May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Terrorist Bill Ayers Wrote Most of Obama's "Dreams from My Father"

This is going to be big news. The MSM will do everything they can to suppress and demean, like they did Van Jones, Tea Parties, ACORN and the rest, but we are now the alternative press, not Village Voice, Rolling Stone, Detroit Free Press and the rest of that sixties group, they are part of the mainstream press now.

This will continue to diminish Obama. He's lost and is loosing ground on many of his policies. In this, he missed the first deadline for "Dreams from My Father", so went and saw his friend Terrorist Ayers. Ayers took Obama's notes and other material and put it all together. Obama takes all the credit and money. Michelle was in on it too.

Christopher Andersen's book, "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage,": "...oral histories, along with a partial manuscript and a truckload of notes, were given to Ayers." A neighbor, according to the book, "Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together."

Anderson: "In the end, Ayers's contribution to Barack's "Dreams from My Father" would be significant – so much so that the book's language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers's own writing."

Jack Cahill broke this story and has been investigating and writing about it since July 2008. This book by Anderson confirms what Cahill has been investigating.

1 comment:

glgphd said...

This is a victory of truth over BS!

Harry G. Frankfurt, a Princeton Professor of philosophy, wrote as essay "On BS" (spelled out) that was published as a little 4" x 6" 90 page book in 2005.

This is a must read for anyone who follows Washington politics, in general, and Obama, in particular. (And a must read before for anyone buying a used car!)

"Someone who lies and someone who tells the truth are playing on opposite sides, so to speak, in the same game. Each responds to the facts as he understands them, although the response of the one is guided by the authority of the truth, while the response of the other defies that authority to meet its demands. The BSer ignores these demands altogether. He does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it. He pays no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, BS is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are."

"The essence of BS is not that it is false but that it is phony."

Frankfurt argues that BSers misrepresent themselves to their audience by conveying a certain impression of themselves without being concerned about whether anything at all is true. They deceptively change the rules of communication so that claims about truth and falsity of what they say are irrelevant. Frankfurt concludes that excessive indulgence in BS can eventually undermine the practitioner's capacity to tell the truth in a way that lying doesn't.

Since new rules in the House of Representatives prohibit the 'L" word (liar), Representative Wilson and others should call out Obama on his deceptions by saying this:

Mr. President, don’t BS me.

Dr. Gregory Garamoni
Doctors on Strike for Freedom in Medicine