May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hey! Let's Forget What We Did, It's Really Tea Party Movement That's Violent

Even though the Left, Dems and Jurassic Press have only been able to release a few angry voice mails with expletives deleted, they would have everyone believe that they are the victims of extreme right wing violence. Meanwhile, a real attempted murder on a Republican, Congressman Eric Cantor, goes essentially unmentioned. The guy has actually been arrested for plotting to kill Cantor. Tea Party people go out in the middle of the desert (Searchlight) and protest, go to town hall meetings, local Tea Party protests, and march on DC, yet most of the hate speech and violence reported in the press at those events were by plants by Democrat operatives, knuckleheads, and SEIU thugs. I've documented these incidents in previous blogs. Here's a stroll down memory lane on how Bush, Cheny and Rove were treated by the Left for eight years, and it was entirely acceptable by the Democrat Party, Peolsi, Reid, and the rest of that bunch.

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