May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Friday, September 24, 2010

Islamic and Other Politically Correct Indoctrination vs Education in Texas

Best gird your loins if you’re going to try and get some truth to students. The pro-Islamofacist intolerant bigoted narrow minded secularists that run education programs want to keep that view so they can continue to indoctrinate students to think (?) just like them.

There’s a battle going on in Texas regarding a resolution that the praising of Islam and the bashing of Christianity, the dismissive approach to Judaism and Buddhism in text books, be stopped.

A textbook, "World Civilizations” has in its table of contents several mentions of Islam and none of Judaism or Christianity. Another text book, used from 1999 to 2003 had 120 lines about Christianity compared to 248 lines regarding Islam. A resolution has been submitted to the Texas Board of Education saying the text books are "politically-correct whitewashes of Islamic culture and stigmas on Christian civilization," and "sanitized definitions of 'jihad' that exclude religious intolerance or military aggression against non-Muslims."

Opponents of the resolution say it’s just politically motivated, which is rich since the politically correct entries in the indoctrination texts are politically motivated. The opposition claims to have about 100 religious leaders from Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths. I’ve got to wonder, why are Christian and Jewish leaders supporting the bashing of their faiths in indoctrination text books, and supporting the praising of a faith that calls for the extermination of Jews and the murder of Christians?

The group supporting Islamofacist indoctrination is called the Texas Faith Network, which on its web site infers that supporting a balanced, historically accurate account of all faiths is anti-Islamic bigotry. Say what?

I expect the Imam, Islam Mossaad of the North Austin Muslim Community Center, to advocate lies about the peace loving greatness of his religion of genocide, murder and intolerance, and to lie and be dismissive of Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. What I’m disconcerted about is a Baptist pastor, Rev. Larry Bethune of University Baptist Church in Austin, supports indoctrinating students to oppose Christianity and embrace Islam.  

The Imam: “Our children's textbooks must treat all religions accurately and fairly, neither denigrating any faith, nor promoting one religion over theirs.” “This commitment to religious freedom is a true American value we all share.” Truly? Like religious freedom like that practiced in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and Indonesia? Want to take a guess what’s in their textbooks about other religions?  

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