One of the ancient and less known Greek philosophers, Eubulides, made an observation about a heap of sand. If one took away a single grain from the heap, it would still be a heap. Take away two grains, and you’ve still got a heap. The question becomes how many grains of sand have to be removed from the heap before it's no longer a heap of sand?
How many grains of liberty have to be taken away before we have no liberty?
Energy, the life blood of our liberty. The grains being taken away? No oil refining plants built in decades. One grain. No nuclear energy allowed. Two grains. No offshore drilling. Three grains. No new oil wells allowed. Four grains. Those and all the unemployed energy workers equal how many grains? No processing of shale for oil is a grain. No Alaska north shore drilling is a grain.
ObamaCare and all the limitations on choice are how many grains of liberty taken away? The legislation requires a citizen to purchase health insurance whether he/she wants it or not, under penalty of imprisonment, fine, or both. One grain. One can go through this legislation that was passed a year ago, around midnight on Christmas Eve by one political party, and find lots of grains of liberty being taken away.
Sales tax, property tax, income tax, usage taxes and fees totaled together removes about half of each citizen's income and redistributes it to the government. How many grains of liberty do we loose? How much more liberty could you have if your income were say, 35% more, allowing the government a much smaller portion of the grains that give you economic liberty? How many grains of liberty are lost when those tax dollars are given to multi-$trillion companies, their CEO’s and boards, that take that money, turn it around and finance the political campaigns of the politicians that gave them that money?
How many grains of liberty are lost when citizens give up our forth amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure when we want to fly?
How many grains of liberty are lost when children come out of the government education monopoly not knowing about mathematics, literature, history, the Constitution, or how to be a free thinker?
How many grains of liberty are lost when the government tells us what we can eat? The glaring example of this is San Francisco passing legislation telling businesses that stock vending machines what they can put in them, that McDonald’s happy meals are made illegal, or the city council of New York City telling chefs how much salt they can use in their dishes.
How many grains of liberty are lost when an enemy foreign country, China, controls our two and a half $trillion debt, and another enemy bent on our destruction, Russia, comes ever so close to dictating our military strategy and missile defense in Europe? How many grains of liberty are lost when Islamofacist countries build up giant military forces and are close to having nuclear weapons, and nothing is done?
How many grains of liberty are taken away when majority of citizens say to the elites, enough is enough, quit taking so much of our money, stop making so many laws that we can hardly breathe a breath of freedom; and for saying that, vilified and called Nazis, fascists, racists, homophobes and bigots, violent when there is not violence, haters when there is no hate, instead of being listened to.
How many grains are taken away when the right to freedom of religion in the Constitution becomes the tool for the repression of religion; primarily Christianity while giving a pass to Islamofacism?
How many grains of liberty are lost when politicians are voted out of office in protest of their taking away so many of our liberties and so much of our money, and use the last weeks of their power to continue trying to pass legislation that they were thrown out of office for trying to pass in the first place?
How many grains of liberty are lost when states on the border pass legislation to protect themselves because the federal government won't, and the citizens are getting raped, robbed and murdered, and the federal government sues the states for trying to protect themselves?
At what point does the heap of liberty cease to be a heap?