May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, December 20, 2010

Has Church Become Effeminate?

From an article by Doug Giles. Full article here.

Have you ever asked yourself, “Self, why do some churches look more like the bra and panty aisle at Wal-Mart rather than a battalion of men poised to plunder the powers of darkness?”  
Certainly, the lack of men in church is not difficult to see.  Just go to church on any given Sunday and count the number of ladies in the pews versus the number of men.  The result?  Well, you’re suddenly slapped in the face with the cheap whiskey-like reality that men are avoiding church like Pelosi avoids reason.
 So why do most men avoid church? 
Here’s the veneer stripped-away answer: going to church for the majority of men is lame and sports about the same appeal as being asked to go rollerblading with Adam Lambert.  Yep, church, for most men, has not only become irrelevant—it has also become effeminate.  Hanging out in church for most extra-Y chromosomes seems unmanly and most men more than anything wannabe a cowboy. 
The current lack of strong men within the Church, both in the numeric and leadership sense, has crippled our churches and has helped devastate our nation.  
 Some suggestions to bring men back into the church:

Put an end to the Nicer-Than-Christ pastors.
Ditto regarding the worship/music leader.
Lose the Church’s “I’m in therapy for ever” feel.

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