, and is inspired to build a church in his home town. Hearing a missionary to Africa speak, he moves to Sudan and Uganda. He's not an ordained minister, but does the work.

The Trailer

While there he takes up arms fighting against the mass murderer Joseph Kony's troops, who torture, rape, murder, and burn down villages. This is the viral vid about Kony. Amazingly there are people in this country that think Kony isn't the bad guy shown here, he's an okay dude.

They burned down Childers' first church\village\orphanage. He rebuilt it. He's still there after more than a decade.

Here's a link to the movie site that has some extra info about Childers and his work. (The movie is rated R)

A link to Childers if you want to learn more about his work with African kids, and get involved and donate.

God works through us all. It makes no difference the magnitude, large like Chiders, or something lesser like donating to God Groceries or to missionaries. When God looks down and sees sin, he sees no greater or lesser sin. It's like flying high and seeing mountains; high and low mountains look the same. Greater and lesser sins are still sins. I think smaller and greater acts are much the same. Someone is being helped. Helping anyway you can, counts. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ideology & Murder At The Highest Level

There are about 300 dead Mexicans and one dead American, kill by guns supplied to the killers by Eric Holder and Barack Obama. They are not being held accountable, have refused to cooperate with Congress, refused to testify, and the murders/murderers are being either supported or covered up by the re-elect Obama press. The parents of Brian Terry are mourning the loss of their son, and have not received any mention or condolences from Holder or Obama. Bill Whittle once again nails it. No shame.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Most Arrogant Man in the World

Hilarious, and so unfortunately true.

                     He's going to slow the rising of the oceans. Yes, he said it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Journalistic Malpractice

Mrs Alan Greenspan, aka alleged "journalist" millionaire Andrea Mitchell, shill for the Democrat Party, posted this part of a campaign speech by Mitt Romney

This was 46 seconds of a three and a half minute discourse to make a point about the difference between how government and business gets things done.
Here's what was said. (Wish there was a better vid, but the Re-elect Obama Press doesn't have the full vid like this anywhere.)

Here's the non apology apology

The incident with George Bush I didn't happen. They did the out of touch thing too. Rich coming from a fabulously wealthy woman; wonder how much of her own shopping she does.

These are the same corrupt liars that edited the Trayvon Martin tape to make it sound like he was a white racist looking for a fight. Much different story when the full tape got played.

She should be fired, or at least suspended.

I wonder if the execs at NBC wonder why nobody's watching their station anymore. Lying news people and horrible programming. After this election they won't have Obama funneling $millions of tax dollars to them to stay afloat. No, not done directly. We thought Willie was slick...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Responses From the Past to Government Food Nannies

Little Dictator Mayor Bloomberg telling people how much soda they can drink, chefs how much salt they can use, a NY city council contemplating passing a law telling people how much popcorn they can eat at the movies...the food police, now led by Gourmand Dictator Michelle Obama are taking away all choices from citizens except the choice to kill babies in the womb.

“The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.”  - G. K. Chesterton

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences.” -C.S. Lewis

Government bureaucrats shut down bake sales; not good for you. I have no doubt the Feds will be going into Churches and bust bake sales once they know such a thing goes on there. Lots of money for charity and projects are received through bake sales. School bake sales are becoming more forbidden.

Then there’s this. Back in February, a four year old girl had her brown bag lunch denied her because it didn’t contain USDA-approved lunch of one serving of meat, one serving of grains, and two servings of fruit or vegetables. This food criminal had a turkey sandwich, banana, potato chips and apple juice. The little girl was forced to eat the school food, her lunch sent back uneaten, and a bill for $1.25 for the school meal. This was done by a state level Department of Health and Human Services food policeman.

Apparently DHHS agents make regular inspection of children’s lunches. It’s not clear if this is a national phenomenon, but if it’s not it will be.  If the lunches don’t meet government “standards” they are supplemented or replaced by the school lunch program, and apparently forced to eat it. Could be a problem if there’s an allergy.

Here’s an idea. Every government employee at all levels be required to see what their BMI numbers are. If they aren’t with the guidelines, they have a directed amount of time to achieve it. If they fail, they get suspended for a specific amount of time until they do. If within that time they still fail, they get fired. Let’s start with that fatass Bloomberg. 

"Grace Flows Down" - Christy Nockels

We sang this, the Choir did, during service this morning. Lovely message and melody. As a choir, the harmonies are stunning. One of those songs so good, don't even get tired of practicing it.

Yeah! Another Win for Intolerant Bigoted Atheists

An Offensive Display in Santa Monica
Atheists have scoured another victory based on hate and intolerance, which is the foundation of their religion. Another Nativity scene will not be displayed this Christmas, this time in Santa Monica. I’ve always understood atheism to mean one didn’t believe in any deity; that’s it. Now it’s just another intolerant hate group.

The Santa Monica nativity scene has been around for about sixty years and was about two blocks long showing fourteen scenes. To replace it the anti-Christian hate group, the Santa Monica city council, had a lottery to decide what displays are presented. There are twenty-one plots; atheists won eighteen of them. Well, color me surprised! That sounds about right. Atheist’s holiday displays are nothing more than hate speech against Christians. What a great religion they have!

Before Christianity, in the pagan world, there was no such thing as charity. Atheists are against charity. Before Christianity there were no hospitals. Atheists hate hospitals. Before Christianity, in the pagan world there were only dictatorships; Judeo-Christian principle formed the foundation for a constitutional republic. Atheists hate democracy and love dictatorships; one of the first things a communist dictator does is crush religion. Atheist’s campaign of intolerance and hate works toward that end.

I’ve posted before who has provided most to the well being of people, equality, and a stable society, atheists or Jews and Christians? Who’s contributed most to the arts and architecture, atheists or Jews and Christians? Who said all people are equal, and started treating women as more than sex slaves to the passions of men, to be there only for child-bearing; Atheists or Christians?  

Atheism has offered nothing, contributed nothing, and believes in nothing but intolerance and hate. Used to be, since they didn’t believe in God, they didn’t care about religion. What happens when one doesn’t believe in God, there’s a vacuum, and it usually gets filled with something bad.     

Thank you atheists for all the great music you've written that was inspired by your belief.

Thank you atheists for all the great architecture; the buildings and communities built that was inspired by your belief.

Thank you atheists for all the great literature written that was inspired by your belief.

Thank you atheists for all the thousands of years of wisdom you have provided us inspired by your belief. 

Thank you atheists for showing us (especially at Christmastime) how to be tolerant inspired by your belief.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Let's Play What if a Republican!

It’s astonishing nearly half the country still supports this president. Nixon was run out of office by both Republicans and Democrats for covering up the Watergate break in, and no one really knows what that was all about. Gerald Ford was given grief for pardoning Nixon, but it turns out it was the right thing to do, for the reasons he gave. GW Bush got Congressional approval for everything he did; TARP, both Middle East wars, the tax cuts, weapons sales to foreign countries, raising the debt ceiling, sending terrorists to foreign counties for interrogation, and whatever else. Democrats and other Leftists can call him a criminal for whatever, but the plain fact is, he never violated or ignored the Constitution. Listening to all the charges thrown at Republican presidents, all the accusations of criminality versus this president’s actions in violation of the Constitution he was sworn to uphold, one must wonder.

Wonder what if a Republican actually did what this president has done?  

The “Dream Act” was rejected by Congress. This past week he stated he was ignoring that, and granted amnesty to about a million Mexicans in this country illegally. It was directed at young Mexicans living here, and was a part of the “Dream Act”. What if a Republican president decided to ignore a vote of Congress and sign an executive order claiming it was now law?

The “Defense of Marriage Act” is a Federal Law. Obama directed his Justice Department to not enforce it. What if a Republican president made a pronouncement that even though he had sworn to uphold the laws of the United States, he would not enforce a specific law?

Since he’s taken office, unemployment went from 5.4% to over 8%. After stating it would never rise to 8%, he now says it’s the new norm, get used to it. (Actual unemployed is closer to 17%; people no longer looking for work, or can no longer draw unemployment are not counted.) What if a Republican more than doubled unemployment on his watch, and told everybody to get used to it?

A business moves operations to another state to reduce manufacturing costs. This president sues them to stop the move, because it's a right to work state; unions don’t have coercion power there. That’s his biggest money and power source. What if a Republican sued a company so they couldn’t move because his biggest donors don’t like it?

This president has refused to enforce immigration law. His latest action granting a million Mexicans here illegally amnesty, shows his contempt for Congress and the separation of powers, which are clearly stated in the Constitution. A border state decides to enforce the law. This president, with a foreign country, joined in a law suit against the state. What if a Republican refused to enforce a law and a state decided to, and he sued the state (with a foreign country)?

Another state he's suing, Florida, is because they are purging dead people and illegals from the voting registers. What if a Republican sued a state for making voting fair and legal? 

This president’s law enforcement agencies sold guns to Mexican gun cartels, hundreds of Mexicans and a US Border Patrol agent are murdered by those guns. Then Congress subpoenas the Attorney General of the US, who stonewalls for two years, and is caught in lie after lie. He refuses to produce documents requested by Congress. What if a Republican broke the law, got people murdered, lied about, and stonewalled Congress for two years?

This president in the dead of night, on a holiday, passed his health care legislation, with no votes from the opposition party and over the objection of more than half the citizens of the country. His lead congressman says they’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it. What if Republicans passed legislation most people didn’t want, that nobody has read, and most don't know all of what's in it, in the dead of night on a holiday, and the opposition party did not vote for at all?

Through that health care legislation, he's tried to force the Catholic Church specifically, and Christian generally, to renounce tradition, dogma, doctrine and belief (contraception, sterilization and abortion) and force them to obey the government under penalty of law. What if a Republican tried and force an organization to reject their beliefs to obey the government?  

This president has shut down offshore drilling, and doesn’t have the Constitutional authority to do so. After the BP oil spill he waited 40 days before taking action. What if a Republican waited 40 days to act on any disaster? What if a Republican shut down a major sector of an industry, and could only do so by ignoring the Constitution?

Billions of dollars have been given to “green” companies that have been failing massively. Those $billions are taxpayer dollars, and a lot of that money found its way back into the campaign coffers of the president. Leftists can contend it’s not so, it just appears that way at worst. What if a Republican gifted $billions to his favorite companies and they failed, and mega money found its way back (or appeared to) to the Republican campaign?

A friendly country, Canada, will give us a massive petroleum infusion. It’ll create tens of thousands of jobs, substantially reduce energy costs for citizens, and reduce petroleum reliance on enemies of the United States. This president and his energy secretary have both said they want energy prices to go up (both on vid by the way). What if a Republican president said he wants to raise energy costs, stay reliant on enemy countries for oil, and didn’t want to employ people?

In three years this president has racked up more debt than all previous presidents combined, all the while blaming it on his predecessor. What if a Republican was voted in saying he would cut the deficit in half and tripled it instead, and blames his failure on his predecessor?

He’s ordered drones to fly over farmers and ranchers to enforce environmental “laws”. What if a Republican ordered drones to fly and spy on citizens without due process?

There are lots more examples of the double standard, of this president literally getting away with murder, of violating the Constitution and the rule of law.

Back to what astounds me. The slightest perceived transgression by a Republican, even when he follows the law, obeys the separation of powers, obeys the Constitution, Democrats, Leftists, and others against the tenants of  a constitutional republic, see more of a threat from someone obeying the law, than someone who ignores it. I posted a few vids of Democrats saying they aren’t bound by the Constitution, one of them Nancy Pelosi, who was Speaker of the House at the time.  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Leftist and Democrat Party's War on Women

S E Cupp
About a month ago Extremist Leftist Pornographer and spokesman for the Democrat Party published a picture of Conservative commentator SE Cupp. The picture was captioned, “What would S.E. Cupp look like with a [d**k] in her mouth?”

The blurb that went with it:
"S.E. Cupp is a lovely young lady who read too much Ayn Rand in high school and ended up joining the dark side. Cupp, an author and media commentator who often shows up on Fox News programs, is undeniably cute. But her hotness is diminished when she espouses dumb ideas like defunding Planned Parenthood. Perhaps the method pictured here is Ms. Cupp’s suggestion for avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.”
 Of course when any Republican or Conservative make the slightest innuendo regarding a woman, that may possibly be perceived as demeaning by a giant stretch of the imagination, it headlines electronic media and is above the fold in print. To their credit the Leftist women on “The View” spoke against it. The National Organization of Women said nothing. They have agreed that certain Republican female politicians when called s**t, b***h, c**t, etc, deserved it.

Here’s a modified copy of the pic

 Now Democrat Party spokesman, and I assume he is because I've heard no one in the Democrat Party leadership speak out about this, nor anyone in the Jurassic Press publish much about it, has gone after Conservative commentator Ann Coulter.

From (article here) {Warning, this is very graphic)
“When the name Ann Coulter is mentioned, a flood of words comes to mind: mean, angry, extremist, conservative, inflammatory, hideous, arrogant, male. Regarding that last adjective, we are speaking specifically of a male who is angry because he looks like a woman—sort of. You could throw the adjective ugly into the mix, but that’s probably redundant. Seriously, how many men have you seen in a dress who are good-looking? 
 It has long been postulated—by HUSTLER and others—that Ann Coulter is a hermaphrodite or is intersexed with scrambled genes. One disorder linked to intersexing is Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, which can cause males to be born with underdeveloped genitals or even female sex organs, including a vagina. Screwed up chromosomes could explain 6-foot-tall Ann’s boyish figure and Adam’s apple. 
 It’s worth noting that investigative reporter Brad Friedman, writing for this magazine in April 2008, stated that on June 15, 2005, when Coulter filled out an application to become a Florida voter, she left blank the section specifying sex. Supplying false information on such a document is a third-degree felony that could result in a $5,000 fine and/or five years in prison. But enough about Coulter’s mutant sexuality.” 
 “Message to Ann Coulter: Blow yourself. Seriously. Put that thing between your legs into your mouth and suck on it until you come. It’s up to you if you want to swallow.”
Ann Coulter
 These are the same people that lecture Conservatives and Republicans about civility. About personal attacks. About the politics of personal destruction.

This is how far the Democrat Party and the Left has sunk. They endorse the National Organization of Women, and use Larry Flint every election to dig up dirt on their political opposition.

It’s been said many times in this blog, if Leftists accuse someone of something, they’re doing it already or about to do it themselves. The War on Women has been engaged in by the Left and Democrat Party with the hateful misogyny of Bill Maher and most other alleged comedians of the Left, the National Organization of Women, the years long endless attacks on Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachman and other courageous women.

The most recent attack on women was the vote to allow sex specific abortions. Democrats are for this, voted for it.  Most women want boys, so if this had passed, we would have what’s going on in Communist China. Let’s murder girls in the womb. How that for taking the War on Women to the limit? Kill females before they take their first breath.

Death Threats- Part of Leftist Civility

Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch
Violent clashes with police, murders, $millions spent for reconstruction of buildings and cleanup, murder, rape, disease. It's happened with all the "Occupy" protests. Using the criteria of Leftists and the Democrat Party, looking at the sea of faces, I just see white. Must be they're racists. It was said of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party when they legally and nonviolently petitioned the government with grievances by going to town-hall meetings. Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch was part of the recall vote in Wisconsin. Here's some Leftist civility. Ever hear a TEA Party citizen say such things?

Rebecca Kleefisch is a colon cancer survivor.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Private Investment vs Public "Investment"

We hear our anti-capitalist Dear Leader attack investment bankers as evil, though he doesn't use the word. That’s his “evil empire”; not enemies of freedom but venture investment companies like Bain Capital. Our Dear Leader is forever talking about the government (him and Democrats) investing “in our children”, “in health care”, “in manufacturing”, and most importantly “in green jobs”.

Well, let’s do a comparison. Here’s the “investments” by Obama in the “green energy” industry:
Evergreen Solar
Solyndra (received $535 million)
Beacon Power (received $43 million)
AES’ subsidiary Eastern Energy
Nevada Geothermal (received $98.5 million)
SunPower (received $1.5 billion)
First Solar (received $1.46 billion)
Babcock & Brown (an Australian company which received $178 million)
Ener1 (subsidiary EnerDel received $118.5 million)
Amonix (received 5.9 million)
The National Renewable Energy Lab
Fisker Automotive
Abound Solar (received $400 million)
Chevy Volt (taxpayers basically own GM)
Solar Trust of America
A123 Systems (received $279 million)
Willard & Kelsey Solar Group (received $6 million)
Johnson Controls (received $299 million)
Schneider Electric (received $86 million)

All failed. 

About 80% of these companies are in the bag for Obama. “… $16.4 billion of the $20.5 billion in loans granted as of Sept. 15 went to companies either run by or primarily owned by Obama financial backers—individuals who were bundlers, members of Obama’s National Finance Committee, or large donors to the Democratic Party. The grant and guaranteed-loan recipients were early backers of Obama before he ran for president, people who continued to give to his campaigns and exclusively to the Democratic Party in the years leading up to 2008.  Article here.

Here’s a note to your pocketbook. Fossil fuel based energy costs 5 cents per kilowatt hours. “Green” based energy costs 35 cents an hour.  Obama is on vid saying he wants to drive energy costs up. His energy policy by design is to raise the amount of $money it takes to warm and cool your house, and purchase gas and oil for your car. 

Bain Capitol was involved in 77 companies between 1984 and 1999; 22 percent of them failed within that period Romney worked there. Some of the companies included AMC Entertainment, Aspen Education Group, Brookstone, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, Clear Channel Communications, Domino's Pizza, DoubleClick, Dunkin' Donuts, D&M Holdings, Guitar Center, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), Sealy, The Sports Authority, Staples, Toys "R" Us, Warner Music Group and The Weather Channel.  Some pretty good investments and lots of jobs were generated.  Certainly more than Obama's "investments" listed above. Of course Obama’s “investments” have cost $billions and tens of thousands of jobs have been lost. In case you're wondering, I'm putting "investments" in scare quotes because they aren't, they're payoffs for crony capitalism. 

Much grief was given Romney, even by some Republicans, most notably by Rick Perry and Newt Gringrich during the Republican Presidential Debates. For some reason they thought if an investment failed no profit should be taken.  That money gets reinvested too, so it’s a wash there. On the other hand Bain used money from private sources they raised by being so competent people were willing to trust them with their money to the tune of $billions. On the other hand, Obama and the Dems used money confiscated (through taxation), borrowed from unfriendly foreign countries, and printed, to finance companies with no demand for their products and services, and in the case of car companies were failing due to stupid management.

We have a president and political party that use tax payer money (not their own put at risk) to “invest” in private companies. That’s okay. But a man that gains the trust of others, and risks his own money to invest is not okay.  Go figure.

Christian Music, A Little Boy, And A School

Thank God we don’t have to suffer the persecution Christians do in the Middle East and other anti-Christian regimes, but this story is one of the thousand little cuts that lead to the same thing. The same thing being the repression of Christianity and the promotion of the Religion of State.

Fortunately this government decision was overturned. A first grader wanted to sign a song by Christian singer Chris Tomlin. It's astounding that a first grader knows how to sign, and the Principal was willing to keep the boy from showing his fellow students what could be done with it to enforce his anti-Christian bigotry. The Principal banned it because it was religious, so the Alliance Defense Fund sent a letter and challenged.

ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Matt Sharp: "Public schools should encourage, not shut down, the free exchange of ideas. Removing the voice of faith from schools sends a message to all students that religion is something to be ashamed of." … "The school district is off to a good start in allowing this performance to occur, but it needs to revise its unconstitutional policy so that this doesn't happen again."

The intolerance and bigotry against Christians runs deep. I remember a few years ago the ACLU I think it was, suing a little girl because she read the Bible on the school bus. This was deemed as violating the separation of church and State. I have to wonder how it is these guys aren’t shamed and ostracized by the public, and how is it possible they aren't embarrassed by this stupidity.

It’s amazing to me the First Amendment, ensuring freedom of religion, is being used by intolerant bigots to persecute Christians. In the letter the ADF wrote: "Because the talent is the student's personal expression, and not that of the school, it is subject to full protection under the First Amendment." "Under Supreme Court precedent, unless particular student expression 'materially and substantially interfere[s] with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school, a student's personal religious expression is entitled to full constitutional protection under the First Amendment."

Hat’s off though to the district's superintendent, Dale Kleinert, who when he received the ADF letter drove over to the school, and corrected the principal.

The song the little boy wanted to sign was "We Fall Down" Performed by Steven Curtis Chapman & Chris Tomlin

There's a lot of babble about what's "fair" by Leftists. What's fair here is in an institution payed for by everyone, all points of view should be presented, not just Secularists preaching obedience to the State. 

Dining Out in the Future

With her majesty Lady Obama, New York Baron Michael Bloomberg, and Our Dear Leader Barak Obama telling what and how to care for our health, telling chefs in NY how much salt they can use in their recipes, and now what size sodas can be sold and consumed, here's what ordering in a restaurant can be like.

Hat tip to the Windrose Hotel

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Gov Scott Walker vs Democrats Wanting High Unemployment and Debt

Democrats, Unions and the Jurassic Press have been campaigning and spending $millions to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. The recall is in a few days, June 6. For the past few weeks it looks like the Leftists will be defeated. Now the Democrats and the rest are reverse spinning and saying it’s not such a big deal. Right.

Leftists are against anything that works for anybody else but themselves. Their whole gig is to get taxpayer money for spending to keep themselves in power and money. One would think policies eliminating debt, saving money and creating jobs would be a good thing. Not if you’re a Democrat, Leftist, union member.

State employees were paying nothing up to 6% for their health care premiums. Total compensation for a Wisconsin employee last year was $71,000. Employees in the Milwaukee Public School District had $101,091 compensation. All the protests in the Capitol Building, the death threats against Walker and his family, Leftists going to the homes of Republican legislators and all the rest was because they raised a little bit the amount government employees had to pay for their own health care premiums and pensions. He required them to contribute to their own health insurance 12.6% and their own pensions 5%.   

Some of the savings went to this horrible project; the Brown Deer school district is now able to build a new school, 68% of the cost of the $22 million coming from the savings generated by Walker’s policies. Democrats are against new schools.

Medicaid is supposed to be financed by States. Because of his policies, funding for it increased by $1.2 billion. By the way, no taxes were increased to do this. Democrats think the only solution to anything is to raise taxes, rather than find a way to solve a problem. Looks like Democrats are against financing Medicaid.

Wisconsin’s unemployment rate has dropped to 6.8%. Part of that was very helpful keeping teachers employed. They were facing massive layoffs. Paying for all the goodies like pensions and health couldn’t be afforded for so many teachers. Democrat's response was to fire a bunch of them. Walker’s policies kept teachers employed. There are some school districts that did not implement Walker’s policy of increased health and pension payments. They had to lay off a lot of teachers. Democrats are against employed teachers.

Democrats campaigning against him, most notably Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett have no plan to balance the budget, cut costs, fund Medicare, or pay for anything except by raising taxes. What they’ve done for two years instead is investigate Walker for criminal charges from his county-executive days. They netted some people from that office that engaged in some crimes, but nothing on Walker. By the way, Mayor Barrett benefitted from Walker’s policies. The city is doing better financially than it has in years. They have a balanced budget and $10 million surplus. Democrats are against balanced budgets and government $urplus.

Massive demonstrations costing the State $millions for clean up and repair, personal attacks, comparisons of Walker to Hitler and other murderous dictators, protests at the homes of Republicans, vile insults, Democrats fleeing the State so they wouldn’t have to vote on Walker’s proposed policies, and they only thing they offer is to go back to public employees not paying for their benefits and higher taxes. Democrats hate solutions that work.