May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Adventures in Leftist Blogs

In my previous blog I talked about what happened when I made a few comments on a leftist blog. I do this every once in a while, always with respect, and always with the same result. Leeza, to her credit, did not let a lot of vile hatred happen, so kudos to her. However, the exchange to follow is pretty standard. I had one of my replies deleted by her because it was 'snarky', an odd word coming into pop lexicon. I challenged what was 'snarky' in my reply.

Well, maybe 'snarky' wasn't really the issue. "The comment you're replying to, Steven, was deleted because it deprecated someone's personal appearance. I've communicated with the relevant MySpacer, who understands why I deleted it."

I asked: "I would like to know the specific insult. I don't remember insulting anyone. I need to know this, so if I was over the line, I don't do it again. Thanks"

Then: "The comment about someone's personal appearance was in the comment you were replying to; it was not in your comment."

OH! Making sure I'm respectful, "Plus, if the insult were too egregious to state here, please leave me a message via MySpace. Thanks"

OH! "It's not a matter of how egregious a statement is - deprecating or mocking someone's physical appearance is not acceptable period. At any rate, the disparaging word was not yours."

Oh... still I was deleted. Thing is, on leftist blogs, if one doesn't adhere to the predictable attacks, political correctness and Party Line, well then. Where's Stalin when you really need him? Leeza and her readers appear interested only in their own choir, and don't so much value a different perspective. The subject of the past two days has been about the "right" making much ado about Obama's teleprompter and his 'special olympics' gaff. Pretty much the conservative blogs have moved on, and this is a running joke and an aside, not the topic of conversation.

I must say too that there are a few Conservative blogs that do this, but for the most part are more tolerant and more points of view are discussed.

I'll adventure on to another Leftist blog a few months from now, and I suspect that they will be praising all the leftist moves to socialize, nationalize, impoverish, dumb down kids even more, and silence the opposition. Always fun, and makes my point about leftist hypocrisy and narrow mindedness.


S.R. Piccoli said...

What you described, Steven, is exactly what happens on many British and Italian Leftist blogs, as well. They preach tolerance, but generally don't practice it. As you wrote in the other post, "They preach open mindedness, but won't even entertain any notion they haven't already set in their heads."

Steven Dexter said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope to keep my postings interesting, informative, entertaining at times, and throwing in the unexpected on occasion.