May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Perform This Way"

The Original Gaga Song "Born This Way"

See, Hear, Pray - Debbie K and the Freedom Band

Touches my American, Patriotic, Religious heart.

So sad that so many Americans reject the idea of "We the People" and God's gift of liberty, and embrace the religion of the State and the rejection of God's gift.

Hurt and Healing

Sometimes we get hurt, all the time we need healing, especially children abused by those they trusted.

Love and Courage

Due to traveling and illness, I haven’t been able to post for over a week, causing me to be unable comment at all during Holy Week, though I had a lot of thoughts and emotions relating to Holy Week. I haven’t been able to read much either, or follow events other than those in my personal life.

What was important this past week was the marriage of my brother and his long time girlfriend, which caused the traveling. During my brother’s speech after the ceremony, he commented he and his bride had just thought of going to the justice of the peace and city hall, only doing the things necessary to legalize the marriage. He said he told one of his close friends of the upcoming marriage, and the friend asked when the ceremony was, he wanted to come. Then another friend asked the same thing, and my brother realized that marriage isn’t just about the two being married, but it’s also about everyone that knows the couple.

Kevin Cronin, lead singer of REO Speedwagon, went up during the toast to the couple, and said he was moved during the ceremony, the vows, because these were two people that had years of life experience (both are in their 50’s), and were fully aware of the importance of this event and marriage; unlike young people full of idealism and dreams that may have an unrealistic view of what marriage entails, which is okay but shortsighted. That got me to thinking these past days of what mature love is.

We have the romantic of course, which set these thoughts in motion, of Altruistic, Eros and Agape love, of all the levels of intensity of these with all the layers of love. Doing some catching up reading this morning, I came across this idea of love as being courageous.

Fr. Scott Hurd, writing about the Resurrection, about Mary Magdalene’s love for Jesus, said she so missed her beloved, Jesus, she was the first to visit His tomb, and the first to see Him resurrected. The disciples had closed up in fear, discouragement and doubt; Mary searched out her beloved, and was rewarded. Her reaching out took courage. Love takes courage.

Fr Hurd writes:
“• We need courage to trust God, when we can’t see the road ahead of us;
 • We need courage to confess our sins when our shame would hold us back;
 • We need courage to witness to our faith in the face of injustice and ridicule;
 • We need courage to love others when we risk being rejected by them;
 • We need courage to forgive, when we’re afraid of appearing weak;
 • And we need courage to grow in holiness, when we fear the change that growth requires.   
 Mary Magdalene serves to remind us that perfect love casts out fear, because we love a Lord whose love for us conquered not only fear, but even death itself."
 I think this applies to our personal relationships too; our romantic relationships, family and friends. Love takes courage. We need to trust each other that we love, we need to be open to those we love, we need to be a witness to the power of love, we need to offer love even when there’s the possibility of rejection, we need to be forgiving in love, and we need to grow in love.

What my brother, Kevin, and Fr. Hurd had to say is so important, that love for one another isn’t limited to the lovers or people that love each other, love should be mature and meaningful, and that it takes courage.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Leftist Sludge

Ana Marie Cox, Wonkette founder
Posted earlier was a vile disgusting attack on Sarah Palin's family by the Leftist hate blog "Wonkette" that included calling the Palin's downs syndrome child Trig "retarded", "somewhat alive", and the possible result of incest. Here's a shout out to Papa John, Huggies and Vanguard that have pulled their adds from the hate site. We hope other advertisers do too. There should be zero tolerance of the Leftist hate, and spare the worn out lie Conservatives do it to. The baby juvenile Left do that like any kid caught doing something wrong, "Johnny did it!", as if that justifies. With the Left and the Dems it's a belief system.

Has the Wonkette apologised? No, not even that, they attacked even more and piled on insults to the advertisers that pulled their ads. There's a good business strategy. These knuckleheads are even advocating a boycott of the companies. Ya know, I've never had a Papa Johns pizza. Gonna get one now.

Is This Stupidity Even Measurable?
We must end our addiction to economic growth? Obviously these kids aren't addicted to knowledge or reality. Something even more scary as these indoctrinated glumps of biomass, is the Left and the Democrat Party believes this stuff, and try getting this stupidity written into law.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Leftist Attack on Palin's Children Getting Even More Vile

Stupid Wonkette

We constantly hear the bleating on the Left about how the children of public figures should be left out of it. They do it a lot, as well as go to the homes of Republicans and Conservatives to protest. A lot of bleating to about the lack of civility of the Right. It's a mindset and constant practice of the Left, so the glaring hypocrisy is blinding. 

If possible, this may be the most vile, disgusting attack on a family ever by the Left. From the Website “The Wonkette”, is a vicious attack a baby Trig Palin, born with Down Syndrome, titled “Greatest Living American: A Children’s Treasury of Trig Crap On His Birthday”.

The opening:
“That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history.”

A poem was written for Trig’s birthday, with a line about a dream. Wonkette’s response? “What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded.”

There’s a pic with Sarah Palin holding Trig, with a voice bubble over Trig saying, “I’m with stupid”.

A final quote “Why just celebrate tax day today, April 18th? It’s also Trig Paxson Van Palin’s 3rd birthday. His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive…”

The Left’s “New Civility”. Nice.

Civil Leftist Government Employee of the Month

Vile Professor Ellen Lewin

Going back to the call for civility from the Left when a crazed gunman opened fire at a political rally in Arizona, the Left has been especially vile, though you wouldn’t know it from the lack of reportage of the Jurassic Press. There have been dozens of death threats to Republicans, and several have been arrested for it.

Union thugs show up at TEA Party rallies and disrupt the attendees and shout down the speakers. By the way, President Obama sends people to participate in these disruptions and has said nothing about this vile, foul behavior. He and his Leftist ideologues do speak against Right Wing and TEA Party violence, even though there has been none.

Here’s a most recent example of the hatred and intolerance of the Left, and an employee of the State. This woman is a professor, and her name is Ellen Lewin. She teaches a non-subject, Anthropology and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies in the Department of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies.

There had been an approved mass email sent to the University of Iowa, “Conservative Coming Out Week”.

The intolerant closed minded bigot professor sent a return mass email, from the university account,  “FUCK YOU, REPUBLICANS”.

An apology was demanded by Natalie Ginty, a University of Iowa Student and Chairwoman of the Iowa Federation of College Republicans. The department head of the anthropology department agreed.

Here it is from the vile professor:
“This is a time when political passions are inflamed, and when I received your unsolicited email, I had just finished reading some newspaper accounts of fresh outrages committed by Republicans in government. I admit the language was inappropriate, and apologize for any affront to anyone’s delicate sensibilities. I would really appreciate your not sending blanket emails to everyone on campus, especially in these difficult times.”

These guys can’t even be civil when they try. Disgusting. 

This Country Needs a Man to Lead

Going back to February of Obama’s first year, I lamented he had already taken to blaming the previous administration for the troubles the country was experiencing. I noted a leader never ever blames his predecessor for anything, or even brings up the previous holder of a position at all. It shows immaturity and weakness. This is especially so when taking over an elected office. Presumably, one campaigned on the ineffectiveness of one’s opponent, and could do a better job.

More than two years into his administration, Obama is still blaming his predecessor. When his political opposition presents a serious budget to begin reducing the debt, he insults the main writer, Paul Ryan, who has spent years mastering and producing this massive piece of legislation. He jumps on the demonizing of the opposition political party, calling them names, and repeating the standard old saw about starving the working class to feed the rich.

He talked in public during the Gulf oil spill last year about wanting an investigation to know “whose ass to kick”. Really and truly? We want the President of the United States to talk like this?

He insulted the Justices of the Supreme Court, lied about a ruling they had made, during a State of the Union speech. It’s just not done.

When he called Republican negotiators to the White House during the ObamaCare debates, one of the Republicans actually brought the proposed bill, and Obama called it a prop. When he was challenged on an issue, he told the challenger, “we won”.  

Going back to his election, Senator McCain had the grace to congratulate Obama on his nomination. When McCain won his party’s nomination he didn’t return the favor. That night he went Bill O’Reilly’s show, upstaging McCain’s win. Lack of grace.

This guy just doesn’t have the “gravitas” that the Left often thinks Republican or Conservative candidates or office holder’s lack, and this is just flat out ignored or denied. Yet during the Gulf oil spill he went on vacation and no action was taken for months. Went to war in Libya without congressional approval, and took a trip to South America.

He supported union thugs and bussed people in to Wisconsin to disrupt the work of elected officials there. This past week there were TEA Party rallies all over the country, and there of dozens of vids of Leftist thugs, supported by Obama, physically intimidating attendees and shouting down speakers. He has never spoken against this kind of behavior.

A few days ago when a tornado swept through the south causing $millions in damage and killing 45 people, Obama went and played his 64th round of golf.

Most of his speeches he gives at colleges and universities. Can’t take an adult crowd?

I had not thought the Presidency could be demeaned as much as white trash Clinton, but this guy has done it. His lack of gravitas, care about the people of this country, not taking care of business to go vacation and play, his constantly insulting his opposition instead of putting forth working policies, all speak of a man child, just not grown up enough, and not smart enough for the job.  A whiner and a crybaby. Not what we want in the Oval Office.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Holy Week at a Glance

 This is the essence of Holy Week, the week leading to Easter. Sometimes it’s helpful to break things down to the simplest element.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. This is the day Jesus enters Jerusalem, and palms were laid ahead of him. Tomorrow in church children will come in at the beginning of service waving palm fronds while the choir sings hosannas. This marks the beginning of a week that starts in triumph, enters darkness and death, and ends with the resurrection.   

Monday Jesus goes to the temple and creates a big scene.

Tuesday Jesus goes back to the temple and the Jewish leaders are really unhappy with him. They have a big debate and after being exposed as heartless hypocrites, they move from unhappy to really ticked off.

Wednesday Judas sets off his conspiracy to betray Jesus.

Thursday is known as ‘Maundy Thursday’. Jesus and the Disciples meet in an upper room for the Last Supper. Jesus is betrayed, captured and imprisoned. It’s the beginning of two dark days. Our church has a candle lit service in observance of this dark dark day, and communion is served in remembrance of the last supper and Him.

Friday is ‘Good Friday’. Jesus is taken before Pilate, condemned, tortured and crucified on the tree. That evening he’s put in the tomb.

Saturday Jesus lies in the tomb; it’s the Jewish Sabbath and all who knew Jesus are in deep sorrow and morning.

Sunday Christ is resurrected!

Left & Right / Man & God

Recently I’d been reviewing my transition from non religious Marxist to Christian conservative and I noticed something. It’s apparent and obvious; so much so that it may be easily overlooked. Though I like layers and textures of thought, especially political and religious thought, I do like to bring the tapestry down to a single thread on occasion.

The distinction was this, and why God was able to bring me to Christianity and submit to Him through politics. The quick personal story is that I was a Marxist, heard a speech by Reagan in 1980 that made begin reevaluating my world view, started studying Conservative thinkers, realized links to scripture and the Church, and fifteen years later was baptized; and became a Conservative as well. 

The thread is Conservatism has a foundation of Scripture and Christian thinkers. Edmund Burke, arguably the father of modern conservatism was a Christian and linked his political thinking to God and Scripture, as did John Adams, Russell Kirk, William Kristol, William F Buckley and others. The ideas in the Declaration of Independence, Mayflower Compact, and Constitution all can be directly linked to Scripture.

Burke rejected a world limited to physical desire and appetite and man’s impulses to feed them. He accepted a world guided and governed by Purpose, an Omniscient presence making history through man. Burke thought man-made laws not laws at all, but distortions of God’s Law. Just of bit of the tapestry of Conservative thought, founded in God and natural law.

On the Leftist side, we have Engels, Marx, Lenin and Rousseau, all atheists that denied the spiritual nature of man, and proposed laws of men (distortions and violations of God’s law) with no property or ownership, and all would be happy and free. They all acknowledged only the material realm. They all proposed radical change, so we had the Maoist revolution, Bolshevik revolution, and several others that were bloody paths to change. Our current president, Barack Obama, subscribes to this notion, and pronounced so by stating frequently he and his followers “will fundamentally transform America”. At least we can be thankful he’s not a bloodthirsty revolutionary like his forebears.

Conservatives’ notion of change was best noted by Burke:
“We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature, and the means perhaps of its conservation. All we can do, and that human wisdom can do, is to provide that the change shall proceed by insensible degrees. This has all the benefits which may be in change, without any of the inconveniences of mutation. This mode will, on the one hand, prevent the unfixing old interests at once: a thing which is apt to breed a black and sullen discontent in those who are at once dispossessed of all their influence and consideration. This gradual course, on the other hand, will prevent men, long under depression, from being intoxicated with a large draught of new power, which they always abuse with a licentious insolence.”

I much prefer change moderated by that; change moderated by God or we get the impatient radical deadly change of Mao and Lenin, and the socio-economic-cultural degradation America has been experiencing since the early Twentieth century, hyper-accelerated in the past two years. In the best sense the State is there to curtail human excesses. Question is, can it be done without God’s guidance? Early conservative writer JF Stephen commented on God and the State:
“The whole management of direction of human life depends upon the question whether or not there is a God and a future state of human existence. If there is a God, but no future state, God is nothing to us. If there is a future state, but no God, we can form no rational guess about the future state.”  

Without God the State and the future of men is whatever the zeitgeist is at the time and whatever the powerful says it is. I think this just devolves the State into lawlessness, and the rights of men become the rights of the few to rule.

Burke again:
“The rights of men, that is to say, the natural rights of mankind, are indeed sacred things; and if any public measure is proved mischievously to affect them, the objection ought to be fatal to that measure, even if further affirmed and declared by express covenants, if they are clearly defined and secured against chicane, against power, and authority, by written instruments and positive engagements, they are a still better condition: they partake not only of the sanctity of the object so secured, but of the solemn public faith itself, which secures an object of such importance…The things secured by these instruments may, without any deceitful ambiguity, be very fitly called the charted rights of men.”

The leaders of the UN, of European countries, Islamic countries, to mention but a few, and increasingly the United States, by ignoring traditional written instruments and positive engagements, by denying God as the Prime Mover of history, denies the charted rights of man, the natural rights of men, and impose the rule of men on men.

Breaking it down to this, I challenge anyone calling themselves Christian, yet profess Liberal ideology simultaneously to reconsider. How can one be fully submitted to the will of God, yet at the same time advocate for the practice and ideology of people that deny God, Gods’ Law, and the natural rights of men?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flash Mob! Antwerp Train Station

 We Love Flash Mobs!

Walk in the Light

Fr. Robert Barron on Reading the Bible

"Faithful Is Our God" Bishop Hezekiah Walker & Love Fellowship Crusade Choir

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sugarland "All We Are"

Sugarland - "Stay"

 Sad and beautiful

Bioethics vs Medicine Explained

Jeff Beck and Joss Stone - "People Get Ready"

Wisconsin Leftist Thugs Lose Another One

Wisconsin Dems, the union and Obama's thugs lost the election, lost the budget battle, so they turned to their last resort, which is to stuff the judicial system with Leftist ideologue judges that overrule the people and laws passed by the legislatures. They put up a stupid woman, JoAnne Kloppenburg, to run for State Supreme Court and oust incumbent Judge Prosser. 

On April 6 Leftists were falling all over themselves they had won a victory. Turns out over 7000 votes were not counted, and Prosser was a big winner when everything was recounted with a Dem and a Republican in the room. This was a funny post by the Daily Kos declaring a win the day before:
“Can we please, please, please not try to be the smartest ones in the room just this one time and play the game that Republicans always play.  Let's declare victory now and talk about pushing Prosser off the stage.  This is the message.
 Kloppenburg won an election she should never have won.  What a humiliation for the Tea Party and their media toads.
This is a total Wisonsin smackdown of Scott Walker
Prosser should really understand it is time to leave the stage.
Prosser sticking around is just hurting Wisconsin.
There is serious businesss to conduct and Prosser is just gumming up the works by trying to challenge this.”
JoAnne Kloppenburg declares victory. The vote was April 5, this was April 7.

Of course Leftists are saying there's some kind of conspiracy. When Kloppenburg was declared the winner, Republicans made no fuss.

More Hyperbolic Lies and Hatred

Republicans want to kill babies and children, starve old people and turn them out into the streets to suffer horrible deaths, blah blah blah. Posted similar nonsense here with Dem liar Wasserman. If the Dems had passed a budget last year as they were required to by law, this hate spewing idiocy could have at least been diminished. Dems hatred of everything traditional and sensical is ongoing, but we wouldn't have to listen to this particular hatred. Holmes needs therapy; this is a seriously unhappy woman with a lot of pent up hatred.

Republicans are here to kill women.

These are seriously stupid people. I'm just amazed that such hate filled lying idiots get elected and reelected. Is it any wonder our country is in such dire straights?

Ace Of Base " Beautiful Morning"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hyperbolic Lies

'cause don't ya see the Republicans plan is to kill babies, turn the elderly out on the street and feed the dog food, pollute the air and water...

Reminder here...The Dems with their non-compromising Obamacare medical sledgehammer, cut $500 billion from Medicare.

Chris Christie Tellin' It Like It Is...Again

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Octopus's Garden

Debate: Lybia, Conservative vs Liberal

 I so feel this!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Struggles With the Great Commision

Francis of Assisi
Since reading the book Radical by David Platt, I’ve been having a theological struggle regarding what I can do to bring awareness of Christ to people around the world, and my own witness to Christ, which is very local. There’s the question of what the end game is for people that don’t know Christ; haven’t heard of him or have and denied him. My thinking up until reading Radical was if someone denied Christ, that denial will last for eternity, and not getting nearer to God, being denied God, is Hell. If one had not heard of Christ, then I was of those that thought God would bring them into the Heavenly Kingdom. It’s not their fault. Platt posits the idea it’s Christian’s fault if anyone, because we don’t live up to the Great Commission.

“Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the age’.”

Platt complicated the issue for me. What if those that have not heard of Christ are condemned to Hell, and are separated from God for eternity? Hardly seems fair. Platt says it’s time to get radical, to take a look around and see how much stuff you have that you can dispense with to get the message out. Can we give more of our time and talents? His message has struck a chord. People are selling their possessions and becoming missionaries, as the Great Commission commands us.

I live a monkish lifestyle; small apartment, sensible and aging car and really no frills. I start the day with the Lord’s Prayer, and say the Jesus Prayer throughout the day. Church, Bible study, read theology, and know that I have an interior communion with God that is constant and true. To keep financially afloat I have a job that commands a lot of mental energy and stress management.  I’m not in a position, nor do I really have the desire to give what up what little I do have. The emotional and financial stress that would cause would be overwhelming, and ultimately destructive. I would be useless.

I witness by my actions God’s grace, and share the story of my redemption. God has not instructed me to do anything other that what I’m doing; I’m in this time and space and know that my reason for being here is for His Glory. What I can do is help create awareness of the thought people that have not heard of Christ will be separated from God for eternity. As I’m writing this, I thinking something I can do is use a Christian ministry to help a third world child get fed and educated.

Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) says in his book Jesus of Nazareth, while discussing Francis of Assisi, “Francis did accept the distinction between radical commitment and the necessity of living in the world.  …is to accept with humility the task of one’s secular profession and its requirements, wherever one happens to be, while directing one’s whole life to that deep interior communion with Christ that Francis showed us.”

I know I’m reborn in Christ, and completely open to Him. The Kingdom of God is real to me. How I’m carrying out the Great Commission is His will; I just had to evaluate where I am with Him, and it’s a good place; I’m where I’m supposed to be. I just needed to be aware of a couple additional things, and we do need to reevaluate where we are probably more frequently than we do. I’m often amazed how God works. A suggestion from a friend about a book, created a lot of thought and prayer, rocked my boat, now Jesus has calmed that stormy sea. .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque' Plus "The Making Of"

 This vid is the making of...extraordinary.

What Happens to People That Don't Believe in Christ?

 A weekend or two ago, I read David Platt's book Radical and I found myself having to reevaluate my Christianity. My thoughts here. This vid is a brief summary of what he's saying.

Do We Really Believe What We're Saying? from The Church at Brook Hills on Vimeo.

Theater Chain Bans Church Commercial Because It's Offensive

One thing about Secularists and their Leftist fellow travelers is that they will turn down money to promote their Godless ideology and anti democracy political views. They make money loosing movies about the Iraq war, GW Bush, (nine of them in the past few years, all box office flops), and now a theater chain in Aliso Viejo, CA., has refused to put up an 30 second ad from a church about their Easter Services. The anti Christian bigots that manage NCM Media Networks said the ad violated their content policy. That policy states it won’t show ads the have nudity, profanity, promotes gambling, or is political messaging.

They won’t show the Compass Bible Church’s ad because it violates that policy? Not only did the narrow minded bigots lie about it violating their policy, but said that some people might be offended. Really and truly? A commercial about a church saying they’re celebrating Easter, on Easter Sunday, at their church is offensive? Good grief.

Here’s the horrible offensive ad:

Friday, April 1, 2011

What I Said Isn't What I Said

“Many of the Members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.”  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the murderous thug Bashar Assad, who happens to be President of Syria.

Well, she had to back up on that one a bit, so she said later at a press conference, “Well, first, Jay, as you rightly pointed out, I referenced opinions of others. That was not speaking either for myself or for the administration.” Alrighty then….

Pic from massacre
Here's how Bashar reforms:
Ron Allen, NBC Nightly News: "For days the Syrian government had crushed protests with brute force. Dozens are believed dead. Today many expected al-Assad to bend, but he took a very hard line and blamed the unrest on outside conspirators....Today the president said announcing reforms under pressure would be a sign of weakness. The same iron hand that kept his father in power for 30 years before him." Kudos to NBC, the only Jurassic Press outlet that reported the news of this. 
The Assad family has been murdering, imprisoning and torturing citizens for the last 40 years. Bashar is just the latest member of that illustrious family. In 1982 dear ol' dad slaughtered 10,000 protesters in the city of Hama.

So far 38 plus have been killed. Apparently Bashar is a bit more timid than Dad. Gotta ask the Bamster though, is it time to enter a fourth war.

Government Will Decide Where You Can Shoot Hoops

 Our gov't at work, taking people's property. This took five trucks and six police cars.

This is, BTW, what our Leftist friends advocate for, having the gov't meddle in every aspect of our lives. 

4 More Years! 4 More Years! 4 More Years!

Yep, sure lookin' forward to continuing such monumental hopey changey stuff....

Weinie Waivers

26 States and growing, hundreds of businesses and a bucket load of unions have gotten waivers from Obamacare because they can't afford it. Well, we know who union thugs support, and we know two states that were given lots of goodies for voting for it, and I can only guess what businesses had to promise Barry to get those waivers.