May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dems Using Religion to Attack Opponents

Secularist Leftists continually attack religion, specifically Christians, except when they think using religion can score political points. The results are pretty vile.

In the Kentucky senate race Democrat Jack Conway came out with an ad attacking his Republican opponent Rand Paul for a hazing event that happened when Paul was in college decades ago.  

Part the ad:
“Why was Rand Paul a member of a secret society that called the Holy Bible ‘a hoax’ – that was banned for mocking Christianity and Christ?” “Why did Rand Paul once tie a woman up? Tell her to bow down before a false idol and say his God was ‘Aqua Buddha?’
 I’ve seen interviews with this Conway character, and he actually believes this is a legitimate campaign issue. Most importantly, a Democrat is using religion (or what he believes to be religion) to attack a political opponent. You can bet if this were a Republican using religion in a like manner it would be attacked by all the “separation of church and state” anti-Christian bigots in the Democrat Party and Jurassic Press.

This second example is especially vile. Democrat Russ Carnahan released a vid through a website “The Real Ed Martin” (Carnahan’s Republican opponent) that tries to link Martin to the pedophilia cover up in the Catholic Church. The vid on this page is direct and vile. Martin has done a lot of volunteer work with the Catholic Church, and apparently Carnahan thinks anyone in the Catholic Church supports and covers up pedophilia. I would suggest this is pretty much the view of most secularists and Dems.

Church and State separation is such a part of the indoctrination of the Left that when Republican senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell pointed out to her Marxist opponent that the establishment clause in the Constitution does not contain language stating there’s such a separation, her opponent, Chris Coons, derided and mocked her for her lack of knowledge of the Constitution. This was at a law school and the audience jeered at her ignorance. Obviously they are not being taught the Constitution in their Con classes. Of course the secularist bigots of the Jurassic Press sided with the ignorant Marxist and the indoctrinated mindless students.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Nothing in there about separation of church and state, yet even though more than a week has passed, the Jurassic Press and Dems have continued to attack her as stupid and ignorant. Knuckleheads.

Rather than understanding, or even trying to understand Christianity, their intolerance is so bred into them, the only time the Dems bring religion up is to spread lies and attack the Church and Christians. They do support Islam though, and that makes sense because it’s totalitarian too.

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