May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Friday, May 7, 2010

Twin Towers Still Down, Muslim Worship Center Two Blocks from Zero Approved for Construction

Remember this? Rhetorical question. Muslims kill 3000 innocent people. A decade has gone by, and our incompetent government, the same one that has failed at pretty much everything it gets involved in, still has not replaced the buildings. There's still a big hole there. Gov't bureaucrats are still fighting over whatever stupid rules and turfs and little power plays they concoct to pretend they have jobs or are important or whatever; but what they did accomplish is to approve building a 13-story mosque and Islamic cultural center two blocks from ground zero. With unanimous approval the 12-member Community Board 1’s financial district committee approved the project.

How about a Nazi Museum (for the positive aspects) next to Holocaust Museum? Will the Islamofascists allow the building a bunch of Christian Churches, and how about some Synagogues, in Mecca next to that big rock they worship? How about a Memorial to the Japanese lives lost during Pearl Harbor at the WWII Memorial? How about a statue of Ho Chi Min next to the Vietnam Memorial Wall?

This makes me so angry, I can't even write anymore about it.

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