May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, August 22, 2009


For Statists to get and maintain power, they need an enemy, need to demonize something. Islamofascists have the Great Satan and Jews, Nazis had the Jews, Chavez and Castro have the US, Secularists and Atheists have the Church. Notice that all these demons are the most helpful to humanity. The US is the economic and creative engine of the world, as well as being the most charitable. The Church (primarily Christian, Islam is mostly destructive, Buddhists and Hindus aren't so helpful but have nice ideas) gives hugely to charity, and when there's a disaster, who shows up to help? Atheist organizations? Don't think so.

The newest demon for this Statist administration are the health insurance companies. Rep. Henry Waxman (D,CA), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is strong arming these private sector companies, fifty-two of them to be exact, to give private corporate information to the government. He wants salaries, bonuses, pensions and other compensation. He wants where retreats are held and the costs. He want the names of all board members and how much they make (while they, the citizens' employees, hide that same information from us).

I pray the insurance companies stand up to these guys. If these Statists had good, workable ideas, they wouldn't have to demonize segments of the private sector like this. Their only purpose is oppressing choice and liberty, getting more power, and lining their own pockets. The option of the government being the only option isn't an option.

Not to mention the demon of the majority of American citizens who want liberty and choice, that are now Nazi's, fascists, racists, stupid, liars, etc.

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