May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Governing Against the Will of the People (vid)

Congressional calls against this bill got up to about 100,000 per hour this past week. There have been large protests nationwide. There was a large protest in D C. If millions of people were against, and protesting against Republican legislation, it would lead every news program and be above the fold on every paper. Seen much from the Jurassic Press? Other than support for it that is...

I read and heard in several places that Republicans pulled this kind of reconciliation maneuver several times; problem is they haven't been able to provide any examples. The reason is the reconciliation meetings were for budget reasons, according to law.

Obeying the law isn't something the Dems approve of:

"There Are No Rules Here ... We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

I usually avoid politics on the weekends, but today the Dems are calling for a vote so they can force their Statist vision on Amerika.

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