May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, August 4, 2008

Notes on Yesterday's Entry "On Convervatism VII"

Yesterday I missed copying in a paragraph regarding property rights. So it's been added, having to do with how owning property affects and directs behavior. We are loosing the right to private property in the US, which the Left sees as a good thing. In 2005 in the Supreme Court case Kelo V. City of New London, the Supreme Court ruled that property rights should be stripped when politicians can increase tax revenues. There was property owned by a citizen, and developers wanted it to build a commercial property. They went to local politicians and suggested that they seize this private properly through eminent domain and turn it over to the developer. The Supreme Court ruled that increased tax revenue amounts to 'public use'. Did you know that the government can just take your money away from you too? It's called asset forfeiture. An example of this was a guy in Tennessee that would take some cash every year, a few thousand, and go to Alabama, buy some plants, and take them back home and sell them...made a little profit. A ticket agent for the airline thought it odd this man, every year, bought a one was ticket to the same place (he rented a truck and drove the plants back), so he contacted the police. The police questioned, asked to search him, to which the man consented. The cash was found. The police confiscated his cash; said it was probably going to be used to buy drugs. To get his money back he has to sue the government and prove what he was using the money for.

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