May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Friday, July 17, 2009

Community Transformation Groups

Not only will ACORN be committing voter fraud, taking the census (where you're required to tell the stranger in your house what time you go to work and return), they'll now tell you how to live a healthy life.

As part of Obamacare, “national networks of community-based organizations,” (this term is in the bill and is not defined) will get grants to monitor smoking, weight loss, physical activity, and eating habits other health habits of citizens.

From the bill "Affordable Health Choices Act": “Activities within the plan shall focus on (but not be limited to)— (i) creating healthier school environments, including increasing healthy food options, physical activity opportunities, promotion of healthy lifestyle and prevention curricula, and activities to prevent chronic diseases;

“(ii) creating the infrastructure to support active living and access to nutritious foods in a safe environment;

“(iii) developing and promoting programs targeting a variety of age levels to increase access to nutrition, physical activity and smoking cessation, enhance safety in a community, or address any other chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee.”

Part of the mandate is to go into restaurants to ensure there are healthy items on the menu.

Here's something really scary... These little veggieshirts are to be “prioritizing strategies” to “reduce racial and ethnic disparities.” A quote from the bill.

More from the bill: “In carrying out subparagraph A [the transformation plan], the eligible entity shall, with respect to residents in the community, measure – (i) decreases in weight; (ii) increases in proper nutrition; (iii) increases in physical activity; (iv) decreases in tobacco use prevalence,” as well as “ other factors as determined by the Secretary [of Health and Human Services].”

Can I get some veggies from Michelle's magic garden?

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