May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, August 23, 2010

Those Greedy, Rapacious, Lying Bloggers

Governments are obviously going after Christians and Businesses, and now they're going after bloggers? The Jurassic Press I'm sure would love to see bloggers curtailed, if not shut down, so we're sure they are for this.

There's a woman in Philadelphia, Marilyn Bess, that has a little blog. The City smells money they think they can get to help pay for they're horrible ineffectual programs, so has demanded that she pay a $300 business tax.

Bess: “The real kick in the pants is that I don’t even have a full-time job, so for the city to tell me to pony up $300 for a business privilege license, pay wage tax, business privilege tax, net profits tax on a handful of money is outrageous.”

When she contested this, the caring and compassionate bureaucrats told her to hire an accountant.

Over the past couple years she's made about $50.

Falls into the category of city officials demanding business licenses from little kids to sell lemonade on the corner.

Good grief.

Regarding the government's interest in going after this blogger, and by extension all bloggers, is their and the Jurassic Press's wanting to control the Internet. I can't get the vid to embed, but here's the link to Bob Schieffer's commentary this past Sunday morning, bemoaning the fact here. He said:
"Finally, today on another subject. The greatest advances in the store of human knowledge have always taken place when great minds found themselves in the same place at the same time, as when the Greeks gathered on the hillsides of Athens, when the political geniuses who founded this country came together.
The great promise of the Internet was that for the first time great minds no longer had to be in close proximity. But what we have also learned now is that in the Internet age, ignorance travels as rapidly as great ideas. Now, not only great minds can find one another and compare notes, so too can the nuts and the perverts and those who are simply looking to validate their prejudices.
So despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, a new poll tells us a growing number of Americans, most of them on the right, believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. No doubt, due in part to the fact that stories to that effect have gone viral on the Internet.
 Disagreeing with our leaders is our right. And in truth, part of the fun of being an American. But to suggest the President is a Muslim is absurd. No matter how fervently some who dislike him may wish it so.
 The purpose here, though, is not to argue politics but just to underscore how this illustrates the downside of the Internet, the only news delivery system we've ever had that has no editor. We must always remember that that what we read there may not always be true."
Regarding the last line, can we add that what he says, along with the other government propagandists in the Jurassic Press may not be true? For example, what the Pew Poll actually said:   
The view that Obama is a Muslim is more widespread among his political opponents than among his backers. Roughly a third of conservative Republicans (34%) say Obama is a Muslim, as do 30% of those who disapprove of Obama's job performance. But even among many of his supporters and allies, less than half now say Obama is a Christian. Among Democrats, for instance, 46% say Obama is a Christian, down from 55% in March 2009.
The belief that Obama is a Muslim has increased most sharply among Republicans (up 14 points since 2009), especially conservative Republicans (up 16 points). But the number of independents who say Obama is a Muslim has also increased significantly (up eight points). There has been little change in the number of Democrats who say Obama is a Muslim, but fewer Democrats today say he is a Christian (down nine points since 2009).
The propagandist Schieffer said  "a new poll tells us a growing number of Americans, most of them on the right, believe Barack Obama is a Muslim."

Not exactly Bob.

Of course bloggers had to correct him. Just like bloggers had to correct Dan Rather when he presented G W Bush's military record that turned out to be completely fabricated by CBS News. 

Reading without editors? What, those guys are truth tellers? We, the citizens of this country Bob, will do our own editing, not mindlessly believe your Leftist propaganda. 

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