May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Friday, August 18, 2017

Some Thoughts on the Transgenderist Movement

With the full throated attack on Trump moving from Russian Collusion and Transgender issues, I’m back-peddling a bit to some thoughts on the Transgender Movement. It’s a movement. It is forcing people to not only accept, but to advocate and endorse a surgical procedure that purports to change genders. This is from the same group of people that claim Conservatives and Christians deny science. 

Here’s the science. Males bear an XY chromosome and females XX. No amount of surgery, or training and no amount of psychiatry or psychological conditioning can change that. There’s an internal sense of one’s maleness or femaleness, and that subjective gender identity gets confused in some, and it’s been named as “gender dysphoria”.  It’s in the American Psychiatric Association’s fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Psychologists and psychiatrists working in this field have done many studies showing most children that experience this, by their teenage years, identify with their birth gender. 

That’s one of many reasons why gender reassignment is so wrong on many levels. More specifically it’s child abuse. What kind of parent or professional sanctions this monumental change? How many of us have heard some middle age celebrity say they’re finally “comfortable in their own skin”?  (A meaningless and worthless statement).Yet that same mindset advocates for this radical surgery because a child wants it? 

It also means dependency on the medical system for the rest of their lives. Side effects often include cancer and deep vein thrombosis. Psychiatry must be ongoing. Children that go through with this are five times more likely to commit suicide that other kids in their age group.

The totalitarian mindset displays itself with the transgenderists. They turned it into a civil rights issue, saying if one doesn’t agree with them, the civil rights of the child is being violated. Civil Rights can be weaponized too. And of course, you’re a bigot (of some sort).

As an example there’s a K-12 charter school, Nova Classical Academy, in St Paul, Minnesota. Very prestigious. In 2015 the school sent a letter to parents that the school is in support of a trans-gendering student. Part of the letter read: “…describes children whose identities, appearances, behaviors, or interests do not fit traditional societal expectations associated with their sex assigned at birth. It is important to note that this expression of gender is ever-changing as students are constantly exploring many different aspects of their identity…” That would be the basis for teaching all the kids in the school about the desirability and beauty of being transgender. 

Parents for the most part objected, and many were outraged. The school quoted laws that said they were obligated to support and teach that transgenderism is good and desirable. There were meetings between the school and parents. Want to guess who showed up, protesting and threatening violence? LGBT activist groups. Lots of ugliness ensued. 

Psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors involved know this is harmful, dangerous and wrong. They see all the inherent problems and see it as child abuse, are afraid to speak out. Totalitarian mindset and weaponized civil rights laws. Those that don’t have been cowed and are in fear of the anti-gender activists. Remember, if you disagree with the Left, you will be hunted down and destroyed. Of course there are some PC professionals, and in my view if they support this should be stripped of their license. 

Nothing is mentioned in the, well, not debate, but directives, from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education (thank you Orwell), about the damage it does to families. If a father transgenders, what’s that do to the kids, the wife? Or if the mother transgenders? How does it affect friendships? There are huge social consequences. 

Natural law is rejected, and these people believe that whatever “self” believes is itself  reality. “Self” overrides everything. Christians believe that God’s creation is perfect, we are created in His image. Natural Law is how it’s expressed. There’s an order to things. We have free will, and can use it within those laws to manifest what good there is in nature and in Self. Look back at the excerpt of the school letter, “…with their sex assigned at birth”. What? God assigns, or nature assigns, the wrong chromosome and puts it in the wrong gender? Don’t think so.  

This is rejecting science, natural law, biology, and neuroscience. This is not good.  

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