May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Hatefill Covington Event

Hopefully, all are aware that the Jurassic Press took a snippet of a vid and created from whole cloth the lie they were confrontational, racist, and created a racist confrontation. Then when the rest of what happened was released on vid, the corrupt lying Jurassic Press had to walk it back. Some tweets were removed, even a couple apologies. Some faux conservatives and Republicans jumped on the going-off-half -cocked bandwagon which is not surprising.

A couple days have passed. Yesterday alleged reporter Savannah Guthrie peppered Nick Sandmann, a high school student, with no media experience, questioning him like he was guilty of everything the Jurassic Press lied about. Some of her questions: “Do you feel, from this experience, that you owe anybody an apology? Do you see your own fault in any way?” “What’s it been like to be at the center of this storm?” “Did anyone say, ‘Build the wall’?” (This after all the vids showing no one said that.) “Have you looked at that video and thought about how it felt from the other’s perspective? In other words, there were a lot of you, a handful of the others. Do you think they might have felt threatened by a bunch of young men kind of beating their chests?” “There’s something aggressive about standing there, standing your ground, you both stood your ground, and it was like a stare-down. What do you think of that moment?” “As for the red 'Make America Great Again' hats that some students were wearing, Do you think if you weren’t wearing that hat, this might not have happened or it might have been different?” Are only Christians and Conservatives responsible for how the respond and act? Now the MSM have doubled down, going back to the original lies and again acting as if they were true.

Sandman’s family and others hired a public relations firm. I would think they would do that because being in the hateful biased spotlight wasn’t something they knew how to deal with. Being honest and truthful isn’t adequate for the PR arm of the Leftist/Democrat political machine.

Now all those kids have been doxed, gotten bomb threats as have the school. BTW, neither the school nor the Diocese waited to see what happened, they jumped on the kids at the initial lies. Super shame on them.  

Plus it turns out that Nathan Phillips never went to Viet Nam, was not a Ranger, had spent time in the brig, and was discharged as a private, what you are when you enlist. The Black Israelites are a vile hate group that were shouting vile things at the kids. In the vids, much had to be bleeped out because of the profanity.  

Then Don Lemon of CNN (arguably the most stupid man on TV): “OK. The MAGA hat, the MAGA hat carries a certain connotation that provokes a conditioned reaction from many people. Especially from marginalized people,” Lemon said. “For example, Pocahontas, right? This was a Native American. Their chaperone should be keenly aware of that. Those kids should know that. And let’s say that the kids didn’t know that because they are kids. Their chaperones should be responsible enough to educate them. After all, they are students.” Goes back to who’s responsible their responses to events, others of self. What, now Leftists tell the rest of us what we can wear?

These were high school kids. How would you have acted at 17 years?

Shame on the kids’ school and Diocese for not supporting them, the Jurassic Press for lying about them, the conservatives and Christians that didn’t support them; now some of these same people are doubling down on the lie.

Just horrible all around.

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