May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Demise of the Boy Scouts

All this came to mind when a couple days ago checking out of a store I was asked if I wanted to donate to the Boy Scouts. No. Here's why. The demise of the Boy Scouts of America is at hand. Here's the reminder of the Boy Scout oath, all of us took at one time when we joined, and known by most even if they didn't join.


On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Since this was written and practiced, God has been tossed out; secularists and neo-atheists are in. [Neo-atheists by the way are those that claim not to believe in God and are more anti-Christian and do everything they can to be bigoted, intolerant hatemonger's to destroy Christians and Christianity. Traditional atheists just say they don't believe in God and go about their business.] Believing in country is out. We have a president of the US, his political party, and other assorted Leftists denouncing this country, President Obama saying this country isn't exceptional and inferring in speech after speech it's the source of many of the world's ills.   

Morally straight is now out of the question. Sexuality, especially the homosexual lifestyle, is the wedge that's split the organization. What the hell are adults doing getting kids involved in a discussion of who's banging who and who's using dildo's to bang each other? I also agree with the notion that dildos should be illegal for lesbians. If they don't want the real thing, they should be denied the fake thing.

  Scout Law
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.

All those have been driven out too. Especially by the adult secularists, neo-atheists, anti-Christian bigots, and intolerant homosexual bigots. They have their own selfish agenda that demolished the Scout Law and Scout Oath. No thoughts expressed about helping young men and boys be better men and citizens.

This past May the Boy Scout "leadership" voted in their annual meeting by about 60%  to promote homosexuality in the Scouts. Next up is to allow homosexual men to be Scout leaders. We all know how well it worked out for the Catholic Church to have these kinds of men in leadership positions. Just what the Scouts need, male homosexual pedophiles to go with pubescent angst and confusion.

Since that May vote it's estimated about 300,000 members have left, and most Churches that have supported and funded the Scouts have withdrawn. Most Christian leaders have left.

They're forming a Scout organization named Trail Life USA. They are returning to the founding principals of the BSA's Oath and Law, which were Christian based. One example is the Scout motto "Be Prepared" will be "Walk Worthy".

This response to Leftist bullying was because the Leftists in the leadership positions of the BSA were afraid of losing funding from Leftist corporations, government departments (Leftist and anti-Christian by definition), and Leftist charities like United Way. Plus their greedy lawyers with all the lawsuits. How again does all that benefit young men and boys become better men and citizens?

The result was they got what they feared would happen if they didn't throw out the traditional principals of the BSA. Plummeting membership, so dues are going up from $15 per scout to $24 per scout. Always the Leftist strategy; blow a good thing and then take money from the victims of their policies. Those guys also manage to get themselves nice salaries; the top five BSA big wig's are getting a whopping $696, 862. Many if not most of the local BSA's councils in big cities are running deficits in the $millions. $3.25 million in LA. How in the heck does an organization that promotes being mentally awake, morally straight, trustworthy, helpful and thrifty end up $millions in debt?

Certainly not living its own values, but the values of Leftists, homosexual men that want to exploit boys, and
others that want to sexualize boys.

Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership program for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.


Our vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces Godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.


Our mission is simple and clear: to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.


“Walk Worthy”

Colossians 1:10  “… so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, …”


On my honor, I will do my best
To serve God and my country;
To respect authority;
To be a good steward of creation;

And to treat others as I want to be treated.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Obama: Intentions and Promises

Before Obama came to power he made statements about his political goals, Socialist intentions, and his pro Islamist support. His stated goals then were a single payer (to the government) health care system, shutting down the energy sector and military, along with anti US and anti Constitutional freedoms, and support of Islamism.

He's done well shutting down coal and oil production on federal land and water, has gotten most of his government (as opposed to personal) controlled health care, and his support of Islam has reached the point where he is sending military weapons to Al Qaeda, sworn enemy of the US. Aiding and abetting the enemy used to be called treason. He supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and is supporting Al Qaeda in Syria.

When he ran for the presidency he made some promises that were not carried out, or partially carried out if it fit within his anti American, anti Constitutional world view. Others he just disregarded.

He was going to close Gitmo. Still open.

Remember his complaint about lobbyists, how evil they were, that they had too much control over politics? Then he said he would not have lobbyists in his administration? He has a lot of lobbyists in his administration, and their companies have gotten a lot of special legislation and tax breaks.

He's covered up Benghazi,  the IRS targeting Conservative and Religious groups, NSA spying on ordinary citizens, and lots of other stuff we all know about if we read and listen to other sources than the Jurassic Press. He has secret meetings that blocks the press, even though they advocate for and support everything he says and does. Yet he had said his would be the most transparent administration in history.  

There was his promise ObamaCare would let everyone keep his\her current plan and doctor (it doesn't) and it would lower costs by about $2500 per family per year (it increases by about that much). He said there was an opt out for abortion based on religious views (it doesn't so there's a bunch of law suits). He has forced with this legislation, passed by Dems only in the middle of the night on a holiday, to make every citizen to pay into it even if they don't want to. That is unless you're a friend of Obama, one of his paymasters, or congressmen and their staffers who can opt out; taxpayers will pay the price difference. Oh, and if you're a young person you'll be paying for most of the freight for this program, against your will, yet you voted en mass for him. 

He was going to lower unemployment and it's gone up. It even was over 8% which he said would never happen on his watch. I remember the Jurassic Press and Dems screaming bloody murder whenever, under a Republican Administration unemployment got into the high 4% range. Now 8% is the "new normal" and we must accept it. The 7 point whatever percent  it is now is seen as a recovery and improvement when in fact more people are unemployed, 46 million. More people are underemployed than ever. More people are on food stamps than ever. He was going to create millions of "green jobs". Most went bankrupt after they took and kept the taxpayer money or took the money and opened plants overseas. More Blacks are unemployed than ever yet they voted for him en mass, again, for a second term. 

Black on black violence is up, black on white violence is up. Groups hating each other is up even though he ran saying he would bring groups together. That he would smooth over and negotiate mutually beneficial political resolutions between political parties, yet over the years has stated several times he will not negotiate with Republicans. He has however negotiated with Russian Tsar Putin, leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, the murderous Syrian dictator, is willing to sit down Hamas and Iran's dictator. He admired Venezuelan dictator Chavez. But Conservative, non-RHINO Republicans and Christians are his (and Democrat Party's) evil enemy.

He said he would slash earmarks out of any budget sent to him, that he would go through each budget line by line. He hasn't. His own budgets have gotten nearly 100% rejection every year, and his Democrat controlled senate has not passed a budget since he came to office, and it's required by law.

I could go on and on, but I think you get my drift. This is the biggest lying incompetent president in our history. We have the least transparent, most law breaking, division producing, most dictatorial, poverty producing presidency ever, and it's breaking our country up.

Don't forget either he also was going to "heal the planet" and "slow the rise of the oceans".

His breaking down our country is breaking my heart.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fabianism: Arguably the Biggest Threat to Liberty

One of the most effective and dangerous movements and political philosophies, dating back to the late 19th century, is Fabianism. The idea is rather than have a revolutionary overthrow of a government, be patient and incrementally create Progressive\Socialist change. It's the frog in the warming water concept.

There's an actual Fabian Society, formed by Socialists in Britain in 1884. It was influential in laying the foundation for Britain's Labor Party. It continues to be powerful and influential and maintains several think tanks worldwide to guide Socialist governments.

Not surprisingly, at one time it advocated, like all totalitarian philosophies, to control those colored people, so let's kill them at birth. That was the basis for Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood. Through Fabianism, that abhorrent idea has been toned down to what we have now; an abortion mill financed by the government, which used to be citizens, but now we're (the few remaining productive ones) just taxpayers footing the bill for politicians, bureaucrats and their paymasters in the unions and several Socialist millionaires and billionaires that have got theirs.

Chipping away at Liberty here in the US, Socialists added income taxes, then added  progressive taxation to that. Then all the New Deal programs allowing the government to insert itself into our lives; reducing it's ability of perform the functions enumerated in the Constitution. In the 1960's were added Medicare and Medicaid, laying the groundwork for Socialized medicine, and currently being implemented by Our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama and his totalitarian political party.

We have moved from local control of education at the beginning of this country, with students actually learning the three "R's" to centralized education. The purpose of that is indoctrination into socialism. That's currently being implemented by the "Common Core" program. Three "R's" need not be applied. Just a couple things "Common Core" focuses on instead is teaching; "informational texts" rather than literature for 50% of the time. Don't teach critical thinking or analysis. Less content knowledge and more about sex and touchy feely stuff.

Bit by bit Fabianism has reduced citizens' income by confiscating it to pay for government programs (depleting personal wealth depletes personal freedom and power), ceased educating students, opened borders, gutted the military, increased dependence on the government for nearly half the population, and now will decide what kind of, and how much we will pay to take care of our bodies through ObamaCare.