May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Small Step in the Right Direction

A step in the right direction. Ever since Islamofacists began their most recent open attack on Christians, the wholesale murder and slaughter, not much has been said by the Muslim community about it and it's even been cheered. Not much has been done or said by the Muslim community about the murder of any people by Islamofacist terrorists.

We were heartened then to note when this past Thursday in Egypt, Coptic Christian’s Christmas Eve and the Christian holy day of Epiphany, thousands of Muslims showed up to form a human shield to protect Coptics attending Mass. This follows the mass murder by Islamofacists of Christians attending service Christmas Eve in Alexandria when 21 innocent people were slaughtered and many more injured. Great post here by Rob at the “Windrose Hotel” blog about the event and world reaction to it.

We would like to see more Muslims engage like this, and by imprisoning and killing the haters and terrorists in their midst. We currently have dictatorships in Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and several South American and African countries threatening world stability and peace and they are complicit in these murders of Christians. Secular Statist dictatorships have a vested interest in suppressing and oppressing Christians because Christians are the only defense against communism and fascism. It is why Christians have become the most persecuted group on the planet. Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and Mao all saw Christianity as a threat to their rule, and is why they enforced atheism in their governments. 

We pray the Muslim community takes the next step forward from their protecting of the Coptics, and not a step back. That’s a deadly dance that imperils freedom for everyone.    

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