May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Those Vile Ten Commandments

Connellsville Jr High, Ten Commandments

Secularists, Statists, Atheist Fundamentalists, and that whole cabal of anti-Christian, anti-Semite bigots are once again attacking the Ten Commandments, this time on a school ground. The monument was put there in 1957, outside of what is now the  Junior High auditorium; at the time Connellsville High School. It was donated by the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

The group suing is the Freedom From Religion Foundation which goes around the country, even to remote areas, finds religious symbols, and sues to have them removed. The ACLU, the well known anti Christian lawyer cabal, is their representative.  

The school said they would move the 5 to 6 foot monument to a nearby church, which was rejected by the intolerant bigoted hate groups, because it would be still be in view of the students while they were on school grounds. Really and truly? They need to demand the church be destroyed too then.

One would think these commandments, rules to live by, would be a good thing. The first of these about putting God before all else; think about that as not worshiping things in the material world such as money, sex, property, etc. It seems these bigots approve of putting the material above all else...relationships, love, caring.

Taking the Lord's name in vain. What you think is what you are. If you defile language, you're defiling yourself. Marcus Aurelius: "Our life is what our thoughts make of it." That, what to them is a horrible Book, predated the statement in Proverbs: "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he".  It seems these people reject having good clean thoughts.

Remembering the Sabbath. Take a day off, get some rest. I guess they don't want a day off. I recommend they work seven days a week, walk the talk.

Honor your father and mother. It's better to disrespect your father and mother?

Don't murder. Hmmmmm, murder is a good thing?

Don't commit adultery. So good ahead and cheat on your spouse, it's acceptable.

Don't bear false witness against your neighbor. By rejecting this I suppose lying and gossiping about your neighbor is a good thing.

Don't covet you neighbor's stuff. Being envious and wanting your neighbor's stuff is a good trait?

It seems Atheists and Secularists are pro adultery, pro murder, pro theft, materialist above all else, think and say vile things, advocate for a seven day work week, and be disrespectful of your parents.

Well, that's a good lifestyle.   

Obama's Anti-Israel Policies Laid Bare in Viral Vid by 23YO Liberal New Yorker

This is 20min, and worth the time. Twenty-three year old Liberal New Yorker, Irina, that had voted for Obama, reviews his anti-Israel record. We all know Obama is pro Palestinian and his sympathies (at the least) lie with Islam. His Middle East policies combined becomes startling. Must see. This vid  is going viral, has about 650,000 hits.

Even Statist Alan Dershowitz chimes in here, stating the serious problem Obama's anti-Israel policies are causing.

My view is these policies may well lead to a nuclear holocaust of the Jewish people, apparently something Obama doesn't object so strongly to. I think Obama isn't a very smart man, but shrewd, but even he can see the existential threat to Israel's existence, and has chosen to dismiss it.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Meet Freddie Combs, X Factor US

Amazing story, incredible voice.....oh my....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pamela Geller Schools Racist Antisemitic Geraldo Rivera

Pamela Geller
The racist antisemitic pro PLO/Hamas supporter Geraldo Rivera does nothing more than call Pamela Geller names while he supports his hateful antisemitic agenda. Geller schools him, big time, and all the intellectually ideological racist Rivera can do is call names. This is what liberty loving people are up against in the West, the kind of antisemitism that pervades the Left and the Jurassic Press.

Leftist State Department Incivility

It's becoming redundant that "Leftist" or "Democrat" and "Incivility' go together so often. It's becoming a regular modifier. This latest example comes by way of the State Dept. Hilary Clinton’s personal spokesperson, Philippe Reines went off on a reporter that challenged him. In an email no less. Nothing like good documentation.

Classy. Mature. Aren't State Dept types supposed to skill in diplomacy? 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Art, Insults, Apoligies, Only to Islamists, Not to Christians

Serrano's Pi$$ Christ
Andres Serrano is back. In 1989 the alleged "artist" produced "Pi$$ Christ", a crucifix submerged in his urine. Christians took to the streets murdering and killing! Well, that was effective, so now this wonderful and creative work of something has reemerged and the Edward Tyler Nahem Gallery in Manhattan will be showing it, though it seems only a picture of it. There will be a spontaneous riot with killing next Thursday when the show opens.

This piece of "art" was financed by money confiscated by the US government from citizens and sent to the National Endowment for the Arts. This means that Christians had to pay to be insulted by an alleged artist. These guys, publicly financed art "connoisseurs", bash Christianity all day long, but this "art" is okay, even brilliant! Any thoughts what would happen if an artist did a new rendering, respectful, of the Crucifixion, would the National Endowment for the Arts would endorse and pay for it?

Meanwhile, our anti Christian bigot Dear Leader is falling all over himself apologizing to the rioting, murdering, sodomizing Islamic world for us, Americans, having free speech.

Don't expect any apologies from him for this taxpayer paid alleged work of "art".

                             Mathias Grünewald, Crucifixion, Isenheim Altarpiece, c.1512/15

You'll never see something like this in a National Endowment for the Arts Show.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ancient Papyrus Saying Jesus Had a Wife Sends Christians to the Streets Rioting and Killing

Usually the anti Christian bigots, secularists, atheists, wait until Christmas before trying to chip away at some Christian value or belief. They're jumping the gun a bit on this one.

A tiny piece of papyrus, 1.5 inches by 3 inches, has been found with a quote "Jesus said to them my wife". This dates from the 4th century CE. and is Coptic.

A bit about the Copts and Gnostisim. They are outside traditional Orthodox Christianity, and as such are heretical. The traditional Christian creed is Jesus died and was resurrected for our salvation, he was both divine spirit and human. Gnosticism sees Jesus as a liberator and teacher. They believe the physical, Earth, is inherently evil, and reject the notion of God creating a perfect physical paradise, then Man (Adam and Eve) rejected Him causing sin and evil and the destruction of earthly paradise. Salvation, say the Copts, is not obtained through acceptance of Jesus Christ, but through the esoteric knowledge only they understand. I have a hard time wrapping my head around this one, Docetism, that Jesus was a Spirit that only appeared human to us lesser beings. There's much more to this of course, more here.

So we have this group that rejects the Nicene Creed and the Apostle's Creed, which are essentially the foundations of Christianity. This is what the anti Christian secularist Jurassic Press and other atheists are using in this newest attack on Christianity.

There has been no full testing of the piece of papyrus yet, so knowledge of the context and provenance of the papyrus is little to nothing. Would that the anti Christian secularist Jurassic Press be so supportive of actual Scripture.

Here's some Jurassic Press breathless quotes.
Good Morning America on ABCElizabeth Vargas: "Real-life Da Vinci Code. "Christianity's biggest mysteries about to be solved. The tiny scrap of paper that could prove Jesus had a wife. Why this faded fragment might solve an age-old question." 
 Alleged reporter Anne Thompson as part of her intro on NBC's Today: "Watch out for the lightning bolts that are sure to strike us."  Really Anne? Moving on: "Now King says early Christians argued over whether it was better or not to marry and it wasn't until after a century of Jesus' death that he began to use his marital status to support their positions. You can bet this discovery will do the same today all around the country, and the world. 
Vargas again: "There's been for centuries debate whether Mary Magdalene was married to Jesus, because of the Gnostic Gospels. A whole set of gospels claim in fact that was true. It would've been very unusual for a man at that time, a Jewish man not to be married."

Karen L. King, the Harvard Divinity School professor who received the fragment.

King is also outside Orthodox/Traditional Christianity, since she believes the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Judas are authentic and advocates for them. They have long since been rejected as part of Christian canon. King has a lot of critics and detractors both secular and in the religious/theological/historical communities. This was not widely reported. Catholic League's Bill Donahue: "King is known for her fertile imagination. For example, she previously claimed that Mary Magdalene was one of the apostles. Even better, in the book in which she made this extraordinary claim, she “rejects His, Jesus’ suffering and death as the path to eternal life.” Not much left after that. Donahue article here.

All said and done, not authenticated, written 4 centuries after Jesus by heretics, which of course the anti Christian press gloms onto. 

Romney Ponies Up on Tax Returns, What Obama Still Has Sealed

A brief summary of what we've learned about Romney's taxes:

"For 2011, Romney reported $13,696,951 in income, mostly on investments. He gave $4,020,772 to charity and paid $1,935,708 in federal and state income taxes.

Along with the returns, the Romney campaign released a statement from Price Waterhouse Coopers, based on PWC’s review of the last 20 years of the Romneys’ tax returns. The PWC letter says that the Romneys have paid both federal and state income taxes each year, with an average annual effective federal tax rate of 20.20%. For the 20-year period, the total federal and state taxes owed plus charitable contributions taken as deductions represented 38.49% of the Romneys’ total adjusted gross income." ~~From Powerline here

Of course the Dems and the Re-elect Obama Press are spinning this, going over the returns, saying Romney's adjusted the numbers, see! he pays less a percentage of his income than...whatever. Meanwhile, George, Obama's brother lives in a hut in a slum in Africa, and when he needed a $grand for medical, he asked author Dinesh D'Sousa for help, not from his brother. 

Doubles rate of Obamas' giving... 

Obama said he would be the most transparent president ever. What we haven't seen from him:

1) The original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s:

2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released

3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed

4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed

5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s repatriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released

6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released

7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released

8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released

9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occicidental records have been released.)

10) Columbia College records — not released

11) Columbia senior thesis — not released

12) Harvard Law School records (not released)

13) Obama’s law client list — sealed

14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed

15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed

16) Obama’s medical records — not released

17) Obama’s passport records — not released

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gangnam Style? This Korean Vid Has Over 220 Million Hits

This is the hottest vid on the planet right now. Gangnam Style is a song about an area in South Korea that has taken off in wealth, and the song is about the love/hate relationship the people of South Korea have with it. It's a fun dance and good song. The singer/rapper is Psy.

A bit of back story from ABC

The viral vid

On the "Today Show"

Carly Rose Sonenclar: Young Singer

I don't watch the X Factor, but I did come across this gem. Sweet, humble, and talented.

Obama's Statements Advocating Redistribution of Wealth and the Denials He Advocates the Distribution of Wealth

Obama and his communist party are all about the redistribution of wealth. Obama has said he wants energy prices to go up. He wants higher taxes (allegedly on the wealthy that already pay most of the taxes, 47% don't pay income tax), he sees more people on food stamps as a good thing. A big challenge dealing with Leftists is they continually deny they are what they are and said what they said. White House is saying Obama's statement in 1998 that he believes in redistribution was a long time ago. Well he said essentially the same thing to Joe the Plummer during his first campaign for president.

His 1998 statement that he is for wealth redistribution. "I believe in redistribution."

This is during Obama's campaign, talking to Joe the Plummer, he says he wants to "spread the wealth around", at time 4:40, though its worth listening to the whole thing. He actually says wealth comes from the bottom up, that taking from those that earn more and giving to those that earn less, creates more customers so the wealthy can earn more. Huh?

White House spokesman Carney justifying and covering over Obama's 1998 statements advocating Socialism.

Bad week so trying to change the subject? The Middle East is on fire, Americans are being murdered, embassies are being overrun, and the focus now is on Romney, 15 hours after the events started made a statement; Obama nothing except for his State Dept apologizing to Islamofascists for American's right to free speech. Then the Dems and Re-elect Obama Press focuses on a Romney fund raising speech, illegally obtained (crime in Florida to record without permission/knowledge or speaker) saying some people won't vote for  him no matter what. One would think that the only thing that happened this week is Romney made a speech that insulted the Dems and the sycophantic Re-elect Obama Press.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Obama has been endorsed by the Socialist Party and Communist Party, as well by most communist dictators around the world.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You Didn't Build That Parody ~ Hilarious!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Romney Goes After Alleged Reporter

Finally a Republican Presidential nominee goes after a lying reporter, that instead of just covering the news, attacks what Romney is saying. Just love this!

I've read some of the Leftist comments about how Romney lied here, and the alleged reporter was right to call him out. Wrong. A reporter only covers what was said, the talking heads and editorial writers challenge. There was even a stupid comment that Romney was violating free speech of the alleged reporter. Good grief, how is that even possible? A single man? Has anyone ever seen Obama challenged during his campaign speeches? Ever? 

The Leftists on the YouTube comments section, apparently unable to understand the distinction Romney was making. Group Think. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

2007 Obama Says He'll Bring Peace Between Islamist Countries and the West

Along with stating the rise of the oceans will slow because of his ascension to power, he also said because of him, strife between the Islamic world and the West will go away, there will be world peace, Kumbaya. Given the riots, murders, sodomy, burning US flags and embassy... well, not so much.

"Forward" to the Past: Obama's Channeling Jimmy Carter

Obama's "Forward" Leninist campaign slogan is forward to the past. It's amazing how many phrases, ideas and concepts of Carter are being re-mouthed by Obama.

Then there's this. Carter acceptance speech of the Democratic nomination in 1980. Under is are the statements Obama made in his acceptance speech a couple weeks ago.

OBAMA: The truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades. It will require common effort and shared responsibility and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one.

CARTER 1980: [W]e have a memory of Franklin Roosevelt, 40 years ago, when he said that there are times in our history when concerns over our personal lives are overshadowed by our concern over "what will happen to the country we have known." This is such a time, and I can tell you that the choice to be made this year can transform our own personal lives and the life of our country as well.


OBAMA: The choice you face won't just be between two candidates or two parties. It will be a choice between two different paths for America, a choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future.

CARTER 1980: This election is a stark choice between two men, two parties, two sharply different pictures of what America is and what the world is, but it's more than that. It's a choice between two futures.


OBAMA:  Today the United States of America is less dependent on foreign oil than at any time in the last two decades.
You can choose the path where we control more of our own energy. ...
Today the United States of America is less dependent on foreign oil than at any time in the last two decades. So now you have a choice, between a strategy that reverses this progress, or one that builds on it.
We've opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration in the last (pause) three years, and we'll open more.
I will not let oil companies write this country's energy plan or endanger our coastlines...

CARTER 1980:  The battle to secure America's energy future has been fully and finally joined. Americans have cooperated with dramatic results. We've reversed decades of dangerous and growing dependence on foreign oil. We are now importing 20 percent less oil. That is one-and-a-half million barrels of oil every day less than the day I took office.  This is what they propose: to destroy the windfall profits tax and to unleash the oil companies and let them solve the energy problem for us.


OBAMA:  Times have changed, and so have I.  I'm no longer just a candidate.  I'm the president.  I know what it means to send young Americans into battle.  For I've held in my arms the mothers and fathers of those who didn't return.  I've shared the pain of families who lost their homes and the frustration of workers who've lost their jobs.  While I'm very proud of what we've achieved together, I'm far more mindful of my own failings, knowing exactly what Lincoln meant when he said, "I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go."

CARTER 1980:  Let me talk for a moment about what that job is like and what I've learned from it.  I've learned that only the most complex and difficult task comes before me in the Oval Office.  No easy answers are found there, because no easy questions come there.  I've learned that for a president, experience is the best guide to the right decisions.  I'm wiser tonight than I was four years ago.  And I have learned that the presidency is a place of compassion.  My own heart is burdened for the troubled Americans, the poor and the jobless and the afflicted.  They've become part of me.


Stories of Compassion About Mitt Romney You Haven't Heard

Here are some stories of true compassion of Mitt Romney and his family. The Re-elect Obama Media will not show these because it runs against their narrative that Romney is out of touch and lacks compassion. We have to ask, how many people have Barack Obama and his family reached out to, personally intervened, reached out and helped someone. Remember George, Barack's brother that lives in squalor in a hut in Africa. When George needed about a thousand dollars for medical care, he called Dinesh D'Sousa, who had interviewed him, for help. He didn't ask his brother Barack.
Get the tissues out. These are examples of true charity and compassion.

Character counts.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Steyn on Obama’s Las Vegas Campaign Speech After Murder of Americans in Middle East

After an act of war, the attack on our embassies in Egypt and Libya, four Americans murdered, our ambassador sodomized, beaten to death and dragged through the streets, this president goes to Las Vegas and campaigns, barely mentioning the events in the Middle East. Apparently the Left/Dems aren't even embarrassed by this. Mark Steyn's thoughts on this.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Obama Un-narrated Documentary/Review (in his own words)

Obama in his on words, on transparency, healthcare, taxes, fairness, energy and the national debt on vid. What's happened during his administration. This is a must see for every American. Everything he's said is the absolute opposite as what's happened. Stunning indictment.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eat the Rich: Let's Ban Profits! Democrats At Their Convention

Amazing. These people actually want to ban corporate profits, or cap them, and cap the amount of money people make. At the Democratic Convention.

This is the truth of Democrats\Leftists.

Democratic Convention: Bill Clinton / Commentary Charles Krauthammer

This is long long long. He's still windy.

In the mirror; he talks about hate of Republicans? He talks about reaching across the aisle. Compromise for Dems is getting enough RINO's to agree with them.

Dem Party Bosses Put God and Jews Back in Their Platform, Against the Will of Delegates

The Democrats are the Party of atheism and antisemitism, and when they had taken God out of their platform and refused to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, they showed their true colors. The backlash was so strong the party bosses decided to put them back in. The atheist Jew hating Party members on the floor obviously voted it down, but it was passed anyway. It's what Dems do. You vill obey!

This is Dick Durbin being asked why Jerusalem and God was taken out of the Dem platform. All he did was attack the reporter. Loved the line of Dubin saying Truman was first president to recognize Israel. Of course he did. Israel was created during his administration. Good grief.

The Party bosses have designated who is allowed to speak to the media, and are given talking points. You vill obey the bosses!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Same Change? Or Changing the Same? Or Something.

For a guy talking change all the time, sure is samo samo four years late.

At the Democratic Convention: What Businesses Was Obama Involved in Before Politics?

Not one of these people know anything about business. Bain was terrible? By what measure?

Obama did, by the way, have a job as a researcher at Business International Corp and at the law firm Davis, Milner, Barnhill, Gallan

Fact Checking Michelle O & Julian Castro - Re-elect Obama Press "Fact " Checkers Nowhere To Be Found

Since the Left\Dems so big on "fact" checking Republicans and Conservatives, we'll do so here, since the Re-elect Obama Press think Dems only speak pure truth.

In her speech at the Democratic Convention, Michelle wove a story of how poor and struggling she and Barack were.

The following is from Breitbart. Full article here.

Michelle went to Whitney Young, the public magnet school for Chicago’s upper class, while Barack attended Punahou, the private prep school for the top stratum of Hawaiian society.

“[B]elieve it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage,” Michelle said. ...  their combined income from cushy law firm jobs dwarfed the repayments. Barack also soon enjoyed a second salary from the University of Chicago.

A $277,500 two-bedroom condo they bought in 1993.

A $1.65 million mansion in Hyde Park a few years later.

Lots of multi-million dollar vacations for her and the kids, at taxpayer expense.

The main distinction here. Romney got a job, then started a company, and earned his own money. The Obama's do it with government (your) money. Except from that big house which was financed by Tony Rezko, a very shady character and fraud. 

Her and Julian Castro's speeches here

About Castro, while he praised his mother, what the Re-elect Obama Press won't tell you is she was a founder of La Raza Unida (literally “The Race United") in Aztlan—in the Southwest. This is a racist, communist group that wants to overthrow the US government.
Castro advocates his mother's racism, is for open borders, is against voter ID (anyone in the US, citizen or not should get to vote), San Antonio, where's he mayor, is a sanctuary city meaning federal law is ignored and illegal immigrants have a free reign to do whatever they want. 

Full article about Castro and his ties to La Raza, his racist and communist ideology here


Debt. None of us like it. We all do what we can to keep it down, keep it under control. If we're in debt, we don't borrow more money, thinking that's a good way to reduce it. We don't keep spending more and more money thinking this is a good way to get out of debt. This president and his political party think the opposite when it comes to our national debt. Our Dear Leader has increased the debt over a $trillion a year since taking office, and next year another $trillion will be added. Six!!!! $trillion!!!!! in about five years!!! That's an increase of 51%! They say we need to keep spending at that rate to make things better.

If that were the case on a personal level, I'd stop paying rent and buy a $500,000 house (in Nevada that a pretty big and luxurious house) and buy that Cadillac CTS, plus max out my credit cards.

At the beginning of the Democratic Convention a couple days ago, we passed $16 Trillion national debt. Each of us, according to the US Treasury, now owe $51,874. That amount was $17,454 when Obama took office.

This is an increase to $4,073,237,142 per day!

As a percentage of the GDP, it has risen from 40% to an estimated 73% by the end of this year. We've seen what happens when it gets that high. Greece, France, Spain, Ireland, Portugal. They are all collapsing. We are getting ever closer. This must must must must be reduced to 20%.

These numbers come from the Treasury Department and the Congressional Budget Office.

Democratic National Convention: Julian Castro, Michelle Obama

Keynote speaker San Antonio Julian Castro.

Of course the alleged "fact checkers" will give this Marxist a pass. What world is he living in? Four million new jobs created in this administration, when hard number show 23million fewer people working now that when Obama took office? Saved the auto industry by fleecing $billions of tax payer money, borrowing and printing the rest, and now GM is facing bankruptcy again? Leftists have controlled education for decades, where the "3 R's" have been shelved and kids are graduating with no knowledge of math, history, government, music, arts, and yet $trillions have been spent paying the way to personal failure and dependence on government. Using Leftist logic and perception this was a mean spirited hateful speech. Why, look at all those vicious attacks on Mitt Romney. Would that we had a free press.

Michelle Obama

This was a good speech, but ......Both these speeches talk about personal sacrifice and hard work. Thing is, neither of them believe it, they believe in the Marxist idea of cradle to grave government care. The part about Barack pouring over letters concerned about suffering people. Really, from the guy that has an electronic auto pen sign letters of condolence to the families that have lost someone on the battlefield?

Great summation of both speeches by Charles Krauthammer.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If You're Not a Leftist, You're a Racist

Great satire about everybody that doesn't submit to and agree with Obama and the Dems is a racist....Hilarious!

Jewish Task Force (JTF) Take on Obama, Islam, and the Middle East

It's no secret Obama is a pro-Islamist anti Semite. This just drives home the case.

Janesville Plant Closing Date Still an Issue?

The Dems are still lying and frothing and spinning about the date of the Jamesville plant closing, saying Ryan, in his Republican Convention Speech, said it closed in 2009 and that Obama caused it.
Here's what he said:

“A lot of guys I went to high school with worked at that GM plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: `I believe that if our government is there to support you … this plant will be here for another hundred years.’ That’s what he said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year.”
Does anyone see a statement of accusation and date here?

Here's the vid of what Obama said at the plant.

The Leftist member of the Re-elect Obama Press, actually, for a change, practiced some journalism, and stated: Article here.

"And even though he wasn't president, General Motors and Chrysler did get word that they would be receiving a bridge loan from the U.S. Treasury in mid-December, 2008, before the plant stopped producing GM vehicles. It continued to produce some cars for Isuzu and completely shut down mid-2009."

The Dems are supporting a failure, who is responsible for a horrifying economic disaster, and all they can do is call everyone that opposes them a liar and a racist. How embarrassing for them, though they won't recognize it because they have no shame. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Romney: The Good Man

The Young Romney's

Romney is a good man that Leftists/Dems have done their best to demonize, to create the perception he's evil incarnate. As is known to us political junkies, this is out of the Saul Alinski playbook. Isolate and negatively personalize the opponent. Given the un-success of Obama, it's all they've got.

Here's some good things about a good man. Time was when success was lauded. The Leftist meme is if one is successful and has gotten rich, it's because that wealth was at the cost of the poor; not that it's created. Romney gave his inheritance to charity, and pretty much started his adult life from scratch. I'm sure he had connections, but they had to be used wisely. Plenty of people have connections, or money, and squander it. Romney is estimated to be worth somewhere in the range of $200 million. He's given $millions to charity and his church. He's been chairman of the board, CEO, a bishop in his church, a governor, and saved the Winter Olympics. One doesn't have that kind of success without investing a lot of time and money coupled with dedication and drive.

Opposite that is this attitude. A woman at work was complaining about her wage, and how she should make more money, get a raise. I asked her if she was learning other skills and had applied for a supervisory position. No, she didn't want to do that, but it was only fair she make more money anyway. What a difference in motivation and attitude. A man at work made some comment about the rich, the lack of fairness or something of the haves to have-nots, so I asked him if it was so easy to be rich, why wasn't he?

Back to Romney. He's worth more, has generated more personal wealth than the last eight presidents combined. That indicates to me he knows how things work.

He's created a trust fund for his grandkids, estimated at $11.8 million. I do know too that he and his sons make sure those kids do chores and contribute; they're not pampered. I suspect they too will grow up to know how things work. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann made sure their own sons did. Is providing for one's family into the future part of the American Dream? Apparently the political opposition thinks not. (They would rather government provide the function, for nefarious reasons.)

There's the now famous story of how he shut down the company in 1996 and flew employees to New York to look for 14 year old Melissa Gay, daughter of an employee. Two hundred employees fanned out across New York City, worked with police and detectives, and found the child. Character. 

He doesn't indulge in a ostentatious display of wealth. The Romney's don't have maids and butlers. They don't drive flashy cars. They don't have flashy homes. Think of all the wealthy Hollywood actors, singers and rappers, pro athletes, with their Ferraris and bling, and the multi-million dollar mansions. Hear the Left attacking them?   

Turns out he often fly's coach. There's a story he was doing so, flying back from the Vancouver Winter Olympics and some guy went into a rage and took a swing at him. Romney didn't press charges. Romney could have his own fleet of planes if he wanted, doesn't need to fly commerical.

This is a successful man, and the political opposition wants to make that an issue? That because he's successful he's evil?

This is a good man that loves his wife and cared for her when she was seriously ill and bed ridden. He did the grocery shopping and cooked the meals. He's been a successful governor. The Left will dispute this, but when you look at the top ten financially stressed states and their fleeing populations, nearly all are run by Dem governors. That didn't' happen in Mass. He's provided for his family and raised good kids. He saved the Olympics and showed a profit; it was $millions in debt when he took over. His company Bain has saved dozens of companies from going belly up, and kept their employees jobs; an about 80% success rate. So much so that many anti-Romney, pro Marxist unions and others in the pro-Obama public sector have invested $millions in Bain to manage their retirement and other investment funds.

This man has an extraordinary record of success, both personally and professionally.  This is to be excoriated, hated and despised?

Obama has a  record of _______________?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

God's Wisdom in Our Suffering

We all know how we all suffer. Sometimes in the midst of it we forget God's presence, and His purpose, no matter how much we can't stand it, for our tribulations.  "Everything needs a crack in it, that’s how the light gets in.” [Leonard Cohen from his song "Anthem".] We may tire of hearing the statement of it; trials strengthen us.

St. Rose of Lima:
Our Lord and Saviour lifted up his voice and said with incomparable majesty: “Let all men know that grace comes after tribulation. Let them know that without the burden of afflictions it is impossible to reach the height of grace. Let them know that the gifts of grace increase as the struggles increase. Let men take care not to stray and be deceived. This is the only true stairway to paradise, and without the cross they can find no road to climb to heaven.”When I heard these words, a strong force came upon me and seemed to place me in the middle of a street, so that I might say in a loud voice to people of every age, sex and status: “Hear, O people; hear, O nations. I am warning you about the commandment of Christ by using words that came from his own lips: We cannot obtain grace unless we suffer afflictions. We must heap trouble upon trouble to attain a deep participation in the divine nature, the glory of the sons of God and perfect happiness of soul.”

Soundingjoy: Breathe In Me

Leonard Cohen "Anthem"

The birds they sang
at the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don't dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
Ah the wars they will
be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
bought and sold
and bought again
the dove is never free.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

We asked for signs
the signs were sent:
the birth betrayed
the marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
of every government --
signs for all to see.

I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.

Ring the bells that still can ring ...

You can add up the parts
but you won't have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum
Every heart, every heart
to love will come
but like a refugee.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.

Always remember God's presence. 

Wade In the Water - Eva Cassidy

An old spiritual

Greedy Dems Using Bain Capital to Invest

Democrats, Unions and sundry other Leftists have made the evil Bain Capital the centerpiece of their Romney hate campaign. The evil capitalist at work. Wonder what would happen if they walked their talk, and pull their investments made through Bain Capital. Lots of unions, Dems, Leftists, communists making money here. Some of the government employee investments are:

 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ($2.2 million)
Indiana Public Retirement System ($39.3 million)
Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System ($177.1 million)
The Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System ($19.5 million)
Maryland State Retirement and Pension System ($117.5 million)
Public Employees’ Retirement System of Nevada ($20.3 million)
State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio ($767.3 million)
Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System ($231.5 million)
Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island ($25 million)
San Diego County Employees Retirement Association ($23.5 million)
Teacher Retirement System of Texas ($122.5 million)
Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System ($15 million)

Some Leftist universities that teach Marxism and the evils of Capitalism:

Purdue University ($15.9 million)
University of California ($225.7 million)
University of Michigan ($130 million)
University of Virginia ($20 million)
University of Washington ($33 million)

Some Leftist anti capitalist foundations investing through Bain include Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Doris Duke Foundation, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Ford Foundation, the Heinz Endowments and the Oprah Winfrey Foundation.

Money grubbing greedy Dems and Leftists should be ashamed of themselves for being such hypocrites.

Citizens United vs Anti Free Speech: Update

The Left\Democrats have been in an uproar about the Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court that actually allowed free political speech the horrid McCain Feingold Act blocked. The Act states there can be no mention a candidate within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary. What? It's a political campaign for Gods' sake, and you can't mention the politician that's campaigning?

The issue brought before the Court was Citizens United was airing or going to air, I forget which,  Hillary: The Movie, within thirty days of the election. Of course communist Michael Moore's propagandist lie filled movie  Fahrenheit 9/11 was allowed to air, and all it did was bash Bush.

The details of the ruling and the anti free speech McCain Feingold here.  Link to Citizens United here.

This is a vid of the President of Citizens United at the Republican Convention with a good update.  

The obvious answer to all this mess is to repeal McCain Feingold and just have full disclosure of who donates how much to whom. Let citizens decide.

Paul Ryan vs "Fact Checkers"

Paul Ryan answers the lies the Leftist\Re-elect Obama Press and  "fact checkers" have been propagating. Namely about the auto plant and when it closed. The other how he criticized Obama for creating the Simpson-Bowles commission, then rejected it, and Ryan himself voted against it. He points out it didn't fix the problem, they took elements that worked, added some things, and passed it in the house. Obama did nothing. This is brilliant.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Narcissist Acting Brave

Caravaggio "Narcissus" 

Navy SEAL  Aaron Carson Vaughn was killed in Afghanistan last year. The SEAL's are being used by the Dems and Obama campaign to show how brave and leader-like Obama is. It took the coward Obama months to give the order to take out bin Laden, then he talks like it was him that let the raid. Like Kerry before him, anti military except at election time. This guy is gutting the military, like he is much else that makes this country what it is (was?). Notice too how Dems seem to make it to [Black] church at election time, but scream about separation of church and state the rest of the years.

This is a campaign ad extolling the bravery {cough} of Obama ordering the bin Laden raid and a mother's response to it. Our Narcissist in Chief. A pretty despicable thing to do. Shame on Bill Clinton too. 

Back in August 2011 a Chinook went down in Afghanistan, killing 17 of the 30 US soldiers aboard.  The families got a form letter, signed by an electric pen. Rapper  Heavy D died and the family got a personal letter from Obama. Character and priorities.  

Going back to bravery, in what was supposed to be a tribute to a true man of bravery and character, Neil Armstrong, what Obama posted on his page with this, himself gazing at the heavens. Good grief.

His speeches are pack with "my" and "I". Previous presidents use "this administration", or some semblance of that. Slow the rise of the oceans indeed. This causes a combination of sadness and pity for the man-child, at the same time disgust and distain.

Our love and prayers to our military men and women who exhibit true dedication and bravery and sacrifice, and their families. This is a moving tribute to men lost when the helicopter went down. Please stay and pray during the moment of silence here, for our military and their families.    

GW Bush still visits wounded soldiers.