May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bullying, Homosexuality, Traditionalists, the Jurassic Media

That anyone commits suicide is tragic. That level of despair breaks the heart to even think about. The media this past week has been all over the suicide of six kids, three homosexual. 

Not to my surprise, Conservatives and Christians are to blame, because we are homophobic, and promote the hatred of homosexuals. 

From “Huffington Post” blogger John Shore, on his personal blog:
"It's a fact that gay teenagers are about thirty percent more likely than straight teenagers to take their own lives. It's a fact that the vast majority of Christians believe that being gay is a profound moral failing, a foul aberration, a repelling, unnatural offense against God that fully warrants as punishment an eternity spent in hell. Asserting that those two facts have no relationship cannot possibly be anything but intellectually dishonest."

This is of course a vile hateful lie. There may be a few wacky extreme literal people that think this, but it’s marginal, and it’s certainly not mainstream Christian thinking. What he says are facts are not at all; they are made up by him. 

To the bullying issue, are the kids that do this to homosexual kids, doing it because the Bible told them so? Doubt it. Doubt they are being raised in the church, doubt the are being raised in the Christian tradition. 

There are bullies going back to the beginning of time. I dealt with them until high school. One guy used to lay into me on a regular basis at the school bus stop, before and after school. Sometimes he got his buddy and they both would lay into me. I fought back and got my ass kicked. Eventually, I went to the guy’s Dad and told him what was going on, and that if his son even touched me one more time, I was going to the police. As I walked away from the house, I could hear the Father yelling at the son and knocking him around. Violence ran in the family. After that the other kid laid off too. I dealt with it on my own. I grew up, weighing about ten pounds and terminally shy, but dealt with all the bullies; there were several. 

There are options to deal with knuckle dragging jerks, and suicide is not one of them.

The other part of the story is the knuckleheads in the media that use this story to attack Christians and Conservatives, and other people with traditional values. The Jurassic Press drags out intellectually knuckle dragging jerks like the hate spewing Kathy Griffen, or Rosie O’Donnell (why’s she still around?), the incredibly intolerant Wanda Sykes who said that she hoped Rush Limbaugh would die of  kidney failure. That’s what passes for comedy now. Griffin said she would like to push Sarah Palin down the stairs. Peace and Love dude. 

What is this thing, come to think of it, of hate filled alleged comedians being interviewed on alleged news programs for political and cultural commentary, or the knucklehead Stephen Colbert testifying before Congress on immigration? Mostly, I think, because that’s about all the intellectual heft the Left can bring to bear on any issue. Can’t win any argument, facts are against them, so let’s make a mockery of everything.

It’s not bullying that’s the problem now, any more than it was in the past. It’s the breakdown of the culture, the destruction of the family, and the total rejection by half the population of traditional values. Other people are not valued so much. Part of it is about kids manning up and fighting back. It’s part of growing up and dealing with some of the crap we’re all dealt in life. 

It’s about stupid statements like Kathy Griffin’s on this:  "I think that the way that we had trickle-down economics in the '80s, this is trickle-down homophobia. And I really want people to connect the dots. And that's why I believe there's a connection between Prop. 8; Don't Ask, Don't Tell; and now the string of teen suicides."

Or the unfunny Sykes: "In the laws and everything else that's out here, in the churches that they preach that homophobia is wrong. You pretty much have given kids permission to disrespect and, you know, and to cause harm to the gay and lesbian community."  Really Sykes? What churches preach that? Of course she believes this is mainstream Christian thought, but she's so unintelligent and uninformed, so blinded by bigotry and hatred, that's all she knows. 

These idiots talk about tolerance yet bash Christians, Jews, traditionalists, Conservatives, anyone trying to live a moral life, on a regular basis. They are vile stupid people, and I have to wonder why and how it’s possible they have any public platform other than the stage to practice what they criticize.   

I'm sorry and saddened by these suicides. I'm saddened too that intolerant vile hateful people use these tragic deaths as a platform to attack values and beliefs different from their own. Really...who's intolerant? 

Some advice from Queen:

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