May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ch Ch Ch Changes Mr Bowie

Here's some changes I'd like to see, since it seems to be the buzzword this campaign, and nothing is going to change regardless who gets elected.
Lobbyists: If you have served as an elected official at any level of government, you cannot be a lobbyist. According to a report by Public Citizen, 43% of 198 members of Congress that retired between 1998 and 2005 are lobbyists. Foreign countries cannot have lobbyists. We have a State Department. These countries have been on State Department Travel Warning list or labeled human rights violators. Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Dubai, Venezuela, Sudan, China, United Arab Emirates, Palestine. Some of these have declared war on the US, are terrorists states, yet have US citizens lobbying for them.
Federally elected politicians making their home in Washington DC.: We live in the 21st century. We have computers and video conferencing. All representatives of districts and states must live in that district and state. There's no reason for not living where the people you represent are. These representatives should only go to DC if required by a national emergency; and thirty days to pass a balanced budget. If the budget isn't passed, and balanced, they don't get paid until it does. Their check goes to Treasury, and they can't write it off as a deduction.
Fair Tax: There will be no corporate, personal or payroll taxes, no estate taxes, or capital gains taxes. There will be a national retail sales tax. The government can't take your money before you get it. People with less money spend less, so pay less taxes, like now. People with more buy more, so pay more taxes. Like now. Don't you think you could spend your money better than a self interested politician or government bureaucrat? Care about the poor? You can give more to them directly with no middleman. Love your church? You will have more to offer beyond your tithe for more good works.
Government Unions: Government unions will be disbanded. If you work for the government you are a servant of the people. You cannot use the coercion of the union to extort money from the people. If the money isn't good enough, go to the private sector.
Campaigns: Politicians running for state offices cannot accept money from out of state. If you want to run for office, raise the money in your own state. Unions cannot endorse candidates. Their only purpose is to represent employees to employers. No monetary restrictions on campaigns, but every penny from every person must be reported and posted.
Law: If you sue and loose you pay all court costs. If the Congress passes a law, it stands on its own. No amendments until after it is passed.
Time: No more daylight savings time. No more time zones. Everything will be GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Trade, commerce and communication are 24/7 and planet wide. Manage time by standardizing it.

That's the basics. Ch ch ch changes .....

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