May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gay Obama, Murder and Police Dept Cover Up

Certainly untrue, but too wild to pass up. This is from a blog last summer I came across about Obama being gay and belonging to a gay men’s club; as stupid as the tabloid I saw at the checkout that Sarah Palin was a secret lesbian.

The men’s club is, or was, named Man’s Country and Barry had sexual relations there, and has had sex with some named people, Donald Young, gay choir-director of the church in Chicago of which Obama was a member, Trinity United Church of Christ, and a cocaine/sex party with a guy named Larry Sinclair. Plus there were apparently several trysts with a few men in Washington DCRahm Emanuel was supposed to be a lifetime member of the men's club too. 

There were, according to this post, two other men at the church the Obama’s attended, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer that Barry had sex with. It turns out all three men are dead within a couple months of Obama’s nomination to the presidency by the Democrat Party. Now the mother of Donald Young has come out accusing the Prez and Dems of murdering her son and the Chicago police department is helping cover it up.

Now there’s a bunch of lawsuits going on of course, and by some serious law firms. Just a weird story, tabloid or not. Full story here

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