May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, April 30, 2012

Jimmy Kimmel Hosts the 2012 White House Correspondents' Dinner

This is hilarious! My cheeks were aching at the end! This was a great roast of so many, including President Obama, Democrat leaders, press celebrities, and entertainment  celebrities. He even makes a joke about Obama's ears! Lots of sacred cows were poked here. It's well worth the 25min.

"I know you won't be able to laugh at my jokes about the Secret Service. Please cover your ears, if that's physically possible."

"Democrats would like you to stick to your guns. And if you don't have any guns, you can ask Eric Holder to get some for you."

"It's a thrill for me to be here with the president. A man who has I think done his best to guide us through some very difficult times and paid a heavy price for it. You know, there's a term for guys like President Obama. Probably not two terms."

"Mr. President, remember when the country rallied behind you in hopes of a better tomorrow? That was hilarious."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rammstein - Du Hast (Choir Version)

Viva Vox Choir live at Dom Omladine Beograd

The Man With His Crazy Voice~~~

Fun fun fun. His stage name is Vitas, his full name is Vitaliy "Vitalik" Vladasovich Grachyov. The song is "Opera No. 2"

Father Barron on The Financial Crisis

We’re $trillions in debt, an unimaginable number. Added to that is all our personal debt. Paul Ryan has come up with a budget, two years running that have been attacked, and it really only nibbles at the margins of the problem. If we just stopped what we’re doing now with the spending, and politicians stop stealing money from citizens to line their own pockets, pay bribes and and pay off their donors, three or four generations down the road our fiscal problem may be on the road to recovery. Parents and grand parents, you are enslaving your children and grand children. Is there any shame in this?

Money is also a moral issue. Is it moral for the government to confiscate nearly half of the income of citizens? Is it moral for half the population to support another half that doesn’t pay income tax? Is it moral to spend our great great grandchildren’s income and wealth so we can live large?

Fr. Barron on this issue:  

Simple Explanation of Our Economic Problems

This is the most simple explanation of the dire straits our economy is in. It's a Left vs Conservative view of the problem and solutions without the yelling. Well worth 12min.

Of course the politicians won't fix the problem. Just look at the beating Paul Ryan takes for even marginal solutions to the problem. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Leftist Statists Attacks on Religion, Local and National - More

Here are two stories from the Leftist, anti Christian government currently in power; one local and one directly from Obama.

The Hutchinson City Council (Kansas) has proposed an ordinance to force churches renting space to secular groups to also rent to homosexual groups, or LGBT groups. They could not discriminate “against a gay couple who want to rent the building for a party.”

Meryl Dye, spokesperson for the Human Relations Commission: “They would not be able to discriminate against gay and lesbian or transgender individuals.” “That type of protection parallels to what you find in race discrimination. If a church provides lodging or rents a facility they could not discriminate based on race. It’s along that kind of thinking.”

Our own church, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Las Vegas took five years to get all the secular challenges taken care of to get Miracle League on our campus. Miracle League is an organization for disabled kids to play baseball. There was an attempt to get us re-zoned as secular institution because Miracle League is, plus we have many groups providing alcohol, marriage, divorce support that are secular. We would have to then pay taxes, which most likely would end our 60+ year old church.

Non-compliance would be investigations and fines. Churches are not rich, are voluntarily supported by donations and run by volunteers. The Left is forever campaigning for taxation of churches because they know it would cripple most and close down many. As oft repeated on this blog, the Left needs to shut down religion because they need to create a vacuum to replace it with their religion of the State and eliminate opposition. Nazis do, communists do it, fascists do it, and socialists do it. All Leftist movements.   Full article here.

At the national level Obama doubled down on his bigoted intolerant attack on religion in a recent speech on his idea that contraception should be mandated and paid for by the State. Churches must submit to the State on this issue, and as he often does, mocks those that differ from him.

From the speech to Women's Leadership Forum in Washington Friday April 27:
“This contraception fight in particular was illuminating. It was like being in a time machine,” Obama told the crowd, many of whom had purchased tickets that cost $1,000 to attend. “Republicans in Congress were going so far as to say an employer should be able to have a say in the health care decisions of its female employees. You know, for a party that prides itself on being rabidly anti-regulations of almost any kind, for folks who claim to believe in freedom from government interference and meddling, it doesn’t seem to bother them when it comes to a woman’s health.”
Full article here.

Christians must be ever vigilant. The anti Christian bigotry and intolerance and persecution isn’t violent like in other places in the world, but the effect is the same. Christianity is the most prosecuted religionon the planet, and we must support each other and defy the State.

As an aside, in this speech he also said:
 "As long as I’m President, we are going to keep moving forward."…  "You can count on that.  You don’t have to take my word on it – you’ve got my signature on it.  Because something like standing up for the principle of equal pay for equal work isn’t something I’m going to have to 'get back to you on' – it’s the first law I signed."

Thing is, female employees in the White House get paid 18% less than men. Oooops. Plus, study after study shows when days off and hours worked are calculated into the pay equation, women do get equal pay, except I guess, in the White House. Yes of course there are other exceptions, but men work 8-10 hours a week more than women, and take fewer days off.

Our Dear Leader is shameless using lies, bigotry, intolerance and deceit to keep power.  

Nixon Redux - Obama's Enemies List.

Nixon had his enemies list, which until leaked was secret. Once it was out there, Leftists crowed proudly they were on it. Obama has an enemies list too, and he makes it quite public, and includes names in his speeches. Nixon’s list was primarily political and media personalities which are semi-political since they support Democrats. The shameless Obama attacks private citizens; all they’ve done is donate to candidates or causes Our Dear Leader objects to.

This is from a “Paid for by Obama for America”, official campaign site. It’s a personal attack on private citizens that have contributed to Romney’s campaign, and portrays them as criminals for doing so. "Quite a few have been on the wrong side of the law..." yet not one of the private citizens mentioned has ever been  brought to trial and certainly not indicted for breaking any laws. SEC, Dept of Justice, and IRS, controlled by Obama can certainly change that. I see this as a direct threat by the government to private citizens for stepping out of line and opposing Our Dear Leader. 

A couple examples from the site:
Sam and Jeffrey Fox: Sam and Jeffrey Fox serve as co-chairman of Romney’s finance operation in Missouri and, together, have donated $220,000 to Romney’s presidential ambitions. They also control the Harbour Group investment firm which bragged about buying an automotive accessories manufacturing company in Kansas in 1997 and moving production to Mexico. In 2002, the Harbour group’s Mexico operation decided to outsource to China because China was “offering incentives and making it easy to open operations there.” The Chinese government awarded Sam Fox the Marco Polo Award for “his company’s role in China’s economic development and his humanitarian contributions to that country.” 
 Kent Burton: Kent Burton is one of Romney’s new bundlers who raised more than $25,000 in one month for Romney’s campaign. He is also a registered lobbyist for a wide array of energy clients, including Marathon Oil and Shell Oil.
 OH MY GOD! A braggart and a registered lobbyist! Filthy capitalist running dogs! They invest in companies that employ people and generate income! The horror! As if the Bamster has no filthy capitalist running dogs not only donating to his $billion campaign (reportedly) but work for him; plus his capitalist running dog czars (along with some self identified communists) that he’s appointed that only report to him and are not answerable to Congress.  

Because this man-child has nothing positive to show from his first term as president, is an abysmal failure, a looser, he has to attack private citizens. Shameful and weak. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Reagan Warned Us About Obama

This is a great juxtaposition of a Reagan speech over 40 years ago, with words and images of what's happening during the Obama administration. Prescient.

I don't know if was amused or bemused when Our Dear Leader recently compared himself with Reagan.

"Never Gonna Stand For This" by Teachenor Clark

This is a great get out the vote vid. I sometimes hear "evangelicals" or "conservatives" will sit the election out because Romney does't practice religion the same way they do, or he isn't conservative enough.. I have to ask, really? Is it really an acceptable risk to take away about 30% of voters that believe in applying the constitution, that believe in the rule of law, and cause the reelection of the Racist Communist we have in the White House now? Really?

Anyway. Great song.

Oversight Hearing on GSA Abuse

Rep Trey Gowdy at a hearing regarding the GSA Scandal. Of course the Jurassic Press is playing this down because this is a Democrat administration. I agree with Gowdy, the GSA employees that did this should all be handed indictments. What they did was criminal.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Acceptable- Deceit, Debt, Decay

I think I may be entering into campaign mode already. Here’s where we are, and I’m wondering, if the shoe were on the other foot, would Leftists be acting so sanguine about our economic and political situation?

This Democrat President has presided over the doubling of the national debt, accumulating more in three years than all the previous presidents combined. If this were a Republican president, would this be acceptable?

This president has offered economic proposals doubling the debt in the next 10 years. If this was a Republican president, would this be acceptable?

This president sued a state (Arizona) about a law (SB1070) that he disagreed with. Neither he nor his Attorney General had ever read the law. If this were a Republican president, would this be acceptable?

This Democrat president joined a lawsuit with a foreign country (Mexico) to force them (Arizona) to allow illegal immigration into their state. If this were a Republican president, would it be acceptable?

This president and his wife have spent $millions on vacations. If this were a Republican president, would it be acceptable? (GW used to go to his ranch and do ranch work, and look at the grief he got.)

This president has hired lobbyists after railing against them, Wall Street investment millionaires after railing against them, tax cheats after railing against them. If a Republican president had shown anger and distain against groups of people, then hired them, would it be acceptable?

This president failed to respond to massive flooding in the Midwest. More people died and were left homeless than the aftermath of Katrina. If it were a Republican president, would this be acceptable? (Despite all the lies, the Bush administration did respond in the aftermath of Katrina, and it was the Gov and Mayor that blew it.)

This president has hired 32 people (czars) to run various agencies, created by him, that weren’t vetted nor are monitored by Congress, but answer to him and him only. If this were a Republican president, would it be acceptable?

Unemployment is at 8.2% and we’re told to accept it as the “new norm”. If this were a Republican president, would 8.2% of the population unable to find work be acceptable? (There was howling when we reached 5.2% under a Republican president.)

Democrats passed a bill, near midnight on Christmas Eve, carrying no votes from the opposition Party. Half the citizens of the country opposed it. The speaker of the house said they have to pass the bill to see what’s in it. If Republicans had done this, would it have been acceptable?

This president closed down offshore drilling illegally. He’s closing down the mining industry. He shut down the nuclear power industry. He shut down getting oil piped down from Canada. If a Republican president shut down whole industries, driving up the costs of energy to citizens, would it be acceptable?

This Democrat president sold guns to Mexican cartels (Operation Fast and Furious) that resulted in lots of dead Mexicans, robbery and rape, plus a US Agent murdered. If a Republican president had done this, would it have been acceptable?

This president spent $billions on green energy programs and companies, all donators to him and his political Party. If a Republican president had spent $billions on a specific industry that both went bankrupt and funneled those tax dollars back to his campaign coffers, would it have been acceptable?

If the credit rating of the United States had been downgraded for the first time in our history, and the president had been a Republican, would it have been so acceptable?

Corruption, lies, deceit, the destruction of the economy, $trillions of added debt, massive unemployment (actually closer to 17% than 10%) reduced credit rating, $740 billion stimulus for “shovel ready jobs” that mostly went to pay state union employees that pay the dues that go back to the Democrat Party, lavish White House parties and vacations, closing down vast sections of the energy industry that actually produces, and sending $billions to proven failed “green” industries that sent those tax payer dollars back to the Democrat Party.

This is a miserable record by any measure, but is acceptable to about half the citizens, the Democrat Party, Communists, Socialists, and Leftists of any stripe. 

Things are bad. 

The National Debt and Federal Budget Deficit Deconstructed - Tony Robbins

More and more popular cultural figures are coming out with the truth of how much trouble we're in. We're glad to see this.

Bill Whittle did the same about a year ago, with a little different twist since he’s a Conservative here

Monday, April 23, 2012

Leftist Advocate for Murder of Bush vs Ted Nugent Statement. "Kill Bush" Gets a Pass

The innocuous Ted Nugent statement vs the full blown let's kill Bush statements of Enimem and other musical (?) Leftists.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chuck Colson RIP

Charles Colson has passed. The Jurassic Press of course wants to keep the legacy of an evil Republican doing evil things for an evil president. The Leftist Ministry of Propaganda has done itself proud.

Colson, for the young that have not been taught history, was one of the people charged and convicted for the Watergate Scandal of the early 1970’s. He was sentenced in June of 1974 with a fine of $5000, and served seven months for obstruction of justice.

Here’s a quote from the New York Times obituary article:
"Charles W. Colson, who as a political saboteur for President Richard M. Nixon masterminded some of the dirty tricks that led to the president’s downfall, then emerged from prison to become an important evangelical leader, saying he had been “born again,” died on Saturday in Falls Church, Va. He was 80."

Notice the scare quotes around born again. Full lazy lying article here

The NY Times and other obits got it wrong saying he was born again (it’s a real spiritual, scripturally supported personal event, so I’ll skip the scare quotes), in prison. Not only is this lazy, sloppy journalism, but it shows how uninformed “reporters” in the Jurassic Press are about religion.

Colson was converted during a Bible study group before he plead guilty. He was charged after his conversion. He plead guilty and served time, without a plea bargain, as penance because he knew he had done wrong. Getting out of prison, he began his prison ministries, forming Prison Fellowship Ministries. I saw some stats two or three years ago showing inmates that went through Colson’s program had a lower recidivism rate than any other program. In 1993 he formed Justice Fellowship, a criminal justice reform group, based on Christian principles.

Just to prove, once again, the Left\Democrats are not interested in results, but only in ideology, a federal judge (Iowa, 2006) ruled his program, being religiously based, violated the Constitutional separation of Church\State, and the program was killed. First of all there is no such thing in the Constitution. Second, if fewer criminals were returning to prison after release, wouldn’t that be a good thing and worthy of support? Well, no, the State must repress religion to stay in power. Can’t let it get out that Christianity does some good things. More good things than greedy selfish politicians, rules and laws they don’t apply to themselves, and live large on the backs of citizens that actually produce things and ideas. People might see religious people and Christian principles counter balance State hegemony and intrusion into our personal lives and deny us personal liberty. Totalitarians need an enemy to blame their failures on.  

Chuck Colson was an honorable man, freed people of their demons, got major changes in the prison and justice systems, and did God’s work for decades. God bless him, his family, and those that changed their lives for the better because of his ministry. RIP

“One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is that I don’t ever get up in the morning and wonder if what I do matters. I live every day to the fullest because I can live it through Christ and I know no matter what I do today, I’m going to do something to advance the Kingdom of God.”
~~ Charles Colson

Medieval Prayer, Reading, and Modern Times

We’re focused on ourselves and have been since the dawn of people. This is both a political and religious observation. The religious part of this is shown by an analysis of medieval books. Most books then were religious, and a device called a densitometer measures dirt density on pages; more dirt, more usage. The process was designed and developed by Scotland’s School of Art History at St Andrews, Professor Dr Kathryn Rudy.

The process shows people were terrified of illness, and prayers for protection and healing were used a lot. Prayers for salvation for others were used much less than prayers for self. Full article here.

I wonder if the same is happening now. Have we improved on that? I look at all the work Christians do helping others. The hundreds of $millions tithed and charities contributed to every year; shelters, food banks, missionary outreach that takes care of material as well as spiritual needs of people. Our prayers, though, still focus primarily on our own needs. Usually when we pray, it’s to meet our own needs. We need to train ourselves to pray to include others. Jesus knew this, which is why he gave us His prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, to guide us. This leads to the ACTS prayer formula - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Adoration, we praise God. Confession, we acknowledge our sins. Thanksgiving, we show gratitude. Supplication, we ask for ourselves. I had to train and discipline myself to go beyond even that, because there’s so much more to prayer.  

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.  [Adoration]
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. [Confession]
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil. [Supplication]
For thine is the kingdom and the power and glory forever. [Thanksgiving]

A brief note on the political and self. No matter how many rules, regulations and laws governments pass, people look to their own needs first. Democracy and capitalism allows for this idea, knowing that by taking care of self, family, friends, and community, the greater good for all people are served. Marxism, socialism, communism, fascism, Nazism, all demand, upon penalty of death and imprisonment, that the government is first, beyond self, and it will decide what needs are to be met, and in what quantity. All must be done for the State. Of course the people at the top of government and those that choose to be subservient to them make sure their selfish needs are met first before addressing the needs of the citizens.

They deny citizens the ability of acting for Self, so they can meet their own needs. This runs against human nature, natural law, and is why centralized governments always fail, and have to murder and imprison people to survive and stay in power.

We pray for less selfish prayer, less selfish, self serving government, politicians that believe in the Scripturally based Constitution. We pray that we look to ourselves to determine how we, regular people, can serve each other, and not a centralized government. By serving each other we serve God, and that is what our government needs to be about.  

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"If I wanted America to fail".

A simple cogent observation about jobs, environmentalists, and government.

Governments make things scarce by design. That's the whole thing about Marxist Materialism. It's about things, and the main thing is to make the main thing about limiting things to control everything. Look at your energy bills and how much they've gone up recently. We are told we need to cut back, it saves money and energy. You're using less energy and the energy companies say they need to raise prices to meet their costs because people using less energy brings in less income. Huh? It's true of energy, it's true of income; reducing your income by raising your taxes. Not blatantly, but with hidden fees. It's not the rich getting soaked. It's you and me. Reducing the quality and quantity of your health care. Costs are already skyrocketing and if ObamaCare doesn't get ruled out or overturned, then, like energy costs, your utility costs will go up too; and government will decide who gets what care and how much will be paid. Frightening thing is, half the country thinks this is okay. Frogs in the pot.

John Allen Jr. on Christian Persecution

This is a long piece on the persecution of Christians. Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world. It is or should be the most important issue facing Christians today.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Judge Napolitano: I Think the President Is Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rick Santelli On Debt - Brilliant Rant

Test of Fire: Uber Powerful Catholic Church Election 2012 Ad

“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” Psalm 127:1

That the Catholic Church is standing for what is right and moral lifts my spirits. We pray this is the beginning of  people waking up the threat to this country faces from this administration and his political party. We pray too that we Protestants begin to pay attention to this threat too. We to are having our religious liberty threatened and need to form a strong coalition, a bond to thwart this challenge to the Body of Christ. It has been said here and elsewhere many many times, one of the first things a totalitarian government needs to strike down is religion. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Common Enemy -- White People

The New Black Panthers
I have written in a previous post of the strong possibility of a violent race war in this country. The source is the New Black Panther Party, La Raza, the Democrat Party Black Caucus, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, US Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama. This is supported by the Democrat Party.

La Raza President Janet Murguia here is actually calling for Blacks and Hispanics to team up against a common enemy. That’d be white people. Neither La Raza nor the Black Panthers are noted for peaceful change and working within the democratic process, or recognizing the rule of law. They are all about intimidation and violence. This is supported by the Democrat Party.

Eric Holder and Barack Obama could speak out against the Black Panther's $10,000 bounty to murder George Zimmerman in Florida, could have called for the justice system to work through the Trayvon Martin shooting,  prosecuted them for standing in front of voting sites threatening white people. They could call in the racist president of La Raza and counsel her on her racist calls to violence and hate speech. The could call in racist anti Semites Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and counsel them to tone it down. 

The Left counts on violence, threats and intimation. It has throughout history. Yet while they countenance the violent (rape, murder, abandoned babies, stabbings, filth and health hazards) of the "Occupy" movement, violent riots that injure people, that costs $millions to clean up, they say that sun dress and khaki wearing TEA Partiers and other conservatives are the violent ones. As I said before, if the Democrats and other Leftists accuse others of doing something, you can bet they are already are.      

Democrat's War on Conservative Women

There have been the standard non apology apologies, backtracking and other Leftist smoke and mirrors when what they really believe and think has light shed on them. Good grief, I read Democrat operative saying the phrase "war on women" was never used by Democrats but was manufactured by Republicans and attributed to Democrats to make Democrats look bad. It's what they are. They can't help themselves. It looked plenty good to Dems until it backfired. Then, well, it's dem 'wascally 'wepublicans fault. Here's Ann Romney's response to the kerfuffle about Ann Rosen's attack on her and stay at home mothers.

Classy and knowledgeable. Ann Romney has dealt with MS and breast cancer, and has done an enormous amount of volunteer work. I know this escapes Leftists, but running a household is a business. Budgeting (something Congress can't seem to do), hiring or outsourcing cleaners, landscapers, grocers, teachers and all the rest. The word economy comes from the Greek, for 'household management'. The Left hates Ann Romney for the same reason they hate Sarah Palin. She's a successful mother, raised kids, walks her talk, and stayed married to the same man.

You can make a sure bet that when Leftists accuse Conservatives or Republicans of something, they are already doing it. The war on women by Democrats has been going on for years. The latest dust up was calling conservative women c**ts and tw**ts and the rest, and they've finally gotten the exposure and double standard noted that has been a long time coming. By the way, the Left has doubled down on this kind of language about conservative women; even about Ann Romney after this issue has become public.

Conservative writer Michelle Malkin gets a bucket load of this daily, along with all the racial slurs (Asian); so many, she fill a whole book with them.

Democrats and other Leftists are in fact the racist, sexist bigots they accuse Republicans and Conservatives of being, and I love it when they get so exposed even the Jurassic Press has to cover it. Extending this a bit further they are anti-Semite and anti-Christian too, and that's getting more revealed now too.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Neo-Racism, Afrocentrism

Few things I hate in this world, though there is much one could. The word is so visceral. The list is short; Communism, Fascism, Socialism. Now a most vile sort of neo-Racism, led by Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the New Black Panther Party, many Black “Christian” leaders such as Jeremiah Wright that denounces God, and that is Afrocentrism.

A socialist Afrocentric blog I visit regularly, “African American Reports”, continually reports all the failures of the Black community on Whites. I’ve even seen the term “whitey” there. They’ve been pretty civil to my responses to the postings there, rare on Leftists’ sites. The wall they have built to prevent truth is high and thick. I had pointed out once the historical racism of the Democrat Party. I could hear crickets.

I have to ask, who’s fault? The Black community has supported the Left’s destruction of the family, of forcing them into urban plantations know as “The Projects”, and ensuring their children are not educated to contribute to society and prosper. 70% of Black children are born out of wedlock. True, the same can be said of poor white women, and the majority of Hispanics. The Left celebrates the destruction of the family, and since 95% of Blacks vote Democrat, this horrendous statistic in their own community is their own fault. One can only assume since they elect the people that create the laws that make this happen, they must approve of it.

We all hear of Black students that do well are marginalized by other Black students. The good students have to hide their achievements or give up. There was a 13 year old girl, Jada Williams, for example, tasked to read Narrative of Life by Frederick Douglass. She, like most of her fellow students, are Black. She had read the line by him about education, that “It would forever unfit him to be a slave”. She took that to heart and wrote a blistering essay about the failures of the education system. She was attacked and marginalized by not only students, but by (white liberal) teachers. She was targeted by students, teachers, school administration, and district supervisors. She was an A student, her grades dropped to a D, and when her mother asked to see the work that generated the bad grades, the school refused. White people, (well, maybe Liberal White People), are not responsible for this travesty. Black people in their own community not only stand for this injustice, but support it. In Washington DC an education program that was showing profoundly successful results was shut down. The city is run by Blacks, the education system by White Liberals. The decision to deny Black Children education could have been stopped, but was supported by the Black Community.

Crime. The cold hard truth is that Blacks commit more crimes than whites, far out of proportion to their percent of the population. That’s the reason more Blacks are in prison, and it has nothing to do with Racism. Violent crimes committed by Blacks against Whites is 39% higher than Whites against Blacks.  In 90% of race crimes, the victims are White. This is from FBI and Justice Dept statistics, and the Justice Dept is run by Black Racist Eric Holder. Of course the Afrocentric response are these are White People’s statistics, and refuse to address the issue. Going back a bit to the education part of this, Black kids are the ones most likely to act up in class, disrupting the learning experience of kids that want to learn. Of course White Liberal educators and the Black Community say it’s only because Black children are being discriminated against. By whom, White Liberal educators? They’re the one’s ensuring kids don’t get an education. That’s where the discrimination lies, creating the tyranny of ignorance and low expectations.  

Lastly, Trayvon Martin. Racist, Afrocentrist haters and race hustlers, like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama have ginned this up for political and power reasons. Spike Lee, leading Hollywood racist, even gave the wrong address of Zimmerman and endangered the lives of two old people living there; they had to flee their home. He had to be forced to apologize, and it was one of those non-apology apologies. A $10,000 bounty is out for Zimmerman. Is this a way for a just society to act?  

 45% of Black crime is against Whites. 43% Black on Black. Blacks are seven times more likely to end up in prison than Whites, Orientals, or Hispanics. Blacks are eight times more likely to commit armed robbery, three times more likely to use a handgun. The Left, Democrats, gin up hatred of Whites, blame for cultural and societal problems on Whites. Blacks, 95% to 5% vote to support this. Maybe Blacks need to review what they are doing, who they support in culture and politics. Do they want to stop violence, hatred, poverty, bad to no education, and continue down this path? Then comes the scary thought. Are we going to end up in a violent race war? Since Obama has come to power with his neo-racism from the presidential bully pulpit, gun and ammo sales by Whites is ever increasing. Real or perceived threat from the Black population? Is it going to make much of a difference? Perception is reality.    

Monday, April 2, 2012

Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Merchants of Despair

The best, and most terrifying summation of the Obama Administration ever.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How Marvellous the Power of the Cross

~ “LETTERS FROM EUROPE” - by Rob (Wind Rose Hotel) ~

St. Leo the Great  (VIII century fresco)
Santa Maria Antiqua Church - Rome
Our understanding, which is enlightened by the Spirit of truth, should receive with purity and freedom of heart the glory of the cross as it shines in heaven and on earth. It should see with inner vision the meaning of the Lord’s words when he spoke of the imminence of his passion: The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Afterward he said: Now my soul is troubled, and what am I to say? Father, save me from this hour. But it was for this that I came to this hour. Father, glorify your Son. When the voice of the Father came from heaven, saying, I have glorified him, and will glorify him again, Jesus said in reply to those around him: It was not for me that this voice spoke, but for you. Now is the judgment of the world, now will the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.
How marvellous the power of the cross; how great beyond all telling the glory of the passion: here is the judgement-seat of the Lord, the condemnation of the world, the supremacy of Christ crucified.
Lord, you drew all things to yourself so that the devotion of all peoples everywhere might celebrate, in a sacrament made perfect and visible, what was carried out in the one temple of Judea under obscure foreshadowings.
Now there is a more distinguished order of Levites, a greater dignity for the rank of elders, a more sacred anointing for the priesthood, because your cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all graces. Through the cross the faithful receive strength from weakness, glory from dishonor, life from death.
The different sacrifices of animals are no more: the one offering of your body and blood is the fulfilment of all the different sacrificial offerings, for you are the true Lamb of God: you take away the sins of the world. In yourself you bring to perfection all mysteries, so that, as there is one sacrifice in place of all other sacrificial offerings, there is also one kingdom gathered from all peoples.
Dearly beloved, let us then acknowledge what Saint Paul, the teacher of the nations, acknowledged so exultantly: This is a saying worthy of trust, worthy of complete acceptance: Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners.
God’s compassion for us is all the more wonderful because Christ died, not for the righteous or the holy but for the wicked and the sinful, and, though the divine nature could not be touched by the sting of death, he took to himself, through his birth as one of us, something he could offer on our behalf.
The power of his death once confronted our death. In the words of Hosea the prophet: Death, I shall be your death; grave, I shall swallow you up. By dying he submitted to the laws of the underworld; by rising again he destroyed them. He did away with the everlasting character of death so as to make death a thing of time, not of eternity. As all die in Adam, so all will be brought to life in Christ.

~ St. Leo the Great, Sermo 8 de passione Domini, 6-8; PL 54, 340-342.

What an amazing page, and what a great way to prepare to enter the Holy Week! St. Leo the Great, Pope Leo I from 440 to 461, is by any standards one of the towering figures in the history of the Church. He is perhaps best known for having met Attila the Hun in 452 at the very gates of Rome and persuading him to turn back from his invasion of Italy, but he is also a “Doctor of the Church,” that is, a preeminent Teacher and a theologian regarded as particularly authoritative. In fact it was he who formed the doctrine of the Incarnation in a famous letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople—also known as the Tome of Leo—and at the Council of Chalcedon this same letter was confirmed as the expression of Christian Faith concerning the Person of Christ. The acts of the council report:

After the reading of the foregoing epistle, the most reverend bishops cried out: This is the faith of the fathers, this is the faith of the Apostles. So we all believe, thus the orthodox believe. Anathema to him who does not thus believe. Peter has spoken thus through Leo. So taught the Apostles. Piously and truly did Leo teach, so taught Cyril. Everlasting be the memory of Cyril. Leo and Cyril taught the same thing, anathema to him who does not so believe. This is the true faith. Those of us who are orthodox thus believe. This is the faith of the fathers. [Quoted in the Wikipedia entry for Pope Leo I]

Yet, without even considering St. Leo the Great from both a strictly theological point of view and a historical perspective, what impresses me the most in him is his amazingly clear and accessible style, which in turn—as the above excerpt from his Sermo 8 shows—conveys a great sense of spiritual and doctrinal authority. As the old Latin saying goes, “Simplex sigillum very” (simplicity is the sign of truth). Isn’t this just what we need? Well, perhaps not all of us… Sorry for those who don’t. Have a Blessed Holy Week!