May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Ongoing Battle to Drive Legally

Back on March 4, I wrote that the state of Nevada says I'm not me. It happened when I went to renew my driver's license and I had a birth certificate with a different name than the one I have now. I have a court document with the family name change but with only my father's name.

With my name, Dexter, I've served in combat in the Army in Vietnam, and when I was in the Navy, I had a top secret clearance with this name.

I've been working with the San Bernardino Superior Court, and so far they only found the court document I already have. I remember my dad telling me this was all I would need in the future, which was true when I joined both the Army and the Navy, but not proof enough for the state of Nevada DMV. The Superior Court clerks, that I talked to today, said they'll try and find additional documentation, and hopefully someone old enough that still works there can testify to the fact that when fathers changed their last name, then all his family were changed. Kudos to the clerks I'm working with, they are doing yeoman's work.

The law firm that represented our family no longer exits, this was back in 1958, and the address where they were located is now the 'Bee Hive Clip Joint'.

The newspaper this was published in, as the order of record, no longer exists. I've written the existing Upland newspaper if they know where "The Upland News" archives are located.

Good grief, all I need to do is renew my driver's license. By the way, the reason for all this is because of a national security marking required to be on drivers' licenses; that has already been circumvented by the bad guys.

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