May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, August 11, 2008

Religious Journey I

I hadn't thought about doing this, but a friend asked about it, so I thought I'd share. It's about how I ended up, religiously, where I am. The current state, as I had mentioned earlier when commenting on one of the ten principles of conservatism, is that in 1980, I realized something. I'm going way back here to the very beginning. In the '50's, nearly everyone went to Church. Stores were closed. Restaurants I think were open. We attended First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on Holt Ave in Ontario, CA. I remember the baptismal was set high above the pastors' podiums, and I would get excited when during sermons, I would see the water rising behind the glass. This ceremony awed me. By the way, we attended that church from when I have a memory to when I was ten. I remember Sunday school, and even the pastor's name, Paul Kennedy. The other ceremony during service was communion. My parents didn't allow me to partake, telling me that I could when or if I decided to get baptized when I was older. Our church believes it's up to the person to make the commitment and at what age. I remember there were other kids my age that took communion and I was envious. At an early age I knew that I had to be baptized, and had to have communion. What I didn't know was that it would be a long and winding road.

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