May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Boy Scouts Anniversary-Did You Miss It?

I missed it, didn't see it, or hear about it, in the Jurassic Press at all. Of course they're against the Boy Scouts, mostly because the Boy Scouts Organization doesn't want male pedophile homosexuals being scout leaders. One would think after what happened in the Catholic Church, there might be a lesson learned there. Guess not.

Here's a typical comment from what coverage there was:
"They're young symbols of virtue, honest, trustworthy, doers of good deed and builders of camp fires." "For a century now, the Boy Scouts have been the living image of a creed that's both corny and charming in its innocence." Ron Claiborne, ABC's "Good Morning America"

The Boy Scout's Creed: "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent." Surely deserving of mockery, who would want young men to act like that?

The Statist courts that set free pedophiles on a regular basis, consistently rule against the Boy Scouts. Jurassic Press articles and shows consistently demean and mock the Boy Scouts.

March was the 100th Anniversary of this great group that teaches young men to be good citizens, disciplined, and kind. The Jurassic Press used the whole month to bash them and have on gay activists to support their vile, lying, disrespectful agenda against people with traditional values. Very little was said about how many young men benefited, and how society has benefited from the training and direction given by the Boy Scouts.

I say, stay the course Boy Scouts! Here's to 100 more years of kindness, reverence and respect for all.

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