May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Waking up to...

Here's a quick glance at what I see this morning.

Tax revenues are down, projected to drop 18% this year. Individual payments to the government (some people call them taxes, Dems call them investments) down 22 percent from a year ago. Corporate income taxes are down 57 percent in that same period. Not surprising when we have an administration take control of several sectors of the economy, attack Wall Street, the oil industry, pushes for increased spending for existing social programs plus creating new ones, and then is trying to ram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people when poll after poll shows half or more of us don't want it. The result of this is that investors, the money guys, are sitting on the sidelines. They aren't going to start new business or invest if they don't know if they will face higher taxes, civil charges, politically correct charges...the administration has made it clear it does not like capitalism, prefers socialism, so the capitalists will sit it out. I think if much more time goes by, they will start investing overseas. Goes back to the question for socialists, 'what do you do when you run out of OPM' (other peoples money)? Tax Cheat Geitner and Rahm Emanuel say they may have to raise taxes on the middle class. That's probably you, dear reader.

I see Dems and RINO's (Republican in Name Only) facing tough town hall meetings. The Dems have sent memos out to politicians and the MSM to demonize these people as right wing extremists and political operatives sent to disrupt. I guess when the Left has riots and break things, disrupt conservative speakers, even physically jump on stage and attack conservative speakers, that's okay...just regular folks do that. But if a Statist politician gets up and regular working folks take off work to question policy; well, damn that right wing conspiracy anyway. I mean, really, what sane person would object to having the government take over every aspect of his/her life?

Talks our Dear Leader have given saying his goal is for a single payer health care system have been found and is getting posted all over the place. The Bamster is saying it's out of context, and has geared up his White House staff and his still existing campaign army (why are they still in place, and who's paying them?)to refute it. Well, context or not, when he says, in two vids I've seen, that his goal is a single payer system, then he wants a single payer system. Below is one of the vids.

Also I read this morning that an estimated 27 million people are now on anti-depressants. Part of it is, I'm sure, is $9.6 billion in U.S. sales. Follow the money.
Then there's justification; more is being reported, more is being diagnosed, pills are cheaper than therapy, to name a few. My view is that it is because the constant campaign against traditional values, church, God, religion, and capitalism (that has provided a stable economic system, except when the gov't intervenes like in the '30's and now). Take away the foundations of society and culture, the people get stressed. The secular society says, take drugs for it; it's okay. Traditionalists say, embrace your family and friends, and God. I've tried both drugs and God. God works better.

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