May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I especially enjoyed church today. The sermon. The music. The care and love I received and gave. I suspect I receive more than I give. We are a community, and we certainly have different views on divers subjects. I like the simplicity of my church. Not a lot of doctrine. "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?" Yes. Welcome. It's a done deal. We add something after that; the legs for the table of our church. ("Come to the Table", one of my favorite Communion hymns.) Baptism, Communion, Lord's Prayer, Discipleship...the four legs of our church.
Here's a passage from Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris (a must read) about all the differences of people in church: "From the outside, church congregations can look like remarkably contentious places, full of hypocrites who talk about love while fighting each other tooth and nail. This is the reason many people give for avoiding them. On the inside, however, it is a different matter, a matter of struggling to maintain unity as "the body of Christ" given the fact that we have precious little uniformity. I have only to look at the congregation I know best, the one I belong to. We are not individuals who have come together because we are like-minded. That is not a church, but a political party. We are like most healthy churches, I think, in that we can do pretty well when it comes to loving and serving God, each other, and the world; but God help us if we have to agree about things. I could test our "uniformity" by suggesting a major remodeling of the sanctuary, or worse, that Holy of Holies--the church kitchen. But I value my life too much." She also said that church is a worshiping community, but the worship goes to acts beyond what happens on Sunday morning. It's what happens when we help the poor, send care packages to soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen, tend to shut in's, our volunteer work, and all the other programs we do. So I just want to take this moment to praise the faithful churched and most especially my own church.

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