May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Washington Post and the "News"

Even though there’s massive overwhelming evidence the Jurassic Press has no intention of reporting news, only promoting Statist ideology, they still say they are impartial reporters.

Does a two week long media campaign to connect the Arizona shootings to Conservatives regardless of the evidence or lack of it, give anyone confidence that events are being reported objectively?

Now we have alleged reporter of the Washington Post, Dana Milbanks, who wrote:
“But today is the first day of the rest of my life.  And so, I hereby pledge that, beginning on Feb 1, 2011, I will not mention Sarah Palin – in print, online or on television – for one month. Furthermore, I call on others in the news media to join me in this pledge of a Palin-free February. With enough support, I believe we may even be able to extend the moratorium beyond one month, but we are up against a powerful compulsion, and we must take this struggle day by day.”
There was a reader’s poll to measure how many of them would be on board with a boycott of Palin news. That’s good reporting? Palin is arguably the most influential political personality in America. Readers were for the boycott. The poll was pulled by the Post when it became apparent their Leftist slip was showing. They at least recognize this bit, but don’t see the rest of their Leftist propaganda for what it is.

Perhaps though, all the Jurassic Press and alleged comedians like David Letterman and Kathy Giffords were to shut up about Palin, the truth about Palin would emerge; that she’s a working mom, has stayed married to her original husband, got involved in her community, successfully ran for political office and effected positive changes in her state, helps run a family business, is still close to her parents, and walked her talk on abortion…oh what a horrible woman.

Of course if the Jurassic Press did that, a side effect would be blank newspaper pages, empty minutes of the nightly “news” and Letterman would stand on stage with no “jokes”.

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