May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, January 10, 2011

Trading Death and Tragedy Into Political Gain

Jared Lee Loughner's Mug Shot

Dems and the Jurassic Press blame all violence on the Right, anyone to the Right of them being by definition an extremist, of all on the Right being violent by nature. Thinking back to the emergence of the TEA Party movement how they were Nazi’s (Nancy Pelosi making that claim often and early), and those Docker wearing Dad’s with Polo shirts were a bunch of violent racists; we covered that for nearly two years leading up to the 2010 election. The Oklahoma bombing Bill Clinton directly blamed on Rush Limbaugh, and the guy in Texas that flew in the IRS building was immediately labeled a right wing extremist even though he turned out to be a Leftist.

Statists in this country bemoan the “politics of personal destruction” but one needs look no further than the vileness directed at Sarah Palin the last two years, the attacks on her children, the personal attacks on GW Bush and Dick Cheney to see they don’t walk the talk. There was Murtha, an ex-Marine and congressman calling US soldiers in combat murderers, and Dick Durban comparing US soldiers to Soviet Gulag Stalin style murderers and torturers, Pol Pot, Hitler, and all the vile rest.

Now we have a gunman in Tucson, AZ kill and wound many. How do the Dems and Jurassic Press respond?

Within in an hour of the event on CNN this exchange with David Fitzsimmons, a political cartoonist for the Arizona Daily Star:
Fitzsimmons: I must tell you, as a columnist who's covered politics in this state, it was inevitable from my perspective.
Savidge: Why do you say that?
Fitzsimmons: Because the right in Arizona, and I'm speaking very broadly, has been stoking the fire of heated anger and rage successfully in this state. And, you know, it's just stunning when you consider Congresswoman Giffords's positions on the issues. She is a centrist. She is a moderate. And I don't know who the shooter is--have no idea who the shooter is--but what could possibly motivate an individual to be enraged against, or to take down, a moderate centrist? To me that just paints a picture of how off the mark the politics of this state have grown.
 Fitzsimmons and his newspaper later apologized for the comment. It was such an emotional moment don’t you see….well, boo hoo. This is what these people are about. Don’t believe a word of it.

Then there’s the Marxist economist Paul Krugman that has been proven wrong about all of his economic and political analysis:
We don't have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was. She's been the target of violence before. And for those wondering why a Blue Dog Democrat, the kind Republicans might be able to work with, might be a target, the answer is that she's a Democrat who survived what was otherwise a GOP sweep in Arizona, precisely because the Republicans nominated a Tea Party activist.

Krugman didn’t apologize. He made his statement on the Saturday within a couple hours of the event.

New York Daily News: "Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Blood Is on Sarah Palin's Hands After Putting Cross Hair Over District." 

Politico: "Liberals Blame Sarah Palin in Wake of Tucson Shooting."  This was posted less than three hours after the shootings.

George Packer of the “New Yorker”:
Many conservative leaders, activists, and media figures have made a habit of trying to delegitimize their political opponents. . . . This relentlessly hostile rhetoric has become standard issue on the right.”

Unnamed "veteran Democratic operative" on Politico giving advice to the Left, specifically the White House:
"They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers." "Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with no information on the shooter:
Look, we have extremists in my country. A wonderful, incredibly brave young woman Congress member, Congresswoman Giffords, was just shot by an extremist in our country. We have the same kinds of problems. So rather than standing off from each other, we should work to try to prevent the extremists anywhere from being able to commit violence.
The extremists and their voices, the crazy voices that sometimes get on the TV, that's not who we are, that's not who you are, and what we have to do is get through that and make it clear that that doesn't represent either American or Arab ideas or opinions.
 Really, comparing extremists in this country with Islamofacist terrorists, when an extremist to the Dems and other Statists is anyone who disagrees with them. Any speech critical of them is by definition, to their ears, extremist hate speech.

Then there’s the knucklehead Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima Country that right at the beginning was laying this tragedy at the feet of Conservatives, and specifically laid it at the feet of Rush Limbaugh today:
"The kind of rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh, in my judgment he is irresponsible, uses partial information, sometimes wrong information," "Limbaugh attacks people, angers them against government, angers them against elected officials and that kind of behavior in my opinion is not without consequences."
 Here’s a vid of the sheriff saying the political climate is the cause of the tragedy. He’s a Democrat by the way.

This murderer went berserk, as have many others in the past, but now someone does something horrific like this, it’s Conservatives fault, Rush Limbaugh’s fault, Hillary’s Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s fault, George Bush’s fault, no nevermind that there is never ever any evidence of it.

The Left must look to itself and not project its own hatred and intolerance onto others, and not turn death, loss, and tragedy into an opportunity to gain political points. Obama (former) Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

This is their credo; not fairness, tolerance, understanding, compassion or love. It’s power, submission to the State, political correctness.  

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