May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jobs, Just for Fun

Listening to the speakers at the DNC this week, it was all struggle and suffering, and hard working Americans. Ummmmm, everybody works hard and makes sacrifices and has setbacks; and everyone is a better person for it. So why do the Obamas' have to keep saying how much they've struggled. It's the human condition, The State can't fix it; they can only make it worse. Paradoxically even bad people get better at being bad people because of their challenges. So do you really think that Obama's Hope is going to make your life easier? And for what purpose? To make politicians richer and more powerful? Are you a better person because of your challenges and jobs? Just for fun I've listed my jobs. I started working in 1966 when I was 16. My first job was ground and maintenance crew at a summer camp in Idlewild, CA, and they sent me to train to be a lifeguard. The next year I passed my WSI (Water Safety Instructor). I've worked as busboy, waiter, janitor, soldier, sailor, librarian, roustabout (I was horrible, didn't do a good job at all!), substance abuse counselor, roughneck, linen route driver (later distribution manager), sales of various products and services, retail, customer service rep. Remember too that there's a lot of peripheral stuff to be learned from each job, and each job has different kinds of people. I'll take all that to living a life subject to the State of Hope that Obama offers. Plus, I'll put my hopes with God, not a man that wants the state to create an earthly utopia for his subjects. So what jobs have you had? Are you better for having done them?

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