May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Now the Left Charges the Right with Kennedy's Assassination

Only the "Right" creates a climate of hatred. Not only are you a racist if you oppose, now that an African American is President, any socialist and fascist policy, it looks like the Right created a climate of hatred that caused the assassination of JFK.

Some highlights from an article by Jonah Goldberg, article here.

"Over and over again, the entire liberal establishment, led by the New York Times—and even the pope!—denounced the “hate” that claimed Kennedy’s life. The Supreme Court justice Earl Warren summed up the conventional wisdom—as he could always be counted upon to do—when he theorized that the “climate of hatred” in Dallas—code for heavy right-wing and Republican activity—moved Lee Harvey Oswald to kill the president."

"The fact that Oswald was a communist quickly changed from an inconvenience to proof of something even more sinister. How, liberals asked, could a card-carrying Marxist murder a liberal titan on the side of social progress? The fact that Kennedy was a raging anticommunist seemed not to register, perhaps because liberals had convinced themselves, in the wake of the McCarthy era, that the real threat to liberty must always come from the right."

Any problems in America? It's those wascally wepublicans! Those hate filled, sexist, bigot, homophobe, racist, Conservatives.

Here's another article by Mark Hemingway. What's percolating in the Leftist media. The comparison of opposition to Obama and Kennedy, who was murdered by, you guessed it, hate filled Right Wingers! Never mind that Oswald was a Communist. That Kennedy was in Dallas and being cheered. That political discourse was a bit more civilized. From that article:

"Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy, August 27: "So with the death of Ted Kennedy last night, liberalism in this country has lost its champion; the person who, in the modern era, personified liberalism to a greater degree than anyone in Congress; I think that his death heralds the beginning of a very, very very dark period in this country.
I remember feeling that way in 1963 and in 1968-when his two brothers were murdered by the right wing in this country.

Novelist Lorenzo Carcaterra, September 13: 'What won’t stop is the growing hatred toward a young President based on his beliefs and the color of his skin.
It won’t stop until he is stopped. That is the goal of the right.

They’ve done it before.

In the summer months of 1963, the voices of the right were tossing hate bombs at another young President. This time over concerns he was too liberal and his religion was one that frightened a fair number of them, primarily those who lived in the South. There were no Becks, Rushs or Hannitys back then, so the John Birch Society filled the void. They tossed out messages of hate, threats and warnings.'

Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America, September 18: 'A President was killed the last time right-wing hatred ran wild like this...'

Something about the Left is that they created the "politics of destruction", Judge Bork and "borking" a glaring example of that, hate speech, and the rest of it, then say it's that mindset and tactics of the Right. When pointed out to them, well you're a liar, and look in the mirror. It's hard to have discourse and debate with people living in a fantasy world and just make stuff up; then when presented with cold hard evidence still deny it. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd on vid, at hearings saying there's no problem with the banking and mortgage industries, Fannie Mae etc., and they deny it. Ted Kennedy saying before going into Iran that that country was "an imminent threat" and then denying it. People at town hall meetings reading directly from the healtcare bill, and the politician saying that's not in there. How in heaven's name to you have debate with these kind of people?

Hat tip to Rick Moore and his blog at

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