May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Thursday, March 4, 2010

DMV and Me and Why They Say I'm Not Me

We all hate the DMV, except, I suppose, the slugs that work there. Now when we citizens go to get our driver's licences renewed, we have to have a birth certificate, or any "Identity and Date of Birth" form, plus social security card, plus name change history if you have had one, plus two forms showing your address.

I've had a name change. When I was 8, Dad changed the family name to my current one, Dexter. My birth certificate has my birth name. The Superior Court document for the change has only my father's name, so according to the DMV, my real last name is what's on the birth certificate. So I can put that name on my renewed license, or go to court and get my name changed. I'll have to contact the San Bernardino Superior Court and see if there's a name change document with my name on it. How long will that take? Will my current license expire before yet another government entity is done being slow and inefficient? The answer to the sloppily dressed supervisor there was that I wouldn't have to take the exam for a year. I mentioned the attire because in addition to the horrible slovenly attitude of the employees, they were dressed like homeless people. Sorry, didn't want to insult homeless people.

The Dexter name I've had for over 50 years. I've been working since 1966 using that name. The US Army accepted it. I spent 14 months in combat for this country with it. The US Navy accepted it. I had a top secret clearance with it. I got my degree with it.

But it can't be used to renew a freakin' driver's license. Meanwhile, illegal aliens (AKA undocumented Democrats) can get a driver's license anytime, no prob...

By the way, for those of you supporting ObamaCare, this is what you'll have to put up with to see your doc... if the government says it's okay to see your doc.

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