May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Not Christian, Not American

I have no words of understanding or tolerance of these low life bottom sucking scumbags of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka Kansas. These are the knuckleheads that stand outside of a military cemetery and have signs displayed for the friends and family of soldiers killed in action to see while going to bury their dead.

They say, among other things, "Thank God for dead soldiers", "America is Doomed", "God Hates the USA", "Thank God for 9/11", "Priests Rape Boys", and "Thank God for IEDs". They do this despicable thing because they say America is tolerant of homosexuality, and object, they say, to the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy.

Now comes along the courts, alleged dispensers of justice, causing the father of a dead Marine, that just wanted to bury his son that was killed in Iraq, even more grief. The father was so offended that he filed suit against the alleged Christian church. Fred Phelps is the leader of this hate cult, and he has somehow been able to turn the tables on this poor father, possibly causing him financial ruin.

The father, Albert Snyder, was awarded by a Baltimore jury damages for emotional distress and invasion of privacy. That was overturned by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals because as vile as the signs are, they are protected free speech. Okay, we can accept that. The 4th went beyond that and has ordered Snyder, the father, to pay the anti-Christian cultist Phelps $16,510.

Snyder not only doesn't have the money, but is struggling to come up with fees to file with the Supreme Court. He said he didn't have any intention of paying the Westboro Baptist Church until after the case is heard before the Supreme Court. Hopefully some law firm that believes in justice will help Mr. Snyder out.

The same U S court system that revels in releasing serial pedophiles, not only reverses the decision, but out of thin air, for no known reason (no details of how the court reached its decision are available), visits financial destruction on the father of a man killed in action. How did that get so turned upside down? My blood is so boiling about this...

The Baptist hierarchy must censure this church, and if Phelps is indeed a Baptist minister, should remove him from the ministry. There is nothing Christian, no Love or tolerance, or care being shown here. If the Baptist's don't sanction this poor excuse for a man, and rip the name "Baptist" from that vile church, then shame shame shame on them.

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