May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, November 17, 2008

Observations After Several Days Away

After the election I took a hiatus from the news and politics for about two weeks. I spent three days in Van Nuys at the 'Church on the Way' and heard several pastors/theologians speak on the "Kingdom of God", which I much prefer living in. Our world is upside down, and the changes promised by the pretender to the throne are no changes at all, but a rejection of traditional western values, Christianity and its freedom from the State, and divers other beliefs. I'm back to the news now, and ready again to be a warrior for free minds and free markets. Here is some of what I'm seeing after nearly two weeks of disassociating from politics and news:

Sarah Palin is still getting attacked, all of it based on lies. She didn't buy a bunch of clothes and force people to put the charges their personal credit cards. She knows Africa is a continent. She knows the difference between a city and a state. The list is long. One of the things we must do is kick out the 'rinos' (Republicans In Name Only), and that includes McCain and his staff. Good grief, Palin was on the loosing team, she's gone back to her state, and 'rino's' are still lying and attacking; being cowardly about it too…they won't even step up and be identified.

Prop 8 in California. Overwhelmingly passed by the people, a second time, for a constitutional amendment to state that marriage is between a man and a woman. Gays have civil unions, which give them all the legal rights of married people. They started out saying that's all they wanted. Their purpose though is to destroy the foundation of civilization, which is the family; a male and female joining together, becoming one flesh, producing and rearing children. For us religious people, this is a sacred commission, formed and supported by God. The gay response is not, like civilized, tolerant citizens, to work through the democratic process, accept their loss and make the best of it, but to be intolerant, destructive, vile, hateful, and barbaric. Some examples of their behavior: Protesters shoved aside a sixty-nine year old woman bearing a cross, reportedly spit on her and stomped on her cross. They then aligned themselves in a human barricade, blocking the media from getting to or interviewing the elderly woman (I've seen the video). Calvary Chapel Chino Hills was spray painted by vandals, after they learned that the church served as an official collection point for Prop 8 petitions. Letters containing white powder (obviously mimicking anthrax) were sent to the Los Angeles headquarters of the Mormon Church and to a temple in the Salt Lake City.
(Thankfully, the FBI said the substance tested nontoxic.) A 25-year veteran artistic director for the California Musical Theatre, who also happens to be a Mormon, was muscled to resign because of his $1,000 donation to the campaign to ban gay marriage in California. A pro-homosexual, pro-anarchy organization named Bash Back marched into the middle of a church service, flinging flyers and condoms to the congregants and hanging a banner from the balcony that featured two lesbians in provocative positions at the pulpit. Nice. But then again, all those Republicans, conservatives, and evangelicals taking to the streets after the election, destroying property and hurting people were over the top too.

To my Leftist friends: you won. You have your choice for President; both houses of Congress, and the judiciary, are controlled by the Left. You control education from K-University. You control the main stream media. You control entertainment. You have the support and adoration of every totalitarian government, terrorist organization, and non-democratic socialist state. Yet you still destroy, bully, intimidate and protest. This is why I'm a warrior for traditional values, for Christianity, for the Constitution. I believe these things all support and improve the human condition. The Left is set to destroy it. I support those things that made the most amount of people materially comfortable and spiritually fulfilled. I will do my best to stop the destruction. I will start with 'rino's'. They've been happily complicit.

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